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Q: What is the orchestral music from the start of Top Gear special "The Worst Car in the World"?

Helka HombaWhat is the orchestral music from about the first 15 seconds of the Top Gear special "The Worst Car in the World"? You can hear (and watch) it here, though the video may be removed soon. I want to say it's a theme to a movie but I'm not certain. I may have been made specifically for Top Gear.

I can't help but wonder what a challenge by that name would be
anybody here played dark souls?
any of them
First one
@Riker praise the sun
@Riker 1 and part of 2
any good?
friend told me I should get them, been thinking about it
@DJMcMayhem google says that is a meme
so I'm assuming that means you've played them and like them?
Actually, I haven't played any of them. I just know the references
@Riker Do you have several hundred hours at hand?
I haven't played any, but get them anyways
@Pavel yes
@DJMcMayhem ah ok
Go for it.
with you that's the next most likely option :P
I got a 3-byte solution to Hack into a Lottery
@Pavel I have way too much spare time
It's the best feeling in the world to beat an area after dying on it a hundred times.
I've had tf2 for like 9 months and over 1k hours already
@Riker Imagine they you have to beat undyne the undying before starting undertale, and then right after beating her you have to fight sans, and if you die you start the whole game over and then it gets harder. After beating both of them, the real challenge starts. If that sounds fun, you should totally play dark souls
@Pavel is this several hundred per level/area or for the whole game
Per area
Game is hard
Game is hard af
It's a very unforgiving game
@Pavel o_O
That feeling when you make a 3-byte solution to such a question...
@Pavel We're really selling this well
@Okx noice!
A: Hack into a Lottery

OkxBeeswax, 3 bytes _M{ Explanation: _ # Create a bee going horizontally across the line, reading the code M # Decrement the bee's counter, which starts at 0. # This will set the counter to 2^64-1, because as bee's don't have a concept of # negative numbers, all values that are negat...

Dark Souls is a difficult game, but a fair game. Every time you die, it's because you did something wrong - the game never cheats (ok except that ONE time).
It's incredibly rewarding when you finally pass though.
> that ONE time
Once you learn how to deal with the various enemies and the environment, it's not too bad
And when you die, you always know exactly what you did wrong, how it happened, and how to prevent it next time.
Yeah, we don't talk about that ONE time
@Riker You'll understand when you get there
o-O ok
@Pavel that's pretty nice
does it have a big storyline? which game should I start with, 1, 2, or 3?
@WheatWizard nevermind, I didn't see that you addressed both complete and incomplete as part of the proof
They're also very good at making sure that you can see and disarm every kind of trap if you explore enough.
@Riker The storyline is a single cutscene at the beggining, and almost everything else comes from exploration.
hm okay
should I start at the beginning of teh franchise then?
Start with 1, it's the easiest to get into.
the only way to win is not to play
@Riker The storyline is... complex. There are two endings to Dark Souls 1. Dark Souls 2 roughly follows from one ending, and Dark Souls 3 roughly follows from the other. But you can play the games in any order - they're not that connected.
best tip of darksouls 2017
@Mego ah ok
@Okx No that's Global Thermonuclear War
1 is less expensive, though.
And the series isn't for everyone.
Best to play it safe.
ah ok
What platform are you playing it on?
You probably won't like dark souls at first
I have a PC copy, but I've always had issues getting DSFix to work
It was 8 hours in before i realised "Hold on, this is awesome"
The first time you play, be a mage.
o_O ok
It's 80% easier when you can snipe things from outside the enemy's sight range.
The other option is dive in blind and let the game punish you
If you're stuck on an enemy, make it follow you until the pathing borks and it turns around, then stab it in the back.
@Mego ??
@Pavel That's both great and terrible advice. Magic is OP, but spells are hard to come by in the beginning.
Your gift at the start of the game should be the master key, unless you chose thief.
@Mego Which is why you want to start with magic.
The Talisman starting gift literally does nothing.
Life ring, they won't know the doors to use
@ATaco Life ring is the second best choice imo, but you should be trying every door anyway, and the life ring doesn't give that much health.
@seshoumara p/
Trying every door will lead him to early skeletons
there's a chat room option named "timeout", what exactly does it do?
@ATaco Not if you look carefully.
so TL;DR: yes it's a fun game, open the doors, try to trick the enemies, snipe stuff
click the "room" down icon to get the list
@seshoumara I think it's only for room owners
on the top left, I was hoping someone knows about it
yeah, it's only for room owners or mods
@seshoumara it freezes the room for a certain amount of time
so nobody can send messages
it's good there's a timer, since I'd have to ask a mod to un-freeze it
A: A guide to moderating chat

bluefeetWhat tools are available to room owners? Room owners are users that have some elevated permissions in a chatroom. Typically, they will be the first line of defense when it comes to inappropriate content or behavior in a room. Users will look to the room owners to guide the room. The room owners...

also, after a room is frozen, is it right that it won't be deleted if there were at least 15 messages posted by at least 2 users anytime before that?
@Riker already here?
Programming Puzzles and Dark Souls
@HelkaHomba I was saying he could move them there, because people tend not to like chatter about stuff not directly related to codegolf
in Programming Puzzles and Dark Souls, 11 secs ago, by Riker
room topic changed to Programming Puzzles and Dark Souls: (no tags)
Good grief, I think it's time to stop working on this lily pad solution ... I'm up to 300 bytes and still running into edge cases where my method doesn't work.
I've recently added a co-owner of bash, sed and dc chat room. In general, if 1 owner modifies chat description or name or RSS feeds or adds more owners, would the approval of the original owner be needed to make the change or not?
I should give a +100 bounty if anyone can best my answer to hack into a lottery with a competing answer
I'll move the Dark Souls messages to another room momentarily
Unless one of the other ROs beats me to it
...and there it is
That's probably not all of them
It's hard to filter through and determine which ones to keep or not :/
@Riker Sorry, thought you said dork souls
what's Programming Puzzles and Dark Souls? Haven't kept up to date with the chat here.
ah lol
@seshoumara we were talking about the game "dark souls"
it started with me asking whether I should get it or not
@Riker ok, I thought TNB's name was changed
ah lol
I wonder if the program in this answer doubles in speed every time you run it.
Hm, That wouldn't make sense as the program is the same, but it would sort of make sense since beeswax does modify its own source (I think)
may I get an answer please to my second last question above?
Welp, there go 2 hours of my life I'll never get back.
@VoteToClose ive tested it a couple times and the answer is no
@Dennis Mr. Wilson lock you in the shed again?
@Dennis What did you do?
Outgolf someone who outgolfed me.
@HelkaHomba lol
You mean me?
@Okx which question
Can I have some upvotes on this comment about our policy of allowing duplicate languages?
Me I think
7 mins ago, by VoteToClose
I wonder if the program in this answer doubles in speed every time you run it.
@Dennis I just noticed that, dang it!
@Dennis Which question?
@DJMcMayhem Yeah (sorry). I made use of a feature I didn't even know my language had.
@muddyfish bad link?
In a multiple owners chat room, if 1 owner modifies chat description or name or RSS feeds or adds more owners, would the approval of the original/other owner(s) be needed to make the change(s) or not?
A: Motorcycle gear checker!

DennisJelly, 17 14 bytes 1;r2ị$¥/CỊ¡o”N Uses 6 for up and0 for down. Try it online!

@VoteToClose I found that it doesn't after multiple tests, beeswax just takes a while to interpet.
@seshoumara No, all room owner actions take effect immediately.
@seshoumara They could do it without approval, but I'm sure the others would change it back if they disagreed
@Dennis Lol, I don't mind. Good work!
I actually also used a feature I didn't know about, but someone else found it for me
@Okx It's a reference to memes around "The Bee Movie". See: The entire bee movie but every time they say bee it gets faster.
I don't understand these memes...
Trust me, no one does.
can a chat room be deleted entirely?
I'll probably add said feature in an official way, creating either a 10 or 11 byte non-competing version (not sure which yet)
> I made use of a feature I didn't even know my language had.
my last question about chats
Proof that Dennis cheats in his own language.
Tbh, jelly has cheating plastered all over it.
@AdmBorkBork ... That's exactly what I did like 2 hours ago
@Dennis what feature?
@DJMcMayhem Well, then you cheat, too. :p
When I get my language up and running I have a few challenges to enter
non competing ofc
Dennis adding features to Jelly is "clearly" why I got the message that the TIO api has been updated and I need to refresh.
Does anyone have a clue why this challenge didn't get a single golfing-language answer?
Feels weird to post the 10th answer after two weeks and beat everyone with Retina. :/
@MartinEnder You appear to have righted this wrong already.
@Riker ya now I'm not always online. There are times when I have to stare at math books.
Implying Retina is a golfing language...
@MartinEnder Golfing languages usually have more difficulty chaining together a large number of conditions?
So does Retina, but it's possible to break up those conditions into separate steps.
> Feels weird to post the 10th answer after two weeks and beat everyone with Retina.
Proof that Martin cheats in his own language. :p
Pyke doesn't even have an if...else construct it's used so infrequently
@ChristopherPeart r casts both argument to int. This is intended for use with floats, but it works just as well when the argument is a digit. It's kinda obvious in hindsight, but it's not intended to work that way, and I don't think I've ever used it.
@Dennis but if any owner action is immediate, what stops someone to apply a non-owner access to the rest and mess around with the room?
@seshoumara moderators I would assume
@seshoumara Don't make someone you don't trust a room owner.
^ & ^^
sure, I'm speaking generally or for a worst case scenario
Moderators can add/remove any RO iirc.
So in theory there's nothing stopping me from demoting all of the other RO's and screwing with the room except that any mod could immediately undo it and I'd get my slanty letters taken away
Or even a suspension maybe
I'm glad there's redundancy.
@flawr lol
@DJMcMayhem As long as it's a public room, yes. A private one would require a mod from the same site.
@Dennis I'm curious to know what the sequences/outputs formed by the permutations of various length Jelly programs would be.
I've looked around and it seems not even an owner can delete it's own chat room? I don't see an option. I am asking out of curiosity.
Given how incredibly short your programs are, it'd be interesting to see.
@seshoumara Ask Meta Stack Exchange?
@seshoumara Deleting a room requires a moderator, or enough time for the room to delete itself.
idea for that unknown TC status lang challenge: variables can only be named as twin primes
thanks to everyone answering my questions
@flawr sorry for the pings
@MartinEnder I liked your answer in Retina about the minimum set of characters that make the language Turing complete.
@Dennis may I use your code (1;r2ị$¥/CỊ¡o”N) for a code review question?
I actually have a few questions for them
you realize you'll probably get ignored if you post jelly code
and/or downvoted if it's intentionally to try to stump them
@DestructibleWatermelon The code only executes if the first line is an odd perfect number.
He has explanation that I will link to
@AdmBorkBork lol
(if I can use)
@AdmBorkBork yeah, that's the obvious answer
@ChristopherPeart there are 2 things
but not very fun
first, you generally shoulnd't post other people's code
@Riker (I feel like I should just go write my own)
I was ninja'd!
second, what are you planning on posting?
it's a pop con, and I want the lang to be able to do some things, just not be TC
jelly code w/ explanation and have them review it?
Nope I actually have questions but I will just go write my own code
@DestructibleWatermelon Could do something like Bubblegum
If the first line is not an odd perfect number, and the SHA256 of the code is foo, then eval it as Python.
A: List of bounties with no deadline

VoteToClose500 reputation bounty to the first Turing completeness proof for any answer to this question This is a long-term bounty which I am not making for the "lol"s. I will create a 500 reputation bounty to the first answer to prove the Turing completeness of their program in this challenge - and there...

@Riker Don't worry, there are actually worse things than getting pinged by cats. @Riker
How long should I wait without more feedback to my SB post before posting to main
@ChristopherPeart how long has it been in
2 days
I am guessing a week or so?
It really depends. There's no magic formula. Sometimes it would make sense to leave it for a month, other posts never need it
@ChristopherPeart Everything posted on PPCG is licensed under CC-BY-SA, so you don't need my permission. That said, I'm not sure what you'd ask a question about.
in response to anybody looking at the front page: sorry to flood. I made about 5 edits, refreshed, waited a bit, and only 2 of them showed up
so I made a couple more, at which point they all appeared
I'm trying to clean up the [tips] questions to be tagged [code-golf] also where applicable, see here
Wait guys hold on
Why is i^x = cos(πx/2)
I can't find any reference to it online
because i^0=1
But it's equal for all reals of x ;-;
no? it's not
Not just integers
it's always equal to cos(pix/2) yeah
@Riker it is
oh yeah that ^^
but cos(pix/2) can vary based on x?
but that's not always equal to the same number, i.e. x=1 then it's -1, but if x=2 then it's 1
@VoteToClose btw you're only talking about the real part yeah?
the imag is sin
its because you can write i^x as e^ix*pi/2
and then apply euler's formula
this is pretty much what I'm doing in maths class right now.
Hey @Downgoat do you know how to set launch options in minecraft for osx?
beta launcher or normal?
it's in profile on the normal launcher
normal does not exist anymore, if you let your launcher update then it will be the "beta"/new launcher
ah okay
click the triple bar on the right
see "Launch Options"?
move to mc room
Could we delete this question as it's acquiring reopen vores when it's blatantly off topic?
sorry for bumping
@seshoumara thank you :)
@MartinEnder I'm thinking of following the same method for sed
10/10 tho
what does it say?
unicorn parking oh
@seshoumara have you seen ais's Retina answer? That might be more helpful. Mine turned out to be overly complicated.
@muddyfish 1 more delete vote pls
or mod hammer is good
I don't think it really needs deletion
it's blatantly off-topic
and acquiring RO votes
@Riker It's not that blatant. Where else can they get real-life code golf tips?
@HelkaHomba just because you can't get them anywhere else, doesn't mean it has to be on topic here
I'm not so sure now though - when I posted and voted, I didn't notice the tag
Gosh, I could either reopen it or delete it with a single vote
I don't think I've seen a situation like that before
Never mind, it's been deleted
1 more vote to undelete though
Now the question is, do we reopen it...
@muddyfish It just seems silly to me to immediately reject stuff that can potentially grow the PPCG community. Code golf won't look like a very inviting topic to that club if a major code golf community won't help them approach it
@HelkaHomba It has been on the site since 2012 (I'm not going to attempt to VTC or VTD anymore as I'm not sure)
Oh :o, thought it was recent
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CalculatorFelineTriangular Numbers Compute the nth triangular number. IO in any allowed form, standard loopholes apply.

Seems like CloudFlare wanted it's own heartbleed :D
I don't think they wanted it.
@aditsu Did you know that your username anagrams to "audits"
My name Anagrams to "Taaco", which is like "Taco" but more excited.

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