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@KritixiLithos As one of the few V users, do you have any thoughts?
Changing it to 100 could save 2 bytes in a non-competing version of your last answer
@DJMcMayhem however instead of default for #3 being 500, couldn't you just do n=1 for #2?
Ah I see 1 more byte
I'll change answer to 100
@DJMcMayhem I'd say 1
@Downgoat I'm not sure what you mean by one more byte, but I think some answers already rely on the default
1ms seems more common than 100ms or 250ms
@NathanMerrill 1 millisecond?
I've never seen that before
@DJMcMayhem Assuming sleep functions are a, b, and c respectively. If V inherits vim to my understanding, you would have to do 1b to sleep for 100ms if I understand correctly
Yeah, or 100c (or just 'c' if i change the default)
stringByReplacingMatchesInString... if you think Java is verbose Swift blows it out of the ballpark
above is method name for replacing string
@Riker what is np.reddit.com?
Q: If a question is closed due to no objective victory criterion, and has many answers already, should duplicates of it be allowed?

ais523I recently came across this question, which is (rightfully) closed as having no victory condition. Most of the existing answers don't aim for any particular goal other than answering the question, so reopening the question as code-golf would be a bad idea. However, it's a question that's fairly ...

Q: Borderline malicious code?

NoOneIsHereI'm not sure if this counts as writing malicious code. What does the community think?

@flawr no participation
voting/commenting is disabled
@flawr In theory, it's the Nepalese version of Reddit; however, because Reddit doesn't have a translation into Nepalese, it's often used as a "read-only" version, the idea being that you're not supposed to participate on Reddit threads you reach via an np. link. The idea is to prevent brigading.
well uh
I have been outexplained
@ais523 10/10 nice explanation
@Downgoat Carryover from Objective-C
@quartata wait are you familiar with Objective-C (Foundation framework)
Not Apple's Foundation though really.
oh :( that is what I am having diffculty with
apparently I need this:
class GitHubDataEndpoint {
    private static let PLACEHOLDER_MATCH = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: ":[a-z]+", options: [])

    private var path: String

    init(_ path: String, arguments: [String]) {
        var i = 0
        var resultingPath = path as NSString

        GitHubDataEndpoint.PLACEHOLDER_MATCH.enumerateMatches(in: resultingPath as String, options: [], range: NSRange(0..<path.characters.count), using: {
            (result, flags, stop) in
            resultingPath = resultingPath.replacingCharacters(in: (result?.range)!, with: arguments[i]) as NSString
class GitHubDataEndpoint {
     private static let PLACEHOLER_MATCH = /:[a-z]+/g
     private let path: string;

     init(path: string, arguments: String[]) {
         self.path = path.replace(PLACEHOLER_MATCH, match -> arguments[match.index]);
to do ^
I can't read either so I'm not sure what you're trying to do
One is in slow the other is in swiss I can tell at least
basically I am trying to replace every instance of the regex :[a-z]+ with arguments[match's index]
Hey there, Nineteenth Byte!
shit just realized all is unnecessary :(
@ckjbgames Hello
@Downgoat Hi
@Downgoat Surely you can do one match at a time.
Just iterate through the list with a for and do the replace, save the position
@quartata that is what I am doing
No you're not. You're matching first.
Which is why it looks gross.
Actually I can just use string interpolation so whole thing was actually redundant
@quartata What is the basis of this thread
Hello again, Nineteenth Byte!
@trichoplax they're posting programming puzzles on puzzling.se too
I've been considering suggesting moving the tag over there for a while, seeing as they're much better equipped for the things than we are
(they have much more of a culture of accepting questions which only have one intended correct answer)
but I didn't expect to see an actual programming puzzle there
So, are there any languages I absolutely should not golf in? I know it would be a bad idea to golf in C, Java, or related languages, but anything else?
@ais523 I'm fine with this but that would mean we'd almost definetly need to change our name from Programming Puzzles & Code GOlf
@ckjbgames Python
@ckjbgames the only languages you shouldn't golf in are ones you invented for the question
@ckjbgames c is actually pretty good. Definitely not C++ though
@Downgoat Sadly, I golf in that.
apart from that, even if a language is terrible at golf (e.g. INTERCAL, Incident), you can still try to find the best solution in that language; often it's interesting
@DJMcMayhem Cool! I did not expect that.
C++ is notably worse for golf than C is even though it's almost a strict superset
I have seen golfed code in C, but it hasn't really won.
because C compilers tend to be much more lenient
But it totally depends. Golfing in verbose languages can be fun. I greatly enjoy golfing in brain-flak, even though it's very hard to work with
you wouldn't expect C to win even if you only compare it to other practical languages, though
@DJMcMayhem Same here with Python! :D
Perl versus Python versus Ruby versus PHP is the standard practical language war on golf sites (mostly because most of them don't let you enter in Mathematica)
Python isn't bad. I mean, in general it's longer than perl or Ruby, but it's certainly not bad
JavaScript is also often seen on PPCG, because we're much more lenient with I/O than most golf sites are, which makes it more competitive
Well golfed Brain-flak is very impressive, and surprisingly succinct
@DJMcMayhem It is astonishing how you can golf in a language with less instructions than Brainf___!
@Pavel Hello
@ckjbgames There are the same number. Brainfuck has 8 commands, bflack has 4 monads and 4 nilads
@DJMcMayhem I did not know that. Thanks you for telling me.
And because of the nesting nature of the commands, they're more efficient if used correctly
@ais523 Might be worth a meta post (not sure whether it should be here or there or similar meta posts on both sites with cross links)
For example, ({({}[()])}) is triangular numbers
CMC: triangular numbers in brainfuck
@trichoplax agreed, but I'm not sure where to post it either
@Downgoat Good point. It might be just the catalyst we need to become Code Sports
@trichoplax Yeah, but everyone knows Programming Challenges is better name :P
I do like that too...
Programming Challenges & Code Sports, so we don't have to lose the ampersand
we should probably keep the codegolf. in the URL
fwiw, I thought it should be "programming challenges and code golf", to keep it close to the current name
I like that, and it justifies keeping the URL too
Code golf should be included in programming challenges, but listing it separately makes sense since it's our biggest component by far
Anyone know what you get this rep for? http://ã.co/i/siqRCk.png
Oh right.. Still no IDN domain name support on here >:(
Will it onebox as a separate message?
That's normal
@Metoniem One you get 200 rep on any site, you get 100 rep on every site
@Metoniem When you hit 200 rep on any site, you earn a 100 rep bonus on every SE site so you can do things like upvote and stuff.
Oh I see, that's pretty cool
Q: What is the association bonus?

Tanuj WadhwaI was just awarded +100 reputation on all of my Stack Exchange accounts. What is this bonus for? It simply says Association Bonus on my reputation overview.

Also, the URL on that image is interesting. I've never seen non-ASCII in a URL before
right; I wanted to comment on the Puzzling post
so I went and triggered the association bonus on Puzzling to give me enough rep to comment
Thanks for the link, and @DJMcMayhem here's a wikipedia article on it: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalized_domain_name
It's been around for quite a while, just not alot of people use it
@DJMcMayhem the URLs are entirely ASCII but there are conventions for encoding non-ASCII into ASCII
Yeah, it's called punycode I guess, the ASCII url looks something like xn--something.co
domain name components containing non-ASCII characters get converted into ASCII versions which typically start xn--
Huh? ã is definitely not ASCII
for the parts after the slash, they use an escape syntax consisting of a percent sign followed by two hexadecimal digits, which in turn normally encodes UTF-8
Punycode is a way to represent Unicode with the limited character subset of ASCII supported by the Domain Name System. For example, "München" (German name for the city of Munich) would be encoded as "Mnchen-3ya". Punycode is intended for the encoding of labels in the Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) framework, such that these domain names may be represented in the ASCII character set allowed in the Domain Name System of the Internet. The encoding syntax is defined in IETF document RFC 3492. The IDNA methodology encodes only select label components of domain names with a procedure...
@DJMcMayhem it gets converted to punycode by the browser before it's sent to the DNS
Odd that American Standard Code for Information Interchange doesn't have diacritics, even though most American countries use them
A weremoose has arrived at my dwarf fortress. I think my fortress is going to have a lot of Fun
And some parser I wrote is finally working, so I can peacefully go to sleep. Goodnight guys o/
Is anyone in here rather well versed in ASM (x86) and would like to help contribute to VSL? (@ConorO'Brien I think you ASM)
@Downgoat no we need machine code people
@ASCII-only ASM trivially become machine code
@Downgoat Uh nope.
sorry fix
What's VSL?
It's a JIT, decently high-level programming language me, ASCII-only, and a couple others are developing
room has quite a bit of info
what's the aim? practical use? golfing? puzzle languageA?
practical use
it focuses on speed, and conciseness while maintaining clear and flexible OO basis
I could probably help (having written two Assemblers), but I don't have any time, sorry. But have fun, I sure had implementing something similar (high level coder directly to machine code) some time ago :)
@mınxomaτ Would you mind putting the assemblers on GH or something if you can?
@Downgoat What happened to cheddar?
Cheddar is still in development
@DJMcMayhem cheddar is different, they both of different focuses. VSL is more of a lower-level language, while cheddar is high-level
One I lost the source to, and don't have enough time to rewrite (see my reasoning here). The other one is part of the aforementioned DirectByte framework, which is part of Perseus (a sort of high level assembler meant as an IL): github.com/turbo/Perseus
they both have similar syntax but VSL will probably end up the better of the two
Needless to say, you should target an IL that is better than you can write. Think LLVM or C--
What language is VSL implemented in?
@DJMcMayhem C++
@mınxomaτ LLVM seems fine for a compiled language but seems to slow for a JIT (interpreted) language
It isn't.
@Downgoat Uh.....
E.g. if you compare the LLVM-JIT and the native JIT of mono, you'll find that LLVM's performance is vastly superior.
@mınxomaτ idk, swift uses LLVM as an intermediate and it's REPL is like cheddar-slow
That's because Swift's optimizer is poor.
no it's actually one of best
@Downgoat That's a wrong assumption. It doesn't get faster than LLVM when it comes to JIT.
Huh, OK, TIL
@mınxomaτ are we talking start-up time? or run-time (I think that's what you call it).
@Downgoat Oh, nice! I'd be willing to help
How far into it are you
> willing help
@DJMcMayhem Around 0%
@DJMcMayhem well we have somewhat of a parser
@Downgoat CIL is slightly faster with startup. LLVM is very much faster wrt to execution.
I have a backbone of an interpreter but very little is honestly done
@Downgoat Also, LLVM IL is really easy. I recommend watching this video before you continue to decide what IL to target. And I'm not just saying that.
@mınxomaτ which is really the important part
^^ misleading title. It's actually: "How LLVM IL works and how to write it".
@Downgoat Not really compared to most of the other high-level compiled languages of this generation
@mınxomaτ ah, OK, I was talking about startup speed when referring to LLVM's slow aspect
@quartata eehhh
I mean it's slower than C++/C but other than that benchmarks show it as really fast
@Downgoat That's not inherent to LLVM. I only compared it to CIL, where we are talking about dozens of MB of CIL compiled by LLVM in real time. In your application it's probably a few µs at best.
Most of the slow parts are casting. It does weird stuff.
Writing with phi nodes makes your compiler design much easier. Watch the video.
@quartata swift? It's type-safe so not sure what you're referring to
unless you're talking about the generated code doing weird stuff
@Downgoat Meant internally, yes.
am i the only one who really is mad at swift
@RohanJhunjhunwala yes
I don't think most people here use Swift enough to get mad at it
or even to have much of an idea of how maddening it is
Swift is pretty normal in terms of syntax/semantics
Foundation (standard library) is crazy though
@Downgoat oh, I had to <s>code</s> fight in swift for 12 hours. My project continued to refer to a build folder we had put in the recylcing bin. We'd alter the code in the IDE and hit build and watch no changes made (for a couple (3) hours!)
@Downgoat yes, yes, wondeful feature of witespace dependency, but only around "=" and around the !
@RohanJhunjhunwala no?
I don't think you were Swifting correctly
@Downgoat the XCODE ide would give me an error if I typed

x= 5
it wanted
x = 5
I'm not sure what broken version of xcode you had to use O_o
anyone want to go on OPPCGMCS?
What is that?
The Minecraft server
@RohanJhunjhunwala it's --- on both sides, not the s tag
That's a really long name
Open PPCG Minecraft Server
@wat wait do we have iron fram yet
> fram
Can you make the server completely open not whitelisted
I mean noone except who has the link will join
@MatthewRoh It is
what version is it?
@wat is that a yes or a no
@Downgoat I do not know, I think it's finished
@MatthewRoh 1.11.2
@Downgoat "Define fram"*
@wat oh thanks
why port 26939?
shared hosting
okay then
I'll go and make extreme stuff
but thats for later
For example I could make elon musks hyperloop
No you can't
Calm down, that was just an example
also I can
2 mins ago, by Pavel
No you can't
Okay lets say we cant go 700mph
but we have the magical /tp
Okay then
Is it creative or survival or both
To make hyperloop
- Tons of rail
- Tons of piston
- Tons of slimeblock
- Tons of something else
- Skillz
I'm going to guess that of those you lack sufficient "Skillz"
And infact it's likely no one has the capability to do that.
But its just a pattern which loops throughout the rail
Q: A sequence of sums of integers that aren't in the sequence

ais523Background Consider a sequence defined as follows: The first element is 0; The second element is 4; From the third element onwards, calculate its value like this: Take the set of integers from 0 up to the previous element of the sequence (inclusive or exclusive, it doesn't matter); Remove an...

Also its not a bunch of entities
I hear thesoundofminecraft1.12comingout
@wat You were killed by a zombie whilst AFK. Sorry, I was setting the time to day.
@wat I have to go now, but I put all of your stuff in a chest near where you died.
@AlexL. 0/10 commands, 0/10 not using command block to automatically set time to day every so often
@ASCII-only bed
cant you stop the day cycle
@MatthewRoh probably, iirc it's a cheat - "Always Day"
oh yeah it's been too long
Always Day option is on mobile
Eh, the day/night cycle hasn't been a problem.
@ASCII-only /gamerule doDaylightCycle false
Besides, you can't grow mushrooms without night, right?
At least not aboveground.
@Pavel underground
@Pavel even above ground they pop up in the sun
i thought they're usually under trees
@ASCII-only yeah trees make shade
Given the meta post about self-promotion in chat, is it appropriate for me to link here an answer of mine that beats the currently-accepted answer but has apparently gotten no attention?
@DLosc how much effort did it take?
I'm starting Dwarf fortress
@ais523 Somewhere between 5 and 10 hours.
note that I can't upvote it for you; I'm out of votes for the day because I decided to go get medals
and I made minerals generate everywhere
given how much offtopic conversation there is here, I suspect that if you don't onebox it, people will hardly even notice
... So should I read that as, "Go ahead and onebox it"?
but given the guidelines there, it seems reasonable
you've put a lot of effort into it, you don't advertise often, and you think it's worth sharing
A: Make a code square with your favorite word

DLoscRuby, haters, N = 10 After hours of attempts by hand, writing a generator program, and tweaking parameters, I have finally found a solution for N = 10! aser=ts=?h tah=re=?\s sh='Haters nurse hate in hardest hearts.' rtse=erha= era=sh.tr' ',tah;aser puts erha Outputs Haters nurse hate in ...

I learned a couple things about Ruby in the process, too.
OK, yeah, that's probably worth it
not earthshattering, but certainly worthy enough to link
We need the option to give reps to questions
also reminds me of the changes to Perl I made in A Pear Tree; one of them was removing the need for $ on variables
(which had good reasons behind it based on the purpose of the language, but also was just because it's annoying)
@ais523 Ah, I didn't know that. That would certainly be helpful in a lot of situations.
not many people know the language
I made it entirely as a joke
for the polyglot challenge
when you see "this program prints 10 in X, 9 in Y, 8 in Z", you just have the urge to write "and a partridge in A Pear Tree" at the end
Yeah, I figured. :D
so I tried to work out what sort of language would print a partridge in response to basically any input program
then I made it Turing-complete and useful, because that's what I do (I design languages for fun, and it's something of a reflex to do that, just like it's a reflex for PPCG denizens to golf)
@DLosc huh, looks like you use Charcoal pretty often +1, also i really need to start working on it again
'Twould be nice.
@ASCII-only I dunno about "pretty often," but yes, I've used it several times.
People usually say, "I want to use it but I just can't, it's got no documentation"--so improving the docs should be a top priority, possibly more important than bugfixes and definitely more important than new features.
@DLosc oh but i have absolutely no idea how to write good docs
unrelated: i think the ambiguities caused by command variants can be solved by just making single letter commands use some other character
@ASCII-only For models to follow, try looking at the docs of languages that have become popular on this site: CJam, Pyth, Jelly, 05AB1E (or whatever its name is), Brain-Flak. I'm guilty of insufficient documentation too, but I'm slowly working at it.
@Dennis @Doorknob ^^^^^^
@DLosc maybe it might be because we never put the (unfinished) tutorial on GH
@ASCII-only Yes, but also: some commands are missing (I think), preset variables aren't documented anywhere, multiprint shortcut directions (like ^) aren't documented anywhere... And I think, regardless of the tutorial's status, we at least need a page explaining the basic canvas concept with some examples.
@DLosc Okay, I'll try to do that once I get free time
Free time is, of course, the scarce ingredient in the formula. ;)
in Charcoal, 36 secs ago, by Feeds
Dennis has unfrozen this room.
@DLosc I have quite a bit of it, just not now
@Dennis Thanks!
How come I never knew that the command for making directories are mkdir
You never needed to create a directory from the command line.
2 hours later…
how to thaw room?
ping dennis
Trying to get "Civic Duty" and votes are not counting towards badge, what should I do?
That would work.
I kinda have to know which room to thaw it.
@Dennis Can you please unthaw 48413? I feel like starting that up again
knowledge is overrated
yay thanks
in PPCG FTB Server, 38 secs ago, by Feeds
Dennis has unfrozen this room.
@DJMcMayhem I did a search in PPCG's challenges for 100ms and 250ms. 100 was more common than 250 (the last challenge to have used 250 as time in ms was posted in November). But there are several challenges recently that choose 100ms for time. So I'd guess 100 milliseconds would be better than 250ms
@KritixiLithos OK, cool, I was leaning towards 100 anyway
One of the hardest robbers I've ever posted:
Woohoo!!! gold badge!!! :D \o/ \o/
hey nice upclicks
@Downgoat congrats!
Additional good news: GitHub client is working :D
Now port it to Android :)
Github has gone IOS?
apparently apple, a multi-hundred-billion dollar company or somethin like that cannot make a function to clear a specific cache item after 3 years
Try android ^^^^
There is no apple
If there is an apple
Androids shall eat it
I once got a 50c euro coin instead of a AUD$2 coin as change :(
@Downgoat So will you be changing your name to Closegoat?
Yes. I guess a NIC would be the kind of thing you'd want to "safely remove"...
When I press eject I'm always disappointed when nothing comes flying at me.
Eugh Hackerrank has the most atrocious starter code for Clojure
(use '[clojure.string :only (split triml)])

        let [
          n_temp (read-line)
          n_t (split n_temp #"\s+")
          n (Integer/parseInt (n_t 0))
          k (Integer/parseInt (n_t 1))

        let [
          a_temp (read-line)
          a_t (split a_temp #"\s+")
          a (map #(Integer/parseInt %) a_t)

HNQ is ridiculous :-( I've repcapped today already, and I'm pretty sure it's almost entirely on HNQ drive-by votes
normally I at least have to try to gain reputation
I went and made a post on Meta SE in order to try to stop this sort of thing happening…
Topic on new question: Hack-cat typer
Something like this but instead of a quine, it's a cat? codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/37333/…
Since that that one allowed cheating quines, most answers were already cats, more or less.
I made a new answer with an explainy formula!
A: A sequence of sums of integers that aren't in the sequence

Qwerp-DerpPython, 80 bytes def f(n): if n<3:return[0,4,6][n] else:x=f(n-1);y=f(n-2);return(x+y+1)*(x-y)/2 It's not the golfiest piece of code ever, but it uses a formula that I made: Where x on the right-hand side is f(n - 1), and y is f(n - 2). Explanation: The sum of continuous integers from a ...

\o/ I passed CLA to Processing!
@KritixiLithos CLA?
Command Line Arguments
That's not that hard in vanilla Java though
Cause you have String[] args
but that's obscured out in Processing
I know it's easy in Java
But I've never done that in Processing since I didn't know how. Now that I'm using processing command-line, the help told me that the arguments will be stored in args
@KritixiLithos Give me code pls :)
or if you have many args, you can do this:
for(String arg:args){
You don't have to declare String[]args or anything like
oh that's nice
How to convert string to int?
I want to golfify this: [0,4,6][n]
@Qwerp-Derp Integer.parseInt(string_blah)
@Qwerp-Derp 2*n*-~n
@KritixiLithos Wait, how does that work? I can print an array just like that?
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FrédéricTease me ! Proposed tags : code-golf image-processing So, here is an idea for a code-golf challenge I'd like to propose. I couldn't find such a challenge in the existing ones, but I hope I didn't miss it. Of course, feedbacks are very welcome, particularly concerning the interest (or not) of ...

Random-topic-that-randomly-came-out-of-my-mind: Rush hour
@MatthewRoh Half-broken car in heavy traffic
Seems legit
Should we really think about loopholes
'Cause I think if a question can be solved with loopholes, its the question which is wrong, not the answer
You could say we don't need any loopholes, because the challenge could always mention them in the specification so it is complete and stands alone. Having loopholes just means challenge specifications can be a lot shorter, as we have agreed defaults for what is allowed.
> Note: browser support for indexOf is limited; it is not supported in Internet Explorer 7 and 8.
Internet explorer 7 and 8 aren't web browsers. They are HTML viewers.
Otherwise, true.
I mean how could a browser, even IE, lack Array.prototype.indexOf???
The spec does, so...
Wait, really?
@TuxCopter A Microsoft product not following an ISO spec really shouldn't be surprising
MSVC doesn't even support C11
@Mego That's been around for 6 years!
There's still some C++03 features that MSVC++ doesn't support
... How do Microsoft programmers program if they have to use MSVx as their compiler?
... People use that... TIL.
C# is very widely used in the tech industry
Virtually every program running on Windows is coded with .NET

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