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@DLosc True, it's hard trying to pronounce certain foreign words when some of the phonemes are alien to you
Plus, I could have ordered in Spanish at the Mexican restaurant last night. :P
@LegionMammal978 My tongue simply cannot understand the Spanish alveolar trilled /r/. Uvular trills (like in some German pronunciations) are no problem.
A really fascinating read on social technology and cyber psychology. It's pretty long, but I highly recommend reading it
now I'm disappointed we have no questions under that tag
@DLosc bah, you're right
it could perhaps be a tag for questions where only answers complying with the letter of the language specification are accepted?
I know how to use apostrophes and all that, but "its" always throws me off
@ais523 Maybe try on English Language & Usage? Nah, never mind, that's the whole site.
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, it's a problem.
hmm, I just got an Epic bump off 195 rep from upvotes, an accepted answer, and a -100 payment to start a bounty
... is that a pun?
I guess that makes it fairly clear what the conditions are!
@DJMcMayhem ^_^
You should have responded with "Yes, it's." :P
That would have been insufficiently pedantic. Never mind, I get it now. :P
Which makes me wonder, how come "It is." Is a perfectly valid answer/complete sentence, but you'd never say "It's."?
Related: why cannot you use "cannot" in questions?
that's not what "begs the question" means, technically
also, "it's" is sometimes short for "it has"
(Also, I've noticed that whenever we get really pedantic or start talking grammar or linguistics, I proofread my messages waaaay more carefully :P)
"It's" would be perfectly grammatical as a sentence of its own, but it scores an F in style
my guess is that you can only use "it's" when the "is" is an auxiliary verb, and not when it's the main verb of a sentence, although that leaves the situation with sentences like "it's red" unclear
My guess is that "it is" is de-stressed when there's other content in the sentence. When it stands by itself, you emphasize the word "is" in pronunciation; therefore, it doesn't get contracted.
In "It is red," the emphasis is on red; in "It is," the emphasis is on is.
With "it's", there is no place to put the emphasis on.
You might, if you want to sound slightly archaic, contract "It is" to simply "Tis."
I'd rather revive thou/thine to have a singular second person pronoun, than this.
There's y'all, but what's the possessive of that form?
Your all?
I'll stick to y'all's, I guess
(I've used that in academic contexts, by the way--in Bible translation, you sometimes need to distinguish singular from plural "you," and standard modern English's pronoun toolbox just isn't sufficient.)
New World Translation uses an all-caps YOU for the plural form
Interesting. As long as you know the system, that seems like it would work.
@DLosc What about the leading apostrophe?
aaaaaa, this impossible trident is hurting my mind
Would hyperbolic geometry hurt you less?
@LegionMammal978 Relevant:
user image
How do you post multi-line code in chat?
Paste and click fixed font.
Please not 200LOCs though.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ais523Meta radiation hardener radiation-hardening metagolf code-challenge (hashing?) Background On this site, we occasionally have questions requiring programs to be "radiation hardened"; this means that the program has to be able to survive the deletion of one or more bytes, no matter which bytes a...

@KritixiLithos I left it out because it's awkward coming right after a double quote. But yes, 'tis supposed to be there.
                //////  \
               //////    \
              //////      \
             //////        \
            //////    /\    \
           //////    /\\\    \
          //////    /\\\\\    \
         //////    / \\\\\\    \
        //////    /   \\\\\\    \
       //////    /     \\\\\\    \
      //////    /       \\\\\\    \
     ////////////////////\\\\\\    \
    //////////////////////\\\\\\    \
    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\   /
     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /
@NewSandboxedPosts I'm feeling good about this sandboxed question; in fact I was considering just posting it straight off
but it's probably best to ensure I'm not missing something first
@Laikoni That's a bit excessive. Don't post big ascii art here.
@DJMcMayhem Finished reading. That was fascinating. After reading it, I am more reconciled to accepting some moderator decisions here that seemed unnecessary at the time.
Doesn't look that huge to me if used sparingly
smaller than most image oneboxes
@DLosc I'm glad you liked it! Which decisions out of curiosity?
The first one that comes to mind is: closing a number of popularity contests as too subjective, particularly Tweetable Mathematical Art, which was one of my favorite challenges on this site.
@DLosc Just curious, how does that relate to the article? Didn't really read it in-depth
Yeah, I'm trying to formulate my thoughts into a coherent explanation. --It's related to "a group needs moderators and rules," and "the user is the group, not the individual." Although requiring "an objective winning criterion" feels restrictive and disallows some content that could be cool, it ultimately serves to prune a lot of stuff we don't want and makes the community stronger. Something like that?
Also "the majority is not always right."
New challenge idea... Radiactive weakened programming. if you remove any byte it errors and you must have more than 10 bytes
But it wouldn't work very well
@ChristopherPeart Brain-Flak, any program. Removing one byte results in unbalanced brackets.
@Pavel I even had some naming ideas:
novustis:    1-2 days
unumtilis:   28 days
duotilis:    28 days
tribilis:    28 days
quatilis:    28 days
quintilis:   28 days
sextilis:    28 days
september:   28 days
october:     28 days
november:    28 days
december:    28 days
undecimber:  28 days
duodecimber: 28 days
tredecimber: 28 days
Better resurrect the jewish calendar
@LegionMammal978 Make it easier on people (though less Latin-accurate) and call it undecember, duodecember, tredecember.
@DLosc That's an idea, but it's too late to edit the message
i'd love this new balanced calendar, but at this point it would be too hard to switch EVERYTHING to a new calendar while we can just stick to the old
Q: Loopy cross-quine

user65656Write a program, which outputs another program in another programming language, which when run outputs the another program in another programming language... this repeats until a program outputs the original, creating a loop of quines. Warning! This is not code golf! Though don't make it 10000kl...

@betseg Or in geek terms: "Breaks backwards compatibility, 2/10"
ok cool
@ChristopherPeart class c{static void main(){Console.WriteLine();} in C#
Let's see... Today would be Duotilis 20, 2017
@LegionMammal978 Yeah, that hurts :(
@mınxomaτ My brain is hurting
@Pavel Hey, someone answered!
I guess I'll be second
@Laikoni neat!
@flawr This was actually a side product of my ascii challenge.
I like how it just uses two symbols (+ space)
Top comment is kinda funny as well
TIL that internet slang is the same in every language.
@DLosc λoλ :D
A number of years ago, I and a couple other Latin students were trying to translate "LOL." I came up with ridens magne. Seems way too formal.
Why not MCC (magno cum cachinno)?
> great laughs
yay 4 google translate
@flawr ... Because we were only beginning Latin students and didn't have any kind of a broad vocabulary. :P
@flawr Because that's 1200
@DLosc But you did have internet? :D
@wat More accurately, "laughing greatly."
@DLosc As I said, Google Translate. Thanks for the improved translation
@flawr Google Translate says "great with laughter"
@flawr Weeellll... at this point I'm going to pull the "was only 15, didn't think of all possibilities" card.
@wat It is with great laughter
@flawr yeah I do not know Latin at all.
@wat Classic beginner's mistake, Google :P
(the magno/a cum ... is a pattern that appears often as a "escalation" of cum ...)
@flawr last part of that sentence: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As in, magna cum laude: "with great praise"
(and latin students learn that usually very early because according to the "rules" it should be "cum magno cachinno" but for some reasons the cool guys back then switched out the two words)
spiked balls are worth a ridiculous amount
I have heard of stories of Latin students being blocked from school networks for writing "with". (I DO NOT KNOW LATIN)
@wat It is my conjecture that there are unfortunate coincidences like that for every pair of languages. (At least, languages with remotely similar sound systems.)
@DLosc yeah true
I have a couple of bins of spiked balls and I just bought out an entire trading caravan with them
granted I did spend a while making them, but still
for example "shower" in Russian sounds like "douche" in english, "with a fax" in Russian sounds like "fuck some" in English
Dwarf fortress. I need context better
@wat "duschen" (german) = to take a shower
now I will be less likely to lose a dwarf to insanity
@flawr yeah similar
@wat Which is a somewhat uncomfortable thought when inventing conlangs...
@wat consider the etymology of "douche"
@wat "dick" (german) = fat (as an adjective)
@DLosc yeah I've been thinking of inventing one for a while but it would be a lot of work.
@flawr so many bilingual puns
@JanDvorak Probably similar I guess
@JanDvorak That's one where "Pardon my French" actually makes sense.
The literal meaning of "douchebag" is a colon irrigation device, specifically the flexible water container.
@JanDvorak I knew that one.
@wat Not really
@wat @TuxCopter Well, it depends how thorough you want to be about it. The correct amount of work to put in is "as much as you enjoy doing."
What I was thinking of doing was one of those languages where there is only about 100 words, maybe each one is a syllable/character, and then they are chained together to make longer and more meaningful words.
why is finding embark site so difficult
@wat Ah, like Toki Pona?
Finding an embark site isn't difficult
@wat Or aUI (It's called an oligosynthetic language btw)
@DLosc Kinda, except it wouldn't be:
> designed to shape the thought processes of its users, in the style of the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, in Zen-like fashion.[5]
> oligosynthetic
YES! That's it
@Metoniem nice
ANother new idea... Radioactive hardened answer chaining double quine
»  gem install rubygame
ERROR:  Could not find a valid gem 'rubygame' (>= 0), here is why:
          Unable to download data from rubygems.org - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (api.rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz)
AKA Ultimate Quinefest
Someone knows how to fix this?
I'm no good with quines, never got one to work :(
@ChristopherPeart that is
most quine questions can be solved via a universal quine constructor
and most universal quine constructors follow a few standard patterns, too
@ais523 An universal quine constructor?
I was gonna say, that sounds new to me :o
@ais523 but the answer chaining
You must output your quine and output the last answer
So in the end you have like a 20 quine quine
@TuxCopter it's a program in which you can insert a function, and you get a program which prints that function of its source code
so, say, if the function is "reverse", you get a program that prints its own source code backwards
the best-known universal quine constructor looks something like this (pseudocode):
Any examples of constructors like that?
Is my idea any good?
 x="print f(\"x=\"+escape(x)+\";eval x\")";eval x
It sounds really nice, but I think there isn't any winning criteria that way
Like, it's just gonna be endless
I would have to figure one out
most answer chaining are
idk how PPCG would react
where f is the function you want of your own source code
universal quine constructors exist in langauges without eval too, but you normally have to write f twice
and normally, the only hard part of designing one is writing escape()
(unless your language has it as a builtin)
Q: Add a language to a polyglot

ais523This is an answer-chaining challenge in which each answer builds on the previous answer. I recommend sorting the thread by "oldest" in order to be sure about the order in which the posts are made. The task The nth program to be submitted must run in n different languages; specifically, all the ...

Answer chaining is still OK
is a victory condition tag, but you still need an objective victory condition based (in this case) on the order of the answers
But I wonder, wouldn't it just get kind of repetitive? Like, same code over and over again with just another answer added to it every time?
Q: Output the previous answer and your answer
@Metoniem but they would all be in different languages
Someone would screw it up with BF
I would say the newest working one that has no new answers for 21 days
Ahh yeah, I forgot about different languages
Good point
I'd say make a sandbox proposal and wait for feedback on it? It sounds fun to me!
I won't participate because I'd have no chance, but yeah, I'd follow it for sure haha
@flawr 10/10
that's freaking glorious
@wat no answers yet so mine is easy: FOG, 2 bytes: 1\n
Ima make an actual challenge with rules and stuff brb
prolly a dupe
Take a look at this "party bunker"/accidental gas chamber np.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/5uo176/underground_party_bunker
holy shit I just realized something
reddit.com is blocked for me right now
I just open up tor to read it whenever I want to
but np.reddit.com isn't
this is a glorious day
@Riker Try something else if you want to actually participate
nah it's good
I can always tor if I want to make a comment
I think en.reddit.com
For english
Try it.
oh cool
\o/ works
also pay.reddit.com
Good News: I got my GitHub iOS app login to work. Bad news: nothing else work yet
> iOS app
I made one recently
It is very simple, have I shared screenshots yet?
@wat the counter one?
@Downgoat yeah
That is an actual screenshot on my actual phone
DF crashed AGAIN. As soon as I opened my fortress
Question: V has three functions for sleeping. 1) sleep for n seconds (defaults to 1) 2) sleep for n * 100 ms (defaults to 5) and 3) sleep for n ms (defaults to 250). What's a better default for 3, 100 or 250?
@Downgoat Dwarf fortress
@DJMcMayhem I would say 100
Right now, no answers rely on the default behavior, so I can change it as much as I want
@DJMcMayhem 250 imo
3ms seems arbitrary imo
None of them default to 3
I meant "What's a better default for the third one, 100 or 250?"
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