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Is there an esolang that uses only OEIS sequences?
I know oasis is particularly good at making them, but I don't think there's any language that only uses them
Any language that can call upon them?
Sheesh, I wish std::chrono wasn't so damn complicated.
What are you using from std::chrono?
Q: id password generator

Brandon HoormannWrite a program that will assign login ids and random passwords to students. The id has a maximum length of 8 characters. The first two characters are the last two digits of the year the student entered Alma College. The next character is the first letter of the student's first name. The 5 remai...

Where is everyone?
Right here!
I know of you two.
I'm here
Is everyone playing some video game or something?
Right now, I'm half-heartedly watching netflix and working on a brain-flak brute-forcer
@ZacharyT yes
... I so called that ...
And thus, everyone at once.
Q: Help the grandmother find her password

Geordie FischerHere's a scenario: A grandmother forgets what her password is. She knows the word, but can't remember which letters are capitals. The challenge is to take a word given and print(stdout) every combination of capital letters possible, essentially "brute-forcing" but only on a given string. Exampl...

@NewMainPosts At first I thought this was a plea for help. Better ask the computer people!
@NathanMerrill I'm sorry if this is getting annoying for you, but are the docs finished yet?
On a slightly related note, I have a cool idea for a KoTH
Was everyone playing TF2 or something?
Nope. They'll likely be things I work on a piece at a time. If you have any questions, though, I created a room today, and I've been helping another get his KoTH up and running
@ZacharyT I still am sooo
Is pthread_cond_signal really as slow as it seems to be?
I'm getting ~30 microseconds between the start of calling it and when the thread receives the signal
I find it more likely that I'm using chrono wrong
Hrm. Looks like chrono adds about a ~100 ns error but that's it
Something feels off though because nanosleep is equally hideous
Oh, nevermind
what was wrong?
Just general stupidity.
btw, I (unintentionally) got a gold badge off that bounty, as it tipped the question's view count up to gold badge range
I wasn't expecting that and it took me a moment to figure out what had happened
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Geordie FischerMake a Simple GUI application I have made a simple glade layout. The chalenge is to remake it in as few bytes as possible. The glade file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Generated with glade 3.20.0 --> <interface> <requires lib="gtk+" version="3.20"/> <object class="Gt...

I can't comprehend how boost::context only takes 7 nanoseconds to switch contexts: boost.org/doc/libs/1_61_0/libs/context/doc/html/context/…
That must be some serious assembly magic.
I need this
What are you creating?
I'm prematurely optimizing Pytek's coroutines
Because I'm bored
Ah. Meanwhile I've been wrapping my head around TBB's flow-graph parallel programming. That paradigm (and scheduler) is some black magic.
@Downgoat I need design tips.
@quartata oh, they must of written it in cheddar
A guy has built a self-replicating factory in Factorio
feedback on table cell UI?
1 hour later…
@Qwerp-Derp what is
@DestructibleWatermelon It's a secret, you will know in time
Hey bois
I got da "voet dawn" priv
@MatthewRoh cringes
@Downgoat make the "prototype cells" thing bigger
unless its part of that item in the table/list
then make it more obvious it is
if so, possibly center the little > onto the middle right
@Riker oh ignore that that is dev/debug thing
what would go where the "Table View: Prototype Content" thing is?
@ais523 in other news: I think 11.1k rep in 3 months is a new record for fastest rep gain in a new user
Feb 9 at 4:06, by Downgoat
@MatthewRoh btw, since you have been gone, there have been significant efforts to clean up TNB of noise. We're trying to avoid intentional misspellings and all please
like, holy shit congrats man
that's pretty impressive
When will a standpoint really be taken on NPA (Non programming answers)
I am super confused
oh right
This is third time I've asked you can you start following rules
Every time someone says one thing on it another says the opposite
@ChristopherPeart it is allowed
@Riker aha but does Standard Loopholes block it?
A: Loopholes that are forbidden by default

jimmy23013Using non-programming languages (irrelevant to "golfing" languages) Not to be confused with golfing languages. This loophole definitely has nothing to do with golfing languages. A purported programming language should be accepted as such if and only if it is capable of addition of natural nu...

@ChristopherPeart no
> score of +5 and twice as many upvotes as downvotes
I can't see vote counts
well it's at -11/+21
well it actually says "at least twice as many" but it doesn't matter
I'd rather deny it.
If your challenge is solvable by a non-programming language, it's the issue of the challenge.
1 hour later…
Then is GoL/Wireworld a programming challenge
Cause thats like saying "f*ck you" to those Wireworld golfers
I am the only wireworld golfer tho
yay i made a thing for my school
@ChristopherPeart you can with the userscript
I made Dijkstra's algorithm in Clojure!
@wat is that thing
Geddit? I used "wat" in the ping as part of the sentence? Ah alright.
The feed and menu actually auto update with AJAX. The schedule updates every 15 minutes.
Photos are taken from a restricted subreddit to simplify making the slideshow.
@wat ???
@Qwerp-Derp You were asking
I'm confuse
@Qwerp-Derp It will go on a large TV in the school main room ("commons")
Basically schedule, lunch menu, information about events and stuff, and photos of students (requested by principal)
@wat Oh now I get it
Cause you pinged me and you didn't use reply
and I thought you were pinging the "geddit" bit
But yeah the website is cool
@Qwerp-Derp thanks
Also apparently my school's organising a trip to Silicon Valley for my IPT class
IPT = Information Processing & Technology, it's like one of the most BS subjects in computer science
@Qwerp-Derp What does it involve
information systems
And the syllabus is pretty out of date, it classifies 3G as an "emerging technology"
I quote the syllabus:
• current data digitising trends, for
  – newspapers on the Internet
  – telephone system
  – video on DVD
  – facsimile
  – media retrieval management
If I'm writing a question, but I don't intend to accept an answer, what should I use in place of the standard "This is ; the shortest code in bytes wins" message?
@DLosc This is , aim for the fewest bytes possible!
@DLosc "This is , shortest answer in bytes wins but will not be accepted."
@Pavel but muh moon
@wat I don't think the modern one has anything to do with the moon.
@Pavel still slightly corresponds to lunar cycles.
there are still 12 of them in a year
That's mostly a coincidence though, the people who wrote out modern calendar weren't really looking at the moon, right?
Moon-based calenders were used in China and such.
Would be a good system though, however I predict that a lot of trouble will come for old computer systems, embedded systems, new computer systems, clocks, calendars, reminders, habits, manufacturing, etc...
watches, etc. may be significantly less useful
Someone will need to learn COBOL again.
@DLosc I made Dijkstra's Algorithm in Clojure! gist.github.com/Qwerp-Derp/b71e71baaba9519556a0c5e331aef778
@Pavel Apparently a teacher at my school actually recommends COBOL for software stuff
@Qwerp-Derp 0.o
@Pavel Another problem: Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. would ignore your New Year's Day and go on having Sabbath/Sunday/Friday once every seven days, even if everyone else says it's Tuesday. It is pretty nice from a mathematical standpoint, though. If you were a Roman Emperor you could probably get away with it.
If and when we discover time travel, we wil need to do three things: A) Kill hitler, B) Prevent climate change C) implement that calendar system.
@Qwerp-Derp BRB, looking up Dijkstra's Algorithm :P
What does << mean in Bash?
@Qwerp-Derp Okay, so it's A* search without the heuristic. Got it. I can't say I understand your Clojure code, but congrats!
@Pavel heredoc
I thought heredoc was <<<
@Pavel ...no
@DLosc Yey :)
$ cat <<END
heredoc> this is a thing
heredoc> this is a cool thing
heredoc> thing = cool thing
heredoc> therefore "" == "cool"
heredoc> END
this is a thing
this is a cool thing
thing = cool thing
therefore "" == "cool"
@Pavel That's a here string. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_document
Jan 31 at 5:32, by Mego
<<< is heredoc syntax, which I don't fully understand so I'm not going to try to explain it
> which I don't fully understand
@DLosc I know, but I recall Dennis telling me that too, I just can't find the message.
Jan 29 at 5:43, by Dennis
With files. <<< is for here-strings, but then you have to escape again.
There it is.
Yeah, that's the same thing Wikipedia said. Here-doc != here-string.
@Pavel But it's not fully golfed though
That's fine
As long as he golfs it down later.
I'm just glad there is any answer.
So, does anyone here know the difference between << and <<< in Bash?
Wikipedia uses big words I don't understand ;-;
Q: Programming puzzles that are not code-golf

ShreevatsaRI'm new to this site, and I see that it is called "Programming Puzzles & Code Golf", and that its url is https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/ If I look at the front page of questions, I see that almost all of them have a tag called "code-golf": https://i.sstatic.net/QOlh9.jpg (I'm not includi...

Actually no I get it now.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DLoscUnlimited binary adder code-golf binary arithmetic Write a program or function that takes two arbitrarily long, nonnegative binary integers and adds them. Rules The point of this challenge is to do the addition in binary; therefore, you may not use any base-conversion builtins. Writing your ...

@PredictiveNewMainPosts: VTC
Q: How do separate a string full of number into individual numbers which make A.P

Lovepreet SinghI need to extract all the numbers which makes A.P. after extraction. Example : 12345678 is make A.P. as 1, 2, 3, 4 ...... 7, 8. 9899100101 is also making A.P. as 98, 99, 100, 101. 10203 is not making A.P. 1, 02 is wrong. OR 10, 20, 3 is also wrong. We have to use all number from string that ...

polyglot ex-what?
@JanDvorak interested in seeing my fortress?
Feel free to provide some screenshots
would you like to see a stream I mean
@Mego so I thought I'd try to learn Actually, but I can't seem to find a tutorial or even a reference of all the builtin methods. Do you have those anywhere?
'eyy wassup bois
@MatthewRoh my fortress is probably going to die of thirst
its not as fun as when everything dies from a tantrum spiral
@DestructibleWatermelon mmk
if I can survive to the next caravan I might be fine
Would I really want to play DF
@JanDvorak should I start a stream?
Looks both good and bad
@DestructibleWatermelon Will you talk this time?
I'll take a look then
wait, I think there are plants my dwarfs can make into alcohol
praise the gods
Twitch says you're still offline
I'm going to start soon
> Following classical probability arguments, we consider a large urn containing two children. - Wikipedia
It later mentions "removing one child from the urn, ascertaining that it is a boy, then replacing."
@JanDvorak its up
Couldn't they have just said "room" >_>
No. The difference is that we don't see inside the urn
In DF, is the character indicated with an X?
The X would be the cursor
Then what is the player?
It could still have been worded infinitely better <_<
There are seven dwarves
Oh so the player controls 7 dwarves instead of just one character
That whole article is tying my brain in knots, quite apart from the borderline child-abuse thought experiments. Probability is weird.
@KritixiLithos You command what tasks the dwarves should be trying to complete. you control a fortress
What's the goal of the game?
To die spectacularly. You can also try to survive as long as possible - that helps with the goal immensely
So Minecraft-ish
Like Minecraft, but with worse graphics and 700 modpacks installed.
> And do not try to defy me again.
I was running an ant-build when I got this ^
Q: Output Keystrokes

Olly BrittonIn any programming language, create a program that will output the keystrokes of the input. For example: "hello" Should make the program simulate typing the word hello. Pseudo Code: for char in string press char Smallest amount of bytes wins.

well, that was a short stream
@KritixiLithos Wut, how?
To build on OS X, you must install Oracle's JDK 8u111 from
Or... type 'ant download-jdk-macosx' to download it to your Desktop.
Note that only 8u111 (not a later or earlier version) will work.
And it must be the JDK, not the JRE. And do not try to defy me again.
Did you try the JRE at first?
I just did ant run
Well, I guess you should install the JDK and try again.
This is what I get for putting off Java updates
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
Or sudo apt install openjdk-9-jdk if you're bold.
I'm installing it manually from Oracle
Package managers are there for a reason >_>
Java 8 is for the weak. The strong live on the cutting edge of gross verbosity and dysfunctional features
But Oracle doesn't have Java 9 yet
Oh wait, you use open-jdk
Despite not ever running into issues compiling my own projects in Java 9, everything else seems to break horribly.
Installing Java 9 is not actually a good idea.
I'm particularly glad that I didn't have to install XCode dev tools for this (because it was recommended for Mac OS X)
I think my fortress is going to have a lot of fun soon
because there is a dwarf in fey mood who wants yarn wool
and I don't have any
I just want to clarify, this meta question is specifically about the website wolframalpha.com right?
@StewieGriffin Yes.
@Pavel docs/commands.txt contains a list of all the commands
the caravan arrived exactly after it was most needed
Since when do community ads bypass ad blockers?
@Fatalize They're probably whitelisted
I never saw the "active bounties" ad and now I do
guys i have a question regarding TIO, i can't compile a code, even though i add a linker library as an argument.
@AbelTom It works fine for me
[Try it online!]: tio.run/nexus/c-gcc#TY/BbsMgEER/… "C (gcc) – TIO Nexus"
That should be fixed with adding -lm as an argument (and declaring l outside of the function for the other error), but it's not. Might want to ask Dennis in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/44255/talk-tryitonline-net
@Mego Updated link [Try it online!]: tio.run/nexus/c-gcc#VY/BbsMgEETv/… "C (gcc) – TIO Nexus"
They still haven't fixed the bug where the tooltip for flagging messages in the starboard is "click to star"
Yeah, looks like args aren't being passed through the wrapper
Now it cycles between all 202 langauges!
@ATaco Neat!
@ATaco is there meant to be a greener shade of grey that looks like a tear?
I have no idea what causes that and it's something to do with PHP's gif encoding.
@Mego I thought this was program arguments; not compiler arguments
aaand that's what you said in the other room... nevermind
Q: Easy way to find if I already answered

sergiolIs there an easy way to find if I already answered to a specific question? This extrapolation of the Stackoverflow format to a code golf site sometimes seems very inadequate!

@ATaco its a feature
Q: Visualize the Euclidean algorithm

busukxuanThe Euclidean algorithm is a widely known algorithm for calculating the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two positive integers. The algorithm For the purpose of this challenge, the algorithm is described as below: Display the two input as adjacent lines of a certain character e.g. an input of...

I'm fairly sure this is what OP wanted to ask. (Maybe without the varying typing speed).
Why did you include the varying typing speed?
I think he wanted the keypresses. IE. reverse keylogger
@KritixiLithos Because OPs gif had varying typing speed...
@LliwTelracs Did you see OPs gif? I think my edit looks like it adheres to that gif...?
I do agree that your edit agrees with his gif. Just the way he had described it sounded like he wanted a reverse keylogger.
I added a note in the top of the challenge..
we've had a ton of reverse keylogger challenges, I think
most of which were duplicates
@ais523, links?
this is from memory
This would be a 10-byter in V if the challenge had constant typing speed.
2 hours later…
Q: Predecessor-completed Ascii Cubes

LaikoniThe first Predecessor-completed Ascii Cube (PAC 1) is a simple cube with side length 1 and looks like this: /////\ ///// \ \\\\\ / \\\\\/ The PAC 2 is a geometric shape such that combining it with its predecessor (the PAC 1) completes a side length 2 cube: front back...

@ATaco :O is it auto generated?
Yay! Somone answered the Pyramid Scheme question! So my 50 rep will not be wasted
Q: Leak Memory in as Few bytes as possible

Wheat WizardYour task is to write a program that will leak at least one byte of memory in as few bytes as possible. The memory must leaked not just allocated. Leaked memory is memory that the program allocates but looses the ability to access before it can deallocate the memory properly. For most high l...

int main{for(;;){new int;}} Would running that leak memory forever?
Depending on optimizations, nothing would be allocated in the first place.
@ChristopherPeart int main{for(;;new int);}
(I'm not positive that's allowed)
Tfw an challenge you've already answered gets closed as a dupe and you've posted exactly the same answer to the original one.
@ChristopherPeart Why loop though? The challenge only needs one byte of leaked memory?
For fun
Otherwise I am just stealing code.
@ChristopherPeart That feel when
@ChristopherPeart You forgot to edit your code ;)
I meant remove the first int btw
But hey, you saved bytes anyways :)
main{new;} works also right?
Why the downvotes :(
I didn't downvote, but I guess because it was taken from the example in the challenge
It wasn't tho
@ChristopherPeart For starters, main(){new;} doesn't even compile. You're expected to test answers before you post them.
@ChristopherPeart definitely not
@Dennis I tested it then I guess in the golfing I broke it
oh gifvs dont onebox
but gifs do onebox
We changed the language? Didn't even notice.
oh it's the side effect of the new design
@betseg That's bad enough.
@mınxomaτ Must be all the esolangs with weird character sets
@KritixiLithos It's that or unprintables.
With InfiniBand HDR (200Gbps LAN) coming this year, maybe QPI over LAN will be a thing. Want a better PC? Just add another to the network. No more fiddling with load balancers and schedulers.
I have a question about C. I have a char *s that equals some string. Now when I do putchar(*s++), it works fine without errors. But when I do putchar(++*s) I get a segfault. Why?
@KritixiLithos Does it segfault immediately or after you go out of bounds?
What does out of bounds mean?
Anyways, on TIO I get a segfault, on my machine I get Bus error: 10
@KritixiLithos Meaning past the end of the string
@KritixiLithos Can you post the link/code?
@KritixiLithos it tries to increment the char in string, which cant be done to string literals in C. try *++s
@KritixiLithos you want *++s
@Dennis How do you run a Jelly program without the online interpreter
@OllyBritton you can download the Jelly interpreter from Github
it's about average difficulty to install; you need to install a few dependencies but that's about it
@KritixiLithos tio.run/nexus/…
@ais523 How? On the repo it just has a link to the online
@betseg Oh I see, the h changes to an i
@OllyBritton see the "clone or download" link near the top right corner?
if you know how to use git, you can clone Jelly to your local system
if you don't, just download the zip file
@ais523 Yeah, but then how do I install it once i've downloaded?
you need to install Python, NumPy, and SymPy if you haven't already
then you just use Python 3 to run the file jelly in the download
the README telsl you how to give appropriate command-line arguments to it
@betseg How do you go to the next char? *s is the value of the location, but I need to increment that location to access the next value, right?
Oh, I expected some pointer/reference trickery, but okay
@KritixiLithos s++ should work
> cannot increment value of type 'char [99]'
Oh, I though you had a char* not a char []
Apparently, I can't take a char pointer as input, so I switch to an array
Q: Python vs C++ Advantages and Disatvantags

KouroshBackground Info: There is a robotic competition at my college, and my team and I need to learn and use python for it. I don't know python, but I have 1 year of experience with C++ and object oriented programming. Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of python comparing to C++? ...

"every language" includes programming langs?
@betseg I like the way you think :)
@betseg Perhaps, but you'd have to say it aloud :P
what about sign language?
@LegionMammal978 I'm already very proficient in several different instruments, so I'd take languages in a heart beat
But the real question is, is a keyboard/mouse an instrument?
I'd say I'm good at piano, decent at guitar/electric guitar, synth, bass guitar, harmonica, ukulele, mandolin, vocals and OK-ish at drums
Just curious, anyone here use Ubuntu?
@LegionMammal978 sometimes
@muddyfish You have Steam on it?
@LegionMammal978 yes
(native and wine)
@muddyfish How'd you get it running? I've been having issues
@betseg knowing every language fluently means you also can write it.. so yes
@LegionMammal978 i just use steam but I doubt that will solve your problem
@muddyfish Yeah, this one's weird
Maybe have it download updates without X?
I mean I've also got it working on a headless server so it definitely works without X
Q: Steam not opening in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Never2MuchPizzaI have never used Ubuntu or any other Linux OS before last Friday. For all I know, I might have installed Ubuntu wrong and be missing a component. I would prefer if you use simplest terminology possible, but I'm OK with doing a bit of googling if need be. I just installed Steam for Ubuntu 16.04 b...

@muddyfish How?
@muddyfish Explicitly stated in the question that I've tried those already
@LegionMammal978 I'm just checking to see if that box exists and connecting to it
ignore this. google.com
Keyboard is being screwy
Ok, it seems I've stopped paying for that droplet
Sorry :(
@LegionMammal978 Instruments would be cool, but languages would be way cooler. I'm a linguistics nerd.
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