@AdmBorkBork Every part of your A program potentially reveals something about your B program. If they're very similar (i.e., if the edit distance is small), it's easier to figure out what B might be. With a larger A, the edit distance increases and less about B is known.
@AdmBorkBork I don't want to go into specifics since I already posted a cop (unaffected by this, A is so well golfed I actually edited another answer of mine to reuse part of the code).
@Dennis Sure, I can kinda see what you're saying, but I think I'm not seeing it as big of an issue as you are. It seems like having a balancing act between making your code obfuscated (and thus harder to crack) or shorter (and thus a lower score if uncracked).
I have now been confused by one of the cop posts. They didn't show what environment they were using their javascript in. And using two different environments (repl.it and TIO) I managed to get two different cracks which don't work in the other environment...
Your task will be to take a balanced-string and a integer representing a Levenshtein distance (the number of characters that have to be inserted, deleted or changed to make one string into another) and you must find the number of balanced strings with that distance from the original string (i.e. ...
The Problem
You must write a program that, when the Konami Code is typed in during runtime, prints the string "+30 lives" and sounds a noise of your choice from the computer's speaker.
The "Konami Code" is defined as UUDDLRLRBA followed by pressing the enter key.
The Rules
You ma...
Given two natural numbers (integers from 0 to infinity), output a number that is not the sum of those numbers, but is a natural number.
Example solutions (TI-Basic):
Invalid solutions:
A+B-1 (for inputs 0,0, it returns -1, which cannot be a sum of natural numbers)
Suppose that there are 2*n people to be married, and suppose further that each person is attracted to exactly n other people under the constraints that:
Attraction is symmetric; i.e. if person A is attracted to person B, then person B is attracted to person A.
Attraction is antitran...
Tacit programming, also called point-free style, is a programming paradigm in which function definitions do not identify the arguments (or "points") on which they operate. Instead the definitions merely compose other functions, among which are combinators that manipulate the arguments. Tacit programming is of theoretical interest, because the strict use of composition results in programs that are well adapted for equational reasoning. It is also the natural style of certain programming languages, including APL and its derivatives, and concatenative languages such as Forth. Despite this base, the...
@Pavel Gist > anything else. One can comment, fork and clone a snippet, there are no ads, and GitHub has an exponentially safer infrastructure than any anonymous *bin service.