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Pretty good, I owned the W510 before I bricked it by trying to upgrade the GPU.
My grandpa has a W530 with 32GB RAM.
One of it's corners is bent from me dropping it down the stairs, but it works fine.
He just browses news websites. Wtf
(Insert chrome joke)
It's the best laptop that I've held
Oh yes.
and he got it for $400.
No one wanted to buy it because it did not include Windows.
He installed Ubuntu.
I got mine out of a Microsoft 'used electronics' bin.
how much
What the fuck
The previous owner threw it away
I picked it up
This laptop (E6410) cost me $55
WHy would you throw away a laptop?
At least use it as a server or something, set it up as a guest computer, hell you can take off the screen, put it under a TV, and use as HTPC
Most of the stuff in that bin is broken, but I pick out anything interesting in case I can get it to work. The laptop was just fine.
Maybe the drive got corrupted and the owner didn't want to fix it? I just wiped it.
I wish I had that kind of thing around where I live
wait, in what approximate area do you live
I live in Redmond, WA.
I live in Sammamish, WA.
What a coincidence.
Yeah, but I can actually get into the Microsoft buildings because my dad works there.
I have scavenged all the DDR2 RAM
Nice. I've been in there a few times for robotics competitions.
Wait, laptop DDR2 or desktop DDR2?
Just RAM in general, but it's mostly DDR2 because that's the kind no one wants.
Do you by any chance have any 4GB DDR3 laptop DIMMs
In my W510, yes
the one that broke?
You wouldn't believe the stuff people at MS throw out. I've seen entire old servers that no one wants.
Actually, that only happened once.
It was pretty interesting.
I kinda want to work at MS now, even though I really dislike their products
well, I mean, eventually.
There's also a math club that someone organizes, they let him use an meeting room once a week.
Just noticed that there is a Microsoft sub campus a few minutes away from my house.
MS being near your house is a constant of living in or near King County.
I could walk to MS HQ, MS Cloud Security offices, MS Office... offices all in a couple minutes.
One of the buildings near Cloud Security has a big menacing sign that says 'Physical Security'. I have not been in there ever.
Redmond really is entirely Microsoft though. You're never more than a few minutes away from a Microsoft building.
@wat one of my friends got a job at MS, starting in August.
I'm totally jealous
@DJMcMayhem Neat
Oooh, now you get to complain at them when their department messes up
@DJMcMayhem s/h//g
how does "im" make sense
Complain at im?
yeah makes 0 sense
So, what department is she working in?
I don't actually know. I know it's a manager position of some sort though
But it's in Redmond. I'll have to ask her more about it
MS is actually a really great company, even if they have had a few missteps recently.
I actually think they've been doing really well recently (although I haven't paid that much attention)
I like their move towards open source
Oh yeah, definitely. WSL is awesome.
Atom doesn't have proper Clojure support :(
TIL the FOSS version of Cilk++ now has Windows support.
MS needs to kill Edge.
With fire.
Like, some of the features are nice, and the interface looks good.
But it's just bad.
Does anyone here code in Clojure (even remotely) at all?
I wrote a program in cLisp once.
Hmmm should I use Vim?
For like Clojure, JS and other stuff
Emacs lisp
I have PyCharm for Python and IntelliJ for Java, I really don't want another IDE
Emacs for Lisp
@Pavel That's what I'm going to do
GNU Emacs?
If you're on Linux, you already have it.
I'm on Windows...
Apparently it's 50MB
Megabytes aren't that big of a deal.
My C IDE is 70 MB.
IntelliJ is 700MB...
Emacs is (kind of) a eLisp IDE. Makes sense.
They're good, but they're also huge
My C IDE is 8 GB lol
As someone with 1TB of disk space, I'm finding it very difficult to sympathize with you.
@DJMcMayhem I just have CodeBlocks, nothing fancy.
My (still installing) C/++ IDE and Compiler is 30ish GB.
Haha. Which is that?
VS15 + Intel XE
But I usually use Dev-Cpp (the other Code::Blocks basically), which ships with TDM-GCC (MinGW). That's just a few MB. Enough to start and finish smaller projects.
Actually now that I think about it, I have three C IDE's that I switch between depending on what I'm working on
For unix stuff on Windows I have cyg+clang+SciTE on 32bit Windows, and WSL+gcc+SciTE on 64bit.
I don't actually write C, I just have the IDE for when I get around to learning it.
I don't actually know C, I just write stuff in it.
I've written Hello World, wondered why it isn't compiling, and gave up.
Though that's probably because my C compiler installed wrong
I mostly use C++/visual studio, but when I do firmware I use C and whatever IDE is from the company the board is from
'cause I'm on a school netbook with really restrictive permissions.
And then vim for everything else
I will definitely use Visual Studio when I'm able.
Doesn't your school have a central build server?
Yes, it has Python and Java.
Which are coincidentally the two languages I actually know, which works out great.
@Pavel If it's just C/++ you need, I found CLion to be vastly more capable than VS. VS+Resharper C++ is OK I guess.
CLion is also CMake based, which is many of orders of magnitude more sane than MSBuild's XML mess.
@mınxomaτ what language do you develop in mostly?
Wait, does JetBrains have anything for C/++?
Yes, CLion.
Oh, there we go.
They also make R# for C++. Which basically emulates CLion in VS.
@mınxomaτ s/write stuff/improve other people's code/ and that describes me and C#.
CLion does not appear to be free.
30 day free trial
Oh CLion is worth every cent.
But yeah, not free.
It's $200 a year
How much is R# for C++?
@DJMcMayhem C with a pinch of C++, I guess, because work (add here Hack/PHP, and two proprietary languages). Privately mostly C# and C.
Oh wait, no, that's for enterprise. Personal use is 90 a year.
That's still a little to expensive for an IDE.
I don't consider 90 a year expensive at all.
A hah! Free student edition!
What I'm really confused with emacs
That's why you use vim
Not for Lisp
How do I use Cider?
@Mego Wait for bellard to implement an RISC-V emulator in PHP, port PHP and run PHPPHP again.
@mınxomaτ That's terrifying to think about
The question comes to mind: how many layers of PHP can you stack until the whole thing topples over? But then I realized the answer is 0 - PHP by itself is broken.
Reminds me of my port of KVM to PNaCl.
@mınxomaτ You're a madman
You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn't stop to think if you should.
Sadly Google destaffed the PNaCl team :(
Screw it, emacs is 3complicated5me
I mean PNaCl is basically a universal application sandbox that uses all the network security hardening in Chrome. A standalone version of that would be awesome.
This is great. I completed a course at my local college two summers ago, and they never killed my account, so now I'm getting CLion for free.
Maybe I can get on the PNaCl team in a few years (assuming I get hired this summer)
Now I'm imagining mego talking to himself in front of a whiteboard at the PNaCl "team" meeting.
I need help with Vim
It wouldn't be the first time I talked to myself while scribbling on a whiteboard
It wouldn't even be the first time today
You may have noticed that Vim is not less complicated than Emacs
@Mego Same.
I actually have a huge whiteboard in my flat.
I have a moderately-sized whiteboard hanging in my office. I need to replace it, though - it's pretty old, and starting to fall apart.
The many, many moves during college didn't do it any favors.
How do I access .vimrc?
@Mego How can a flat piece of metal fall apart?
@mınxomaτ 1) That's a sign of someone being sad about their cube farm job. 2) That URL is pretty interesting.
Huh, indeed.
@Qwerp-Derp You have to create it
?? what
@mınxomaτ It's a magnetic board that is whiteboard-metal-cork with plastic edges and corners. One of the plastic edges is broken, and the adhesive that once held the pieces together no longer does.
At least that's what I did. My .vimrc is located in /Users/xxxxxxx/ directory
OK the vimrc thing doesn't work :(
What do you mean it doesn't work? What did you put inside it?
Gasp it works!
Welcome to the vim club! :)
How do I change my font in Vim?
You don't.
@Qwerp-Derp I can help with Vim basics, but not anything Windows-specific.
@Qwerp-Derp on Windows, you should use Notepad++.
I'd post a picture, but it has a large and "colorful" note I wrote to myself to remind me to do important stuff that I'd rather not erase and re-write, which would lead to it getting flagged if I didn't erase it before taking the picture and posting it.
If you don't want a dedicated IDE, it is almost always the way to go.
But I can't do Clojure stuff in Notepad++
@KritixiLithos What OS are you using?
Mac OS X
What's the difficulty with Clojure and Notepad++?
Does anyone here use Notepad++?
I use Vim on Linux and Notepad++ on Windows.
But there's not a lot of stuff for Notepad++
Vim is more powerful, but Vim + Windows just feels... weird.
@Qwerp-Derp Stuff like...?
What's wrong with Clojure and Notepad++?
Oh man, I completely forgot how awesome TBB were.
Ah screw it, I'm using Nightcode
Nightcode is actually OK
I have like 1GB worth of IDE stuff
IntelliJ, PyCharm, Nightcode and Atom
I'm thinking of uninstalling Atom in favour of Sublime
Should I use Visual Studio Code?
Sublime is better than both Atom and VSC.
I'm liking VSC already TBH
atom is a fine text editor but it has really poor performance at times
I'm liking VSC more and more now :)
I've tried using Clojure before but the cost of reflection piles up and degrades performance in some cases. When you have to use defrecord and type hinting for all arguments, it starts looking less neat and more bloated
@miles I'm currently using CLJS and Reagent, it eats up my battery on Nightcode, I'm not sure if that's because of Nightcode or CLJS
But I like Clojure, it looks really nice
goddamnit killed by veteran first round
@DestructibleWatermelon Please don't start posting random stuff without context again.
grievance noted
Only 28 points and I'll have more rep on PPCG than SO :O
Q: Finding the xor of given pattern, better than O(n)

guestQueue To Do You're almost ready to make your move to destroy the LAMBCHOP doomsday device, but the security checkpoints that guard the underlying systems of the LAMBCHOP are going to be a problem. You were able to take one down without tripping any alarms, which is great! Except that as Commande...

1 hour later…
Aww, someone got irk.ir before I could :(
> This domain is sold, for more information please contact the number below telegrams
^ Google-translated text
Specifically, I was thinking of getting the e-mail address [email protected] for a certain prank on a friend
Oh no, minecraft.net has been Microsoft-ized
2 hours later…
Wow. 3 separate +500 exemplary answer bounties on the featured tab...
Q: How would I go on about this PCP bruteforce?

userlipSoo basically we got a little extra puzzle from our theoretical informatics professor in which we have to find the acceptable PCP for these values: (aba, a)(a, ab)(bab, abaa) I wanted to write a little programm that could calculate the PCP for me since the PCP is longer than 200! My first litt...

How many tests should I have for a ? Obviously as many as possible, but for my question I have to find each test case and it takes a while, so I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations.
for that challenge: you need quite a few
challenges which are likely to be solved using regex usually need a large set of test cases
currently I have 36 test cases but I am struggling to find more questions where mathematica has a bultin
As per your spec: You allow them to hit the page: but the problem is that "builtin" probably occurs on the page
which means that they could get a really high accuracy simply by searching for that text
It have tried that and it is not terribly accurate, a lot of questions will ban builtins which creates false positives or mention builtins in other languages. Additionally some of the questions do not have an answer which is just the builtin and thus do not mention builtins
It mostly creates a good deal of false positives
Still, they may be able to identify the mathematica answer, and detect the length of it
I'd personally simply pass them the challenge text + title
(allowing them to parse the Mathematica site is interesting and fine IMO)
Ok I'll think about it. Hopefully I can find enough testcases to make it interesting regardless.
Thanks for the advice
to me, that's the interesting part: trying to parse a question, and identify if mathematica can do it. However, I'm really not sure how well that will work. Like, I'm pretty sure it'll just come down to some weird regex that somebody generates that only matches the pages in question
hey all
I switched my Mac to Elementary OS
not dual boot, but a complete switchover
@NathanMerrill Do you think that it might be interesting to have the name and tags of the question instead of name and body?
@MamaFunRoll how is that going? :P
Why is Symbol.iterator a thing?
I know what it does.
Why not just name the method iterator, or _iterator
I mean for the iterator protocol they just use .next
So I don't understand why for iterables it can't just be .iterator
Because it's a symbol
I mean {iterator: function() { ... }} instead of using Symbol.iterator
Read full article
i explain design choice
I prefer it over ______thing_____ or .toWhatever() methods because of lack of ambiguity and weird errors if you happen to accidentally implement those methods
But then why don't do they use Symbol.next for the iterator protocol itself?
You mean doing myIterator[Symbol.next]();?
@WheatWizard that might be a better solution, yes
@Downgoat Yes. I fail to see how .iterator and .next are different in terms of usage, so why not make them consistent
@quartata iterator is called by the engine, the user should never be calling it, next however is called by user
If it's not meant to be called by the user shouldn't it have a scarier name? like $_̵̰̤͔̰̀̿̉ͫ̃ͅ_̮̗̱̘͔̀ͨ̏͑ͤ͞_̰̼̦͎̝͉̞ͨͮ̉̓ͣ̽i̢̹̺̜͓̝t͙̙̰͛͌͘ẹ̳̻̺͕̱̻̀ͦ̉ͯŗ̟̫̤̫̯̮͑̑aͤͨͬ‌​̬̦̗͎̮ͫ̍t̴͍̲̣̜̱͆̓̾̓ͪͅō̟̗̲͂̅͒r͈͙ͨͭ̐
What question is this?
@Downgoat I actually love it
there's issues with battery tho, even with tlp
but yeah things seem to be faster
I've made my first atom themes!
@MamaFunRoll is browser and like terminal good?
I am going to try and look at my MB setup files and see if my EFI or UEFI is 64bit. @Ramhound suggest it could be 32bit. I know many have had issues with this board loading Windows and that wold explain it. Any suggestions?
Its must be in some kind of machine code that does not open in notepad. The extension is .120
When I search the web it just somes up 'files extension unknown'
@MamaFunRoll -1 uses atom
@Downgoat what question is this?
at least what site
Hello, 19th byte
Anyone? Anybody know how to look at a firmware BIOS file? I am guessing that the .120 refers to firmware version 1.2 and may not have anything to do with file association in itself.
I dunno
Hello @DJMcMayhem
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ckjbgamesGolf Me a Bubble Sort Your task is to create a program that performs a bubble sort. For those who don't know, a bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm where two adjacent items are taken & swapped if they are in the wrong order until all values are in the correct order. Rules You must p...

"why was my answer downvoted?" "your answer says to parse arbitrary html with regex" "so? that's the best way to do that"
^ real comment discussion on meta.se (old post though)
@ckjbgames hi
@Riker I͓̹̪ ̳̈̾͐ͧ͗̿̃ͅa̖̹̥̙̥̓͗͊́ͤ̍g̥̻̑̇ͬ̂̋r̖͍̓̊e͇̖̫̼͒̎ͥ̂ͮ͛̒e͉͓̣ͤ͒̔ͪ̔͐̑.̦͈̙̜͕̣̒ ̇̑̒̽ͮT̫̝̼̲͙h͕̮͈̟̪̃͛͒̓â̂̍̈͛̌ͅṭ͎͙̤̳̃̆̅̇ͅͅ'̼͉̠̳̆͂s̞͖̘̹̯͖͇͆͌͆ ̬̼̭̰͚̝ͯ̐͊͊̌ͬ̚t͎͕̤̥̙̤͌͆͌̉ͧh̰̞̾̓e̗͊̿ ̭̬̘̦b̝̬̺̬̞̘͌͐̃͌̒̎̑ȅ̯͊ͮ͗s̙̗̖͎͓̝̏͒͂͊̾̚t̹̲͉̃̅̎ ͍̲̣̤̒wa̩ͤ̑y̬̅̍ͦ̆ͤͯ.̘̦͈͈̭̜̔ͅ
No, you, stop impersonating me
Who was with me on the MC server, again?
How many zalgo/zaglos are there?
@LegionMammal978 Me
@LegionMammal978 "not I", said the real zalgo
@KritixiLithos 2 iirc
well, 1 if you don't count the fake ones
I agree with the false Zalgo, there is 2
you can't count the false zalgo
So you can't count yourself
Please no socks. It's not funny, only annoying
@LegionMammal978 Cool
All cooking stone for stone bricks
Probably because aesthetics
Q: Golf Me A Bubble Sort

ckjbgamesYour task is to create a program that performs a bubble sort. For those who don't know, a bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm where two adjacent items are taken & swapped if they are in the wrong order until all values are in the correct order. Rules You must provide a sufficient exp...

@NewMainPosts next time more than 10 minutes in the sandbox maybe? >_>
@DJMcMayhem I took mine off :) also, check your notifications
Haha yeah I saw that
Poof, You're a hexagon!
> Granny, make me a pie.
> Poof, you're a pie!
@Downgoat Why would iterator never be called by the user? In Java and C++ at least I call it often
or rather the equivalents of iterator
I hardly ever call iterator() in java
@HelkaHomba You should really disable offline mode until you set up an auth plugin
@aditsu I personally find a while loop to be cleaner than a foreach loop with a break
with iterators you have an extra check for hasNext
I don't even know how you'd write a while with 2 conditions on 2 different things
while (itr.hasNext() && cond) {
Beats for (Object x : arr) { if (cond) break; in my book
but the condition may depend on itr.next().. do you just stuff it in there?
@quartata its like how you don't call ___add__in python,instead you use +
I think better example is hash but OK
anyway, I like breaks :)
Q: Implement a Stopwatch

zeppelinImplement a simple digital Stopwatch, which will display the time elapsed in seconds and minutes, as described below. Display Time elapsed, should be displayed in the MM:SS format, by replacing the previously displayed time string "in-place" (clearing a whole or a part of the screen is also al...

1. I actually do use __add__ to pass to higher order functions 2. So how fo you get a handle to the iterator instead?
> By the end of 2017, and with the release of Firefox 57, we’ll move to WebExtensions exclusively, and will stop loading any other extension types on desktop.
@Downgoat yeah. Things are way more customizable - but then again, it's linux :P
@TuxCopter Sorry, had to leave for an hour
@HelkaHomba wut
@LegionMammal978 What?
@HelkaHomba When you logged in, you quickly logged back out and in again
@LegionMammal978 Yes. I was changing a setting.
Don't you guys have a room for Minecraft chatter?
hint hint
Legion probably didn't know about it. That room is only a day old.
Can anyone who doesn't mind giving Google lots of stuff please click on this shortened link? I'd like to see what happens.
Oh... It's not a rick-roll, unless there's a way to change link locations on that thing.
@TuxCopter You live in France.
You'd be interested to know that somebody just found that link from Google.com
@MamaFunRoll ooooooh pretty...

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