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@ais523 An aspect you're forgetting is that gold users in that tag can dupe-hammer a post. Which happens quite a bit. If we left off the tag from any code golf questions, we would miss out on a significant bit of moderation power.
@ais523 I see your definition of "weird victory condition" is "anything other than code golf". That's a committed golfer :)
Time to create a [tag: ] for everything else.
@AdmBorkBork I really hate dupe hammering, especially when a non-dupe is dupe hammered and them somehow interpreted as a dupe
It also allows for a section on the site (the tag wiki) to consolidate rules.
Is that why pop-con is depreciated?
I'm not sure I see that as a benefit, necessarily; is by far the easiest tag badge to earn here (the gold tag badge is being recommended by SE's algorithm for my fourth tag badge!), and it seems to be going against the intent of dupehammering
@ATaco Because popularity is not objective.
@mbomb007 vote count is objective
the main debate is about voting criteria
Vote count can change over time though.
i.e. should they be included, or not?
@mbomb007 so can byte count, if the answer is edited
@mbomb007 Vote count at a specific date?
The answers can stay exactly the same though, and the winner could change the next day.
and the winner can change if a shorter answer is posted
Yeah, but that's a new competitor
I don't see anything wrong with having a "fluid" "this answer is in first place" indication
This is why I don't accept answers on my challenges
I don't accept answers either, mostly because I think it breaks the voting system even worse than it is at the moment
@ais523 If the set of answers stays the same, there should be an objective winner, regardless of what the users think.
@ais523 Well, your usage pattern is an exception. There are only 40 gold code-golf users, out of >16,000 registered users on the site.
I'm planning to use a bounty to mark the eventual winner of my polyglot challenge (unless I win it myself, obviously), because the accepted answer tick breaks the sort order
Maybe there will never be a winner.
It'll go on forever.
I'd hope it'd go on for a very long time
so it has to end eventually
but there can only be finitely many languages which predate the challenge
@ais523 BTW, I really like that challenge but I feel like the winning criteria is a little weird
(also at least one language was created as a consequence of the challenge)
I'm still strongly in favour of having no accept functionality at all. I find it particularly annoying to not be able to sort by oldest or active, as they are both very useful.
@ais523 Oh, I thought we were talking about the polyglot challenge that can reuse the same languages.
@DJMcMayhem well it seems to be working; the quality of explanations and amount of cooperation between users is enormous
In which case someone could create a program that takes the previous answer as input and outputs a valid answer in their language to follow.
I'm hyped for this time capsule polyglot challenge
CMC: output the alphabet 5 times
@ais523 Try not being so good at repcapping and earning bounties. It makes the gold tag badges take a lot longer :P
@wat We don't do CMCs anymore.
@mbomb007 That's not true
@mbomb007 D:
since when?
There was a discussion about what's allowed in chat.
@mbomb007 We don't??
I'm pretty sure people called it noise
I don't think anyone ever said CMCs shouldn't be allowed
It was one of the things up for discussion, but nobody stated the opinion that they are noise
@wat abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzab‌​cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
@wat ØAẋ5: Try it online!
@mbomb007 Well, the abuse of "CMC" as a cheap meme sure is. But not actual CMCs.
pretty sure we just don't do ._., gaotspek, ^, wat, and other things
@wat V, 5 bytes: Try it online!
Q: Let's talk about chat again

El'endia StarmanAround March of last year, chat users started becoming really annoyed by the level of noise in chat and became motivated enough to speak out about it, which lead to The state of chat being posted. Several months later, We need to talk about chat was posted to address the worst of the noise and th...

If I was smart it would be 4
@DJMcMayhem looks like I beat you by a byte :-P
Yeah, it was listed as a potential noise source
I guess it wasn't decided on though
@mbomb007 Every answer and comment that addressed it was on the side of CMCs not being noise
@ais523 Now that I think about it, I should change the way the range operator works. It could easily be 5¬az
It's noise when someone says something like "CMC: get my laundry. lul"
1 min ago, by mınxomaτ
@mbomb007 Well, the abuse of "CMC" as a cheap meme sure is. But not actual CMCs.
@wat Actually, 3 bytes: ú5*
RProgN, 4 bytes Try it online!
@Mego that's actually 3 bytes
I can do it in 3 in Brachylog too: Ạj₅: Try it online!
V, 105 bytes Try it online!
If you want newlines, it's still 3 bytes: 5ún
@wat PowerShell, 18 bytes, [char[]](65..90)*5 newline separated characters
Well, I think it's noise, because suddenly chat is inundated with code, and it breaks up whatever conversations were happening before. Just post a question instead of posting it in chat. It's probably a duplicate anyway.
If it weren't for RProgN needing ~ it would be the be three bytes..
@wat uhmmm... I'm pretty sure that's 5 bytes
I'd argue we're talking about code-golf, which is ontopic here
@Mego I normally don't even try to repcap nowadays, it'd bring the quality of the site down (this is because upvotes are often negatively correlated with post quality)
Also I wrote that
Jan 19 at 18:20, by Rainbolt
I can't think of anything that is more on topic than doing code golf in a chat room dedicated to a site about programming puzzles
@ATaco "Talking about" and "doing in chat" aren't the same thing.
@ais523 I'd imagine most people who rep cap don't actively try - Martin, Dennis, and you are just that good :P
TIO links are weird
although if I'm at +180 or so I'll often look for another couple of upvotes
I still hold my view, it's on topic
If anything, CMCs should have a dedicated room. It certainly clutters TNB
V, 28 bytes Try it online!
I'm already in like a billion rooms. :/
@mbomb007 You make a good point. I think I'd agree more if the code being posted was more than one line long, but I can see how it would still be annoying if an interesting conversation was already going on
I guess if a golf puzzle can be answered in chat, it's probably not hard enough to be interesting
xnor proposed a separate room specifically for site-related chat. If we end up going with that proposal, it needs to be named The Caddyshack
@wat I'm pretty sure that's 28. :P
@Mego Needs a code-related name, though
hmm, now I'm having an idea for a challenge for the site
@wat test
a byte counter
@ais523 Pretty sure such a challenge already exists
@ais523 bash+coreutils 5 bytes wc -c
the hard part is that you have to figure out which encoding would save the most bytes, including the weird golfing language encodings, which means storing them in a compressed way
(like, the input would be in Unicode, not as octets)
@ais523 So this
RProgN, one byte. L. It'll only accept a byte stream as input
RprogN actually can't handle Unicode.
well, not natively
@Mego that site appears to be noninteractive in my browser, it won't accept keyboard input or mouse clicks anywhere, not even right-clicks
@mbomb007 that's just for UTF-8
@ais523 No it's not. Read it.
I was thinking about a challenge about compressing, say, Jelly's and Brachylog's encoding tables
@ais523 It's JS, so if you're running NoScript, it won't work
Output: Two integers, one representing UTF-8 character count and one representing byte count
@mbomb007 "Output: Two integers, one representing UTF-8 character count and one representing byte count, you may choose which order."
It's not just UTF-8. It takes any string as input, and prints byte count for both ASCII and UTF-8.
that can't figure out for itself that Ạj₅ is three bytes but Ạj± is substantially more
and you'd need an encoding table to do that
Not if you feed it the actual bytestream
instead of the utf-8 representation
I guess that this would be explained better as a universal encoder, then
given any input, find an encoding that suits it and output the byte stream + byte count
because at least it puts the focus in the right place
Adding the byte stream to my byte counter would be pretty easy
@AdmBorkBork I already linked to it above
So, which encoding fits the input in the fewest bytes?
@wat If additional output is allowed, I can do it in 4: tio.run/nexus/v#@296eOOhNYn//wMA
i like it
@mbomb007 Yes, so you did. Ahem.
Oh, also, this one that did bytes/character in UTF-8
come to think of it, if I don't ban built-in encoding conversion libraries, it's likely that a non-golfing languag will win it
I guess there's room for two challenges here, one which accesses an OS encoding library, one which stores a specific number of encodings inside the source
Which non-golf Lang has Jelly's table
I saw something called jellybrain or something like that, I don't remember
@mbomb007 The Code-y Shack
Q: We're not a Q&A site. But what should be done about it?

Martin EnderIt has come up several times recently (more than usual) that PPCG differs from most of the other Stack Exchange sites in that it's not a Q&A site. People don't come here to ask a question because they have a problem, people come here to solve recreational challenges. The most valuable contributio...

@ChristopherPeart You remember how yesterday I said I don't recommend learning V because it isn't very user friendly? I finally got around to fixing that, and now you can use it without nasty unprintable characters. It's still a weird language that's kind hard to learn, but it's easier to use now if you're still interested in learning it
Feel free to ping me in here or the vim room if you have any questions
@DJMcMayhem thanks! That is awesome! I will get on that
@ais523 That doesn't stop people posting golfs at that level of difficulty to main...
@PeterTaylor I know; I downvote them when I notice them (although it'll nearly always get lost in the flood of upvotes those challenges get, especially when they hit HNQ)
Byte Counter now includes a hex dump along with each encoding.
It looks terrible but that's ok because brython is about to stop working anyway, which will break the project entirely
@ais523 Me too. There's a reason I've made more downvotes than anyone else on PPCG.
it's rare for me to downvote answers, unless it's to post a VLQ flag
especially now that I've been told not to downvote answers merely because they're being incorrectly upvoted
but downvoting questions is much more useful
@ais523 There's a difference between voting one way on an answer solely because others are voting the other way, and downvoting an answer because it deserves it.
@Mego I can follow that if it's the rule, although it's a different solution to that used by most voting-based communities (which is basically that the voters moderate each other, and if you see an incorrect vote, you cancel it out)
on Slashdot you have to give reasons for voting, and "this post has been excessively upvoted/downvoted" are two of the standard reasons
Evidence that they're working on our site design:
There are no guarantees, but if you post a new feature request similar to what was done here, we will look into it. — bluefeet ♦ yesterday
@ais523 That's not how SE works. If you think an answer is good, upvote it. If you think it's bad, downvote it. There's no requirement to explain your votes (actually, it's kind of discouraged in some cases, since downvote explanations often get flamed in return).
if you don't explain a downvote, how does the author know to fix the problem / not do it again in future?
(also, I'm generally of the opinion that SE doesn't work; I'll follow its rules if asked to, but I don't think most of them make any sense)
@ais523 If it's something that can be fixed, point it out in the comments, but mentioning that you downvoted because of the problem is at best redundant and at worst inviting rude reactions.
Although it's nice when people seek to improve their downvoted posts, up and downvoting are a service to the reader, not to the writer
if people improve their downvoted posts, that helps everyone who reads the post
(this is true whether or not the post is downvoted, in fact)
Yes I definitely agree that commenting is also a service to the reader indirectly
I often use comments as a substitute for Wikipedia's Talk: pages
i.e. elaborating about the post itself (as opposed to about the topic that the post is discussing)
SE's rules apparently say that all comments are intended to be temporary, but we don't often treat them like that
@ais523 What that means is, don't make a comment expecting that it'll stick around forever. It's much easier to delete a comment than a question or answer, and once it's gone, it can't come back (unless you repeat the comment).
@ais523 True, but there's (currently) no mechanism for allowing downvoters to know when a post has been improved (unless the downvoters stalk the post).
I think you have a list of posts you've downvoted, so you can review them every now and then
although few people do
http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/102618/shortest-konami-code?noredirect=1 http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/10910/reopen-my-question-that-has-several-correct-answers <== My first questions :P
So reason I linked this @Dennis That was my first 2 posts on the site. If you notice I was closed 2 times and had to meta post. This SE really needs to work on the whole new user friendly aspect.
Now I have come along way (not far enough) but am working on being better
Also Jelly is a huge pain to learn
I can never find the right dyad or monad or Nilads even using the github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Atoms
@ChristopherPeart writing challenges is really hard. I agree it's not easy for new users to write a good challenge, but that's because writing challenges is always hard.
@Mego Wait, what?
Yeah DJ it really is. Ok this is cool: scifi.stackexchange.com/users/70441/christopher-peart look at my rep graph O_O and one other thing. meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/… any advice? (not about the comment I recived)
@quartata Chrome is removing the ability to specify text/python as a script language type (it won't allow anything it deems "invalid"), which will break brython.
Are you serious right now?
Load up ByteCounter and hit F12
The warning message is in the console
Hah, it already hasn't worked on Edge in weeks.
I'm assuming that's because nothing works on Edge
I'll manually translate my brython projects to JS at some point
In Build 15002 Edge caused an unrepairable greenscreen for me (the bluescreen is now green). The ongoing joke is that Edge was MS's fastest way yet to download an actual browser. Now it doesn't even have that going for it. Waiting for the next build...
I like edge :P
I can't even comprehend how a browser could cause a kernel panic.
This is syntactically correct Python: a[:,::2,[],:[]:""]
@quartata Hardware acceleration is a double-edged (heh, get it) sword.
hue hue
But still, seriously?
>>> class A:
...     def __get__(self, *a): print(a)
>>> a = A()
>>> a[:,::2,[],:[]:""]
((slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, 2), [], slice(None, [], '')),)
@orlp a.__get__(slice(None,None),slice(None,None,2),list(),slice(None,list()),str())
I like how little Lua cares about whitespace.
Close enough :P
@Mego not quite, but close :)
orlp why..... That is like saying this is valid js: for( ; ;) ; it is but it has no reason
function a(s)print(s)return a end
Don't slice's arguments default to None?
@quartata The fun part is that Edge doesn't even have a central executable. It's registered as a protocol handler in Windows. It's deeply integrated into the Windows "App" creeposystem.
@mınxomaτ awesome!
@ChristopherPeart if you ask the question "why" you're on the wrong site
Apparently it requires 1, so slice(None) == slice(None, None) == slice(None, None, None)
@mınxomaτ Oh ewwww
@Mego I guess they do
No wonder
:P it is golf I guess. But it causes pain
@Mego interestingly though, slice(1) == slice(None, 1, None)
 Soon you will post code like this:
@mınxomaτ any idea how to make it not my default browser for http links in other apps?
@orlp Yep, it's implemented like range
@muddyfish The setting in in the new control panel.
@mınxomaτ The one nice thing I've discovered about the Win10 App system is that I can do Xbox Live party chat from my computer
@ChristopherPeart some people don't like it when parenthesis go unbalanced (can make some people really anxious :)
@mınxomaτ It says firefox there but still opens with edge
Orlp do you want to cause me pain
@Mego I tried to uninstall the XBox things from PowerShell. It errors with "this app is an integral part of Windows"
@mınxomaτ and people actually like this OS
I did post an XKCD for it but Mego beat me to it :(
brain hurts
@muddyfish That's weird. Try opening edge to reset the setting and set it to FF again.
Mego you beat me to it :P
XKCD for everything
I don't know what it says about me that I have that one's number memorized
@quartata I don't. But I need at least one machine to run my DAW. Reaper works on linux, but it's just a bit too primitive.
@mınxomaτ I disabled it in group policy and now can't open it any more. I feel kind of stupid for doing that now as I can't find that option any more
@muddyfish Well, either find the gpedit setting or do a system reset.
I thought disabling an app would stop it from being opened but nooo, windows likes to open an edge window and then close it after it initialises
The FF targeted ads that come with Edge might mess things up further :)
@mınxomaτ sorry, why would microsoft add adverts for a different browser in their own one?
@muddyfish No, I mean ads against FF.
@ChristopherPeart Now the brackets will be in history forever. You did that
@mınxomaτ Huh. I've never seen that before
@mınxomaτ is that a hoverover?
No, a popup.
They abuse the "tips" system for this.
@mınxomaτ any way to trigger it?
the revolution is nigh!
It might not be a thing in all regions.
It appeared randomly for me.
@mınxomaτ heh
They also target Chrome, but in a different way: bgr.com/2017/01/20/microsoft-popups-chrome-users-extension-ad
"We detect you're downloading Firefox using Chrome. Edge has been engineered to perfection for downloading Firefox. Please consider using Edge to download a browser."
@orlp I have that exact same robotic arm. It's utter crap.
Doesn't even have an SDK, you need to automate a flash app.
@mınxomaτ it's good enough to outsmart the smartest engineers at google
@orlp Not if the captcha challenges you.
@mınxomaτ I've only gotten that whilst browsing with tor
I guess they are using the classification questions as a test data set for their ML research.
Fine with me.
@mınxomaτ you don't know that
I might be a robot and know robot secrets.
Sep 17 '15 at 19:45, by Geobits
Probably. I'm not sure we've proven he's still alive.
@mınxomaτ congratulations on your rotatable rep
My rep curve amuses me.
I honestly don't get why MS cares about what browser people are using. Is it a "motivate people to buy Windows Phones for better integration with Edge" sort of deal?
There's a sequence for that, A000292
@quartata I don't get why this XBox crapp, ads and telemetry would be part of the Enterprise version of Windows.
I'm tempted to switch from Enterprise to Server.
I'm not having any issues with Windows 10.
It's almost amusing to watch MS try to win power users back
Q: Code golf a well

180FiveYour program will have to exactly do this: Set input %1 (first) as a one-letter variable (in this case, x). Set input %2 (second) as a one-letter variable (in this case, y). The program will assume y is the number 24108330. First input will equal the amount of characters to extract in each ca...

@ATaco I know - it's the tetrahedral numbers, I did say so in the question. However it's not just n => tetrahedral(n)
Power Users are probably still using Tiny7
The question works differently, it's kind of that in reverse
Take a look at the test cases
@quartata The truth is that MS can do whatever they want, now that first-party support from Intel is gone for older OS.
Oh, so it's n => tetrahedral⁻¹(n)
although tetrahedral-1 is pretty hard
I think recursive solutions would score best
that keep generating the next one until it's larger or equal to the input
tetra = x => (x/6) * (x+1) * (x+2)

function whichDay(presents) {
  let i = 1;
  while (tetra(i) < presents) {
  return i;
that's a working javascript solution (iterative, although I have a golfed recursive one too)
you wanna play a game? @muddyfish
(cc @flawr): imgur.com/a/hoZ2v
Original -> automatic mask -> repaired.
Runtime: 0.59s.
Study that style guide and feel the pain. That is how I felt with your post...
I don't see anything wrong with that?
It's a little blurry on my tablet but
@Riker XD. I really need to start reading nerfnow
some is slightly nsfw tho beware
and a lot of the early stuff is dota, WoW, and hearthstone
Why would you link to it?
That doesn't bother me, but it seems kinda dumb :P
to show so nobody complains later
If you like that, you'd probably also like Penny arcade and ctrl-alt-delete
hm havne'et tried ctrl-alt-delete
@ChristopherPeart I don't know C so that looks perfectly fine to me :P
@DJMcMayhem > comparing whatever this thing is to PA
This appears to be 10% game humor and 90% fanservice
Maybe I'm not the intended audience
I'm starting to notice a trend here. Quartata has very strong opinions.
Hey, it was drawn from a sample of 20 strips. Maybe it was just a bad run.
But I mean, check the latest strips for yourself.
I count two Binding of Isaacs, one Nintendo Switch, and the rest is pretty much just fanservice. Unless there's a story I'm not aware of here.
Oh, one Hearthstone strip I missed. That's 4/22
chrome 56 finally brought position: sticky; back. yay!
@quartata I don't mean just this. I mean everything. I don't know if I can think of a single topic you don't have strong opinions on.
@quartata the C code is very inconstant at style
@muddyfish No offence but do you have feelings? Or OCD?
@DJMcMayhem Hmm...
I don't really care about what line you put curly braces on?
But see that's an opinion too.
of sorts
It is worse later on, Really bad use a () later on. It is just a mess. And to contribute you have to follow their funky style guide. It is just a pain to help with. And it is painful
I guess the only real way not to have an opinion on something is not to be aware of it. I must empty my mind completely
PMs don't exist anyways
Program fails randomly between runs. Oh, the joys of C.
@mınxomaτ ooh I smell UB
Debugging C is no fun but finding out what the crazy bug was after is kinda fun
@mınxomaτ Cool. I bet I can reverse that even quicker. XD
But honestly that is amazing!
@quartata I use bit locking to shadow the image data over an array of RGB values to prevent memcpy operations. I think Windows gets angry if you don't free the lock in time.
@DJMcMayhem Eww CAD
Please don't spread that stuff here
Just fixed one file on git
The style was horrible
@Fatalize I think they want you here: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/108296/…
@Qwerp-Derp What are you referring to?
@quartata DJ mentioned Ctrl+Alt+Del (CAD) as a webcomic, to which I replied "eww": chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/35034441#35034441
Well, CAD has a more common meaning than that.
@mınxomaτ Check the permalink yo
Yes, but you didn't post a permalink. You just said "Eww CAD"
@mınxomaτ The permalink's in my reply to quartata
I know.
@mınxomaτ OK... I'm confused at your motives :(
@Qwerp-Derp The point is that you didn't use the reply function, which is why you had to clarify that you meant the comic, instead of the more common meaning.
Oh yeah true
I should use reply functions more often, but it's easier to just type the ping down
Should there be a catalogue of "Tips" pages?
Maybe we can put it in the FAQ or something
A search for should be good enough?
That was quite the typo.
You didn't see anything.

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