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this is completely off topic, but does anyone know: do colleges care if you have an A+ or an A? Also, does freshmen year of HS really matter at all as long as you aren't failing anything?
Yes, and yes.
@AshwinGupta No and no
well then. I now have 2 conflicting answers.
Write a good personal essay
Kinda and kinda (or I just can't remember)
Colleges care more about what you do outside of coursework in high school - they want to see you being interested in something and applying yourself because you want to, not because you have to.
But they also care about your GPA.
@Mego I do robotics
@Pavel right. I have a 4.0, but A+ is worth more then that right?
They care about your GPA just enough to make sure that you're not a complete failure
No, it's not.
honestly my school syllabus explained nothing about GPA.
Many places don't actually have an A+
If you pass your classes, you will be fine for getting into decent colleges
but this site: gpacalculator.net/high-school-gpa-calculator factors A+ as higher grade
To get into good colleges, you have to do a bit more
It depends.
The 'A+' is higher thing, not the bit more thing.
Don't try to use online calculators for GPA - every school does their GPA calculations differently, which is why colleges don't care about it very much
They do care about standardized tests.
Got to love them tests.
this is all good advice, see I didn't know this. I was getting super stressed out because I lost an A+ in one of my classes and I have a 96.8 now.
But like it probably doesn't matter. But idk.
@Pavel Not really. Most colleges are very verbal in their opinions that standardized tests are bullshit
@Pavel I've done pretty well on these.
I got an ATAR of <30.
I was an A/B student in high school, and got into a good college easily.
Out of 98.
I could have done better.
Where did you get into?
ATAR is Highschool Level.
Stephen F. Austin State University
I'm in CA, USA, so we take SAT, ASAT and the CASPP test.
Idk how that all works, but I don't take those till like my Junior year.
I have not heard of the CASPP or ASAT
I took the SAT
I only know SAT and ACT, of which you need to take one but not both
There's other state-level tests, but they don't really matter.
Some really prestigious universities (read: Ivy Leagues) want you to take both, but most places are fine with just one of them
@Pavel sorry ACT is what I meant, not ASAT
CASPP is like california standardized testing.
California assesment something something something.
Oh yeah, it might be different in California, but generally state-level tests don't matter much.
CASPP is probably California's version of what Texas calls the STAAR tests
@Mego well I doubt ill get into an ivy league.
@Mego exactly. We used to have staar up till about 3 years ago. They switched to CASPP because its common core standard that like 40 states have now.
Yep, from the looks of it, CAASSP is just state-level standardized tests, which are worthless
yeah I figured.
I want to get into the University of Washington.
anyway thanks eveyrone, I got worried about that grade drop, but if it doesn't matter then I'm fine
@Pavel what year of HS are you in?
hey same
I'm 9th
Finals next week?
I don't know what university I want to be in
You do finals in January?
I need to get a 98 percent on my Bio final to bring my grade back up to A+. I seriosuly doubt I can do that.
I got 100 on my bio final last year
I aced all the tests and did shit on the homework
Net result: 97
@Pavel ugh. How??? There is so much stuff to memorize...
Get off your Chrissy break nice and refreshed and them BAM, FINALS!
well yup pretty much ^^^
AP bio or regular bio?
@Pavel neither. Honors Bio, my school doesn't let you take AP Bio till Junior year
are you in AP?
My school didn't have honors bio, and bio was the prerequisite for AP
So my class was probably easier than yours
I'm never going to take AP bio, would rather take other, more interesting classes.
oh, thats too bad. Honors bio is not hard, just requires memorizing a lot.
I'm in physics this year, I'll take chemistry over the summer and AP chemistry next year, AP physics senior year.
I doubt I'll end up taking AP bio either, as a JR I can choose up to 2 science classes and I'm taking AP physics and AP chemistry
I can't call myself a respectable engineer or programmer until I've taken physics.
I want to be a computer scientist.
I might want to be a computer scientist ^^
there are other types of engineering I like also though
Yeah, but on the other hand, Calculus.
like I've gotten pretty good with Robotics, and i do kinda like that. I also find circuits pretty interesting.
@Pavel what about it? I take pre-calc next year then calculus in junior year.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

H WaltersThe Eratosthenes Shuffle Challenge Write a function or program that accepts a line of input, performs a very specific and oddly familiar shuffle on its characters, and writes the result as output. The required shuffling can be described using the following algorithm: Label each character in ...

Incredibly boring.
I kinda want to be a game designer or computer scientist when I grow up - anything that has programming as a large part of the job.
@Pavel !!! you must be joking. Calculus is pretty neat IMO. You can do all kinda crazy shit and it makes your algebra better. Like for example:
Oh, it's definitely neat to know the material.
The class is still boring af
In mathematics, specifically in integral calculus, the rectangle method (also called the midpoint or mid-ordinate rule) computes an approximation to a definite integral, made by finding the area of a collection of rectangles whose heights are determined by the values of the function. Specifically, the interval ( a , b ) {\displaystyle (a,b)} over which the function is to be integrated is divided into N {\displaystyle N} equal subintervals of length h ...
I was using this to solve a robotics problem today
but what I really wanted
In numerical analysis, Simpson's rule is a method for numerical integration, the numerical approximation of definite integrals. Specifically, it is the following approximation: ∫ a b f ( x ) d x ≈ b − a 6 [ f ( a ...
@Qwerp-Derp yeah game design is awesome.
But that might seem really ambitious - apparently there's a lot of competition
Actually game dev, not designer
Devs actually program, designers design stuff
yeah I was going to say, you're learning the wrong thing for game design ;)
@Qwerp-Derp exactly.
Yup, I realised too late
ok bye guys
@AshwinGupta But your reply...
i gtg!
I want to be a computer scientist
Not a developer at some company, a professor.
@AshwinGupta bai
I just realized I said 'gtg' as a way of saying 'bye'
I'm still trying to get into RMIT to study computer science.
but uh, an ATAR of 30 doesn't help that
Can you retake the ATAR?
Yes, but I need to also take year 12 to do so
my intentions are to get in as a mature age student, which doesn't need ATAR
my intentions are to get in as a mature age student, which doesn't need ATAR
On your phone?
Yes, yes I am
on a train
Hmm...We don't actually have passenger trains around here.
In fact, the only place I've ever been on a train is visiting my grandparents in Russia
I've never taken a train to Russia before
@MitchSchwartz Looks like i projected too much of my own opinion into your words. Sorry about that.
No, I flew there, but there are trains within Russia
The traffic is atrocious in Moscow
Q: How to insert all the values from Listbox to datagridview

bryani was trying to save all the values/text(not the selected one but all of the values on it) in the listbox to datagridview like this: here's my code for saving to datagridview Data.con.Open(); string SaveStr = "Insert into tblOrder (CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerAdd, Date, Order...

@NewMainPosts VTC
@ATaco There is a meta-post where you can pose bounties with no deadline, may be useful if no one can create a threead quine in 7 days...
Someone already did
Within minutes, actually.
@xnor no problemo
There are now multiple Quine solutions for threead
im proud
but none actually use different threeads... We need to fix that
You can try
I don't have time today, maybe over the weekend
I posted one that did
Not separately, but I did
Ah, nice
Q: Wrong answers quickly deleted

Super ChafouinWhy was this answer deleted so quickly? The answer is apparently wrong, but why don't we give the poster enough time to acknowledge the comments and maybe fix his answer?

Speaking of deleted answers, is this one suitable for undeletion?
Who's solution? It's not scrolling to it for some reason.
@MistahFiggins I dunno. I'm not familiar enough with the challenge and the language to know if it is valid. If you believe it is, raise a custom mod flag.
@Pavel Mine. It's deleted, so you might not be able to see it
Oh, I didn't see the un part of undeletion
@Mego The problem with it is that it doesn't work if there are trailing spaces on the lines. AFAIK its impossible to detect in the language, so i'm not sure...
will flag later
my school filters:
URL that is being blocked: www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/naughty
Reason this is blocked: Keyword: "naughty"
from wikipedia (hazing)
> 1925: The tradition of "tubbing" came under fire following the death of Reginald Stringfellow at the University of Utah. Tubbing was a hazing ritual that involved pushing the victim's head under water until they can no longer hold their breath and gasp for air under the water. His death through class hazing – hazing of freshmen by upperclassmen – led to the practice being banned at the University of Utah and brought greater recognition to the dangers of the practice.
How could you even do that to a person?
you know, the rest of the things there are pretty horrifying too
Q: Find equal pairs

Lin Ma Problem Given an array A of unique integers, find the index of values that satisfy A + B =C + D, where A,B,C & D are integers values in the array. Find all combinations of quadruples. I posted two versions of solutions and am wondering if there are any further smart ideas to make it...

@NewMainPosts oops
Downloading this weeks log file >.>
@El'endiaStarman I loved that explanation too!
It turns out that tethering at 25MB/s through an android phone is a quick way to crash that phone.
You know what's annoying?
When you download RAT software, and since you're on a school computer, you can't delete it when it gets quarantined e.e
This is maybe the worst C++ formatting I've ever seen someone actually use.
@TuxCopter But that is purposefully weird. I have no doubt that the person in my link uses this in production.
how should I format the input to my bots in my koth challenge?
specifically the looking feedback
currently I just stringify some stuff, but that's probably sub optimal
@mınxomaτ the example code was a function makekitten, and the project name was cling, so I, for some reason, imagined the actual project for a second as some desktop toy that involved kittens... On a related note, guess what project I'll be working on after I finish my koth
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I don't know why, but I thought it would be a rickroll, but then still watched to the end
Q: Sushi Man, make me some sushi

MarioIt's lunch time, I am hungry and I came to your Sushi Bar. You are the Sushi Man and you have to produce a full program or function to make me some sushi! Credits: Wikipedia Disclaimer: The image is for illustration purposes only and do not necessarily represent the exact product. Although y...

1 hour later…
@DestructibleWatermelon Never Gonna Give, You, Up? your imagination is so good.
My CPU just thermal throttled to .4 GHz/core. WTAF.
i don't think i will ever fit in in this community; i would have to be untrue to myself to do so
but that's ok
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NeilDivide an array into two halves. Input: An array of floating-point values, or whatever is a reasonably large numeric type on your system. Output: Two arrays. The original array should be the concatenation of the output arrays. The sums of the elements in the two arrays should be as equal as pos...

@MitchSchwartz OK...
@MitchSchwartz Well, there continue to be people who are glad to have you here, including me :D
Besides which, there are lots of people I know who could use some self-awareness and awareness of when they don't fit in, again including me :P
@Sherlock9 thank you
Stop thinking so much and chat! You're welcome to PPCG.
i am attracted to the content of the site, and not attracted by the authoritarianism of it
@MitchSchwartz Authoritarianism?
I'm not sure what you mean
people care a LOT about rules
rules that don't really affect golfing imo
Yis I ninja'd someone my life is complete
it makes it easier to tell if what you're writing is valid
@MitchSchwartz e.g.?
@MitchSchwartz such as?
ninja'd again
anything to do with voting or reputation -- it's all pretty peripheral to the activity at hand
most of the rules are there so that you know the golf you're currently writing is valid and that your score is good
but somehow is a motivating factor for some people
@MitchSchwartz You're referring to the bounty thing right?
@MitchSchwartz we don't have any rules on reputation
Q: Check if computer is connected to the internet

RestiosonWrite a program which, returns or prints "true" or "false", as either a string, int (1 = true), or bool, according to whether the script has access to the internet. It must be a standalone program or a function. You may use libraries outside of the standard library to achieve this. Standard looph...

not just the bounty thing
it permeates
in fact, we've tried to stop trying to ask people how to vote in 's now
That's fair, and parts of the site design requests we made to the SE staff are related to shifting PPCG away from the Q&A base of SE and more towards challenges. For my part, I just like seeing the reputation number go up.
Motivating in what way? Like motivation to enforce the correct use? Motivation to get rep?
I'm kinda confuse
@Sherlock9 a
Three dashes
Never mind, it's in the edit history
And I ran out of time, anyway
imo, rep on code golf is just a way of other people expressing their opinion that you've done a good golf
True that
And as it is an expression of opinion, it is largely arbitrary
Why is it three dashes for a strikethrough? That's pretty unintuitive IMO
i mean, i may not be able to give great examples, but consider e.g. this answer on meta that i mentioned a bit ago meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/10127/…
it's nice to see that number increasing, especially when I check which of my answers got upvoted, especially when it's an older one
it's +105 and -1, i am the sole dissenter
the whole feel of the answer is "wrong" to me
now, xnor as we know is great at golf and has made great contributions, and is a cool person
@MitchSchwartz I don't think solutions that take literally no effort should be rewarded more than my best golfs
I think Mitch's point is that we shouldn't be focusing so much on the rewards
Darned typos
@muddyfish I got silently ninja'd, you typed everything out before I started typing
my top answer and my second highest are in my opinion, not very impressive answers
my 3rd, 5th and 8th answers are the only ones in my top 10 by votes are interesting to me
there's a lot of "should" in the post
I think my highest answer isn't that good in terms of code-golf, but I like the explanation bit
i don't support the upvoting of trivial posts
It's a bit where I put effort into, and got rewards out of
but i think it's silly to give it so much weight and importance
@MitchSchwartz look at the score of any answers into the hello world challenge
@muddyfish I like that second-highest answer, but maybe for the answer as a whole rather than the golf itself
@Sherlock9 you mean that I actually printed a page with it?
@Qwerp-Derp you mean to post the revisions section?
Hang on
I think that's good now
yeah i think a lot of people can cite examples of how the proportion of votes they received for their answers doesn't at all match with their own valuation
404 now
@muddyfish Well, yes :D
@MitchSchwartz I think the reason the meta post you cited is upvoted because almost all of the regulars would rather there be fewer votes than votes being on answers with less effort
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GarethContiguous Block Count Count the number of contiguous blocks within a given 3D input. Input The input will consist of one or more rectangles of characters separated by blank lines. Each rectangle represents a cross section of the 3D space. The characters used will be 0, representing empty spac...

you could easily just ban trivial questions. Currently, they're heavily downvoted so they never reach HNQ
Or at least that's what was attempted with the multiplication question
Q: Find five friends to eat chicken with Paul

Pierre.SassoulasPaul is one of your belgian accointance and he would like you to create a program that output at least one of the following five strings : 12496=>14288=>15472=>14536=>14264 14264=>12496=>14288=>15472=>14536 14536=>14264=>12496=>14288=>15472 15472=>14536=>14264=>12496=>14288 14288=>15472=>14536=

@NewMainPosts That is almost certainly a dupe
@Zgarb Did you know this? I still think it is a strange kind of behaviour...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

dimThe idea is to provide the code necessary to map a 32-bit integer to/from a pronouncable word of 9 characters maximum. Both the method for translating an integer to the corresponding word and for translating back a word to the corresponding integer must be provided. There must be a one-to-one m...

@MitchSchwartz I think the reason why people give it such weight is that, for new users or users from HNQ, the answers will be sorted by votes and they will implicitly asaume the lower voted answers are not worth looking at
That's why we want SE to sort by bytecount
@quartata wtf is hnq? i see that word lots of times in transcript
HotNetworkQuestions (just woke up)
@DJMcMayhem I think tha'ts why you got so many stars :P
It would be kind of cool if voting on displaying a question to HNQ was separate and a rep privilege
That way it would be more like letting the community choose if they want a popular question to show up
Or rather not show up.
I'm thinking 6 HNQ votes once a question hits a score of 10 perhaps.
Or maybe not 10 but just the regular HNQ criteria
I would like an anti-HNQ voting privilege... that would seriously solve a lot of problems, especially with trivial challenges that get answered too much and then people come from HNQ and upvote them too much.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Hot Network Questions. It's that list of questions from other sites you see in the side bar.
redstarcoder ninja'd you far away...
The distant ninja ... my explanation was non-existant though :)
@El'endiaStarman i am following this guide
I didn't say full ninja though.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I hope you're not taking that seriously...
@flawr Yeah. I read somewhere that the Haskell designers made a conscious decision not to support definitions with a variable number of arguments, for simplicity's sake.
Wow that guide really makes the flaws in HNQ glaring
(for this site anyways)
Whoa guys I have a cool thing
I think the main issue would be that small beta SE sites would be in big trouble. Maybe it should only be a thing on graduated sites
@redstarcoder The question does have to have a positive score so it isn't quite as bad as it sounds
I understand that not everything makes it through and the system isn't awful or anything, just that does show its dark-side sometimes :)
Q: What is the shortest C++ program that prints itself to stdout?

Ralph TandetzkyIt is possible to write C++ programs that write their source code to the console without reading their own source file. How many bytes does the shortest possible C++ program have, that does just that?

What if I use the characters "\n\n "?
Either way that's basically the konami code challenge
But shorter
@quartata regarding "the answers will be sorted by votes and they will implicitly asaume the lower voted answers are not worth looking at", i lean against the idea that "we should respect people's inclination to make such assumptions, and should make changes accordingly" and lean more towards "we should encourage users to let go of their tendency to make those assumptions"
We can't really control people from HNQ though. They'll just pop in upvote things and leave. (And yet they're our driving force of upvotes and traffic :/)
I don't think we'll be able to change people's behaviour en masse on a voting platform ever. It seems every voting platform always has the issue of "whatever has lots of votes, gets more!".
So I agree the other systems should be in place
@MartinEnder when does the nominations period close for Best of PPCG?
@Downgoat A truly historical event.
i saw it on youtube a few years ago .-.
What the hell is Obama on about? He keeps undoing good policies by executive orders, the last gem being more rights for the NSA.
@El'endiaStarman Can you move us to the Undertale room?
@Downgoat Sunday, probably
Why is it that I have the privilege to make edits without approval but if I approve an edit in the review queue other users still have to vote on it? I am not complaining I prefer when there are more reviews to do, it just seems a bit strange.
yeah, not sure either
@mınxomaτ probably trying to brace for trump
@WheatWizard Probably has something to do with how it's much easier to hit a button than it is to actually edit it yourself.
user image
... I don't even
@VoteToClose Yeah, one of my coworkers noticed almost instantly.
GitHub has been borked for several days in several ways now.
1.1k tweets, 44k followers, following 3 users
@mınxomaτ D:
:( I needed a program that's only available there.
I saw.
This is basically all one day.
Solution: Setup gogs.io and mirror the GitHub repos you care about.
@mınxomaτ I didn't expect to need it. :P
Aaaaaand, it's back.
But for how long?
I'm about to release this challenge, any last words?
Is exit code a valid output method?
no afair
@flawr I think it's ready to go
A: Default for Code Golf: Input/Output methods

RainboltPrograms may output using their exit code... Exit codes are basically a return value for programs. If functions can output using their return values, it makes sense that programs should be able to do the same. Examples: Java exit codes C and C++ exit codes

I guess it is
Q: Expose nondeterminism resulting from the OS thread scheduler

Techrocket9As we all know, modern operating systems have thread schedulers that can pick different orders to schedule your threads based on internal logic which your code is not privy to. Normally you architect your multithreaded code to ensure that this nondeterminism imposed on you does not meaningfully a...

[lays down]
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ now I need a better title
@flawr Picture nails are falling down?
no more, I changed the challenge=)
"Nailed it!"
I like that one

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