What I was suggesting, is that however precise your floats are, throw away the last digit so .1+.2 actually equals .3 instead of .3000000000000000000000002
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ if this is picture of you, be careful where you sleep because when San Andreas throws its next earthquake tantrum you will be not-so-happily-sleeping cat D:
After looking at this question I'm starting to get the impression that Quora is filled with angsty people that think the world is against them and can't deal with anything themselves:
1) it doesn't help barraging me with absolutely useless pings. 2) It's specifically specified as annoying and noise 3) Idle chatter and noise are not to be mixed
I dunno if a bot which pings new users with Chatiquette link would help or contribute to noise, the JS room on SO has it which probably has helped keep noise down but we don't have the same level of new users entering here
Basically, between every character, add a space, but there can't be two spaces.
aesthetic becomes a e s t h e t i c.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog becomes T h e q u i c k b r o w n f o x j u m p s o v e r t h e l a z y d o g.
I'm Nobody! Who are you? becomes I ' m n o b o d y ! W ...