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How did I forget that?

  Beep Boop Bingus Bin

Binazy010 is operational here, with random memos (thanks @KritixiLithos for the suggestion ^v^).
Your bot's memos are weird @zyabin101
Yes, they are. XD
Give old hands? I mean my hands are young (I'm a teen!)
For anyone who is here now but wasn't yesterday: 2017 time capsule
Anyone got a theory for why code-golf has spikes of interest every june?
Golf is very popular in June
I think
yes, interestingly "golf" has the same search pattern (albeit larger)
what about "code"?
> Error 429: Too many requests
@PhiNotPi Fairly consistent except for small spikes during November+December.
@Zaglo You are popular in Chile: google.co.uk/trends/explore?q=Zalgo
@PythonMaster For some reason this reminds me of a really fuzzy ECG signal.
@El'endiaStarman You are on and off: google.co.uk/trends/explore?q=El%27endia
I like how you can see the breaks when looking at the math graph
@PythonMaster Wow, what a shocker! :P
@PythonMaster :3
June is when the US Open is held. I'm a bit surprised the spike is there instead of in April for the Masters, but...
Lol, Error 429
Is last year's time capsule challenge up?
@flawr Woah, they're so distinctive. Summer break, winter break, Thanksgiving break, and (less distinctively,) spring break.
@Pavel Doesn't look like it from Helka's profile.
He's taking his time to make sure it fits the site. Be patient.
Someone golfed 'the quick brown fox" (a sentence that uses all 26 ASCII letters): Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
More interesting English sentences here: distractify.com/old-school/2015/04/13/…
Oooh, I think coding is better as a query term for looking at trends than 'code' since the latter has common alternate meanings.
@El'endiaStarman this is odd because the top country for coding is the phillipines
but it's 6th for code
@NathanMerrill Look at the related search queries box and you'll see why I think 'coding' is more accurate than 'code'.
@KritixiLithos I see what you're talking about now. I'd like to fix that, but I'm not sure it's possible since the ": register isn't automatically set in this context and it's a read-only register.
I'm not sure. I don't think that the Philippines has more coders than other countries
it may not be polluted with other terms, but surely India would beat the Philippines
India leads for coding related to beauty and fitness: google.co.uk/trends/explore?cat=44&q=coding
@NathanMerrill ^^^
Do you guys know arnold's cat map?
Now we do
@DJMcMayhem But why does the bug even happen? :sl500m is supposed to be the last colon command, but it doesn't recognise it. However, when I remove the recursive ò from the code, it works.
also, when comparing related topics, you should do it by "top", not "rising"
Language matters, right?
@KritixiLithos Oh wait, I'm misunderstanding the bug. I thought it was something else
which is interesting, because closest thing related to "coding" is "medical coding"
by a large margin, too. It's at 100%, and the next item ("code") is at 70%
Ethopia wins in "programming"
I have no idea what's causing it
and Denmark for "programmer"?
that's bizarre
It might have something to do with the blinking in your recording
What do you mean?
I'm not sure.
I'll have to try running V locally (which I almost never do, lol)
@DestructibleWatermelon @ais523 did one of you end up emailing the calesyta people yesterday?
I'm looking forward to the other entries as well
Q: Arnold's Cat Map

flawrChallenge Given a colour raster image* with the same with and height, output the image transformed under Arnold's cat map. (*details see below) Definition Given the size of the image N we assume that the coordinates of a pixel are given as numbers between 0 and N-1. Arnold's cat map is then ...

@KritixiLithos So I still don't understand why it's happening, but I think I know when it happens.
I think it's because it's in a macro.
For example, tio.run/nexus/v#@394o1WxfkyKvn461@GNSlYF//8DAAshould print s/\d//g but it doesn't. If you remove the macro, it works fine
@NewMainPosts Surprised we haven't had this before
I think we did have the Baker's map
The closest I'm aware of is a comment on this topic...
This question made me think of Arnold's cat map. I don't think it's quite suitable for this purpose but it's interesting in the same way - repeating the map enough times gets you back to the original image. — trichoplax Jul 25 '14 at 0:30
@FlipTack Algeria and Pakistan... wat
hey, if you are transpiling into C, is there any reason not to convert classes into structs?
Does anyone here have experience (good or bad) with game maker studio?
I've been developing in Unreal for a while, but using unreal for a platformer is like killing a mosquito with a nuke, and I'm not that great at it.
@DJMcMayhem GMS is good
IIRC, the biggest problem I had with game maker was learning its UI and how components and the language interact
but its been a long time
@DJMcMayhem wrong analogy, man. i'd do anything to kill a mosquito.
@NathanMerrill Do you have experience with other game-engines?
@betseg Including destroying your entire town?
I've done a little with RPG maker, but that's even worse. I've never had much interest in making games myself, mostly due to the graphics front
that's why I come here: I get to make games (KoTHs) without having to make graphics
I liked playing around with the RPG Maker assets back in the day :)
the closest thing I've done is make a board game maker system
its the only one I know of that actually enforces rules. But once again, there's no GUI :P
saw this on hnq, wat
Q: Is a Rubik's cube an appropriate gift for a 15-month-old child?

Subin_LearnerI am planning to buy some meaningful toys (puzzles, learning toys) to my friend's daughter. She has completed 15 months. Would it be appropriate to buy Rubik's cube. I would appreciate other toy suggestions as well

@betseg Huh, some mildly surprising answers. Apparently, they (or 2x2 cubes) can be good gifts. Not as puzzles, but rather as blocks and toys.
Also, @flawr, I like how I can see "Kleinkindspielzung" in this answer and understand that it means "small child's play-thing". :D
or even "small child play stuff"
Flugzeug -> "flight stuff"
Ah dang, should've compared my spelling more closely. :P
Fahrzeug -> "Drive stuff" (vehicle)
Feuerzeug -> "fire stuff" (lighter)
If "Feuerzeug" translates to "lighter", then what translates to "kindling"? Would that just be synonymous with whatever translates to "fuel"?
kindling -> Späne
or singular "Span"
(or Kleinholz "small wood")
That's weird. I never thought of "kindling" as a plural noun. More like an uncountable one, like 'water'.
2 pieces of kindling :p
You still say "1 piece of kindling". It's just like saying "2 cups (or 1 cup) of water".
Well it depends "Späne" is the kind of kindling that you split off a bigger piece with a hatchet.
this kind^
but if it is just little branches it is called "Reisig" (only singular)
What do you say if you have two little branches?
It depends on the context. If you'd say "two little branches" in english, it would be "zwei Ästchen" (diminuitive of "Ast")
If you'd say "kindling" it would be "Reisig"
I find it interesting how some words don't have plurals in most languages.
@betseg You mean the uncountable nouns?
even the things you can count
Oh? Like what?
Yeah, that is its own plural in English. Is that also the case in Turkish?
i dont think we have one,
but we dont pluralize predicates if the subject isnt human
like, "Sheeps is walking."
(Technically, "sheep" is both singular and plural. "Water" is neither.)
I wish there was a singular of "parents" / "Eltern" in german.
like, one of the parents?
@flawr So you always have to say "mom or dad"?
@El'endiaStarman You could say ein Elternteil ("a parent piece") but that sounds a little bit technical
and it does not work in swiss german
I mean everyone would agree that "ein Elter" sounds like a legit singular.
I thought they spoke French in Switzerland.
4 languages AFAIK
@Pavel About a third speaks swiss french=)
It's everyone there generally multilingual, then?
Except the ones who speak French /s
Not necessarily natively, but you usually learn at least one other swiss language in school as a foreign language.
I mean all of those languages "french, german, italian, romansh" are the official languages, but nobody really speaks those as everyday langauge.
You basically only find dialects that are relatively far from the official language. We do have to speak the official in School, and all written documents are written in the official languages.
Is there another way to hide spoilers here?
Oi, take tests to the Sandbox!
Also no flyovers?
My answer has 2k bytes... is there any way to shorten it (answer written in Python 2)
Yeah, it should be fairly easy to compress s and e
@PythonMaster Get rid of those nasty .0s and call float somewhere
You can probably get rid of a bunch of newlines too
That would save me a hundred bytes
Just that will save like 500 bytes by my estimation, storing s some other way could probably be even better
The storage is so annoying...
If only it was popularity contest
Could you use base conversion to store it in a single integer?
How would I do that?
I don't know. It's just something I've seen a lot for challenges with large data
There are 4 possible entries that I see... is that right? 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0?
No, just the 4
So that means just packed, each entry requires only 2 bits
0.3 as well
Maybe storing it as a string to get rid of the seperators between list entries?
Ah, there's a second table
Is it just me or do italics not work in post previews but bolds do?
The second table comes from multiplications on the entries of the first.
Wait, that works..
201*6* does not
if there are n symbols, you can group them into k symbols per group, with range [0..n**k). Put them all into one number as sum(e**i) where i is in that range. To extract the i-th element from such a number M, it's just (M div k**i) modulo k.
CMP: What software should I use to shuffle a directory of mp3's? (Windows 7)
@MartinEnder I'm already intrigued by the "Alice" time capsule language. Can't wait! :D
Windows media player is a pain in the ass
@DJMcMayhem do you have a console emulator?
That would be base encoding
@ConorO'Brien Why would that make any difference?
I have cmd and git bash
@DJMcMayhem if you have bash utils I think you can do that on the command line
Where are the time capsules>
@DJMcMayhem You were close... you saved 515 bytes!
@PythonMaster right here, though not yet a time capsule yet
@ConorO'Brien That sounds too complicated. I just want to play background music on shuffle
@PythonMaster I think that's the largest golf I've ever been credited for. :P
@DJMcMayhem This might sound extreme, but you could find all of your songs on YouTube, put them in a private playlist, and play your playlist on shuffle and continuous
You're welcome :)
No, cause then I can't play it offline. I think I'll just go with spotify
Ha, more bytes than Dennis has bronze badges...
nonononono wait I'm writing a program :P
Programs do work
@ConorO'Brien Sorry
@DJMcMayhem Just imagine if I won the code golf :p
@DJMcMayhem it's fine idc lol
I'm doing this either way
Haha. True programmer right there.
> We write scripts not because we need them, but because we feel like it
Nice Jon Skeet quote :p
I actually wrote a tiny program earlier (in Blitz 2D) to demonstrate my mouse's finickiness when clicking/holding down the left button.
Took me no more than 5 minutes.
The answer I just made took my an hour
It took 45 minutes finding shorter solutions well to my solution
@PythonMaster no, it's an original
I know, I was just joking (without any puns)
Looking again, no... there's only the one table. The "other table" is computed.
And 0.3 comes from round(a*b, 1) if a and b are both 0.5
Since 0.5**2 = 0.25 then rounded to 0.3
@ConorO'Brien Ping me when you figure it out, I'm curious to see how you'd do it
@DJMcMayhem thanks :) I'm doing it in BATCH assuming bash/unix utils
If using Python (and PyGame): pygame.org/docs/ref/music.html
Yes, we have built-in functions for playing music
@PythonMaster e in this form should be a string, not an array
You're already padding it; so a string would be much shorter
Just take the requisite substring to "index"
Could you elaborate... I'm not getting your point
Instead of e=["Normal ","Fighting","Flying ","Poison ",...], do e="Normal FightingFlying Poison ..."
I'll try that
The cost of this is that you have more code to "index" (it's taking a substring), but I think there's enough chars shaved where you could save
git repo for my new language
@ConorO'Brien It's actually been in the works for a while. It was supposed to be a quick project, just to get something done... I do hope I'll be able to finish it this or next month though.
@MartinEnder oh, awesome! good luck!
Maybe it could beat Dennis' Jelly
Are the time capsule entries of this one public?
Taken from another user who sent the link to me
Oh, it was Connor O'Brien
@PythonMaster One "n". :P
Conor O'Brie
Set shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.Run("cmd /c ls *.mp3 | tr -s "" "" "" "" | shuf > music.txt")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set musicFile = fso.OpenTextFile("music.txt")
Do Until musicFile.AtEndOfStream
    file = musicFile.ReadLine
    Set Sound = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX")
    Sound.URL = file
    Do While Sound.currentmedia.duration = 0
        WScript.sleep 100
    WScript.sleep (int(Sound.currentmedia.duration)+1)*1000
@MartinEnder **gasp** That must be Downgoat's real name! That would explain Cheddar!
@DJMcMayhem it's a vbscript file, close enough
@ConorO'Brien Oh
So it's Conor O'Brie? ;p
@El'endiaStarman ... I see what you did there.
@ConorO'Brien I'm not sure what I'm more disgusted by, that you know VBScript or that you're using the shell to get the list of MP3s and shuffle them
I say the latter. Knowing VBScript is actually kinda cool
@quartata (1) I don't feel like implementing a shuffling algorithm in VBScript. (2) VBScript is the next logical step from batch for a self-taught programmer who only has CMD at his disposal, thus why I know it. (3) It was originally going to be a batch file, and I just salvaged what batch code I had and used it on the first two lines after realizing there is no easy way to wait for a song's completion in batch.
VBScript has no built in shuffle?
idk, idts
just looked into it, there doesn't seem to be one.
this dude decided to implement PHP's shuffle algorithm in VBScript, along with tons of other PHP functions. I don't know how to feel about this.
I can't read that but it looks like regular old Fisher-Yates to me
that's what I think too, but I can't figure out the leading [=]s.
whoever was doing the thing with the time capsule
I finished my language
@ConorO'Brien I think there's actually a way to do that in a batch file
@HWalters oh? I'd love to know
I think you could use WMIC to get the same information your script's getting
Do we have a challenge for oeis.org/A007978?
Hang on... let me see if I can play with CMD a tad with an MP3 I have...
@MartinEnder I don't remember any such challenge.
@DestructibleWatermelon look at my code pls
@ConorO'Brien I have a WMIC query but the length isn't stored as metadata in the file, so I don't think that method would work
@NathanMerrill Confused why my answer is still incorrect on the 2017-friable puzzle codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/105241/…
can ANYONE look at my code please?
@zyabin101 Soon, very soon...only a day late so far
@zyabin101 I'll put in "h" because it's the only character that stands between good and evil.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin EnderFind the smallest number that doesn't divide N code-golfnumber-theory This challenge is simple enough that it's basically all in the title: you're given a positive integer N and you should return the smallest positive integer which is not a divisor of N. An example: the divisors of N = 24 are...

Any comments on this challenge (other than the fact that I need to make test cases)?
@wat I don't know ruby
@DJMcMayhem Hah, that's hilarious.
@DJMcMayhem it's already on the starboard? auto-ninja
I completely forgot how to make footnotes momentarily
@flawr I meant without LaTeX :P
I was doing it in that sandbox post
@Mego Might be worth giving definite accuracy requirements, as "ignoring any potential issues due to floating-point arithmetic inaccuracies" may mean different things to different people. My last challenge had inaccuracies for a language despite it claiming to use double precision, although all other languages using double precision were accurate. If people can decide for themselves what counts as floating point problems it may lead to arguments
I actually haven't had any problems come up in my challenges saying "don't worry about float issues"
@owlswipe still there?
@xnor My challenge where I had this problem was one where I gave test cases and said they must strictly match to 5 decimal places. If I hadn't said that I guess there wouldn't have been a problem...
@HWalters ah, rip
@flawr congrats, your challenge's tags wrap onto 2 lines on my screen (and you only have 5)
If we take the first line of code: func f(_ z:Int,d:Int=1) -> [Int] { there are 3 offending characters: the I in Int, the ), and the =
They aren't allowed anywhere in your code
@trichoplax Saying "don't worry about float issues" is my preferred method of dealing with float accuracy requirements
In that case, everything else looks ready to go :)
I've tossed a few test cases on the challenge, and improved wording a bit
And also clarified a very important corner case
Unless there are any objections, I'll be posting this soon:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoCompute the Wilson score interval The Wilson score interval is a confidence interval of the probability of success, based on the proportion of successes in a set of Bernoulli trials (a Bernoulli trial is a trial in which exactly two independent outcomes are possible). The interval is given by th...

BTW, is there a standard "alternative" to test cases... for challenges where multiple outputs are acceptable?
test cases still?
I mean, just list possible outputs
What if that's kind of intractable
E.g., my current latest challenge... there's a large number of possible correct outputs... my plan was to write "examples" and a checker
Including a checker sounds ideal
@Mego The only pedantic point I could think of was "are the outputs required to be in a specific order?"
What mainstream programming language has the worst math support?
@HelkaHomba C
@HelkaHomba Does Blitz 2D/3D count as "mainstream"? (I think so.)
@trichoplax No, because it's extremely obvious which output is which, since the lower bound is always less than or equal to the upper bound
@El'endiaStarman I'd say top 50 on TIOBE is a pretty good criterion for being "mainstream"
Is it worth adding "in arbitrary order" in case that allows golfing opportunities for someone who doesn't realise it can be assumed?
@trichoplax I went ahead and made it explicit already
@Mego Huh, looks like BlitzMax made it into the top 100. (BlitzMax is the 2D successor to Blitz Basic, whereas Blitz3D was the 3D successor, I believe.)
@MartinEnder I didn't.
@El'endiaStarman Well so did VBScript :P
@NathanMerrill I'm back now, I'd appreciate it if you sent any reason over any time, I will see it.
@Fatalize I think the main issues with Brachylog as a golfing language atm are a) the extra colons you need to specify where arguments start and end; b) the fact that Prolog evaluation order is the same as the literal order of the source code, which severely restricts your options for reordering the code; and as a Prolog, its main issue is that it doesn't let you constrain the structure of predicate arguments

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