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^ my cat when she was younger, just cause I found the image while trying to install tf2c
you no downcat?
@betseg not anymore, no. it appeared to be really confusing (for understandable reasons)
@betseg lol - i wrote scrot so fast that it couldnt even catch up with my typing
the worst sensation in the world is having a strand of hair stuck at the back of your throat and not being able to remove it, so you constantly feel nauseous
The absolute worst sensation is a sudden surge of emotions, when you thought they were never even present.
that got deep fast
@ZacharyT is that aw at "cat" or aw at "no more downcat"?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ 2meirl4/r/meirl
@betseg is that a thing
I thought it was just 2meirl4meirl
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ yes but i didnt want to keep anyone ootl
@ZacharyT I'm numb to that at this point honestly
How? How can one be numb to that?
I'm guessing either alcohol or a really high tolerance for pain meds
Yeah, seems right.
thank you for the star kind stranger
Golfing in java is actually quite fun. I should do this more often
^ finally someone realises it :)
@ZacharyT can confirm also, I have a really high tolerance for pain meds because of childhood injuries
Java deserves to die.
@FlipTack s/in Java //
I haven't done Java for a year, I'm trying to get my skills back up
@KritixiLithos I golfed that other one into a lambda codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/104983/60919
I was trying to find some way of shortening Math.pow(2,i), but doing 1<<i overflows for larger numbers
Suggestion (haven't tested it): while(Math.pow(2,i<<=1+i%2)<=x);
@FlipTack I tried that but it failed for the same reasons
just bought and downloaded antichamber, ill get some brainbork
It is saddening this is how I waste my life.
@betseg have fun!
it's a really fun game
@El'endiaStarman thank you for what you started, now tux and betseg have both tried antichamber
i havent yet
meant trying, oh well
too late to edit
@KritixiLithos that doesn't seem to work, i stays at 0
haha, got it, just use 1L<<i instead
instead of math.pow
ah wait, that still fails for 64
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ hey, it was me too. :P
Now we just need to start the undertale revolution.
Yeah, I'm outta here. Before this chat too goes insane.
@DJMcMayhem #sans2020
apparently that's already a thing
Now that's a candidate I can get behind
My point exactly, but *better than Trump, and with that: "That like events may ne'er it ruinate. "
103 messages moved to Trash
@Dennis thank you so much
What just happened
I did.
I don't have a VISUAL
@DJMcMayhem go figure: sans didn't get moved to the trash with along with the puns
Ok I'll stop
You just... Wow.
But seriously, who names a language, "Nice"?
Same here, my puns are so done.
Who names a f***ing language A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE? (Iverson).
How did you do that without an explanatory message?
Here is a list of the most stupid names for coding languages in my opinion
App Inventor for Android's visual block language
@wizzwizz4 You might have to refresh. Looks like chat can't handle moving 100+ messages at once.
I can't C your Babbage
See what I mean?
@PythonMaster Please STOP IT NOW!
C. D. APL. J. C++. C#. B. A+. K. What takes the cake is TRUMPSCRIPT.
when stackexchange knows ur trash af
I said I was making an example!
@ZacharyT If anyone posts any more language puns, I'll kick.
@FlipTack Very funny
@wizzwizz4 mod abuse, no ? >_>
I though my right of speech is applicable online! (Here comes the entire debate whether this chatroom is American and whether my statement is true or not)
@ConorO'Brien There's already been a kick (or ragequit, but that's out of character).
@PythonMaster It is.
What is?
Those aren't PUNS! Those are (must resist) bad language names.
@wizzwizz4 .-. I'll take my leave
You can talk in Trash if you want to make really bad "jokes".
@PythonMaster Freedom of speech means the government can't silence you. I'm not the government.
Okay I'll list bad language names without any puns included okay? Just the names like Python or Java
@FlipTack r/meirl
let's get this out of the way, "Stacked" is the worst name for a language.
No, it's Stackless Python
Yes, that's an actual language
@ZacharyT that's actually a pretty good name
No, it's `\`.
@ConorO'Brien meh, needs more goats and it's fine
Yeah, please, I don't want to be dropped from this chat. A Programming Language is the worst.
Charm should make the list too
Brainf*** or TrumpScript.
Yes, that's a name
Seriously? (don't kick)
Just to clarify: It's not that I mind the occasional pun, but as you probably saw yourself, these things can get out of control rather quickly. First and foremost, this chat room is supposed to be the go-to place for discussions regarding the main site, and it doesn't serve its purpose if your message will be drowned in literally hundreds of puns.
Here is the list of the worst coding language names presented by the Nineteenth Byte:
@ConorO'Brien It's better than some people's languages' names.
@ZacharyT @@kic. One letter away.
@J843136028 \o/
Wait, Seriously is a programming name?
made by mego
I'm sorry that you people name programming languages after ENGLISH WORDS!
@J843136028 You're back! :-)
It's been a long time.
@wizzwizz4 Yep. Only a few miles.
In case you were wondering, all possible puns of Mego's programming language names have already been made, so you don't have to.
@J843136028 ?
The worst language name is obviously You are Reading the Name of this Esolang, which is pronounced You are Hearing the Name of this Esolang.
Except the impossible ones?

 A punny room

yeah yeah yeah "punny" is overdone but whatever
That's a very short time with a conversion factor of c (i.e. lightyear -> year).
You know, after this chat session, everyone is going to be on high alert for any programming languages hidden in sentences
@trichoplax Could you make a brute force program to list them? That should become a codegolf challenge.
Like the word seriously except with the S capitalized
or Squirrel, which is also an official language
@J843136028 Rather that than have them listed in chat :)
Squirrel's a meme by now, right>
@PythonMaster This ship sailed long ago
Glass, Chicken, Whitespace, ///, and ~English are all official languages
This isn't news. All of them have been used on PPCG.
esolangs.org/wiki/Joke_language_list <- nice list for you to read
or the giant full list
@Dennis What about Omgrofl
A: Alphanumeric Hello World

WallyWestOMGROFL I'm a big fan of esoteric languages. Luckily OMGROFL is alphanumeric: lol iz 72 rofl lol lol iz 101 rofl lol lol iz 108 rofl lol rofl lol lool iz 111 rofl lool loool iz 44 rofl loool loool iz 32 rofl loool loool iz 87 rofl loool rofl lool lool iz 114 rofl lool rofl lol lol iz 100 rofl l...

@PythonMaster what do you mean by "offcial language"? Anyone can write an interpreter and call it a language, what makes it official?
Maybe a better word choice is recognized
Like it is actually known to the world and not made up to be used by one person
@Dennis Did that get a spam flag?
@Dennis Touche
wait why did i get moved to trash
@Dennis What about BestFriends.js
Grammar would probably explain it all.
@GabrielBenamy A huge number of POQQs (puns of questionable quality) got moved
@wizzwizz4 Um, not sure. I didn't see one.
^ And that as well ^
@trichoplax The new flag type didn't show up properly in my chat session because I had caching on.
You know I'm wondering why am I trying to see if Dennis can find a post using some completely random language like Calculator
@Dennis You can check (semi-transparent pane on left of message), but you've probably got better things to do.
@PythonMaster The main site has a search, you know. ;) And the answer is yes, of course.
A: When was this language released?

Martin EnderA Brief History of 2D Programming Languages: 16 years v19977/2{@{{4{\_______>/02&&&#???? * P+++++1P1P-1P+1E * * \'\02'oo100@n590@n; * * * >"8991",,,;5-;,@ * ...

@wizzwizz4 Did you intend to reply to me? If so I'm missing some context somewhere
@trichoplax weird, the first messages of mine that got moved were me complaining about how I accidentally destroyed my production server for a few minutes by globally changing a session variable on one page in an if condition, so I didn't realize what was going on at first
Bet you can't find Deadfish
@trichoplax The POQQ flag type. Did you see the flags, or had Dennis cleared them before they appeared?
or evil
@wizzwizz4 Oh, you mean the actual post? I thought you meant my chat message. No, that post has no flags.
Truth machine in COW: oomMOOOOMmoo
it has the benefit of being a palindrome
@wizzwizz4 Um. I just made up POQQ. Dennis just moved the block of puns when they reached critical mass
I didn't see any flags
@wizzwizz4 Things haven't yet got quite so bad that we have a flag specifically for puns :)
Impossible, we have a chatroom just for puns!
it doesn't print 0
Yes, the above link is for Grocery List
@trichoplax Sssssssssssssh! Now you've told everyone. :'-(
@PythonMaster I get that this is new to you and that you're excited, but none of this is news to us. Please stop listing every language you find on Esolangs. We know pretty much all of them. Including Folders and Grocery List.
@Dennis Okay
It is quite interesting how this site has a such a variety of weird languages though
And maybe my inner child is acting up again...
The clue is in the name - esolangs is short for "esoteric languages"
and if you're talking about PPCG, it's codegolf, you don't need a "real" programming language to compete
just an interpreter, even if it was thrown together in minutes, will do
Anyways, I'll be in the Punny room if anyone wants to see me
@PythonMaster Oh, it's absolutely fascinating. If you want to see them in action, check out Hello, World! or The Programming Language Quiz.
Some are "legit esolangs, " like: Brainf***, Befunge, and Malbolge. Others, like Folders, are actually pointless.
@ZacharyT Folders isn't pointless! I have a file-system glitch that occasionally replaces open files with a large block of null bytes; Folders programs would be safe from this.
Anyone wants to play with bots?
But I enhanced the algorithm ;_;
not in this room.

  Beep Boop Bingus Bin

Ik, in beep boop maggot
We just suffered the wrath of puns
@PythonMaster A room was created, which was then thrown away.
@Dennis I'm just learning Jelly :) and I was wondering, how do you type it w/o using a character map?
@NonnyMoose You don't
I'm still in it
aren't they all typable on a US keyboard?
Certain US keyboards.
I remember seeing that somewhere. But I don't have a US keyboard .-.
Copy from the wiki.
@FlipTack Not the special characters. That's what I was wondering about.
@NonnyMoose That depends. On Linux, I can type all of them with the US international with AltGr dead keys layout.
Um. Yeah, what about the superscripts?
AltGr + 6, then the number.
Speaking of Jelly, are you ever going to use the one byte nilads?!?!?!
Looks like we reached the end of mass hysteria here... the puns and random languages are gone and the chatroom seems normal
customer: "my users can't log in"
me: "what password did you give them?"
customer: [tells me password]
me: [copies their username into the username box and types in the password he told me]
me: "I can log in just fine..."
@ZacharyT No, those were a mistake. I'm currently very busy with TIO, but once that stops I plan to reboot Jelly.
@PythonMaster You're welcome. ;)
Correction, all but 3 of them were a mistake.
@PythonMaster I interrupted the hysteria. ;)
@ZacharyT Those still don't deserve to be a single byte. I haven't used them more than a couple of times.
Not quite... I still think Dennis' last message is a pun! No!!!!!
Jelly was my first attempt at writing a golfing language. While it's pretty golfy overall, there's room for a lot of improvements.
> pretty golfy overall
> room for... improvement...
Yeah, but implementing it would be hard if you went hardcore into the golfing aspect.
Are you planning to make a new one?
@Dennis Jelly 2: Strawberry Boogaloo
@ZacharyT have you seen the current jelly source?
@FlipTack I am.
ooh... interesting
This is "room for improvement": kquƁƇƊƑƘⱮƝƤƬƲȤɓɗƒɦƙɱɲƥʠɼʂƭʋȥẸẈẒĿṘẎŻẹḥḳṃṇọụṿẉỵẓḋėġŀṅẏ
@Dennis I cant get all the superscripts to work
And my apostrophe seems to be broken now
I cant make contractions
A⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁰. Try typing ALT+6 and then the number for the superscripts.
Alt+6 is ¼
Try ALT+SHIFT+6 then.
Alt+shift+6 is ^.
What OS you using?
Because shift+6 lets you do this: â
Ubuntu 16.04
Type Alt+6 then 4.
New challenge type: score is length of answer source code + compiler/interpreter source code in bytes
define a standard interpreter?
and does it chain? i.e. if before you post the challenge, I implement jelly in jelly
write your own...
Good point - it would have to be written before the challenge
@ZacharyT This is my problem
while I understand that the MVC system of development is very useful
But I did figure out how to type apostrophes: '
it makes finding any page that I'm looking for incredibly difficult because of how many v_manage pages there are
And that explains why your quotes don't work. Dang, that's weird.
Did that help?
@ZacharyT Yes, with the quotes. :)
Does anyone know of a language designed to be golfy in both the interpreter and the language? Like, the interpreter and the programs are golfed?
I still can't type the superscripts.
:(. Then just continue to ^C ^V from the wiki for those atoms.
@Dennis say, can newer languages be an answer for the programming language quiz?
@ZacharyT Dang it...
At least I have ¹²³
Can you type those hook-nilads?
there was a site that said if your isp uses their own dns server or lets you use a different one
what was it
@NonnyMoose It has to be the Right Alt.
@ConorO'Brien I'm not sure Martin's the authority on that one.
@Dennis oh, right
@MartinEnder would it be okay if I answered the programming language quiz with a newer language, since the challenge already has been won?
@NonnyMoose That's a slightly different layout then. To get the dead caret, you need to press AltGr (the right Alt key) + Shift + 6.
Hey, we want you to do this 50 LOC software project! - Sure, what is it? - Here's a proprietary hash algorithm that is part of a bigger crypto project with source code you can't look at. Oh and also: The code doesn't have a singular comment. Should be easy.
P.S.: It's a mix of Java, JavaScript and non-POSIX C full of custom memory logic. For concurrency we use a mix of OpenCL and pthreads.
It takes a lot to truly piss me off, but this customer ....
How do you get a 50 LOC project with Java, JS and C? That sounds terrible.
Or do you mean the bigger project?
Oh you know, the 50 LOCs require thousands of LOCs of JS/Java etc. to actually run.
It also uses base-3 math for everything.
Well at least it's got that going for it.
If you every wondered how the code looks that runs these high security battery-backed crypto things (like hardware-encrypted HDDs), this is it.
Don't buy into this. Just use Luks and you'll be fine.
Still, biometric hardware manages to have even worse software.
@HelkaHomba looking at that dennis number challenge you made, how in the world do you think this stuff up???
The bacon hats are rolling in o_O
Seems like every time I go back to the main page I have another one.
@Dennis I need a dead caret to type superscript? That makes so much more sense! For me, a dead caret is simply shift+6!
Right, without the AltGr. I used to use that layout, but seems like I forgot how it works...
Dead caret for superscripts is Shift + 6 then, dead dot below AltGr + Shift + hyphenminus, dead dot above Altgr + dot, and dead hook AltGr + Shift + forward slash.
Iirc, that is.
@StewieGriffin the tacky Christmas lights at my in laws' house. Picture or it didn't happen!
Yes, please.
Also, my eyes.
Not sure about the actual lights, but the colors are definitely tacky
2 hours ago, by trichoplax
In case you were wondering, all possible puns of Mego's programming language names have already been made, so you don't have to.
It's so true
@Mego I'm pretty sure we can come up with different ones :-P
Until you release version 3, that is.
Version 3 won't happen until I stop being lazy and re-write my code so that it's more easily extendable
I don't want to make a version 4, so version 3 will have to be the major cleanup version
Then it must be called Finally
@Sherlock9 Hooray for getting Factorio!
@Mego What about it? I have a few hours on the game
What are these puns of which I have never heard?
There aren't actually any good ones, so I wouldn't take it too seriously.
@LegionMammal978 It's a really fun game, and he was finally able to get it
I don't even know what languages Mego made.
@Pavel Seriously, he mades Actually
Oh, hah.
What about Woefully?
@Pavel Woefully is made by DestructibleWatermelon
Ok now, be nice. Mego's brain is plenty weird.
(that's meant as a compliment, btw)
Now,I don't actually have a clue how those work. I'm fine with my python and my Java, thanks.
Yes but not weird enough to think of Woefully
@Geobits :P
I felt like I missed half of the conversation because I have people ignored. I looked at the transcript and saw that I didn't miss anything.
What's weird about woefully?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Magic
@Mego Ignore filters are too much work... do like me; just ignore half of what you see
@Mego Do you have it?
@LegionMammal978 Yep
Maybe I should start a PPCG Factorio server
@Mego Was just about to ask you if you played much MP
^^ This.
@HelkaHomba I knew it :-P
@HWalters Inr itr r o uhwr..d iem;js goehl fwa o e
Am I doing it right?

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