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TBF, I had to look into the Android source on several occasions early on, before they got their act together (mostly) concerning docs.
Or to answer the occasional SO question >_>
@Zavada Eclipse needs them :P
Shh nobody has to know that :D
Who needs Javadocs when you have bytecode amirite?
@Zavada For some reason schools hate normal Java IDEs (eclipse, netbeans), but absolutely love weird-ass IDEs made by some guy for a CS project (Dr Java, BlueJ)
My school loves JCreator
I want to rip my eyes out when I use it
Ever heard of Alice?
> All assignments must be saved in the SuperJavaCoolBeanUmbra project format
@Zavada I know she has a wonderful restaurant.
@Downgoat Very bad, then.
@Zavada yeah, last I heard she got stuck in Wonderland
I'd better learn normal Java in a normal environment.
Alice is awful, it was written in 2002 by some guy at an Ivy League IIRC in Java
You'd better believe it runs like 2002 Java
@Zavada at least it looks like an IDE rather than a text editor with compile button
Honestly NP++ is better than most of those weird IDEs
For some languages... I don't like it for Java.
Nice for python
Yeah it's dreadful for java especially if you have larger projects
Vim is best IDE :D
Just install plugin and you have Eclipse++
Raises hand on Github files can you link to other files
@Downgoat That's like saying linux is the best IDE. "Just install plugin and you have Eclipse."
not really since Linux isn't an IDE
Neither is Vim :P
Guys let's be real, Notepad is the best IDE
What critera does IDE have that Vim does not
Also Juggle has an ominous sounding concept: "THE IMPLICIT 'N'!"
Uh, it's a text editor. So, you know, the IDE part.
@Geobits that is like calling Linux a toaster's backend
Not really. It's more like calling notepad an IDE. Yes, you can use it to program, but that doesn't make it an IDE.
You are avoiding question, what does IDE do that vim can't
> Integrated development environments are designed to maximize programmer productivity by providing tight-knit components with similar user interfaces. IDEs present a single program in which all development is done. This program typically provides many features for authoring, modifying, compiling, deploying and debugging software. This contrasts with software development using unrelated tools, such as vi, GCC or make.
@Geobits link to excerpt?
The entire definition seems to point to specifically excluding things like vim.
@Downgoat en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… (no onebox)
1) Vi =/= vim 2) that excerpt is stupid
I understand that, but it falls in the same category of things.
Especially since it was written as a vi clone...
It avoided specifics
What's your better definition then?
"A thing I can write code in" isn't enough to be an IDE :P
@Geobits vi hardly has the scripting, customizability, and extensibiliy as vim
Sure, vim may be more capable. I'll agree to that. Just like np++ is more capable than notepad.exe.
@Geobits idk, having coding, building, and live checking/feedback in an integrated environment
Vim has :make to build program. Quickfix & completeopt for live feedback/checking
My docs has a single doc :l
Maybe the trouble here is the definition of "integrated"
@Downgoat If all you're doing is writing small programs, then yes, that may be enough. If you work as a developer, you need more than a make command and autocomplete. Bugtracker integration, git, db tools, unit testing, and on and on. Yes, you can do those things in text editors, but they're hardly integrated the way an IDE would have them.
Not that all developers need these things. But the vast majority will be using these kinds of tools, whether in an IDE or not.
I've never coded in Java outside of CS class so I can't really say :P
I don't know whether that makes you lucky or unlucky :P
I've never coded in Java outside of Processing
@Downgoat is the versatile Ches suitable for other langs?
CMC: Approximate pi to as many digits as possible using only the digits 1-9, and +-*/, ! (as well as !!, !!!, etc.), ^, roots, ceiling, floor, the decimal point and recursion.
Because from what cheddar-parser exports, it might.
@Qwerp-Derp 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208‌​998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450‌​284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165‌​271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174‌​881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609433‌​057270365759591953092186117381
@Geobits In n bytes.
Said to as many digits, not shortest
I might have missed the message length limit by a few though.
You see, it's a cheating solution. :P
Best so far either way :P
Revision: 1-9 once only
Each digit of 1-9 once only
@zyabin101 yeah, it outputs a CST so if your language wants to use Cheddar's syntax or some dervative of it (you can extend w/ CheddarLexer), it'll work well
I can't edit the post anymore, unfortunately
Ches is also surprisingly bug-free
@Qwerp-Derp Well it's not like I didn't use 0 anyway ;)
It's also decently fast since it's nice on the garbage collector
@Qwerp-Derp are brackets allowed?
@zyabin101 Yes
@Qwerp-Derp 3+(1/7)
once and once only*
Just to make it more interesting
@zyabin101 You shouldn't have to bracket that in any sane operation order
@Qwerp-Derp cheddar: 3.14
@Downgoat Wat
Look at revised rule
-1 for do X without Y challenge
Constant revisions make it less interesting imo, not more.
But this is the last revision I swear
I forgot to put those in and I realised just then
Awrite here's the actual challenge
Generate as many digits of pi as possible using the digits 1-9 once and ONLY once, and the operators +-*/, ^, ! (and its cousins !!, !!!, etc.), roots, ceiling, floor, the decimal point and recursion.
Did I win?
@Geobits No
Current winner: Geobits with 0 digits
That sounds like I did win, so why you say no?
Current winner
Not necessarily winner
@Sherlock9 "digits 1-9 once and ONLY once"
@Sherlock9 We have to use all digits for some reason, except 0. Dunno why.
Okay, how about √9.86754321, which is accurate to 3.141
@Qwerp-Derp The key word you are missing in that description is "every". The spec is unclear otherwise
Also, please be nicer when correcting people. It pays not to be snippy
@Sherlock9 Ah, thanks! And sorry.
No problem
I had to correct myself, too. I was also being snippy while writing the advice haha
The other numbers are written in white so you can't see them :P
That reminds me of a pun I saw today.
"You've heard of Alphabet Soup, now get for Times New Ramen"
@Qwerp-Derp 11 bytes: (357-2)/(109+4). Accurate to 6 decimal places.
You forgot 8.
Uses zero also, and forgot 6
But I got pi to all the decimal places
Ah 0 isnt allowed? Wat
I know. It's weird
Should I include 0?
I can if you guys want
19 mins ago, by Qwerp-Derp
But this is the last revision I swear
Maybe 0 could be optional?
6-(358-7)/(129-4) 3.192 :p
Current leader: Geobits at 4 decimal places (including 3 at the beginning)
Wait how many decimal places was your entry @Sherlock9?
Also Calesyta lied to us, the results still aren't out yet
> We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.
can we please have this for PPCG
@Qwerp-Derp 22/7 is 2 decimal places
Oh that was 22/7...
Should I make a challenge for this?
Do questions on Puzzling have to have one definite answer which is prepared beforehand? In other words, can I do a competition-style question in Puzzling?
If zero is an option, I can get an extra place by doing √9.87 − 0.124/653, which is ~3.1415
I might make an amendment to the "last revision" thing by adding 0 to the digits
A revision to the rule about no revision? Interesting.
√(9.7)+123/4568 ≈ 3.14141
I chose the name "Mozzarella" because it's a kind of cheese, and uses Cheddar's parser, and Cheddar and Ches are kinds of cheese, so...
What about parmesan? Or Swiss?
That's cheese abuse to parmesan - I'm afraid I have to turn you in to the Cheese Abuse Councils, @zyabin101.
I chose this one. It was unparked on GitHub, I like it.
Pepperjack is good too
I've been liking havarti lately
And feta is always good. Gotta use all the goat, not just the meat ;)
Ooh, what about blue cheese?
@Geobits for goats sake... please spare my brethren :'(
Sake is made from rice, not goat.
We have different kinds of goat cheeses
I am not a cheese person - or a cheese whiz - like you guys. I mostly stick whatever cheese is put on a BK or McD burger or I go elsewhere for my dairy
@Downgoat No worries, we didn't mean to prepare you for feta.
@Sherlock9 Are you saying you're not that sharp about it, or that your knowledge is full of holes? :P
I just realized I misspelt "deceleration" throughout cheddar's source code...
@Geobits :(
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Super ChafouinThe social network code-golf On my social network, two users are "friends" if their name share a common letter. For exemple, bob and bill are friends, as they share the letter b. Given a list of user names: display a falsy value if there exist in the list two distinct users x and y that canno...

@Geobits I Swiss I knew more about cheese so I'd Brie to make some Gouda puns about it.
I tend to like most cheeses, but I stay way from the more pungent ones.
Stop what? Shootin' the bries?
@Sherlock9 You mean "Feta puns"?
@Qwerp-Derp One time I feta goat some cheese.
What about "Cheddar puns"?
@Geobits you are a dad right?
@betseg Yes, but this was a natural gift. One I've enjoyed my whole life :P
@betseg I feel like these cheese puns paint a nice emmental picture.
@Qwerp-Derp See! I can't Roquefort the best puns because my cheese knowledge is so Edam limited!
@Sherlock9 If you gruyère own cows for milk, maybe you'd know more.
The pun is lost on me because I don't even know how to pronounce that
OHH grow your own cows
Are we stilton going on about cheese puns?
For goodness sake
Not to say that's all that close to the real pronunciation >_>
@Qwerp-Derp If it's nacho thing, you don't have to.
Corn we please stop with the puns?
(It's moved on from cheese now)
I hope we won't sea any puns for a whale.
Ooh that's a nice one @Geobits
@betseg Stop being such a beach about it.
I've created a muenster :/
@Geobits Is muenster a cheese?
@Geobits Where? I kasseri it.
@Qwerp-Derp yep
If you break it up into small pieces, you can do the Muenster mash
Btw, @Downgoat, plz don't Google tulum cheese
Uhh @Sherlock9 link to your factors challenge?
I'm making an answer in Processing
Magnificent :D
I'm still having trouble spacing everything correctly
The only annoying thing is that I have to cover the 4 edgecase
@Sherlock9 Most people don't bother. It seems like one of those cottage industries that pop up around the end of October.
Huh. TIL MathOverflow questions appear on the HNQ list, but their site does not show the HNQs.
@Geobits They knew that it would distract them at work, unlike us
Sure. Just seems odd that they'd show up on other sites if they opted out of showing it.
Nothing like one-sided advertising I guess.
@FlipTack Done. Sorry for the delay.
@Qwerp-Derp Let me know when you post your answer, because I'd like to fix my own answer soon for the Egoist hat
@Dennis wooot, I'm looking forward to that!!
@Fatalize You mean we don't know it is distracting us from work, or do you mean it is not distracting us from whatever "work" we're doing on PPCG?
> I was told to stop working on that when something important came up
How do I crop a picture at its center to a square in ImageMagick?
How to flatten 2D java arraylist into 1D java arraylist?
@zyabin101 and @Qwerp-Derp: carefully
Give me an example of what you mean @Qwerp-Derp
Ugh Processing is confusing
@betseg XD
What do you want to know?
@Qwerp-Derp with two for loops?
@Qwerp-Derp Something like for(List b : a)c.addAll(b); (don't paste this in, but...)
Actually no screw it, I just want to extend an arraylist
Use for-loops then
It's rare that extending an arraylist is the best approach. What are you trying to do?
How do I repeat and concatenate arrays in JS?
@KritixiLithos Is it possible to group a bunch of shapes at once into a class in Processing?
@zyabin101 C, 280 bytes (requires ImageMagick) a,b,c,d,e;char f[99],g[99];main(c,v)char**v;{sprintf(g,"identify -format '%w %h' %s",v[1]);FILE*f=popen(g,"r");fscanf(f,"%d %d",&a,&b);c=a>b;d=abs((a-b)/2);c?c^=d^=c^=d^=c,c--,d--:0;sprintf(f,"convert %s -crop %dx%d+%d+%d %s-cropped.png",v[1],a>b?b:a,a>b?b:a,c,d,v[1]);system(f);}
Takes the image as a command line argument
(didn't test btw)
I use the new magick command, and I need a shell command.
Screw it, I'll just use p5.js instead
@zyabin101 spread and fill
Found already.
For repeating, I needed a single element to repeat, and I can just Array(length).fill(x).
For concatenating, left.concat(right)
Spread > concat
Subjective. Argumentate.
Q: String reversal

Piotr GrochowskiPlease code a function that will reverse a string. Example input: Hello world! How are you? Output: ?uoy era woH !dlrow olleH This is Code Golf so the shortest code wins.

I obtained ! :D
A: Best of PPCG 2016 — Call for Categories

zyabin101Best Above-and-Beyond Answer This was originally featured in Best of 2015 by PhiNotPi. Every once and a while, an answer takes the challenge to the extreme. This prize will be awarded to an answer which went far beyond the expectations of the challenge. This could include a code golf...

cheddar::parser> if(true) { a(); }
 ├ ''
 ├ PropertyToken
 │ ├ BooleanToken
 │ │ ├ true
 ├ Tokenize
 │ ├ PropertyToken
 │ │ ├ VariableToken
 │ │ │ ├ 'a'
 │ │ ├ '('
 │ │ ├ ExpressionToken
 │ │ │ ├
 │ ├ ExpressionToken
 │ │ ├
I want to make a valid expression out of that if-then. :/
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrPrime Spiral primescode-golfgraphical-output This challenge was inspired by this question on math.SE by @Karl You might be familiar with the Ulam spiral. What we're doing here is similar, but a little bit different, given a positive integer N we generate an image: On an empty equally spaced ...

@Downgoat any tips on making a valid expr out of an if-then? :/
What do you mean by that?
Here's a typical if-then:
9 mins ago, by zyabin101
cheddar::parser> if(true) { a(); }
 ├ ''
 ├ PropertyToken
 │ ├ BooleanToken
 │ │ ├ true
 ├ Tokenize
 │ ├ PropertyToken
 │ │ ├ VariableToken
 │ │ │ ├ 'a'
 │ │ ├ '('
 │ │ ├ ExpressionToken
 │ │ │ ├
 │ ├ ExpressionToken
 │ │ ├
When I propose my way to Ches, it errors:
cheddar::parser> if(true) then a();
Unexpected token at 1:0
^ Any tips on making an expression from my way?
How did you "propose" it?
Oh, I found a thing!
cheddar::parser> ifthen(true, a());
 ├ PropertyToken
 │ ├ VariableToken
 │ │ ├ 'ifthen'
 │ ├ '('
 │ ├ ArrayToken
 │ │ ├ PropertyToken
 │ │ │ ├ BooleanToken
 │ │ │ │ ├ true
 │ │ ├ PropertyToken
 │ │ │ ├ VariableToken
 │ │ │ │ ├ 'a'
 │ │ │ ├ '('
 │ │ │ ├ ExpressionToken
 │ │ │ │ ├
Many things which can't be accessed from the Ches public API can be converted to be able to, it's kinda easy. :P
@zyabin101 you can write up a class to parse it extending CheddarLexer and then pass it to CheddarTokenize#exec's second arg
Good luck with that--the Ches public API has the CheddarTokenize type hidden.
Next: how do I view the lexer returned from a successful parser.exec()?
Q: ASCII Jigsaw Puzzle

Bobas_PettThis is a 3x3 ASCII jigsaw puzzle: _____ _____ _____ | _| |_ | | (_ _ _) | |_ _|_( )_|_ _| | (_) |_ _| (_) | | _ _) (_ _ | |_( )_|_ _|_( )_| | _| (_) |_ | | (_ _) | |_____|_____|_____| this is also a 3x3 ASCII jigsaw puzzle: _____ _____ _____ ...

@zyabin101 it's the result of the import?
@Downgoat v
        if (extras) {
            Object.assign(tok, {
                Expression: require('./parsers/expr'),

                // Literals
                Array: require('./parsers/array'),
                Dictionary: require('./literals/dict'),

                FunctionalOperator: require('./literals/fop'),
                FunctionalProperty: require('./literals/fprop'),

                Number: require('./literals/number'),
                String: require('./literals/string'),
                Symbol: require('./literals/symbol'),
@zyabin101 you get the object. Use _Tokens to get an array of the tokens, these are either another lexer object or a string
@Downgoat ok thanks. :3
@Downgoat I see no "Tokenize" thing in the object.
Okay, that's absurd. :/
Who starred ^^?
@zyabin101 no, that object is the list of static properties being attached to rhe tokenuze class
I had Object.assign(tok, {...}) unclear all the time.
let CheddarTokenizer = require("cheddar-parser")(true);
@zyabin101 yeah, docs are unclear on that
var chesTokeniser = ches(true) // s spellings ftw :D
JS it too annoying for me
I'm using p5.js, and everything is borked
function isprime(n) {
  for (var a = 2; a < n; a++) {
    if (n % a === 0) return false;
  return true;

function factors(n) {
  var factor = 2;
  var factor_list = [];
  while (factor < n) {
    if (n % factor === 0 && isprime(factor)) {
			n /= factor;
    } else {
      factor += 1;
  var twos = factor_list.lastIndexOf(2);
  if (twos > 0) {
    for (var a = 0; a < twos; a += 2) {
      factor_list[a] = 4;
      factor_list.splice(a + 1, 1);
^ sketch.js
I don't know p5.js, only processing-java
I think this is more of a js problem than a `p5.js1 problem
@Downgoat Halp hoisting is bad
@Qwerp-Derp s/1/`/
@Qwerp-Derp Having trouble with the factor fractal problem?
Ooh, factor fractal is a good name
@Sherlock9 Yup
What seems to be the trouble?
And what do you mean when you say everything is borked?
For some reason the function gen_points generates just too many points
I don't even know why
Which points is gen_points supposed to generate?
The final points for the actual fractal thing
Does factors work properly?
Halp how to extend array in javascript
@KritixiLithos Yup
> a = new ches.Expression('identifier();', 0)
TypeError: ches.Expression is not a constructor
    at repl:1:5
    at sigintHandlersWrap (vm.js:22:35)
    at sigintHandlersWrap (vm.js:96:12)
    at ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:21:12)
    at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:313:29)
    at bound (domain.js:280:14)
    at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:293:12)
    at REPLServer.<anonymous> (repl.js:513:10)
    at emitOne (events.js:101:20)
    at REPLServer.emit (events.js:188:7)
@Downgoat ^
I'm sure ches.Expression is a constructor.
var a=[1,2,3,4,5];var b=[6,7,8,9];a=(a+","+b).split(",");
Now a is [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
function gen_points(n) {
  var fct_points = factors(n);
  var final_points = points_list(fct_points[fct_points.length - 1], 0, -400);
  while (fct_points.length > 1) {
    var temp_points = [];
    for (var a = 0; a < final_points.length; a++) {
      var other = points_list(fct_points.reduce(function(a, b) {return a * b}, 1), final_points[a][0], final_points[a][1]);
    final_points = temp_points;
The console.log outputs []
OK this is really weird
Wait, a is string array now
Halp whoever knows JS
hi all
@Lembik hi part of all
have there been any challenges for computing pi^2? As in 3.14... squared
to arbitrary precision that is
a=a.concat(b) seems to work @Qwerp-Derp
@KritixiLithos So does that extend the array?
@Lembik How do I compute pi**2 with y-cruncher? :/
a is now [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
So I guess it does extend the array
Doesn't work for some reason... the array is still empty
This should be converted to log(n) formulæ.
@zyabin101 I don't know what y-cruncher is!
In other words, a multi-threaded Pi and other constants computation program for any huge arbitrary precision.
World record maker, thanks to which there are pi**e trillion digits of pi.
@zyabin101 ok :) I don't know if anyone has done it in python either
This site contains a small blog of the world record computation, and stock images. :P
but not for pi^2! :)
Did a quick benchmark
Got 39.244s for 25 million digits of pi.
Begin Computation:

Summing Series...  1,762,846 terms
Time:    34.131 seconds  ( 0.569 minutes )
Time:    2.417 seconds  ( 0.040 minutes )
Time:    1.616 seconds  ( 0.027 minutes )
Final Multiply...
Time:    1.074 seconds  ( 0.018 minutes )

Pi:  39.244 seconds  ( 0.654 minutes )

Base Converting:
Time:    4.334 seconds  ( 0.072 minutes )

Writing Decimal Digits:   25,000,000  digits written

Verifying Base Conversion...
Time:    1.891 seconds  ( 0.032 minutes )

Start Time: Thu Dec 29 16:42:07 2016
Ping me if you need a validation.
@zyabin101 what accuracy do you get for pi^2 from that?
@Lembik I can't compute pi**2 with y-cruncher, until I get a valid formula for that.
A valid Log(n) formula, that is.
That look like this:
(for Log[12345], 1000 decimal digits):
Primary Formula:

        Log[12345] =
                    + 1956 * ArcCoth[251]
                    + 736 * ArcCoth[449]
                    - 514 * ArcCoth[4801]
                    + 842 * ArcCoth[8749]
                    - 2 * ArcCoth[12347]
                    - 2 * ArcCoth[24691]

        Cost = 66343.9

Secondary Formula:

        Log[12345] =
                    + 737 * ArcCoth[99]
                    + 482 * ArcCoth[244]
                    - 2 * ArcCoth[824]
                    + 222 * ArcCoth[4801]
The primary formula will be used in the real computation, the secondary for validation.
@Lembik what value can be used to get pi**2?
@zyabin101 I am not I understand the question sorry
just square pi :)
@Qwerp-Derp Do you want to see my code for the answer so far? I use recursion to generate the points
Compute a Constant: (in ascending order of difficulty to compute)

  #         Constant                      Value        Approximate Difficulty*

Fast Constants:
  0         Sqrt(n)                                         1.42
  1         Golden Ratio                = 1.618034...       1.42

Moderate Constants:
  2         e                           = 2.718281...       4.02 / 4.02
  3         Pi                          = 3.141592...       12.8 / 19.0
  4         ArcCoth(n)                                      6.25 - 72.8
@Lembik So, there are 3 customizable constants, Sqrt(n), ArcCoth(n), and Log(n).
@Downgoat ches.Expression is not a constructor, nor a function either ;_;
@Lembik And we need to inverse-calculate any of these 3 customzable constants for pi**2.
Yay I see some snow on the hills near me (about 20 km away)
Not to toot my own horn, but I really like this answer.
A: Absolute Sums of Sidi Polynomial Coefficients

DennisPython 2, 43 bytes f=lambda n,k=1:k/n or n*f(n,k+1)+k*f(n-1,k) Try it online! A different approach Ever since I posted this challenge, I tried to come up with a recursive solution to this problem. While I failed using nothing more than pen and paper, I managed to turn the formula to golf i...

Looking at your recent answers, I'd say you're trying to get best mathematical insight of 2016
:D I'm the seventh in the Best of 2016 category list.
well, he is a mathematician (i remember hearing he was a professor but idk)
Anyone want to visit the bot room?
It's full of stupid bots
Nah, I'm tired of it.
@zyabin101 -1 there is no program to generate it
@zyabin101 Why would you need this?
@TuxCopter It's y-cruncher with which I did it.
I'll provide a link and validation file in the repo soon.
@betseg -.('v').-
@TuxCopter All aight now?
@zyabin101 √2 is pratically useless and if it took 2 minutes and the program used is Y-cruncher, why do you made a separate repo for it?
@zyabin101 you should totally find a language with arbitrary long decimal places, then multiply the whole number with itself.
@betseg I completely forgot about Best of PPCG this year
Username idea: LegionMammalEigteenteenteen... <97 teens> ...teenteenteen
Your idea seems a bit misspelt.
@EriktheOutgolfer Too bad, it's already been 2 minutes
I fixed it: LegionMammalEighteenteenteen... <97 teens> ...teenteenteen
Or: LegionMammalNinePointSevenEightTimesTenToTheSecondPowerWithOnePointTwoFiveThree‌​SixTimesTenToTheFourthPowerReputationOnPPCG
# [Python 3], 35 bytes

<!-- language: lang-python -->


[Try it online!]

[Python 3]: https://docs.python.org/3/
[Try it online!]: https://tio.run/nexus/python3#@19QlJlXoqHkk5qemZ@Xm5ibm5ijWqykqqFUkpqap6Rlaa6p@f8/AA "Python 3 – TIO Nexus"
@LegionMammal978 Or: LegionMammal978With12536ReputationOnPPCG.
@betseg It's buggy, it should be print("Legionmammaleigh%s"%("teen"*97)). Also -1 for not golfing.
@EriktheOutgolfer I cant edit but you get the idea. Also, how to golf this?
use python2
Do not use %formatting, use +"teen"*97.
@EriktheOutgolfer it's a habit from C lol

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