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@Mego Does it count if I spin up an asterisk server and code it to play that when you call a certain phone number?
@GabrielBenamy That's not an acceptable I/O method :P
you know what, here I am, trying my hardest to be amusing, and you do this to me
@Dennis do you know if there's an "opposite" of the \K regex operator? \K doesn't include anything before it in the match, is there something that includes nothing after it instead?
other than a general lookahead
@GabrielBenamy Sorry, pool's closed, no fun allowed
so I guess programming my electric piano is out of the question, too :(
@DJMcMayhem Ooh, talking about Undertale remixes?
@LegionMammal978 You wanted Voyager 2?
Now that Amped Up is fixed, I'm back to being tied for first place in hats on PPCG :D
@Xanderhall yup. :)
Apparently there are not undertale fans in here than I thought
@DJMcMayhem I love this, by the way. If my current Discord music bot could load Soundcloud playlists, I'd load this for everyone to hear.
@muddyfish You should make it case-insensitive
@Sherlock9 glad to hear it.
@Xanderhall oh I gtg. I'll listen to that later though
@GabrielBenamy No clue, sorry.
@Sherlock9 I love how many good Undertale covers there are, in so many different genres
> Status: 38%
That's okay. I can't find anything on perlre so I'm guessing it doesn't exist
C'mon, I don't have all day here
Just put a small bounty on "Add a language to a polyglot", if anyone wants to have a go :)
@Xanderhall @DJMcMayhem Oh, that reminds me. Look up Lenich & Kirya for their covers
@LegionMammal978 done
Can anyone help me debug some Processing code?
@Sherlock9 I'm trying to remember a particular artist who does really good remixes, but it's escaping me right now
@KritixiLithos k
Mac people, what's the equivalent of MS Paint for Macs?
I use paintboard personally
sorry paintbrush
@El'endiaStarman Bootcamp :P
@Mego Eh?
Isn't Bootcamp what you use to dual-boot MS Windows with OS X?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Mmm, neat, checking it out now.
user image
Damn cable providers, leasing actual cables now.
@mınxomaτ $60/month for an HDMI cable? WTF?
You could just buy one for like 15 bucks
@DJMcMayhem Yes, but how do you know that that cable is high-quality?
@mınxomaτ I hope there's some really pertinent context that makes this make sense, but given that it's from TDWTF, I kinda doubt it.
I'm more startled by the fact they still sell S-Video cables.
@mınxomaτ Do you know who the cable provider is? I can only read "Toslink". Also, Why the f*** would you charge 60 bucks PER MONTH for an HDMI? OK, I think that's what I will never buy. *tries to cool down after that shock*
@mınxomaτ what
@EriktheOutgolfer Toslink is just the name for optical audio connections.
@mınxomaτ What the [redacted]
@El'endiaStarman Tests are running is the #2 excuse
@wizzwizz4 Even a super-high-quality HDMI cable would run about $60
Not the #1
@El'endiaStarman do they have lots of testing where you work? (I can't remember the name)
@TuxCopter Python has no compilation process. Therefore, it's #1.
Make sense
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, Agora does a lot of test-driven development.
What about .pyc? :P
@El'endiaStarman Python does have a compilation process, its just done at the same time as the running bit
pyc your own file extension
@muddyfish Ah, yeah, that's true.
@El'endiaStarman Access to Global Online Research on Agriculture? That's where you work? Or you meant Agoda?
I should perhaps say that Python has no lengthy compilation process.
@El'endiaStarman CMC: Python code that takes the longest to byte-compile
I think the "compilation" process is something more like caching and less like actual compilation.
@EriktheOutgolfer Ah, yes, it must be Agoda. I can't believe I misspelled my employer's name!
@EriktheOutgolfer it actually does compile into python vm code
(FYI, that was sarcasm if it wasn't obvious enough.)
Whenever I accidentally clean/rebuild our legacy project it takes a good 40 minutes to compile
@El'endiaStarman Oh, so it's Agoda Hotel Booking.
@quartata Decimal.js
I use it in stacked
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Flp.TkcIs it a Mersenne Prime? A number is a Mersenne prime if it is both prime, and can be written in the form 2n-1, where n is a positive integer. Your task is to, given any integer x > 0, determine whether or not it is a Mersenne prime. You may submit a function which returns a truthy/falsy va...

@Mego Judged by time python[3] -m py_compile file.py, naturally
@Mario, so is this what you had in mind? fishlanguage.com/playground/bhD294sKxbXJecEC2
@EriktheOutgolfer An example:
>>> def f(x):
...   for n in x:
...     print(x + 2)
>>> dis.dis(f)
  2           0 SETUP_LOOP              28 (to 31)
              3 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
              6 GET_ITER
        >>    7 FOR_ITER                20 (to 30)
             10 STORE_FAST               1 (n)

  3          13 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (print)
             16 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             19 LOAD_CONST               1 (2)
             22 BINARY_ADD
             23 CALL_FUNCTION            1 (1 positional, 0 keyword pair)
@Mario, is this 3 byte solution valid? fishlanguage.com/playground/PPsETZDu8a5nMwLic
Actually that's a pretty bad example because of the generator....
Oh, because I can understand nothing from it...
There, that's better
@miles what do you mean by p =: <long number>? A number with N digits? (I'm running j804 i think, from 9!:14 '')
lol, Breakthrough Starshot wants to get flyby information from Proxima Centauri b by 2060
@EriktheOutgolfer It's just an example of what the bytecode looks like
@quartata a prettified version of
@redstarcoder yes, although I can't read Fish code (or anything similar) it looks like properly doing the work
@muddyfish Well yes, obviously.
Man, Steam has been down for quite a while.
Steam is down?
@EriktheOutgolfer so it is
@Mario I'll explain it in my answer :)
Question: If I include a library in my C++ app. Surely there is a better way to built it than manually adding built instructions for it in my makefile
@redstarcoder ok :) I think i'll post the challenge tomorrow, I have to go now... bye and thanks for your comments
@muddyfish Heh, that isn't actually a thing for me though, I'm not into buying games I'll never play.
@quartata Steam is up for me.
then spend no money and get tf2 and play with us on teh ppcg server
@EriktheOutgolfer I try not to and have succeeded recently
@Downgoat Use CMake or some other build system
I'm playing Saira right now.
(Well, whilst playing Space Trader.)
@wizzwizz4 You can play games without Steam being up. Try opening your friends list.
@Mego Ok.
@Mego I can't. I gotta conform to what node-gyp uses so I am very confused rn
wait does -l and -I take a path to a dynamic library or what?
@muddyfish Well, my primary thing is golfing code in Jelly, and, more rarely, 05AB1E. I rarely play NES, like once per 2-3 months or something.
-I specifies include search paths
-L specifies library search paths
-l specifies a library to link to
so library = prebuilt library?
> Status: 69%
Slowly getting there...
@quartata ok thank you :)
@Downgoat In return could you update Git to 2.11
that would be a great Christmas present for the little folk in the TF2 room
@flawr I don't fully understand your lastest question
@quartata better one would be nice unusual but that's good too
what prevents me from choosing q(X) to be simply X^1000 or some stupid value
@quartata see TF2 room
@quartata by the way did you ever end up beating my portal 2 level?
@orlp The X
p(q(X)) = X + ....
in other words such that p(q(X)) = X + h(X) where h is an arbitrary polynomial with ord(h) ≥ n+1.
this is what I'm going off
if you choose q(X) = X^1000 you'll get p(q(X)) = x^1000+...
oh right we're choosing q, not h
@flawr is the choice unique or not?
my gut instinct says no
I wish I could do minor edits without bumping my posts
@orlp It is unique
@orlp No, I forgot :P
@quartata want to see the solution?
More generally: You can uniquely invert power series (over a field) of order 1. The proof is not difficult, as you can construct the coefficients inductively
@orlp Ahhh
@quartata I'm mean :P
You know I think I actually had it set up like that but then I didn't check back up there
Status: 100%
S2_easy = 2859020910247461696
Seconds: 4067.306
I heard the door though so I should have known
The thing took over an hour
@quartata it's a really hard puzzle though
Oh yeah it absolutely is
before I didn't even have those platforms there
but then I decided that'd be too difficult
I wish I could make it more clear what is connected to what though...
@ConorO'Brien p is supposed to be the 9th Mills prime
@flawr I think I see
you start with pushing X to your result polynomial
then you substitute X into the original polynomial
let's say you get X + X^2 + X^3 + X^4 back
we now want to know what we want to do with X^2
since after substituting X we get one X^2 term we need to cancel we do -X^2
then you substitute X - X^2 in and look at X^3, etc...
Should I suggest a best of 2016 category for must beautiful-looking solution?
actually now that I say it aloud it sounds bad so I won't
@miles oh, okay. Well, jconsole 8.04 crashes when trying to calculate it. I'll try hopping on to the next J version
I accidentally created a recursive function that kept on calling itself... but hey, it's a *StackOverflow*Error!
I do that all the time.
In Python, though
Isn't incredible how programming languages named their stack overflow errors after the Stack Overflow site?
@El'endiaStarman Well obviously, since Java was created after StackOverflow.com was found :P
StackOverflowError? But I wasn't trying to connect to the site at all?!?
@Geobits we all know that's a lie. we're all always trying to connect to the site. our hearts are never free.
A: List of bounties with no deadline

mbomb007200 rep - Mondrian Puzzle Sequence It's a pretty difficult challenge, so I'll add a bounty. This will go to the first answer, or the shortest answer, in the event that someone creates a shorter one during the bounty period once the bounty is created. 200 rep - crack my Python polyglot anagram ...

@GabrielBenamy Maybe SE in general... but it's been years since that was true of SO for me ;)
Nice avatar there, @NewBountiesWithNoDeadlines.
Who creates the avatars of these feedbots?
The bots do
is there any challenge to make the largest (finite) error output you can? I've found something that would be a pretty good contender. I could swear there was a challenge for this...
I try not to ask any questions about it. Don't want them becoming too self-aware.
Generate the longest error message in C++: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/1956/…
@Flp.Tkc I think there has been a longest output type that people used errors in, but not one specifically for that. On mobile though, so not searching.
ah ok. I realised that def _():_() newline _() gives a massive error message in python
@orlp that's insane
@DJMcMayhem it's pretty tricky :)
70798 char error in my console
@flawr I cheated on your challenge
I use sympy's compose
@GabrielBenamy Jon Skeet is the only one who ever perfected the ability to stay always connected.
@KritixiLithos And who feeds the bots?
You haven't had a turn on bot-feeding duty? We're all supposed to be pitching in here :/
It's Christmas Eve Eve today.
In some places it's Christmas Eve already.
^ Like in Denmark, I think
Definitely not in Denmark.
Finally solved my own CMC: π(555646364591060097307) = 11886938475076264965.
So much for M.
Chat Mini Challenge?
@Dennis I was just thinking much the same. :P
@Dennis Just took about 3 hours :P
3/3 very mini
Can you recheck your solution? :P
@KritixiLithos Sure.
Wait, nvm, the --nthprime is bork for values greater than 2^63
What language did you use?
@Flp.Tkc This one might be a contender ...
Probably won't win in terms of code-golf, though.
We have OAuth for online passwords. We need OAuth for Credit Card Numbers.
So.... paypal and the like?
Small sites shouldn't handle CC info at all.
Hell, even most big sites probably shouldn't.
Certainly shouldn't.
I wonder how long it will take to replace CCs with something better. They probably seemed like a good idea atm, but I'm certain they could do better now.
I don't understand why CCs are a pull system and not a push system. Like why when someone gets your number, they can just pull money out? If it wasn't for that, this issue probably wouldn't even exist
How would being a push system work for this?
Bitcoin would be my go-to example
You get someone's address and send them money.
You can do that with most bank accounts (at least in the US) also.
Why not with credit cards?
But think of the CC number as authorization to pull. That's their entire point.
(along with other info at times, but not always)
Ehh, but it seems a bit insecure to just hand someone a magic number that gives them the power to take money from you
With a little cryptography, it wouldn't be hard to give a merchant a number that only works for them though. You could even send it to them in cleartext; it would be useless for everyone else.
@Dennis I think that's basically what online CC vendors do. Give the merchant a token that works for them per card/user.
@Dennis E.g. like encrypting it with the merchant's public key?
Maybe a limit could be tied in too
Most cards do have daily/whatever spend limits, and many banks will cut your card if they see anything fishy.
@redstarcoder Well, don't give it to someone you don't trust. CCs are oftentimes used for subscriptions or monthly payments, which is quite useful for a forgetful someone like me.
Just to check, this "NOTE: a missing vtable usually means the first non-inline virtual member function has no definition." means basically you attempted to reference an undefined function?
One of my cards has an online feature that allows for limited-use numbers to be generated. You can set a dollar limit, and the "card" expires in a month, so even if the number is stolen or attempted to be used by an unscrupulous merchant, it doesn't really do much.
@El'endiaStarman That would work, but the merchant could still decrypt it and encrypt it with someone else's public key. It would be better to sign an authorization for that merchant with your private key.
@Dennis yeah that's what I was just thinking about so I agree numbers which are only usable by one source are preferable
@Downgoat vtables are used to implement virtual functions. I don't know exactly what that note means, but it doesn't sound like what you're saying.
idk. I'm just trying to create a C++ binding:
@TimmyD That sounds pretty useful for shady sites, or giving someone a spending allowance.
nvm I did change and I got understandable error message :D
You could even stipulate limits, recurring payments, etc. in that authorization. Allow insurance company X to debit amount Y once a month, for example.
The problem with getting past CCs is the worldwide acceptance of them. Not that it isn't doable, but it'll take a long time.
I've used Visa/MC in at least a dozen countries without any problems at all. There isn't currently any other method of payment I can say that about.
@Downgoat According to SO, it's probably because you defined a virtual function without implementing it.
@Geobits Exactly. I'm purchasing something for $50, say. Set a limit of $60 (since some transaction applications like submit a $1 charge to ensure the card is good, then bundle the transactions up in one batch at the end of the day) and the only thing you need to worry about is if you actually get the item.
I figured it out, rather dumb mistake but I was only including one .cpp file
Yay, Steam is back
Ugh. My steam pun wasn't even worth saying :(
Full Steam ahead!
Nah, something even worse about getting the boiler up to temp... I don't wanna go into it any more than that.
Anyway, I gotta do some shopping, so mego now.
I'd add COW to the polyglot chaning, but for some reason, no matter where I put my code, Retina has a problem with it.
@GabrielBenamy So you can't find the right place to mooove it?
I'm going to find a very large trout and smack you upside the head with it.
Aaaand Steam is dead again
rip (mostly)
Well, mostly dead
hey, I'm matching a URL to several different possible regexes with only asterisks (as a special character). If multiple regexes match, which one is a "better" match? The one where the asterisk matches the fewest characters? The longest regex?
oh, actually, I think those are equivalent
ignore me XP
Vimscript has no *= operator. Seriously, what's the point of designing your own scripting language if you're not going to at least make it halfway decent?
Why not use Python, or Ruby, or hell even perl?
@NathanMerrill Asterisks are greedy. They try to match as many characters as possible.
@NathanMerrill It depends on how the regex works, tbh. If you're going for efficiency, you might want to try non-greedy characters.
Adding a ? to a greedy operator will make it non-greedy (so ?? will match 0 or 1, but try to match 0, +? will match 1 or more, but try to match as few as possible, and *? will match 0 or more but try to match as few as possible).
@Mego right, but if there are two regexes that match the same string, and one is longer, then you know that the asterisk matched the fewest characters
Oh, I missed the multiple regexes part
The function I'm writing basically returns true if chat.stackexchange.com/* is a better match than */rooms/240/the-nineteenth-byte
"better" is arbitrary, which is why I posted the two options (which I now realize are equivalent)
@DJMcMayhem And don't you have to always have a let before changing the variable's value? (like let a=a*a)
Yeah, but you should be able to do :let a *= 10
Would you like to see the most idiotic example of VimL design I have ever seen?
What should the following print:
function! Foo(a)
  echo a

nnoremap g :call Foo(10)<cr>
10... I guess
That would make sense
it probably prints a
Nope. Even stupider
Error detected while processing function Foo:
line    1:
E121: Undefined variable: a
E15: Invalid expression: a
you're right, that is even stupider.
What, why?
Because a is an argument, and echo a looks for a local 'a' first. There is no local a, so it throws an error
but the argument is the local 'a' ...?
That would make sense wouldn't it?
Does adding a = a fix it? :P
Instead you have to do echo a:a
[squints] are you sure this is a real language
@El'endiaStarman I thought it would, but the results are hilarious
Error detected while processing function Foo:
line    1:
E121: Undefined variable: a
E15: Invalid expression: a
line    2:
E121: Undefined variable: a
E15: Invalid expression: a
@DJMcMayhem really, that's more idiotic than == and ignorecase? ;)
Or function vs function!?
Seriously, the only thing that redeems this horrible excuse for a scripting language is the fact that it's connected to a great editor.
@DJMcMayhem I mean, that's funny, but not entirely unexpected behavior.
$ open $(hub issue create -m "Master checklist")
ah, the things the terminal can do (creates a GH issue named "Master checklist" and opens the URL in the browser)
Oh, and my personal (least) favorite: getchar() returns a number, not a character
That's kinda-sorta how PowerShell works.
But that's thanks to the implicit casting more than anything.
And even with all the complaining I do about it, the vast majority of my SE rep is because of VimL.
@Mego mostly dead is still slightly alive
@mbomb007 I'm glad someone got the reference :)
Question: can I use automatic variable $* in target list?
%.node: bindings/$*/binding.gyp
	node-gyp build -C bindings/$*/
I think it would however it complains whatever.node doesn't have a rule to build
@Xanderhall Just watched it. Holy shit, that gave me shivers. Although the gaster stuff was kinda confusing
You've been assigned a new issue!
It makes me wonder if maybe Gaster trained "The final boss" (not gonna say who cause spoilers)
Seeing as nobody's even pitched an argument against this, does that mean I can go and delete the tag?
@Flp.Tkc there's only one question with it, so I can't see the harm. Go for it
Delete it without hesitation
did you get your bug sorted @KritixiLithos ?
I have to see it in the morning. But so far, the bug still persists
Q: How to pair socks from a pile efficiently?

amitYesterday I was pairing the socks from the clean laundry and figured out the way I was doing it is not very efficient. I was doing a naive search — picking one sock and "iterating" the pile in order to find its pair. This requires iterating over n/2 * n/4 = n2/8 socks on average. As a computer s...

@KritixiLithos Since when did my own language have a TIO?????
i did not know until I saw your answer
@Flp.Tkc Dennis added a lot of languages to TIO
@Flp.Tkc Someone requested Pushy be added to TIO, and the deed was done by Dennis
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC can you imagine someone on PPCG getting 1914 upvotes on an answer
right, I didn't know anybody actually used Pushy, there's no docs at all :P
@GabrielBenamy Huh?
But thanks @Dennis !
I better write some docs then, and make the interpreter less terrible (it's spaghetti code)
I had to look into its interpreter to write my answer (it was quite understandable) :)
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC the top answer on that question has 1914 upvotes
With a new year comes a new TIO. All subdomains/permalinks are redirecting to https://tio.run/nexus. The old server will shut down soon.

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