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I'd like to play some Space Trader (maybe with a person/penguin/android/watermelon/whatever? :3), but the room is frozen. =/
You can play Space Trader without logging everything to SE y'know
space trader is what?
Space Trader is a strategy game for Palm OS and Windows Mobile PDAs. It was released in 2002 by Pieter Spronck, a scientist at Tilburg University, and was inspired by David J. Webb's PalmPilot game SolarWars (which in turn was based on Matt Lee's popular Palm game Dope Wars) and the 1980s classic 3D strategy game Elite (though it does not have Elite's 3D flight mode). The game is free software under the GNU General Public License. Space Trader for Palm OS centers on buying and selling ten commodities in various star systems around the galaxy. The player has one of several types of spacecraft, and...
And there are no mods at service. ;(
Hello, Loong! o/
Q: Count the characters - bit by bit!

Stewie GriffinThe simple part: Given an input string containing only printable ASCII-characters (space - tilde), count the number of occurrences of each character and return the result on any convenient format. The result for a string a%hda7a should be something like: a:3, %:1, h:1, 7:1, d:1. Sorting is unnece...

Windows has become dumb, disallowing access to the Desktop.
I got my access to the Desktop back.
@DestructibleWatermelon I pass you a list of moves
Processes need to be re-run every so often.
You should just pass the opposing track-me file to each enemy, and make both processes asynchronously write moves in their own track-me file. Both file names are passed to the process.
@NathanMerrill ^
Err, I'm going to use Java, not files. Also, moves will be chosen synchronously, because moves will be synchronous
Then how the first-to-move will know the second-to-move's plans?
Also, Java has files.
Learning some Processing!
@zyabin101 I pass them to your function.
And files are slow, so no point in using them if I don't have to
@NathanMerrill So the first-to-move can't know the second-to-move's plans.
Well P1 won't know P2's first move until he is picking his second move
void setup() {
  size(640, 480);

void draw() {
  if (mousePressed) {
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 8, 8);
@Qwerp-Derp ^
This makes the mouse shoot tiny pellets.
But P2's first move will occur after P1's, so if had it any earlier, he'd be planning moves based on future moves
Congrats, you just proved that the see-what-the-enemy-plans system is borked.
It's not that unbalanced. Each round consists of 12 actions: 121212121212. I'm not even sure who has the advantage.
I think Processing deserves a better IDE than the original one
What if we make an IDE for Processing that's better than the default in Processing?
P2 can respond to P1, but P1 gets the first move
Is anyone on?
Anyone is on.
Anyone is on.
@redstarcoder ninja'd
Always wanted to say that.
Is anyone interested in making a Processing IDE?
@Qwerp-Derp Kinda easy, but
- we'd need to fork Processing,
- understand its source code,
- etc.
And we need a Java guy for all that.
@zyabin101 Jahvar is tehr bestht!
We use Processing to make a Processing IDE
If we're going to make one, we need:
@Qwerp-Derp ... That's not a bad idea.
@Qwerp-Derp Kinda easy, but
- a text editor (with proper highlighting for Processing)
- we'd need to find an eval() command in Processing.
- something to eval the Processing code
@zyabin101 There is one.
We need to wrote a Jython extensions.
- editing the actual IDE ("hackable")
I'm starting to like Processing, but I don't like the IDE, and there's not a lot of options for me for a good IDE solely for Processing other than the builtin one
I don't really like Eclipse (never liked it)
And Atom support isn't really good
So this is actually going to be useful
So should we make an IDE?
@Downgoat @ConorO'Brien Can you recommend me a good arbitrary precision arithmetic library for JS? I'm kind of considering just emscriptening GMP/NTL but I worry about how slow it would be
Has anyone ever used Turing in code-golf? Processing reminded me of it because they both seem to be learning languages...
So I want something for comparison
@Qwerp-Derp Noice
I don't know though, this seems like a big project
But if we pull this off it'll be really noice
Wait what are you doing?
What's your project?
The Processing IDE
Yeah, the PDE isn't really that good. How are you going to create a new IDE?
Q: Pyramid of broken strings

Julian LachnietGiven a string n, create a pyramid of the string split into pieces relative to the current row. The first row contains the string unmodified. The second row contains the string separated into halves by a pipe. The third row separates it by thirds... And so on. The length of each substring, ...

@KritixiLithos Probably in Processing itself.
Perhaps in Java.
Processing is not really good for GUI
You should probably just make an Eclipse or Netbeans plugin
^^ I tried creating a menubar (but I wasn't able to so I posted an issue on GH), but the creators of Processing told me that that was not supported and that I should try the Processing forum
@quartata I think IntelliJ is better
You get the idea though.
I'd be pretty surprised if there wsn't already one for whatever IDE you prefer
Q: How to use Processing 3 on IntelliJ IDEA?

ypicardI'd like to use the IntelliJ IDEA IDE to develop some app using Processing 3. How can I do that ? There are only tutorials on how to use Processing 2, but I think things have changed enough so that those tutorials do not work anymore. Thank you

i'm gonna create a stack-based lang where Sign just happens to be a completely happenstantial set of operations that returns the sign of a number, but none of those operators individually return the sign
What isn't Processing made for graphics stuff?
How come cxxabi.h has cxa_demangle but no cxa_mangle
CMC 1: Find π(555646364591060097307) where π is the prime-counting function and post it
@LegionMammal978 What's n?
> where π is the prime-counting function
I think LegionMammal already had that typed and was just waiting to reply it
I would be able to do it if not for the "post the answer" requirement.
Also, it's a pi, not an N
@LegionMammal978 So basically the number of primes below that big number, right?
@KritixiLithos Or equal to it; the number itself is a probable prime.
import java.math.BigInteger...
Also, fun fact: On PPCG, @MartinEnder has ~131.19 msk of reputation
@flawr Milliskeets
Oh, so he also has about 1kMSB
A: Is this number a prime?

histocrathello, world!, 13 hello, world!

@Dennis that's honestly beautiful
@Dennis .-.
@Mego I couldn't agree more!
><> and Python were made for each other in polyglot challenges :)
I love it!
oO the hover text:
Of course, I have a fondness towards all 2D languages :P But the massive increase in my score makes ><> my favorite right now
I can't believe my coworker is a flat earther
@NewMainPosts ♪ I walk this lonely street, on the pyramid of broken strings♪
My coworker believes some of the weirdest shit
The first thing that popped into my head
That's funny, I was reading the answer and went "that's Teal Pelican's quine I think!" and sure enough, he commented it :p
he thinks he photographed the second sun today
@GabrielBenamy Sure he
#s not just trolling you?
@GabrielBenamy Is he a water farmer?
Like, I have conversations with the guy and he seems normal and then he comes into work today and shows me that he took a picture of the "second sun" and that the sun might be dying and nobody would tell us. I asked him why he thinks that and he says "it has a different characteristic than it did when I was a kid."
Have you considered that he might need psychiatric help?
So far, I've been able to conclude that 11874093222408110287 ≤ π(555646364591060097307) ≤ 11943303841313386282.
@GabrielBenamy You don't know what lies the government are feeding into our ears...
sounds like he would get along with this lady. youtube.com/watch?v=_c6HsiixFS8
@LegionMammal978 Practically solved, then.
He seems like a reasonable fellow -- he's a good salesman, he just... doesn't believe in outer space
I don't like to make fun of people when they could have actual mental/psychiatric problems
@TimmyD Nah, there's still 69210618905275996 possible values.
But seriously, you don't know if space is an illusion, also what if we are living inside our minds? We don't know anything.
@LegionMammal978 whoosh
I just let him borrow my phone so he could go take pictures of the second sun for me
@GabrielBenamy And now you'll never see it again
oh well
I can see his car from my window so if he takes off i can call the cops from my desk phone
@LegionMammal978 Like I said, practically solved.
Steam is down! Everyone panic!
so that's why steam won't launch
I thought it was my wifi
@KritixiLithos hey can you help with testing a secret hat? come to the shoppe
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ So you agree that space-time is just something people use to explain the nothingness outside? :P
.... yes?
@KritixiLithos basically can I comment on your question (the one from nov 3) 10 times, you upvote the comments, and do I get the hat
Let's try
O: good luck!
okay thanks
@redstarcoder thanks!
stupid comment rate limiting lel
I got my phone back
he took like 20 pictures of the sun
What am I supposed to do @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ?
just vote up all 10 comments
I'm still writing cause rate limiting
okay done
@Sherlock9 I just found out that the non-Steam version of Factorio is DRM-free. I can hook you up with a copy.
@GabrielBenamy Did it look different? (was there a shadow of an alien spaceship on the sun and perhaps some sortofa laser?)
now you vote, we'll see if I get a hat, if I do then I'll help you get it if you want
(there is also a fast forward button)
@KritixiLithos There was a green dot in some of the pictures, surrounded by a red blob, likely from an imperfection in the camera lens or the protective covering
test comment numba 1 — Easterly Irk 6 mins ago
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ What is this?
me trying to test a hat
Don't. Please.
okay, won't next time
LEL spam comments got voted.
SO devs know that christmas time is a stressful time of the year, so they try to ensure that its stressful for the mods :P
There's a sandbox on Mother Meta if you want to play with something.
oh really? thanks
@EriktheOutgolfer that was intentional, the hat theory was "10 upvoted comments"
@Dennis @EasterlyIrk Haven't you already been warned not to be annoying/disruptive because you're looking for hats?
tfw ur new strategy is longer by 2 bytes
@mınxomaτ Hahaha it's so true
The only go-live before Christmas should be go-live-with-your-family-for-a-few-days
Literally just added a builtin for getting the distance from planets to Earth/the sun
@muddyfish but why
@Mego I have no idea
I wanted to add a thing for getting when the next full moon is
^ nethack? :P
And I had a load of free space for builtins with a time and a string
@muddyfish In AU?
It works for all the objects in the solar system
@LegionMammal978 yes
Huh, I just got 6. I guess because I made a lot of comments?
AttributeError: module 'ephem' has no attribute 'Voyager 1'
@Mego did any of them get upvotes?
Any objections to posting this?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://t.co/oNdilov7Vv
@flawr I like it, go for it
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ You look creepy
I don't understand the challenge
thanks or no thanks, not sure
@flawr probabyl going make to taco in a moment
@KritixiLithos What is it you do not understand?
How do you even calculate it?
That is the challenge=)
@flawr back to taco, just waiting for profile refresh automatically
There are multiple ways
You can e.g. do it by sequentially determining the coefficients from the lowers to the highes.
@KritixiLithos Do I understand you correctly do you do understand the challenge, you just don't know how to do it?
I don't understand how you get (p∘q)(X) = p(q(X)) = X - 2X^5 + 3X^6 - 10X^7 +...+ X^16 ≡ X mod X^5
@flawr I don't understand the challenge itself completely, just sorta
Therere are two equalities here, which one don't you get?
@Mego Ooh, that would be excellent :D If you can get on Discord, we can discuss it there
I don't get how p(q(x)) = x mod X^5
You mean how X - 2X^5 + 3X^6 - 10X^7 +...+ X^16 ≡ X mod X^5?
Yes that
p(q(x)) mod x^5 = x mod x^5
Well do you see that X^5 ≡ 0 mod X^5?
mod Q means that everything that is a multiple of Q is getting "zero'd" i.e. is equivalent to 0.
Since X^5 and X^6 e.t.c are multiples of X^5, we have X^5 ≡ 0 mod X^5, and X^6 ≡ 0 mod X^5 e.t.c.
@Sherlock9 Sure can. URL?
Oh, that makes sense now. I didn't understand what mod was supposed to do exactly, but now I understand it better
@KritixiLithos ok=)
Wait, has the Steam winter sale started?
Oh no wonder Steam went down. I was confused
So all you have to do is to find X mod thingtofind, am I right?
@Dennis hi! I have a post in sandbox with two upvotes and I did different impovements after 15 comments, but I'm not very sure that it is 100% ok, could you please review it and tell me your opinions? Thanks
Q: Locally invert a Polynomial

flawrChallenge Given a polynomial p with real coefficients of order 1 and degree n, find another polynomial q of degree at most n such that (p∘q)(X) = p(q(X)) ≡ X mod X^(n+1), or in other words such that p(q(X)) = X + h(X) where h is an arbitrary polynomial with ord(h) ≥ n+1. For a polynomial p(X) =...

No wait, you have to find q
@KritixiLithos you have to find q such that p(q(X)) = X mod X^(...)
@KritixiLithos right
@NewMainPosts Are you on too much sugar recently?
@NewMainPosts That was fast (under 60 seconds)
@Mario why ping him?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ It was a failed stealth-ping :P
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ because he wrote feel free to ping me in chat :D
@Mario oh, okay
@TuxCopter hahaha RES remembers not to show the subreddit CSS when I'm on there
@Mario Would recursion be a valid form of looping?
@Dennis any tipe of loop would be fine
There, found this
@DJMcMayhem this is an amazing soundtrack
Good thing I have 8 processor threads
@DJMcMayhem and omg sans is epic
Where are you? Still snowdin?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ *open sans is epic
@Mario But it might be difficult to decide if a full cycle has completed in this case. Tail recursion kinda fits the bill, but only TCO does actually complete a cycle if execution is aborted by an error.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I just compiled this
@DJMcMayhem I have about 7 Undertale remix playlists saved on Youtube and 3 of them are the Red, Blue, and Purple Sides of that album
Compilation of the Kurzgesagt tracks
@LegionMammal978 10/10
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ You'll get to see Sans's true power in The Best Ending™
lol okay
sans is chill
are they supposed to be named after fonts
@DJMcMayhem heyyyy doggo number 1
Papyrus is papyrus
W.D. Gaster is Wingdings
@LegionMammal978 What, how?
Kurzgesagt tracks are amazing
@LegionMammal978 haha
@KritixiLithos ...you can put other people's tracks into an album, you know
@Dennis ok thanks, do you have any suggestion to improve it? Should I take that "1 cycle" rule away?
The other 4 are Magic and Monsters, Live at Grillby's, M. Bulteau's Undertale Anniversary Album, and Your Soulmate by Hanzaki
@DJMcMayhem apologies for repeated pings but doggo is freaking epic
this whole game is
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoPlay (some of) Pachelbel's Canon Output the following except from Pachelbel's Canon in D as audio: Rules Any format/encoding may be used, so long as a codec existed prior to the creation of this challenge Any instrument (a real instrument, MIDI synthesis, etc.) may be used The tempo must be...

Is this Lesser Dog?
There's quite a couple dogs
Huh, TIL Processing's PVector has a builtin for cross vector multiplication. Wow, just, wow
@NewSandboxedPosts @Mego I wonder if I can coerce my motherboard to beep that way.
Once upon a time, I wrote some code in Asterisk that got it to play Pachelbel's canon.
Do you guys think this question of mine is too difficult? Or do you think I may need to add a bounty?
@Sherlock9 nice. May I recommend live at Grillby's
And there's one other more techno album but I can't find it
6 mins ago, by Sherlock9
The other 4 are Magic and Monsters, Live at Grillby's, M. Bulteau's Undertale Anniversary Album, and Your Soulmate by Hanzaki
@GabrielBenamy Though it would be interesting, it wouldn't count. You have to output an audio stream/file
Oh nice, haha
@DJMcMayhem Hm, I didn't find a techno album when I searched "Undertale album" to find all of those, but I'll look around for one later and see if it's the one you're talking about
@Mario I'm not saying you shoukd change the rule, but it wouldn't hurt to explicitly mention recursion/TCO in the post. As cureently written, I'd say recursion without TCO is invalid.
@Sherlock9 Oh sweet, I found it! It's called "Straight from the underground"
@Dennis ok thanks I'll make edits for it
Although my favorite individual song is still by far Chimes
@DJMcMayhem I only looked up that phrase and I got an NWA song o_o

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