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I want the thing to make a 360° circle but
@keyframes cycle {
    from { transform: rotate(-90deg); }
    to { transform: rotate(-90deg); }
won't work
@TuxCopter try 270 to -90
@Downgoat It does it but it slow down in the last quarter
Try setting it to linear instead of ease
@Downgoat yay it works
@TuxCopter :D
Guys, come on. Don't VTRO random questions that are closed for the sake of hats.
This obviously doesn't deserve to be reopened in it's current state.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Which questions do you mean?
linked one
in the "this"
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ too many people are reopening just to get hat
Ataco even admitted to it
@Downgoat yeah
@Downgoat hat abuse eleven
2 days ago, by Dennis
The next person who abuses his privileges to get hats will get a suspension instead, until the day after Winter Bash.
Dennis, ready yourself ^^
I'm fine with that, just make sure it's a valid reopenable question.
Plz open a new room for this esoteric language
@betseg Le Dix-Neuvieme Byte.

 Le Dix-Neuvième Byte

Discussion générale pour codegolf.stackexchange.com en français
Now, to thaw it...
lel thanks though
not sure what I said in there but ok
@El'endiaStarman :D Thanks :3
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ That one message about circumflexes in tags. :P
Also, that was kind of a challenge. It's normally slightly difficult to pick out the relevant messages to move, but when most of them are in a different language and some aren't...
@betseg have you tried obfs4 and hardened?
@Downgoat You probably have to provide the entire list of inputs it should match, though, which must be finite. So you couldn't have it match every even integer or something?
Halp I hate CSS
I am trying way too hard to correctly place a div
why did I come to work today
@TuxCopter If you try hard enough, you'll overcome all hate.
Q: Snowman Bowling

TimmyD(related/inspired by: Draw a bowling formation) A fun pastime in the winter months here is to perform snowman bowling, using a large ball (like a basketball) and tiny snowman figures. Let's recreate this in ASCII. Each snowman consists of the following: (.,.) ( : ) Here is the alignment of t...

Q: Should we open *Largest number printable* to all languages?

Peter TaylorBrought to meta on the basis that it's too drastic a change to make unilaterally or on the basis of three people discussing it in the comments of a different question... The issue has been raised by the author of Busy Brain Beaver reboot that answers in Brainfuck are not permitted on Largest Num...

That shouldn't be hard at all. Did you specify a transform-origin?
Wait I think I'm stupid
nvm it still don't want to work
If you actually showed us what you're doing, there's a chance we could help.
position: absolute;
top: 152px;
left: 152px;
height: 8px;
transform-origin: 2px 50%;
animation-name: cycle;
animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
width: 150px;
background-color: grey;
/* animation-duration: 3600s; */
animation-duration: 4s;
I am trying to make this thing rotate around the center of a 300px circle
The animation work but I can't positionate it correctly
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC wat
Without the associated HTML, that doesn't say much.
    <div id="border"> <!-- circle border -->
        <div id="minute"></div> <!-- div in question -->
        <div id="hour"></div>
        <div id="second"></div>
        <div id="center"></div>
Still just bits and pieces. Could you make a fiddle?
CSS is weird, man.
*cough* canvas *cough*
I want to make a clock in pure CSS3
How to match the clock to real time?
It looks nice
Well, at least the structure of the clock in pure CSS3
@betseg JQuery never mind
I will use JS to make the thing match real-time
But not jQuery
@TuxCopter First things first: You specify an absolute position for hour, minute, and second, but border isn't placed at 0,0.
The calculated center is also off. Just a second.
my boss: "you think you're good for the customer call now?"
me, lying out of my ass: "yeah, of course"
@Dennis touches right side, a pixel away from left side lol
Still better thanthe 7px offset of the old version lel
Eh, miscalculated the border. jsfiddle.net/gfr6kv4h/10
Even at 250% zoom, I don't see any more gaps.
>no javascript
technology is incredible
Q: Build a perfect tic-tac-toe AI

TheBitByteA perfect tic-tac-toe AI, when playing versus a human (or better phrased, playing against whatever input values were fed to the code, more on that down below), always wins or draws, and never loses, 100% of the time. In other words, the probability that this AI will lose (i.e neither draw nor win...

If you want to make the clock more realistic, make it tick instead of the linear animation.
Dec 13 at 5:35, by betseg
Minutes and seconds, that is.
what would you call the operation of taking each (integer) element n of array a and taking the next n elements from another array b and collect the results in an array. E.g., (1 2 3) and (4 5 6 7 8 9) => ((4) (5 6) (7 8 9))
Q: Tag for challenges with stateful solutions

Martin EnderThis recent quine challenge made me realise that we have a certain class of challenges that require answers to do something different each time they are run (at least for a finite amount of runs). This isn't too common but it's a recurring challenge feature, so I thought it might be nice to have ...

@ConorO'Brien Can't think of anything but partitioning.
@Dennis How to tick in CSS
@Dennis Eh, just call it a Rolex
@Dennis that's great, thanks :D
Rolex-partitioning ;-)
@TuxCopter steps(60)
I have a weird javascript bug for you guys. Can you help me?
CSS3 is really something. It replaces a lot of JS in the new TIO.
    function idleTimer() {
        }, <?php echo $_SESSION['session_idle_time'];?> * 1000 + 3000 - 60 * 1000);
Too bad some people still use IE8
TIO will only support IE 11. All previous versions are unusable.
$_SESSION['session_idle_time'] is set to something absurd (something like 2000000), which means that after 2 million seconds, that modal should appear. However, every once in a while, for no reason, it will appear immediately on page load on one tab but not another.
@GabrielBenamy Overflow?
Is that really JS, or is it some yucky library?
@Dennis The system uses the bootstrap library
setTimeout is a builtin JS function
Sure, but I don't know what the modal does.
@TuxCopter That's what I thought, but those numbers are still handleable by JS. And it only happens sometimes.
@Dennis jQuery
modal('toggle') will hide/show a modal window.
Any chance <?php echo $_SESSION['session_idle_time'] * 1000 + 3000 - 60 * 1000;?>); fixes it?
I'll try that
but I can't be sure
Pretty random guess and most likely wrong.
Huh. I seem to inadvertently write moderately difficult challenges. 14 of my 34 challenges (not counting Snowman Bowling, since it was just posted) have five or fewer answers.
Can confirm. Usually tricky.
Apparently all my challenges are easy
Sounds like a neat idea to write a SEDE query for.
Calvin would probably have a high easiness rating.
I've only posted two challenges to the sandbox. One got downvoted, the other was a dupe ;w;
Of the 7 challenges I posted, 2 are dupes
I only posted 4
on main
I posted 1 challenge ;_;
I posted 2 failing challenges, and 1 was even closed as unclear.
2 of my questions have received 14 downvotes in total...
Both were correspondingly deleted.
However, 2 succeeding challenges.
@betseg On Tor. obfs4 is a pluggable transport, you need bridges to jump over the barrier, and hardened edition to jump over MITM when you download tor
For some reason, my most downvoted post is
Q: Output the Hebrew alphabet

TùxCräftîñgYour task is to print this exact text: אבגדהוזחטיכךלמםנןסעפףצץקרשת (You are allowed to print a trailing newline) SHA256 hash of the UTF-8 encoding of the text: 0ab6f1e0bf216a0db52a4a5a247f95cba6f51496de7a24dfd01f3985dfcf6085 Base64 encoding: 15DXkdeS15PXlNeV15bXl9eY15nXm9ea15zXnted16DXn9e...

@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC ah k. it's actually easy to enable tor even if it's banned. check their twitter :p
@TuxCopter all those nazis :p
@TuxCopter I've got 10 downvotes in one question :P
huh, link?
Why are you all bragging about terrible performance on the main site?
@TuxCopter for some reason my most down voted post is this one:
Q: N(e(s(t))) a string

DJMcMayhemTo "function nest" a string, you must: Treat the first character as a function, and the following characters as the arguments to that function. For example, if the input string was Hello, then the first step would be: H(ello) Then, repeat this same step for every substring. So we get: H(ello...

Q: Shortest infinite loop producing no output

Kritixi LithosYour task is to create the shortest infinite loop! The point of this challenge is to create an infinite loop producing no output, unlike its possible duplicate. The reason to this is because the code might be shorter if no output is given. Rules Each submission must be a full program. You mus...

I've got to start posting programs with a negative byte count to beat all these empty files! — CJ Dennis Oct 3 '15 at 4:32
@betseg ikr? Did you get it to work?
Challenge idea: Print from m to input n with step s, arranging the numbers in either horizontal or vertical columns.
Possibly with offsets (line 1 = 0, line 2 = offset, line 3 = 2 offset, ...) but I'm not sure.
This is based on a chat mini challenge by Calvin's Hobbies, which is allowed to be used in real challenges under the conditions of Calvin's Hobbies Public License.
I have a philosophical question. For the challenge shortest infinite loop producing no output, what is considered an "infinite loop"? Is it a loop that can be broken, but just never is? What counts as a "loop"? Is it explicit code, or is it the CPU performing the same operation over and over again (in which case, waiting for input that never comes could arguably qualify)?
Calvin's initial example:
m = 1, n = 15, s = 1, vertical columns.
@GabrielBenamy Something that repeats endlessly
@KritixiLithos What about input() in Python 3, where the user never enters an input?
m = 1, n = 9, s = 2, horizontal columns:
It's not a loop, per se.
@KritixiLithos So when I write a program that waits for input that never comes, the computer is continually checking the input stream.
you could almost say it's repeatedly checking the input stream
vertical columns: 13579
in which case the perl program <> with no input would be an infinite loop
@zyabin101 Seems decently interesting. Sandbox it.
in other words, the horizontal columns are rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise for vertical columns.
I should probably add a rule that states your program must not depend on user input
@El'endiaStarman Okay, I will... when this year ends. :/
But instead of sidestepping the issue, would such a thing even really qualify? Should I post it on meta?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC am mobile, can't try
Oh good lord... A client just said: "The data is in decimal, but sent in hexadecimal. For example, the number 28 would be sent as 0x32, 0x38 (where 0x32 is ASCII '2' and 0x38 is ASCII '8')". I think he thinks hexadecimal == ASCII, or hexadecimal == bytes
Yes, post it
This is confusing
@DJMcMayhem wow
@DJMcMayhem what
who's the client?
^^^ The Phaser Chronicles, the blurb.
@DJMcMayhem What do you work as, if you don't mind me asking?
@KritixiLithos I don't mind. I'm an intern at an electrical engineering company. I do a variety of firmware/software tasks
I just thought it was hilarious that apparently bytes == hexadecimal lol
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Sanguine Inc.
@DJMcMayhem what
@MartinEnder is there some sort of Mathematica reference for functions that have operator equivalents?
@zyabin101 Sanguine(TM) Technologies, Inc.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC ™
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC is "are" a ™?
^ that seems weird to me as well
@betseg Huh?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC "are ™"
I'd hate losing my new room, so I'll ask again.
Is anyone here playing Minecraft or Minetest?
@betseg Oh.
That's how companies do it in the US
Okay, if no attention on me, will bump it anyway.
Here, my new room.
In svg: svgshare.com/i/S9.svg (I don't think anyone's interested, but don't want to delete)
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I am. :)
I made it very carefully in Google Drawings. Not the best vector graphics editor...
Canva is nice
lol at Doorknob's answer going to pass my challenge in terms of upvotes, primarily because of the language :-/
@KritixiLithos Thanks for the tip :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CrazyPythonMake a mini-terminal code-golf $ ls proj/ documents/ notes.md $ cd documents $ cp proj/build build $ chmod 755 build Take commands from stdin. When the user hits enter, run bash -c "<escaped command>". Pipe output to stdout. Once the command finishes, accept another command from stdin. $ is t...

@Downgoat Bad news: Perl 6 calculated primes up to 1000 in 1.3 seconds. And I used Int which is arbitrary precision (and therefore slow)
Why is that a bad new
Well, he was so happy that Cheddar was faster than Perl 6...
Turns out that wasn't the case
(also I'm using a super old version of Rakudo; probably better nowadays)
1 hour later…
(If person who downvoted codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/103670/… is here, could you undo that as the issues with it are fixed now)
@muddyfish Code doesn't work
@KritixiLithos it does?
Sure it can only do 1 byte
You should specify the debug flag on so we can see the hexdump of output
but the algorithm works
My browser just shows the characters
Yes, I didn't see the invisible characters in the output >_>
I edited it with the debug flag on
For some reason it's not accepting any new input.
Not until I refreshed without the input argument in the URL.
Oh wait, right, BF takes input differently...
I've been doing lots of nothing recently
Voting gives you that hat
or any for that matter (comments, posts, ...)
@KritixiLithos so does signing up for a site apparently
cmc: explain why i'm tired
every day
really? I sleep at night personally
you haven't seen kevin?
> Kevin threw his lunch at the School Resource Officer and tried to run away. He ran into a door and insisted it wasn't him.
@TuxCopter I've read that before. Pretty incredible. :P
@quartata no, your tests have to be wrong
@DJMcMayhem I have data in RSA encoded in goat emojis. I need a program to send wool to my farm
@Downgoat you should try jQuery
@DJMcMayhem @Downgoat @quartata FYI smissmas update is out
Is that a hat simulator TF2 thing?
@DJMcMayhem you get free items
Cool. Good thing I thought ahead and purchased internet for my apartment.
Oh wait, I didn't. Nevermind
@DJMcMayhem Like, one whole internet?
Nope. 0 whole internets.
it's such a beautiful feeling when you come up with a solution that fixes everything in such a beautiful way that it even accounts for corner cases you hadn't thought of
Q: A Square of Squares

TimmyDGiven two input integers, a >= 4 and b >= 2, output an ASCII square of size a x a. The twist is the square must be constructed of b 3 x 3 squares formed like the following: ### # # ### You can use any ASCII printable character (except whitespace) to construct the smaller squares. I'm using # f...

@DestructibleWatermelon hi
@DestructibleWatermelon hI
@Downgoat The output is identical and I'm timing with time which would overestimate not underestimate. Sorry.
It's surprisingly consistent too. Not a lot of noise between iterations.
I can make a GIF if you want.
boss: "there's no way this hasn't been working this whole time, I would have noticed by now"
I don't even need to finish this story
@quartata something has to be wrong. Maybe it's running a different program
The output matches the Cheddar program's exactly
@ConorO'Brien luckily it's winter break now so I can waste time on sevrer
$ time cheddar primes.ches > cheddar.out

real	0m12.102s
user	0m12.148s
sys	0m0.044s
$ time perl6 primes.p6 > p6.out

real	0m1.740s
user	0m1.584s
sys	0m0.124s
$ diff cheddar.out p6.out
Both were worse this time, odd. I'll try again.
Normally Cheddar takes about 8 seconds. It varies
Holy cow ... app developer asking for some assistance tracking down an error, I pull up the ASP events in the Application log ... y'know, the blah-blah at blah-foo at foo-foo style errors. If I do a -split on " at ", there are 89 nested calls in the stack trace.
Recursive function gone bad?
Nope, they're all different.
Is this Java? It sounds like Java.
Java.NET? No, I certainly hope not. ;-)
@TimmyD J#... :/
JavaFuck when?
JSFuck is an esoteric programming style of JavaScript, developed by Martin Kleppe, where code is written using a very limited set of characters: (,), [, ], +, !. The name is derived from brainfuck, an esoteric programming language which also uses a minimalistic alphabet of only punctuation. Unlike brainfuck, JSFuck is valid JavaScript code, meaning JSFuck programs can be run in any web browser or engine that interprets JavaScript. The challenge in JSFuck lies in recreating the full set of JavaScript functions using only these six characters, which is made possible by two properties of JavaScript...
JS is not Java.
I know but it's still absurdism
JS is sadness, Java is Gladness
J#? What? No. We don't talk about that. What? You're crazy. What?
@ATaco "JS is sadness and Java is pure sadness" FTFY
Does anyone know of a meta post that documents the need to include c# using statements, or general imports, for golfing challenges?
@Phaeze You mean other than the fact that, without them, your program will fail to compile?
Well thats not a good argument when we do allow anonymous lambdas which will fail to compile :)
So your question is limited in scope to only functions/lambdas?
Q: should imports/includes count in golf

ratchet freakfollow the title mainly I'm asking this so I know whether to count all the import declarations that are required for the code to run successfully (especially when the import/include is required in the language like in D)

Though that one is rather old.
The situation that has cause me to ask is, yes. in particular this is regarding System.Linq
lol sorry, that one will work
@Phaeze I saw some answers using LINQ and not importing it
Q: On scoring imported functions

OgadayThere are lots of questions about whether to count the bytes in an import statement, etc. This question is not about that. Instead, this question is more inline with this question but I think it would be considered off topic/distinct. Again, assume standard library imports are allowed at least, ...

Q: Scoring Java lambdas with imports

CAD97In this answer, I used a java.util.List as a parameter to an anonymous function (lambda) answer. So, my question is, Should this import be counted to the byte total? I know, it feels like the obvious answer should be YES - if you don't import java.util.*, my example usage won't compile. Howeve...

Q: Byte count for imports (or other things) not needed for definition, but for execution

nimiWhen we define a function that needs an import, we have to add it to the byte count. So far, so good. What about cases where the definition itself doesn't need the import, but when you want to call/execute the function you need it, for example to construct parameters? Examples can be found here ...

(I'll stop)
I know I've seen some that explicitly say C# Linqpad which forces the linq import
Seems RProgN is pretty good at getting the length of it's source code.
@Rainbolt those are perfect, thank you.
Geobits' downvoted answer on the last one actually mentions the other two. So he followed the same rabbit trail and then added to it.
Well it was downvoted. Now it has a positive score lol
Haha yes, chat version of the meta effect?
We chatter's like upvotinh, 'eh?
So, I was browsing reddit when I came across somebody with the username "pinotpie"... >_>
Now we just need a user named "PieNotPhi" and the circle will be complete
> and the circle will be complete
Pinot Pie? I'm not sure how good that would be ...
Meta puns...
It's more of a spiral if you ask me.
Q: Sever-sort an array

ETHproductionsChallenge Given a non-empty array of integers, e.g.: [5, 2, 7, 6, 4, 1, 3] First sever it into arrays where no item is larger than the previous (i.e. non-ascending arrays): [5, 2] [7, 6, 4, 1] [3] Next, reverse each array: [2, 5] [1, 4, 6, 7] [3] Finally, concatenate them all together: ...

^ how have I never heard of this sorting method
I'm guessing its n^2, but I'm not sure
Well, worst case would be a sorted array rotated by one, like [2, 3, 4, 5, 1], right?
Which would require n-1 passes over the array, which is O(n^2) I think
I'm not convinced that that is the worst case, but yeah, its n^2 for that test case
but I think you could make a good argument that every number gets 1 closer to its destination each iteration, righjt?
actually, what about something like [4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3]?
yeah, that's still O(n^2)
Yeah it behaves almost like bubble sort in situations like these
@NathanMerrill What about [10, 9, 8, 11, 3, 2, 1]? The 8 moves two spaces away from its destination on the first iteration
yeah, true
question: why would a php foreach loop work on one page but not on another? the object is identical on both pages, but on one script, no iteration of the loop is ever evaluated, but on another, it does. please @ me with suggestions and I'll read them when I get home.
Going to need to see the scripts, or atleast the snippits.
@flawr: Finally finished Clickspring's clock-making series. Wow.
Definitely really looking forward to their Antikythera mechanism series.
We're using Twilio to fetch SMS information. Assume that the object being passed to the foreach is identical when output via the print_r function.
I can try getting code snippets tomorrow
@El'endiaStarman omg, you must have been binging a lot :)
@flawr I watched the first 18 episodes on Sunday... :P
@mbomb007 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@El'endiaStarman Did you sleep ?
So I was trying to fix a thing in one of my vim plugins and found this:
if (getline('.') !~# ('\v%' . (col('.') + 1) . 'c\w')) &&
Esoteric Programming langauges have made me switched to a US INTL keyboard.
@flawr Uh, yeah of course. That was only like 3-4 hours...
But alteast now I can do this: Pokémon
@Doorknob 1. what 2. why is the rest of the file heavily commented but that line completely unexplained?
@ETHproductions I'm really curious where Sever Sort came from. Did you invent it, because I can't find it anywhere on the google.
Q: Golf a Numerical Growing Braid

Robert HickmanBraid Description In this braid, when a strand crosses over the top of another strand it adds the other strand's value to itself and all other strand values pass through. The braid has three strands and each strand begins at 1. The first crossover is the leftmost strand crossing over the middle ...

@El'endiaStarman So you like it, I take it?
It was great.
@NathanMerrill Yeah, I made it up. Sever sort was the best name I could come up with, though there's probably a better one.
Perhaps it's already been made up under a different name
@ATaco Or you could just memorize the Alt codes of important characters.
well, I looked through all of the sorting methods listed on wikipedia
I've memorized many box drawing characters
I also tried several different terms on google, but to no avail
But I don't need to remember things like èëéêñ anymore.
I mostly use Alt codes for Tab (Alt+09), and Pilcrow ¶ (Alt+0182)
Does anyone here have a favourite integral polynomial of order 1?
(with coefficient 1 for the linear term)
@mbomb007 thanks!
x-2 is my favorite
@ConorO'Brien does not have order 1
sure it does?
degree 1
degree != order=)
it doesn't?
order = exponent of the least degree monomial without zero coefficient
Ugh. Lesson learned. Don't bother reading answers on SO. Only read the comments.
> Degree of a polynomial, the largest exponent or sum of exponents in any of its monomials
> The order of the polynomial considered as a power series, that is the degree of its non-zero term of lowest degree.
thanks wikipedia :P
Well, x is probably my favorite for both of those. :P
Since it fits both criteria.
@ConorO'Brien you know, I need some testcases for my challenge :)
But I'm not that creative...
@flawr the sandboxed one?
@El'endiaStarman @flawr I'm watching it now: I'd be the most worried about the filing process
getting all of those edges perfect and all
I have no idea how he does it
I'm fairly sure he's very experienced with that sort of metal-work.
@NathanMerrill the infection is spreading Probably with a ton of patience.
oh, for sure
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stewie GriffinCount the characters, bit by bit! The concept is simple: Given an input string containing only printable ASCII-characters (space - tilde), count the number of occurrences of each character and return the result on any convenient format. The result for a string a%hda7a should be something like: a...

Aaah, I just can't think of any good polynomials...
@flawr how is 0x^3+0x^2+0x+0
@Downgoat = 0
Yes that's what makes it nice
I don't particularly like the zero polynomial

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