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@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Jelly is older than 05AB1E.
@ATaco that's almost not english
@Downgoat High school is lycée by the way
u wot m8?
@quartata idk, textbook said collège works too
At least in the dialect I learned. @TuxCopter would be the person to ask
@Downgoat I suspect that's more ambigious
how do I check the name of an instances class in python?
maybe XY problem
IIRC, their educational system is organized slightly differently. Both terms might be correct but refer to subdivisions of something that would normally be considered high school.
Nite to self: phoen typing is hard woth autoscorrect off.
so, I want a code to do a thing. It should do foobar if it is 1, foo if it is 2, baz if it is an instance of Class A, or Spam if it is an instance of class B. Best way to implement?
class variable is probably best isn't it?
It's even harder with autocucumber if you ask me.
@PhiNotPi I don't know about grade school level stuff but I'm fairly certain the HS and university systems are not that different
@Dennis what does that entail
@Dennis Ouch.
So I guess it's not that different. College = middle school?
So kind of like the UK
@quartata Just know that graduate means B.Sc. here, and that I still don't know what a major is.
:O apparently the vim mode even supports :%sor n
@PhiNotPi Slightly less complicated than the German system, assuming that paints the whole picture. I like how Gymnasium means high school.
@Dennis "major" is a term used mainly in the US, it refers to the subject area an undergraduate student will get his degree in.
TIL rest of the world don't use "major"
A "minor" is an additional qualification that an undergrad may choose to pursue in additional subject areas they find interesting.
Well, we don't have any of that here. You study math and that's that.
That seems a little problematic
How so?
It is possible for people to have multiple majors (receive multiple degrees) as well as have multiple minors.
@Dennis No love for CS? :P
Well, that's an entirely different career.
They don't even teach it in the same faculty.
I guess I don't get the meaning of your message then
I'm assuming your university has more than just a math department
You don't choose majors and minors, you choose careers.
I guess another way to phrase it is that education is significantly more specialized.
I think that depends what you major in though.
For certain career paths, the major itself isn't enough and minors are a way for you to choose your "focus." Like, major in international business, minor in spanish.
In my case, major in biomedical engineering, minor in computer science and neuroscience.
I should probably attempt to earn some hats sometime soon.
Q: Print a Christmas tree of size n

OliverGiven a size n, print a Christmas tree as follows. Let's say n is 7. First, I would print a triangle of size 3. * * * * * * And size 4, without the top, while centering the above ones. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * And size 5. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *...

I am registering downgoat.me... Idk if this is good idea
Don't you already have vihan.org?
which is why I am not registering vihan.me :P
@Downgoat idea: turn it into a website where people can upload selfies and be turned into goats.
wait nvm I already made that
you did?
Why bother spending money on another domain just because of your meme username
I was thinking photorealistic goats.
@quartata no it come for free with education program
Why not just get vihan.me
cause I already have vihan.org
.me > .org I think we can all agree
Now if you could get .io
that would be a different story
:/ I'll be kinda redundant having both vihan.me and vihan.org tho
Quizlet is down!
Q: Validating user input is giving unexpected results from a while statement in C++

Laura//This is code that needs to be fixed. include include include include using namespace std; // pi is a constant used for the circle calculation const double PI = 3.14159; void calculateCircle(double radius1) //Formulas for area and circumference of a circle. { double areaC; doub...

Why don't you use paper flashcards
@quartata what's up with .io anyway?
@quartata It is hard enough to type, now you suggest I write?
@Downgoat Fair cop although paper leads to better retention
> When a Java string does not have surrounding double quotes, what type of error occurs?
a. Syntax error
b. run time
c. compile time error
d. logical eror
can someone explain to be why it's compile time error and not syntax error
@quartata quizlet also has like test generation and stuff tho so I do all my study stuff there
A syntax error is a compile time error
^ exactly
and most of the time on quizzes you're supposed to be as specific as possible
Next time ask when you see that. Both answers are correct
@NewMainPosts we keep on closing then, and they keep on coming
> a. unicode
b. SHA-256
d. RSA
@Downgoat Well, it doesn't necessarily always turn into a syntax error. Consider String s = "10"; vs. String s = 10;
I'm encoding all my messages here in RSA :P
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ No, it was three hours before. Were you thinking about the Philanthropist hat or something else?
@Doorknob ah... ok. thanks :D
I don't understand how someone could think random strangers on the internet will do your work for you
@Downgoat I have dkudriavtsev.xyz and dk0.us
@DJMcMayhem hey, I participated on SO for a while! :P
@Doorknob Wow. That's far more sinister than I though a lazy AP CS prof was capable of
@wat good idea
I should get dwngt.me
@Downgoat yeah, I use the second one as file sharing and URL shortening
@Downgoat yeah, I do too. But even SO isn't "it doesn't work. Fix it for me"
It could also not be an error at all: String s = "someFunctionThatReturnsAString()";
@DJMcMayhem eeehhhh :/
That's only one char shoter than vihan.org
That sounds more like a hindsighted explanation. I mean, "unclosed string literal" is one of the named syntax errors :/
@Downgoat I used this tool to find it: domainnamesoup.com/3letterdomainnames.php
@Doorknob well in this case it won't even be compile time error :P
The question sounds too vague to be worth anything.
@Downgoat Which would make it a logical error I suppose.
Except that it says it isn't surrounded by quotes, not "some other thing is surrounded by quotes".
@Downgoat Set the first two characters to your choice and set the third one to AlphaNum, then press search
You'll very likely find some available ones
:( vb0 is taken
Darn I just got a hat by accident
@Downgoat My best guess is that it's referring to something like this: String foo = bar; which should be String foo = "bar"; instead. In that case it wouldn't be a syntax error, but a compile time error since bar hasn't been declared/assigned.
two hats actually :(
I need the Taco Hat
@quartata I'm pretty sure it's impossible to participate in PPCG during Winter Bash without earning several hats
Can always hit I hate hats
I've gotten two without trying also.
Oh, you still earn them. You just don't see them :P
@Downgoat no, vb0.us is availavle
yea but no one likes .us :P
@Downgoat we're liked...
Found a fractal pattern while messing around with infinite resister networks:
@PhiNotPi Wher iz fractal
> I don't even see the code any more...
@LegionMammal978 this is the 4th iteration of an infinite thingy.
oh well, I gtg for the night
@ETHproductions there's a hat for having a positive-score answer to a question, but not getting a bounty that is awarded
but the bounty has to be during winterbash
so does the answer, sadly
@Downgoat oh noes
"Not getting a bounty that is awarded"? So if someone were to post a question that gets a ton of answers, and then someone posts a bounty on one answer, all other answers on that question with positive score would earn a hat?
Someone should bounty hello world then
both the answers and the bounty have to be during winterbash
so only brand-new HW answers would get the hat for it
ninja'ed lol
@DJMcMayhem ikr
I'd bounty all of HW, cat, primes, ooh and the showcase
We could snag several hundred hats in one move
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ That's what I get for typing and typing and typing and posting and then looking at the new messages :P
@DJMcMayhem ikr
@ETHproductions lol
gotta type fast
gotta type sanic fast
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ give every single one to Martin so that he can't get the hat. :P
I feel like the rep would heal the pain
also, seemingly there's 2 hats for 1 action? both the sherlock and taco
@DJMcMayhem lol probably
"ooh, dennis has 1.5k more rep to go before he catches me — oh wait now he needs to get 3k to catch me cool"
Actually Dennis still needs 4k. :P
heyyy @Mego we're tied for first place for PPCG hats
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ What action is that? I don't seem to see either of those hats on the WB page
secret hats
it's for editing 5 old posts
"Elementary" and "Don't wanna taco 'bout it"
Do my own posts count?
Also, thanks for the tip! Lol
Ooooh, that's why Mego edited 5 posts earlier :P I knew he/she was up to something
so did I lol
@DJMcMayhem nope and lol
A: Winter Bash 2016 - All Hats

JamalSecret Hats Live updates on this Google Doc, discussion in this chatroom. Don't Wanna Taco 'Bout it 180° This Is Fine Elementary 8,243,721 6 They Live Blue in the Face Mild Mannered

Where's the leaderboard?
Ah, thanks. I'm on the second page at #30, with 1 :P
How do I TacoHat?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ooh, hammers work for 180. I could cheat and get it by myself. :D
You've earned the “decision-problem” tag badge. Didn't even realize we had that tag.
yesterday, by Dennis
The next person who abuses his privileges to get hats will get a suspension instead, until the day after Winter Bash.
@Dennis I think Mego caused it to form earlier by adding that tag to a bunch of old questions earlier
Ahahaha, Community has the taco hat
@Maltysen obviously I'm not (actually|seriously) going to do that
I wonder how many hats you could possibly get without posting a single question/answer during Winter Bash
@DJMcMayhem Looks like you summoned Mego.
Ugh why was this reopened? It still has the same issue as when it was closed - no specifications on what machine/specs answers will be timed on. People in reopen queues need to read the comments and the question before blindly hitting reopen.
@Dennis Haha, a happy coincidence
@Mego probably to get a hat or something :P
@ETHproductions darth vader, yeti, cut the cord, first responder, epiphany, buche de noel, search you must, dreidel, amped up, 24, grinch, 925, 011, never ending story, bacon, philanthropist,
prolly more
@Mego Well, ask Kritixi Lithos, betseg, Easterly Irk, redstarcoder, and Conor O'Brien.
@ETHproductions Yep, we recently crossed the threshold for the badge
@Dennis @redstarcoder @ConorO'Brien @betseg @KritixiLithos @EasterlyIrk explain yourselves
Very ping. Much wow
A six-fold ping. Brutal.
I was really surprised when I got Hero of Questions, and then I realized what had happened.
@EasterlyIrk Did you really make extremely minor edits and then vote to reopen just to get Hero of Questions? Because that's what it looks like.
Q: Find the nearest Date, given a TargetDate and Day Of Week

Brett VanderVeenFind the nearest Date to a TargetDate for a given Day of Week. For example, given a date of Dec 19, 2016 and a day of week of Friday (6), the answer is Dec 16, 2016. For consistency, Sunday is the first day of the week, therefore it is day of week number 1.

Oh ok, they just didn't bother to read any of the objections
Shame on them still
I wouldn't be surprised if the edit-and-reopen wasn't motivated by the hat, though
Oh hey, I'm only 8 points away from the decision-problem bronze badge
I'm still a ways away from that badge :P
Huh, after hats, my best guess would have been that they overlooked the fastest-code tag. It would never have occurred to me that someone would actually think that challenge is on topic.
I still smell hat motivations
So french practice test said "On travaille avec les tuyaux"
which translates to "We work with pipes"
10/10 best description of plumber
@Downgoat I thought plumbers ate mushrooms and jumped on turtles' heads
Shows how much I know
@Mego only the Italian ones
This challenge seems like it should be closed for something, but I have no clue what's wrong
@Mego :O I know how to say this in french
brb moving to france
I guess it's just the lack of complete spec and test cases
Um..... Why is this nominated for reopening? It's obviously off-topic, and the only edit was for formatting.
@ETHproductions Editing it automatically tosses it into the reopen queue.
> This question was edited after it was closed. Should it be reopened?
Oh, OK. Now I'm wondering how I've been a part of SE for 1.5 years without knowing that...
Question: Is "je ne veux aucun chose" a sentence that makes sense?
It doesn't make any sense to me, but that's because I'm ignorant and monolingual.
I had a semester of French in high school, but I ran like hell.
For those who want to see the resistor network I've been messing around with, go to falstad.com/circuit (a circuit sim) and import this circuit.
For some reason, the only word that stuck was parapluie.
You're trilingual right?
Pretty much.
I'm trilingual if you count English as three languages.
I think it would be really cool to speak a second language but Spanish didn't stick for me
I can read Portuguese and understand bits and pieces of Guarani, but the bus stops there.
I know lots of languages. Unfortunately, most of them are programming languages.
I speak English, Australian, and Basic German.
Well, I rebooted TIO's command mode in case you want to give it a spin. The Escape key is the trigger now, to avoid accidents with copy-pasta.
The unsubscribe link in mails from Let's Encrypt doesn't use HTTPS. o_O
@Mego did you post your bounty during winterbash?
for your polyglot piece challenge
@DJMcMayhem ouch lol
@DJMcMayhem lol, let me know if you find a worthy challenge though
multiple people can get this from 1 question
Yo does anyone know Clojure here?
I speak English, Chinese, Aussie, British and American.
So I'm pentalingual
"Would you like a spot of tea?"
Friendly reminder that I have a 250 rep bounty going, which Martin is currently in the lead for.
"Oh my gosh, that is so amazeballs"
Just a sample of my extensive vocabulary
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yes
I speak Turkish, (Americans don't know what these letters and numbers mean) B2 English, A2 German.
What is B2 english and A2 german
@betseg Too much confuse
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, abbreviated in English as CEFR or CEF or CEFRL (compared to the German abbreviations GeR or GeRS, the French abbreviation CECR, the Italian QCER, or the Spanish MCER), is a guideline used to describe achievements of learners of foreign languages across Europe and, increasingly, in other countries. It was put together by the Council of Europe as the main part of the project "Language Learning for European Citizenship" between 1989 and 1996. Its main aim is to provide a method of learning, teaching and assessing...
@ETHproductions Winterbash is programmed in boolfuck
@Qwerp-Derp I'm guessing that's the American you mention. :P
Refreshed and it's fixed. Must have been caching
That or aliens.
Perhaps it was Darth Yeti.
Ooh, shiny new secret hat.
We're currently 7th on the overall leaderboard, btw, behind SO, Meta, Math, Ubuntu, SU, and ELU
@Dennis Sweet, any idea how you earned it?
Not really. It must have something to do with the newest question on main.
@Dennis You posted two comments, the question was edited, and then you deleted the comments, correct?
Yes. I also closed the question and reopened the question.
@Dennis what's it called?
@DJMcMayhem 8,243,721
Ernie's favorite number :P
@Dennis The nice people in Ye Olde Hat Shoppe request your presence for the purpose of figuring out that hat
@Mego Any idea how you earned the taco?
@ETHproductions I earned it with Elementary. I did a bunch of tag edits on old challenges, and one regular edit where I changed only a handful of characters.
@ETHproductions It has to do with editing
did you view the google doc yet? It's somewhat similar to Elementary
I've just done 5 tag edits on old challenges, earning Elementary but not the taco.
@AndrewLi Yeah, I have
Taco criteria is weird.
Any ideas on 8,243,721?
I got 6 for some reason
@ETHproductions I think Taco requires either a non-tag edit with a brief edit summary, or multiple tag edits with no summaries
But someone confirmed they got Taco only through tag edits so idk
@Mego I've now done both
We need more distinct hats found on PPCG... I want the participation trophy hat
brb downloading app to earn more hats
Have we had a challenge to output the sign of a number?
Searching seems to come up empty
Can't find any with google. Absolute value, but no sign.
Now I've earned three hats in an hour
Question: when you see log without base specified, do you assume base-2? Base-10? Natural log?
I usually see log as base 10, ln as base e
@Downgoat Depends on the context. In math, I assume natural log. In CS-related stuff, I assume either natural log or log base 2 (whichever makes more sense in context).
Depends on the context. Calculator: 10. Computers: 2. Real analysis: e.
The way I learned was that log was base 10, ln was base e, and lg was base 2. Nobody actually follows those conventions, though.
Ok. For cheddar I wanna know what log n should
We actually used lg for base 10.
CS book say lg is log 2 like mego said
@Dennis and sm for base 2?
@Downgoat You should do log for base 10 and ln for base e
What's wrong with log10, log2 and loge?
Or ln instead of loge, if you prefer.
@Dennis What do theater boxes have to do with logarithms?
log-1 is more useful than any of those.
Log10 will conpile to like log(10) if that makes sense
@Downgoat It doesn't
It really doesn't.
:( ok
Explicit is better than implicit
Good point
It's all but a rule that variables can contain digits, as long as they don't start with one.
@Dennis But why would you ever have an identifier longer than one byte? :P
Hat question: Is Philanthropist awarded for awarding a bounty on the last day of the bounty, or the last day of Winter Bash?
@ETHproductions Last day of the bounty (grace period might count)
Or go full tacit and disregard variables
I thought it was the former, but the All Hats post says "on the last day of hats"
Q: Output the sign

MegoGiven a number N, output the sign of N: If N is positive, output 1 If N is negative, output 0 If N is 0, output 0 N will be an integer within the representable range of integers in your chosen language.

@ETHproductions Wait what? That's... not good.
I wonder how if I'm the top user on the hat leaderboard who has earned no rep during WinterBash
@NewMainPosts Gah stupid large fingers and small touch keyboards
I'm kind of amazed we haven't had the signum challenge yet
@JonathanAllan I'm actually not sure if I made the edit before you posted your answer. I'll just go back to my previous version and call it Python 3.
Uh Pyth is doing the opposite?
Dennis I saw your edited version as soon as I'd clicked submit.
OK, if you say so.
You need ._ in Pyth. _ is negative.
The reference says "Sign of A. 1 if A > 0, -1 if A < 0, 0 otherwise."
Oh I didn't notice the ref is 2 chars!
Can i change this to #define f(n)(n>0)-(n<0)? Is this allowed?
Hey? :/
A: What even is a "function" by our standards?

MegoA function is a piece of reusable code that will produce consistent output(s) given consistent input(s). Note that consistent doesn't necessarily mean identical; it merely means that the function won't do something unexpected (i.e. randint(1, 4) will always return a random integer n such that 1 <...

1 hour later…
Q: Solve a Stack State Diagram

Challenger5A stack state diagram shows how the values on one stack are changed into the other. For example, this is a stack state diagram: 3 0 2 1 0 This means that there is a stack initially containing 3 values (the 3 part). These values are indexed from 0 to 2, with 0 at the top: 2 1 0. The next part 0...

@Mego I didn't see it was fastest-code, I thought it was code-golf, then I reopened it, then suddenly I saw it became fastest-code
Hey kids
I need a game recommendation
Are there any games like Human Resource Machine out there?
Also does anyone want to play a game of Fourtune?
Q: Count the number of a number in the picture area

MarioYour goal is to write a full program or function that takes 5 positive integers and a string with an image filename as input [X1,Y1], [X2,Y2], N, image.jpg in any reasonable format, where: First couple [X1,Y1] are the top left X,Y coordinates (<=20) of the blue rectangle area in the example p...

Does Mathematica have a built-in for this?
@Qwerp-Derp TIS-100, Shenzhen I/O, Cargo-Bot
@Qwerp-Derp I guess. I'm bored or something
@Qwerp-Derp this is a thing again

 Maze battle Koth

making a koth! Please halp
Q: The Primitive and Basic Numbers

Qwerp-DerpYour task is to generate the "Primitive and Basic" numbers, which are made like so: Start with 1 (base-2), and add the base-2 equivalent of the second prime, which is 11 (3 in base-2). This will give you 100, which is 4 in base-10, which is our first "Primitive and Basic" (PB) number, or PB(1) (...

Oh no why is chat ded
Wait does no one use the tag anymore
@Qwerp-Derp I removed it, because I thought it needed and , and after that seemed a bit redundant.
True that
What do you think of the challenge?
@Qwerp-Derp there is a reason why we have a sandbox
@flawr I just wasn't bothered for one challenge
Also I was tired from playing too much HRM
In my opinion every challenge should have it's turn in the sandbox first
It could use a sentence like "In general, to compute PB(n+1), you first compute PB(n) as a base-n number, then regard it as a base-n+1 number with the same digits, and add the n+2th prime number to that."
Usually you do put some effort in a challenge and it is such a waste if it turns out that the challenge doesn't work the intended way, even though it could have been fixed. And fixing it after the challenge was posted usually doens't turn out well either.
@flawr I used to skip the sandbox sometimes, but I don't anymore. There's usually something I've overlooked that I want to tweak hours later, even if no-one comments on it.
Yep, same ehre
I usually use the sandbox, but IMHO this is a pretty small challenge
@Qwerp-Derp Also, you should state explicitly that the output is in base 10, with all the base conversions flying around.
Small challenges aren't any less prone to errors.
@Qwerp-Derp Small challenges can become large once people point out holes in the spec. That happens a lot.
hi...low level question. How can I work out what __builtin_ctzll is translated into in assembly?
@Zgarb Speakign of the sandbox: this came from inverting power series, but it needed too much explanation. The current title was just made up, do you actually know a name for this procedure?
The idea is that you can invert (wrt to composition) formal power series of order 1 by inductively determining the n-th coefficient (mod X^(n+1)) but in order to work well as a challenge I just needed to make everything finite.
If it was 1 mod X^(n+1) instead of X mod X^(n+1), that would be inversion in the polynomial ring R[X]/<X^(n+1)>
Oh wait, it's composition, not multiplication.
@Zgarb That would probably work similarly, by inductively finding the coefficients
Seems like a cool challenge, unfortunately I have no idea what's going on
@Qwerp-Derp Roughly speaking: You can write any sufficiently "nice" function as a power series (at least in the neighbourhood of a given point)
And you can do the same for the function's inverse.
And we're doing exactly that, but cut off the power series at some points, because working with infinitely many terms is combersome on a computer=)
Okay, I think it's still basically inversion in P/<X^(n+1)>, where P is the ring of all real polynomials, but the ring operations are addition and composition, instead of addition and multiplication.
I found the challenge spec easier to understand than the explanation here, I think I kinda get it
So "local inversion" seems a fitting title.
@Qwerp-Derp I first had a long paragraph for justifying why one might look at that at all, but it just added to much unneccessary fluff=)
@Zgarb I just though for sufficiently small x the x^(n+1) (and higher order) term disappears in comparision to x
@Zgarb Does this still actually form a ring?

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