@Pavel I'd rather need a ton of code that then works "everywhere" instead of dealing with browsers. JS is a nightmare if you want to do anything fancy.
@TimmyD oh. well yeah, as others said, it's because the French people ate it cooked, using french names, and the commoners farmed it using english names
One of your friends is struggling on a homework assignment. He needs a simple program which prints the first 404 natural numbers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 401 402 403 404
Your challenge is simple: write this program for him.
However, your connection is terrible, so 1 random chara...
Just got an email from a vendor that had the below as a banner at the top of their email. I feel like there's a challenge in here ... randomly connect X points around a circle, then cutout a star shape from it?
@Pavel Doesn't the built-in either need random points input, or something else? The examples shown aren't what I've seen from the builtin before, since they're not uniformly spaced points.
Graphical Stars
code-golf graphical-output
Meta: this is currently pretty rough so I could get some ideas down quick. I'm also probably not using the right terminology as I'm not very familiar with graphs and graph theory. Looking for feedback.
Take an input integer 50 <= n <= 300 and constr...
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I still say we should make a thingy that's faster than the RSS feeds. Even the API quota of 10,000 requests per day would easily allow a new-post check every 10 seconds (per bot).
@TimmyD In a regular star the edges would go from point to opposite point (with a section cut out of the middle where the intersections are). Those lines don't line up like that, they're bowed outward.
@Calvin'sHobbies well if it's community-written the best place would probably be aws unless someone has a server lying around that they want to support forever
Graphical Stars
code-golf graphical-output
Meta: this is currently pretty rough so I could get some ideas down quick. I'm also probably not using the right terminology as I'm not very familiar with graphs and graph theory. Looking for feedback.
Take an input integer 50 <= n <= 300 and constr...
@Poke But aws.amazon.com/free is only for 12 months, and I wouldn't expect anyone to pay forevermore in the future of ppcg. There may be other free options though (Heroku that just runs a script locally?)
If this isn't actually a pun, and is just designed to throw us off for the whole day, I will find one of your codegolf submissions, and I will downvote it.
The letters CMQ' may represent any of the following:
CMQ have been used as call letters for the following broadcasting stations in Havana, Cuba:
the pre-1959 CMQ radio and television network
Radio stations CMQ (AM) and CMQ-FM: currently Radio Rebelde
Television station CMQ-TV channel 6: currently Cubavision International
The IATA airport code for Clermont Airport in Clermont, Queensland, Australia
Communauté métropolitaine de Québec (Quebec Metropolitan Community)
Collège des médecins du Québec (Quebec College of Physicians)
Club Mitsubishi Québec (Quebec Mitsubishi auto Club)
The Australi...
@wizzwizz4 I'm not serious about the snippet thing. But I really do think it would be possible to make a free Heroku app that is a blank webpage but runs a local script every 10 seconds to post feeds here. ..who remembers Ruby?
@Qwerp-Derp seq makes me think you're making an infinite list (e.g. infinite python generator) and and ordered list is awkward when there are two inputs. How do you order (m, n) pairs?
C-family programming languages is a loosely defined term referring to many programming languages sharing similarities, mainly flow-control syntax, but also in some other aspects. Due to the success of the C programming language and some of its derivatives, the family spans a large variety of programming paradigms, conceptual models, and run-time environments.
== References... ==
@Qwerp-Derp It's your language. Personally I recognise {} but would be able to understand [] without too much effort (having worked with Python list comprehension which is basically function-initialises-list).
Hey@Qwerp-Derp can you provide an example of CMQ that shows off it's unique functionality? What you have seems like a trivial variation on C. Surely there's something to set it apart, in the same way Java isn't a trivial caught on C?
@Calvin'sHobbies Google Search was good, everything else was bought or went through a lot of testing and was scrapped before you saw it if it was "bad"?
> Apache Wave is a software framework for real-time collaborative editing online. Google originally developed it as Google Wave (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Wave)