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or Seed
Well the most rudimentary one I know of is mini-flak, but P" might beat it
I might ask ais523 later since they know way more about esolangs than I do
@GabrielBenamy Actually quite tricky so far.
@wyldstallyns That's insane. I mean, I've seen some insane stuff since joining PPCG, but that's "wow" insane.
mini-flak looks to have a stack
@GabrielBenamy Did you use power series?
you might as well install ubuntu
@DJMcMayhem it's a whole thing esolangs.org/wiki/Turing_tarpit
@flawr Nope
at least, I don't think so
Ooo, closing in on my code-gold badge.
**Thought Experiment**: What would be a secure and effective **encryption system** if the intended recipient (Bob) has only his brain's computing power. But the attacker (Mallory) has lots of computing power. For example, a budget of $5000 to spend on Amazon EC2 instances. This is the situation:

The ciphertext is delivered securely from Alice to Bob, but it is public information. Mallory desires to read Alice's message. Alice has the oppurtunity to give Bob a key - and it's your choice what kind of key it is.
@wyldstallyns oh yeah, of course I've heard of tarpits. I even wrote one
Long, but not copy-pasted. Long because I needed to be specific.
@TimmyD I'm one answer away. :)
984/1000 and 359/200 ... PowerShell answers tend to not get votes :-/
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC go ask cryptography.se
It would be more fun in TNB...
It's for fun, not for an actual problem
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC so what, cryptographers like fun too
But I know y'all :P
Seems like a good job for security through obscurity.
Make up some silly ad-hoc cipher.
Or maybe you could just use RSA.
@feersum Aaand how is bob gonna do RSA in his head? :P
Write in ridiculously sloppy handwriting.
It may take a few hours to do the multiplications, but should be possible.
Assuming he has pen/paper, why wouldn't a simple one-time pad work?
Oh, he can't use paper or pencil?
@Geobits Because no pure randomness
@Geobits Hard to remember.
Well, how long is the message?
@feersum Neural Network + English detector/entropy measurer = cracked
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC ? That's the whole point of them
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC No.
@feersum One piece of US letter paper long, front-side only.
> SE's policy has always been to treat their users like mushrooms.
In characters plz
I still say really sloppy handwriting.
Let me lorem ipsum it
@TimmyD How's bob gonna read it?
So can we confirm Bob is not allowed to use pencil or paper?
Humans are significantly better at reading poor handwriting than computers are.
@feersum Dunno. Sounds like it's being delivered on paper ;)
Encrypt it with each alphabetical character replaced with a (different) picture of an animal that starts with that character.
@TimmyD a) mallory can read it with her eyes too
@TimmyD Easy to crack.
Well, you didn't say that.
You want it longer?
This is exactly the situation one time pads are used for. Just sayin.
I was under the impression that Mallory only had computer resources, not herself as a resource.
As in, something that's easy for humans but hard for computers.
@GabrielBenamy Can you give me a hint?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC That shows it's possible. Not that humans aren't significantly better at it.
@Geobits Look at the hard-to-read ones.
If Mallory and Bob both have the same human processing capability, then the key given to Bob is the only difference, which comes back to a one-time pad as the solution.
@flawr The answer is a positive integer
I can't recognize them. The computer had 1/3 correct, and I would too.
@GabrielBenamy Sweet, we've cut our search space in half!
@GabrielBenamy Well I guess the answer is 3 then, but can you give me a hint on how to get there?
Still the same size of search space...
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Shh.
@flawr That is the correct answer, and that's what Randall gave us at the time.
@TimmyD typing in problem with that, wait a sec
Anyone else notice how pleasant and occasionally on topic the chat has been today?
@Rainbolt You might as well say "well, at least it can't get any worse" in a movie :P
> ...For example, an attacker who knows that the message contains "meet jane and me tomorrow at three thirty pm" can derive the corresponding cod... The attacker can then replace that text by any other text of exactly the same length, such as "three thirty meeting is cancelled, stay home"
@Rainbolt It's Friday, so everybody's laid back, rather than uptight.
The only other hint I can reasonably give you is this: what happens if we left out the first square root and everything outside of it (so it begins 1 + 2sqrt(...))?
Q: Kuznetsov's Sequence

carusocomputingKuznetsov's Sequence (I made the name up, don't bother with Wikipedia or Google) Given any number n > 0, let r represent the reverse of the number n. Iterate until the final result is zero, passing the result of each iteration back into the function using recursion or a methodology of your cho...

Looking forward to the weekend. weekend.
I'm putting on Hallelujah by Pentatonix, to help combat your silly music while I get back to programming at work
@TimmyD Also hard to remember.
New Requirement: system must be reusable
That's a heck of a moving goalpost.
tfw perl treats numbers with leading zeros as octal instead of decimal
That's pretty standard
yes, well, I don't want it to do that
In that case, how about a brain implant for Bob that decrypts the message.
It has no battery and draws energy only from potential differences in the surrounding tissue (thus using Bob's brainpower).
Kinetic charging should count, too. Bob's brain makes him move.
Uninteresting discussion...
Come to think of it, Bob's brain can make him operate computers too...
@quartata Not in PowerShell!
so how do I convert it back to a decimal
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I've been thinking that for a while now ;)
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC You've made it so by changing the requirements and ignoring questions.
What questions?
Feersum solved discussion #1. Now there's discussion #2.
Meanwhile, agents solved this problem decades ago by just using multiple one-time pads.
I "solved" it? Uh, OK, I had no idea...
A simple way would be to use say, today's newspaper to generate the pad. By taking initials of words on page 3, or whatever. It relies on obscurity, but it also solves the memorization problem, so Bob doesn't even have to carry a pocket full of pads.
If it isn't truly random it doesn't work
It works well enough for measly five grand on EC2
Maybe you could use tricks like the one for converting a biased coin to a fair coin flip.
Obviously truly random pads are best, but I don't know where the goalposts are anymore.
Like look for the word "and" before the word "the", or vice wersa.
otp has the drawback that discovery halts further trusted communication
the newspaper method doesn't suffer that
It's called one-time pad because it's supposed to be used once.
There is no further communication.
@wyldstallyns For a single pad, yes. That's why you use multiple pads
"padset" then
if you find my padset i'm forked
@feersum Hmm. Is there a good way to do this for a d26? That would solve it nicely.
if you figure out my newspaper method i can fall back to a different newspaper method
@wyldstallyns Only if you know...
@feersum when are we getting that seed description? ;);)
Only in Perl can you write $_=$%>$_?$%%$_:$_%$%
@GabrielBenamy There's a reason for that :P
perl is really awk++ with a kewl name
@GabrielBenamy You can almost do that in Powershell ...
Oct 31 at 19:10, by TimmyD
@TuxCopter @(1|%{}|?{})[@()] is valid PowerShell.
Huh. I haven't tried that on TIOv2 yet
Hmm. It's supposed to result in no output. So, I'm not sure if the no-output means it worked, or means it errored somewhere.
@GabrielBenamy I give up, I've tried to find a recurrence relation or to come up with some functional equation.
@flawr Let f(x) = 1 + (x-1) * sqrt(f(x+1))
And then?
Q: What IS a duplicate?

tuskiomiI've seen many challenges get marked as duplicates on this stack. Most I see as fair, some, not so much. What qualifies as a duplicate question? Consider challenges where: Entries from a will be valid for b , and entries from b will be valid for a Entries from a will be valid for b , but en...

codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/102748/kuznetsovs-sequence Is Sequence correct here? Or should it be something else?
@flawr It's been a while since I've done this, give me a few minutes to remember the proof
Wow, Sierra really runs smooth in a VM, where El Cap was a disaster.
Probably because it's optimized for the toaster hardware of the MacBook.
actually I have to head home
I'll think about what the proof was on the way. It's been two years since I tackled this problem!
Hmm... @Dennis the TIOv2 PowerShell doesn't seem to like pipes? '2,3,1,4|sort-object' doesn't work, but 'sort-object (2,3,1,4)' does. Sorry for quotes, can't get backticks on my phone.
Hm, at least tio.run/nexus/powershell#@2@kY6xjqGNSU5xfVKKbn5SVmlzy/z8A works just fine with the pipe.
Strange. I'll test again when I'm home.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CrazyPythonPalindromic quine golf, Cops cops-and-robbers This is the cops thread, the robber's thread is here. Cop's Challenge Write a palindromic program that prints its own source. This is the robber's goal: Remove byte(s) from the cop's program so that the resulting program: prints the original so...

@TimmyD I don't know about others, but I personally never vote on answers I can't test myself. That shiny new Powershell online interpreter could help with that. </selfpromotion>
How long has this been there?
I just noticed it.
That, or I knew and forgot a while ago.
The time? Since forever.
@Qwerp-Derp I'm working on your open-ended bounty for an MC extendable prime checker
I'm wondering if an MC quine is possible...
With structure blocks and all
Oh... mind-blown
I always wondered if it was possible with automated mining and quarries. But that's much more within the realms of possibility.
Hmmm... the Atomas challenge was a flop :(
@Qwerp-Derp In modded minecraft?
@Qwerp-Derp Yeah... I might write up my strategy into a bot, but it's a lot harder to do that than to play it.
@Rainbolt No. With structure blocks.
And command blocks.
Is it considered a quine if the output is an exact copy of the program, but in a different location?
@Qwerp-Derp How would u know input from output?
@Rainbolt No. That's been tried.
So the quine in minecraft has to output a copy of itself, in the exact same place?
That doesn't really make sense
It's probably not possible.
It's not really possible to define a "quine" in MC terms.
It's up for debate.
@Rainbolt Byte count for programs in MC is now the size of the structure file. So... you'd have to output those bytes.
Oh... I don't think I realized how formalized some of this was
I assume this is a PPCG thing?
Not the file part. Just that we use it.
This is actually my meta question.
A: Programming in Minecraft (Redstone) - how to measure program size?

mojimonsterThere is now an MC Standard for bytecount. With the 1.10 update, they introduced a block called the "structure block", which creates a .nbt file representing a structure in its entirety that can be measured in bytes. As this is a Minecraft standard for converting builds into bytes, this should b...

@mbomb007 What do you mean
So like I was wondering if when you enter a minecraft world the program runs and generates the quine
That might work
Or maybe a lever-activated one?
@Qwerp-Derp The same bytes for the input have to be the bytes for the output. So if moving a structure into a different location would change the bytes (like if the nbt file contains coordinates), then it wouldn't be valid.
We could put it in "indefinite bounties" and define a quine from there for Minecraft
Or we could ask a Meta question
Also, just a curious question - is it possible to replicate Scratch in Scratch?
With the proper blocks, the drag-and-drop and all?
@mbomb007 It's a quine if the bytes of the generated structure equal the bytes if the original structure? Okay, I'm pretty sure blank program satisfies that definition.
@Rainbolt A blank program probably doesn't generate an .nbt file.
@Qwerp-Derp It'd probably be huge.
@mbomb007 I'm wondering if it's even possible.
Sure. Go look up how bytes are counted in Scratch.
Q: How to count bytes FAQ

Nathan MerrillWe've got a lot of questions asking how to count the bytes in different situations. This question is here to put them all in one spot. General questions How to count "interactive" answers and flags How to count REPLs How to count multiple files How to count lambdas How to count whitespace How ...

@mbomb007 You know what I mean (but thanks for the caveat). A block of dirt as input would do absolutely nothing, remain a block of dirt, and the output nbt file would be the same.
@Rainbolt I don't think it qualifies
How do you qualify to be a quine?
That's like writing a program, saving the file, and staring at the file for a few seconds, then saying "hey look, it's the same! I found a quine!"
Well that's the problem with Minecraft. There's no "execute" button unless you make one up arbitrarily.
Or a lever, or a pressure plate
Or a block update?
Maybe you should have to echo a string with the bytes of the nbt file.
Ah, okay. I see what your hold up is. Take my block of dirt and put a button on it.
Now it has an execute button.
@feersum Yeah, that's what I said earlier.
@feersum That's what I meant by quine
But IDK what they're doing
@GabrielBenamy Salut
What why is chat ded
It died because I returned
I have that effect on chats
gasp Gabriel the chat killer
Q: A new sandbox as the other one is 2 years old

Christopher PeartSandbox for Proposed Challenges That is the current sandbox. It is getting old and a lot of pages. Should a high ranking user make a new post for sandbox? The old sandbox is getting kinda clunky. With over 40 pages of posts it takes longer to load, and is getting bulky. With a new one we can exp...

anyway, @Qwerp-Derp are you still interested in the maze koth thing?
I can still work on it
So is anyone on?
I am
The main reason I wasn't working on it was school
But note that it won't work if the coffee isn't piping hot.
Might as well go all out with espresso.
At least you can see the effect kicking in immediately.
not for very long though
Q: Basic Markdown Parser

Christopher PeartOP: http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/656/63187 As far as I know this has not been posted Basic Markdown Parser Write a script or function that parses Markdown. These rules must be parsed: `foo` ⇒ <code>foo</code> *foo* ⇒ <em>foo</em> **foo** ⇒ <strong>foo</strong> ***foo*** ⇒ <strong>

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