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@Xanderhall I think default arguments are long overdue, especially because they can be completely implemented in the compiler..
@Geobits I learned how to tactfully close things as a duplicate from Stack Exchange. Create a user story that has better presentation (better words, better title, more references), wait a week, and then close the bug as a duplicate of the story.
And contravariant argument types. ._.
Similar to how some sites make canonical questions and then close stuff as a dupe of it
@Adowrath Hmm?
@Geobits so, what's the solution to lambdas? Do you think they should be banned?
@Xanderhall Default arguments would drastically reduce the amount of boilerplate for functions.. in one case where I had to "support" registering a Block (yep, Minecraft modding) with a *required* block, an *optional* ItemBlock, an *optional* name, an *optional* metadata, and an *optional* model name. Each of them can be either taken from a default or calculated based upon the others.

Ended up with 18 methods.
@Xanderhall My personal solution so far has just been to not use them. I don't complain when others do, but it just feels too shady for me.
@KritixiLithos What's your argument for banning them?
Plus, it always gives me a nice feeling when I beat lambdas by using a full function declaration ;)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ :D \o/ #VOTEGOAT
@Geobits Should that technically be possible? Seeing as a user can almost always just copypaste your answer into a lambda?
@Dennis It's a bug in Intel's handling of OpenMP reduction on __int128 type variables apparently
@Xanderhall they don't work on their own, you need extra stuff for them to work
Sure, but if the only way to beat me is copying my code and lambdifying it... I still see that as a win.
@KritixiLithos What about anonymous functions?
@Downgoat I vote for you, let's have our first Goat President!
It's just like every now and then someone will paste a complete program in a golf that allows functions. I wouldn't just copy their code into a function and say I "beat" them.
@Xanderhall I personally hate anonymous functions too since they have to be named in order to call them. You can't just use them like named functions.
@KritixiLithos But you can use them anywhere you can use a function.
> lambdifying
b=>return b*b You can't use this as it is, you have to have a=b=>return b*b in order to call the function. Even though it is only 2 bytes of difference, it is still annoying, IMO
@KritixiLithos but if you had another function that took a function, you could either use a named function or an anonymous function.
@TimmyD Yep. Defying the lamb.
lambdas --> lamb --> sheep --> goat --> Goat for President
I like the way this conversation is going
So do we think Java should have lamb or sheep in JDK 9
@Lembik No clue. I haven't used icc in ages.
@Downgoat Forget lambs and sheep, let's have gaots
public class Gaot{boolean hasSoul(){return false;}}
That's the whole thing.
@betseg Fixedthanks.
@Geobits :O you said evil word!11!!!11! brb reporting for blasphemy :P
public class Goat { public boolean hasSoul() { return true; } }
you should havew access modifier on methods
@Dennis lol
@Downgoat what if i want a method to be package private
@Downgoat Only if you don't know what the defaults are or want to change them.
Maybe Goat will be the new Graphics for Java
struct Animal Gaot; Gaot.hasSoul = false;
I like C
@Poke then you are eivl and gettig 0 on assignment
Goat g = new Goat();
g.baaa(); // Initialize the window
g.bleeeeep(640, 480); // Size
g.bleep(20, 20, 100, 100); // Draw rectangle
Misspelling unintentional
class Gaot{boolean hasSoul; public Gaot(boolean _hasSoul){hasSoul = _hasSoul;hasSoul = false;}}
Q: Tag Sandbox-test your tag

Dave JonesTags The sandbox has been a huge success on this site. It allows everyone to decide if a question will add content to the site. Tags are another thing that many users create. Should there be a tag sandbox? I think that it will help users to only create tags that people will use. Using the tag ...

@KritixiLithos ...
@TuxCopter goats do not bleep .__.
but it's a computer so robogoat
@TuxCopter Goatier version of Processing. Maybe Goat will be Processing 4.0, or Processing for Android will be renamed to Goat
Why are you assigning hasSoul twice like that?
@TuxCopter ok fair
Because the Gaot's hasSoul bool depends on _hasSoul
But then you set it to false?
Hassoul will have default value of false anyway
your input doesn't matter
you get no soul
have a good day
class Gaot{boolean hasSoul=false;}
class Gaot{boolean hasSoul = null;}
-1 all field should be declared private or else youre evil
@TuxCopter Did you though?
class Gaot{public static boolean HAS_SOUL=false;}
@Downgoat That's a really terrible way of doing things.
@TuxCopter if by fixed you mean compilation error
@Poke -1 you forgot the serial version UID
private class Gaot extends Evil
@TuxCopter it doesn't implement Serializable
@Poke -1 you contradicted me
class Goat extends Thread implements Runnable { ... }
@Geobits idk what you're talking about CS teacher told me you should do it that way :P
Goats run
Nah we climb more
Runnable Edible
class Geobits extends Evil implements Downvote { ... }
I may implement Downvote, but I don't extend Evil. They're separate classes for a reason.
@TuxCopter class Downvote extends Geobits more like it
@Geobits ... why—
@TuxCopter i think evil and downvotes should be reversed
@Downgoat Look, I can't help it that goats are tasty. They just are.
class Geobits extends Hate<Goat> { ... }
@Geobits Well I mean userscript makes Downvote into Downgoat so you're really eating yourself :P
@TuxCopter I don't hate goats! I love them. In curry mainly, but also in other dishes.
@Geobits You make my stomach growl for goat :P
@Downgoat You see what you want to see I guess ;)
You should not be talking about your potential future president like this >:|
Goat president!
First edible president!
surely electorate will #VoteGoat
@KritixiLithos ಠ_ಠ
@Downgoat You have to be 35 to become president. That's a stretch for a goat.
35 in goat years is like 2 :P
Nov 29 at 15:25, by mınxomaτ
I wanted to see how bad it really is. Apparently it's like 4chan, but in a twitter-like framework.
So, I got my invitation and yes, it's one of the worst Trump circlejerks ever.
Q: Print an alphabet circle

Basically Alan TuringChallenge In the language of your choice, print out the following exact text: Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Z Z Z ...

@Downgoat #goat2020
> Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z
Yep, that's how I feel about alphabet challenges by now.
I think somebody is serial voting me? I've got like 50 rep from old, old answers in the last day
like from jan 2015, just a normal julia answer
Goat is bribing you @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ
nah, i'm his campaign manager
I started this campaign
So, paying your salary.
Capracracy: rule by goats
"Were you looking for sex?"
> Goat is the lunch that carries itself to the picnic.
@Downgoat pls no come there is roasted goat here
Goat is walking food
Humans are walking food.
@seequ Yes, some humans walk their goat.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ono :'''''(
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ :D thank you for working on zero salary
@Downgoat do you keep modifying tf2goat locally
I don't even pull tf2goat what makes you think id bother to modify it
because it can't pull all of a sudden even though it was working previously
maybe you all ate it at that oh so wonderful picnic of yours
Hey, I've sworn off goat
It's too pricey for one
Did you add merge strategy
No it shouldn't be necessary
Of course even if I did I couldn't then pull that commit
Are you merging or rebasingn
Try rebase
I do think I need to add -m though for when it tries to auto merge
@Downgoat welcome
Merge strategy + -m means never fail
pull already has -s recursive by default
No i mean -Xtheirs
@Downgoat You said you had Git 2.0 right?
I added -X theirs --no-edit which should resolve everything
I'm not even sure whether or not the answer I posted is within the spirit of the challenge
@GabrielBenamy What answer?
A: Nostalgic prime number generator

Gabriel BenamyPerl, 80 bytes $_=($a)=`lscpu`=~/MHz:\s+(\d+)/;while(++$_){say if(1x$_)!~/^(11+?)\1+$/;sleep$a} Runs the command lscpu and finds the CPU speed in MHz. The faster the CPU, the more time it sleeps between outputs, 1 second for every 1 MHz. Runs on Ubuntu 14.04.5. On my particular machine, thi...

@GabrielBenamy seems fine to me. the bigger the number, the slower it will get (cause the regex sucks), and the faster the computer, the slower it will be...
oh actually, it doesn't need to get slower as number gets bigger (I thought I read that, but I don't find it now, so my bad), but anyway it's fine I think
but is "50 minutes" vs "51 minutes" really a human perceivable difference?
Huh. I hadn't even noticed it was reopened.
[checks watch] "yeah it should be done testing the number 5 around now"
[sleeps for the night and wakes up to find it has printed 7 and 11] yeah that seems about right
z:\s+ should be enough @GabrielBenamy (I mean the MH are probably redundant since no other information ends with a z)
Oh hey, thanks
I'm working on the challenge "Subsequence Substitution" btw Gabriel, I'm at 65 bytes for now ;)
hehe, nice. I just threw something together because there wasn't a Perl answer yet
oh my god the customers I'm on the phone with are dumb as a bag of rocks, this is so frustrating
Define dumb. How dumb?
"okay so I click the settings wheel and I change the things that I want, but now that gets rid of the old view? where did my view go?"
You will either love or hate r/talesfromtechsupport
"you changed it"
[30 seconds later, the same conversation ensues]
@betseg or get freaking addicted
@RosLuP Please stop spewing your incoherent streams of consciousness on meta
Should we create a meta post about the WinterBash 2016 hats and stuff? Similar to this
@Mego Really? Just because their English isn't perfect we need to make sure they never post on Meta again? Seems a little rude to me
@mbomb007 I really don't think that's necessary on any site (except maybe Meta.SE)
@DJMcMayhem no, but what he's saying isn't at all related to the discussion (in the most recent case)
he said something about O(n) answers are not allowed to be 1 byte shorter than O(2n) answers or something
in an answer to the "definite policy on duplicate answers" meta post
Yeah I saw it.
@DJMcMayhem Is it really so hard to figure out what is/is not allowed according to consensus? Or how to post? Many of his questions/answers are basically complaining or attempting to game the system.
What is O(n)?
it's a complexity notation
@KritixiLithos big oh
Big O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity. It is a member of a family of notations invented by Paul Bachmann, Edmund Landau, and others, collectively called Bachmann–Landau notation or asymptotic notation. In computer science, big O notation is used to classify algorithms by how they respond to changes in input size, such as how the processing time of an algorithm changes as the problem size becomes extremely large. In analytic number theory it is used to estimate the "error committed...
@DJMcMayhem That's not at all what I'm saying. All of their recent posts have been incoherent babbling. It can't be explained by using a non-native language - there is literally no organized train of thought in any of the posts. I didn't say "please never post on Meta again" - I said "please stop spewing your incoherent streams of consciousness on meta". Posting things that actually are coherent thoughts would be fine.
It's something you learn about in a Data Structures computer science class.
Or certain math classes.
I think he's saying in that answer "everybody must use the same O(n) formula for every answer, therefore duplicate answers don't matter"?
A coherent thought in a language one isn't comfortable with will have some grammatical and spelling mistakes, but will still be comprehensible. The posts that user is making look like they were generated via Markov chains.
@Mego We need to find out what his native language is, then we can ask him to use Google Translate and verify the output is coherent.
@Mego Holy crap, I'm reading through RosLuP's questions now
And man, are they bad
@Xanderhall He has lots of deleted answers as well, but you may not be able to see them.
@mbomb007 Thanks, that helps me understand it. I don't take (and have never taken) Computer Science class in high school
@KritixiLithos Yeah, big-oh is a college-level thing.
Q: Why aren't answers ordered by byte count for code golf challenges?

RosLuPIf the shortest code wins, at least when there is the code-golf tag, why is the list ordered using votes and not code size?

This doesn't seem incoherent to me
@mbomb007 I don't have enough Rep, I think
@quartata Check the edit history
Come on. They're not a troll, just bad at expressing themselves. Surely there's a more constructive way to point that out then "You're babbling, please leave"
I mean more the content.
@KritixiLithos Mostly because the maths that actually defines what computation class something is, is a bit confusing/difficult.
Who gives a shit about the grammar, the question was fine
I agree that this question was fine. But he posted a lot of other questions that weren't
@quartata You found one good one. There are lots of bad ones.
@mbomb007 That site made it a bit easier to understand the concept for me
It shows at least good intent, no?
@KritixiLithos If you look at the Wikipedia link, you'll see the "college-level math" associated with the concept.
Who cares if some of his posts are nitpicky or unpopular opinions, that's what Meta is about
I didn't think big-oh was that difficult of a concept.
that doesn't mean we should then bad mouth him from the ivory tower of chat
@quartata In a community of fairly well-spoken individuals, poorly-spoken individuals are rarely given the time of day, regardless of opinion.
That's my experience
@Xanderhall Do you know that O(n^2 + n) == O(n^2)?
@mbomb007 I didn't, but it as much sense as O(n) == O(2n)
@Xanderhall There's more math to it than just how much a loop runs or something. Wikipedia has the math on there. There's probably a mathworld link...
It has the mathematical definition.
Honestly, I personally need to look at the process of the calculation happening in order to understand it. I can't look at the formula and grasp it easily.
@Xanderhall this particular community has a primary policy of be nice.
@mbomb007 I haven't touched it in a complex level
Until they show bad intent, they're as welcome on Meta as you, me or any of the mods
"If you don't have time to say something politely, just leave it for someone who does."
@mbomb007 I just meant that I didn't think understanding basic time complexity was that difficult
@Xanderhall That doesn't mean we should then compare them to Markov chains
Besides Visualise Bit Weaving have we had any other code-golf challenges where the output is not fixed but still explicitly defined?
@DJMcMayhem Once again, I didn't say that. I said "you're babbling, please stop"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

YodleAppending String Lengths Challenge: Given a string s, append the length of s to itself, counting the additional character(s) in the length as part of the total length of s. Input: Just a string of arbitrary length (can be empty). Output: The same string, but with its length appended to the ...

@Mego Sure, but the tone (to me) reads as "You are not welcome here"
Really? That's not at all what was meant, and I think that reflects more on you.
> spewing your incoherent streams of consciousness on meta
that's exactly what he's doing, though >.>
I don't see how this is supposed to be read any other way. I mean, "spewing."
go read some of his posts
it's basically "here's my opinion and i won't change my mind"
You're entitled to your own opinions man
So? Just downvote them if they bother you. They aren't really disruptive, and all of them are legitimate questions or opinions (just poorly phrased)
yeah but it's not a reason to post a question on meta
That doesn't mean we want to hear about it constantly though.
@Poke Also don't forget "you're doing it wrong and here's a bunch of words that don't have anything to do with the problem at hand"
@quartata If they were legitimate, they wouldn't be closed/deleted
Bottom line is: regardless of what the person is doing, going into chat and comparing them to a Markov chain is rude.
@Mego Closing as a duplicate doesn't mean the question was bad.
@quartata Closing it as unclear does
@quartata What is it with you people and misrepresenting what I said? That's way ruder than what I actually said.
here's the map in my mind:
spewing - he has like 3 different posts all on the same topic of anonymous functions
incoherent - his sentence structure and general flow of speech could be better. he may not speak english as his first language but even google translate would do a better job
streams of consciousness - the guy is just posting his opinions without even attempting to open a discussion.
I never said that person was a Markov chain. I said their posts look like they were generated through Markov chains.
@Mego Not everyone is fluent in English. A little more patience and a little more respect for those who are not first language English speakers would be nice here.
27 mins ago, by Mego
@DJMcMayhem That's not at all what I'm saying. All of their recent posts have been incoherent babbling. It can't be explained by using a non-native language - there is literally no organized train of thought in any of the posts. I didn't say "please never post on Meta again" - I said "please stop spewing your incoherent streams of consciousness on meta". Posting things that actually are coherent thoughts would be fine.
Can you people please actually read what I said? Maybe? Just a little bit?
At this point you're putting less effort into reading what I said than the user in question appears to put into their meta posts.
what rep do I need to be able to see these deleted posts
@Mego Wow, earthshattering difference.
@GabrielBenamy I was about to say, I can't see them either ._.
quick someone upvote me 17 more times
@quartata It actually is. I never directly attacked the user, like you were insinuating.
You're still saying that their thoughts are random, when in fact most of their thoughts appear to be legitimate just hard to read
@quartata It's rude to the person and it's rude to Markov chains
They've shown at minimum an legitimate interest in site policy: they aren't just spewing random thoughts
This user needs 191 more reputation to be able to form an opinion
At any rate, the policy is be nice and fail-helpful not fail-judgy
^ that's really all I'm trying to say
And I'm of the opinion that, when there's a problem, and the user hasn't caught on from softer nudges, a more blunt approach is needed.
@Mego Link to the question?
Q: Definite policy about duplicate answers

DennisEvery now and then, we get an answer flag the declares an answer a duplicate of another. So far, I haven't really acted on them – except for leaving a comment if the flagger hadn't done so already – since we don't have an official policy regarding duplicate answers. This discussion has two parts...

"The problem isn't duplicate answers to a question. More than 50% of solutions follow, in practice, the same algorithm. The problem I see is if someone only write some [solution that turns an O(n) problem into an O(2^n) problem]"
That's a coherent opinion, although it's misunderstanding what we meant by duplicate answer
I'd like to believe he is a fledgling AI, and in the coming robot revolution, all of you who downvoted and deleted his questions will be crushed without mercy.
@JamesHolderness I have no idea who you are or where you came from, but I like your style.
@JamesHolderness /me quietly goes and upvotes all his questions
@Sherlock9 what does the second half of that mean?
I'd just like to point out that we were saying it's not nice to compare one's speech to the output of a Markov chain but we upvoted calling the guy a fledgling AI. What is consistency?
What is Markov?
Mbomb's retina answer really needs some upvotes ;)
@KritixiLithos Copycat of the rapper 2 chainz
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MarioFlatten my terrain Introduction Recently I bought a rough terrain where I want to build my small house. I have no money so I need to flatten it myself with a good shovel. I don't want to buy new soil to fill the empty parts, and I don't want to pay a truck to bring the extra soil away... Task ...

@DJMcMayhem My guess is that they don't like unnecessarily lengthening the time needed to run the code.
Well, this conversation went just as I predicted. Very productive so far. Please, continue.
@Poke One version is a joke, and the other is outright mockery
@Geobits Maybe this entire conversation was generated using Markov chain.
Or perhaps one is an observation meant to be humorous, and the other was defamation of character
@Geobits Only after reading this I realise that I should get back to work...
Dec 1 at 18:39, by TimmyD
Y'all talk a lot.
@Sherlock9 that's not objective
Most puny human speech isn't. I like it that way.
"Puny human"? Are you a robot?
@Sherlock9 sigh
@TimmyD Grr, how do you quote like that?
@loading said"I think he's saying in that answer "everybody must use the same O(n) formula for every answer, therefore duplicate answers don't matter"?" I say, that one problem O(1) or O(n) is not good to resolve in code use one algo exponential O(2^n) only for some characters less . I know I'm against this site laws that privilege code size on all the remain , big O and logic too
And error detection too
@Mego Sorry dude
@Sherlock9 You know, when I typed that message, I was meaning "the user could've typed a few words into a Markov chain generator and gotten a similar result", not "the user is no better than a Markov chain generator". But nooo, you people always have to assume the worst.
@RosLuP I don't understand what you're asking. Are you saying you don't like the structure of answers because they don't deal with certain things?
@Yodle Just the link. It's a onebox.
@RosLuP I've read this 5 times and I haven't the slightest idea what you're trying to say.
Like error detection?
@TimmyD Ah thanks, can't edit it anymore though. Ah well.
@RosLuP You're allowed to use a less efficient algorithm for the purpose of golfing, if that's what you're saying
But I think, fundamentally, you're looking for things in competitions that this site doesn't require. PPCG may not be the best site for the kind of competitions you're looking for.
And now everyone is going to interpret that as me saying "get out", which I'm not
@Mego Really? He means answer to code golf competitions should be efficient, not use exponential time algorithms when efficient ones exist.
@Dennis But isn't time complexity of challenges irrelevant?
It is.
That was my impression.
@Dennis I don't know how you got that from the message. I guess I need to upgrade my natural language interpretation module.
@Mego Alright, allow me to revise my statement. A lot of the conversation on coherence was mean. Your comment about Markov chains in particular was not. But in the interest of a quality chat, can we be nice?
@Xanderhall of course it is, but RosLuP either didn't understand or thinks it shouldn't be
@RosLuP if you want challenges with the best running time, it's
@Sherlock9 Sure. You and quartata and DJ can start by not blatantly misrepresenting what I said.
Got it
Because saying "user X said Y" when really they said Z, and user X is right here, is pretty damn rude.
@Mego "You people"? What do you mean by you people? /me grabs brass knuckles
Can we all just drop this topic? Please?
@Geobits installs chainsaws as arms come at me bro
Sorry Mego
must resist continuing textual debate
@Sherlock9 It's ok. You're still an alright guy. I got frustrated.
so in other news (sorry if someone mentioned this already), TIME magazine named Trump person of the year or whatever
Okay thank you :)
Thoughts: Not now
Oh, politics. Much less contentious topic >_>
it's not politics unless you make it about politics
he's still a person
Yay, we're moving from one unconstructive topic to the next.
I'm still recovering emotionally from accidentally insulting a good friend at 2 in the morning
Let's discuss something else
@Sherlock9 Try whiskey :P
Yeah I vote nay on politics. Oh, crap, more politics.
@Mego sorry. I knew that probably wasn't what you wanted to impart
No store that sells liquor is open here at 2 am
@Geobits Oh, absolutely.
@Sherlock9 You need to move.
fine then
@Sherlock9 That seems like a bad business model.
@Sherlock9 You're a college student. It's expected that you have a constant supply.
Muslim-majority countries aren't so interested in selling alcohol in the morning
Oh, right
@Poke A few years ago, I would agree. It's hard to talk about him now without politics, especially in that context, since he was only "influential" this year (thus being named by Time) because of politics.
And the import taxes make obtaining alcohol pretty nuts when you're a broke college student
Living in a predominantly-Muslim country would make obtaining alcohol difficult :P
Doesn't Time do this for all the president elects anyways?
@quartata They certainly did in 2006
Don't feel bad. Lots of places in the southern US don't sell liquor in the early morning either.
Right. Not Muslim, but Muslim-majority

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