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@GabrielBenamy @Dada is busy ungolfing my answer into yours by accusing me of spec violations :-(
I ungolfed Gabriel's answer first!
Instead of ideone, you can use tio.run/nexus/perl
I'm trying to work out if you can repeat the first input in less than four bytes
Just add -n and -M5.010 as arguments
@GabrielBenamy that apparently isn't production-ready yet
I've been linking to it in some of my answers.
I just realized I have opened 14 PPCG-related tabs in the last 20 minutes and have them all open still...
It works well
Q: Gather the trash

Ewan DelanoyYour program's job is to gather all the trash bags of a given avenue into cans. A given bag of trash must be put into the can immediately to its left. Formal rules : The input is a string S. A can in S is a substring starting with a [ and ending with a ], with a balanced count of brackets (f...

@betseg Samsung is FU everything
After lots of thought, I decided not to publish these videos.
@NewMainPosts this makes no sense
here's an observation as a long-time-lurker
TIL I am the seventh user ranked by bronze and silver badges. XD
there's a lot more 'golf' than 'programming challenge'
@DJMcMayhem lol nice
@wyldstallyns yeah, that's to be expected
@DJMcMayhem Where can you find that info?
Yeah, now I just need to work on my golds, haha
@ETHproductions I just went to the users page, sorted by rep and counted
@wyldstallyns That's pretty logical. Code golf is a) easier to code, b) easier to write challenges for, and c) easier to objectively score and compare than other forms of challenges on this site.
I think you're 19th in bronze
I'm currently failing to install Ubuntu on a VMware Player virtual machine.
And 30th in silver
Oh nvmd. There's a bunch more silvers on page 2
I think I'm 23rd in bronze, there's Mego and Zgarb on the second page
would it be fun to write competing algorithms for Lemonade Stand and Oregon Trail?
It would. :3
@DJMcMayhem I don't think that's necessarily accurate.
@zyabin101 Why on your conlang repo you listed l, m, n and r as 'sonorants'?
This category of sounds don't exist
They are voiced
@TimmyD Well I can only see 6 users with more bronze/silver than me. How would you count it?
@TuxCopter In Lojban, lmnr are sonorant.
For simplicity, I put these in a separate category.
@ETHproductions BTW, solved your sandbox question in 12 bytes :)
> a sound produced with the vocal cords so positioned that spontaneous voicing is possible; a vowel, a glide, or a liquid or nasal consonant.
that's a thing
In Bash how can I get the PID of a process when I'm starting it?
@KritixiLithos Now publish this when the question comes. :)
(Yes, they are voiced.)
1) When I choose the Ubuntu ISO image in the Virtual Appliance Wizard, it triggers Easy Install (TM).
@KritixiLithos Which one? I have like seven :P
Though I assume you're talking about the one I just posted
@DJMcMayhem You'd need to do it via API to get an accurate count.
I just need to enter the identity of the initial {us,sudo}er and it works.
@ETHproductions ASCII-bet
But that's where what supposed to be fun stopped being fun.
@feersum $$?
that gets the PID of bash itself, I just checked
nvm it's the PID of the shell
2) Easy Install (TM) systems can't be further changed!
@TimmyD sure, but since badges are correlated with rep, I'm sure anyone in the top ten would be at least on the first few pages
I need to know what the golf system I'm using!
3) Easy Install (TM) can't be cancelled!
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ just finished reading, this is hilarious
@KritixiLithos in Perl you can construct the ASCIIbet itself in seven bytes, everything from there is just printing it
I wanted to try it, because...
adding three for say is probably cheapest there
@DJMcMayhem Yeah. You'd be able to get close doing that.
4) Easy Install (TM) has a secret ingredient making your to-be VM do chum: The VMware Tools!
They enforce installing what everyone hates.
@zyabin101 ...but can't.
@ais523 I see you are also prepared with an answer
What I want to do is do head -n to a process and then kill it after N lines are printed.
well, printing the ASCIIbet is the sort of thing you can do in your head
where does it go from and to in the question? space to tilde?
hmm, I was hoping Jelly had it as a built-in, but it doesn't
Easy Install (TM) has now stole 1024 MB of my memory that I could spend normally, installing Ubuntu all by myself, with no VMware Tools at all.
I think this comes to five bytes in Jelly
no, four
@TuxCopter Also, you reminded me of getting to work on conlang project.
Oh sweet, I recently added something to V that should make that pretty easy
A: Check whether letters of word are in alphabetical order

Martin EnderCJam, 8 bytes lel_$_&= Here is a test harness for all examples in the challenge. This returns 0 or 1 (which are falsy and truthy, respectively, in CJam). And here is a script to filter the word list in the question (takes a few seconds to run). You'll have to copy the word list into the input...

Will continue it right away.
> lel
so, the question is, how can you make sure to be first to post an obvious answer?
oh, haha, Jelly's range is broken and only works on integers
this is a common problem with Jelly (random type errors)
@ais523 reload newest questions every minute?
@ais523 Would be a good time to call Dennis, but I can't because of the hate inflicted on me by him.
Oh shoot, it should be three bytes but it's four because of a bug
@DJMcMayhem What's the addition?
Can someone make an Issue/Pull Request for me?
Pretty please? No? Aww.
@zyabin101 On what?
Sep 23 at 14:04, by DJMcMayhem
@zyabin101 Nobody said that. Don't create drama for no reason
@zyabin101 Do not create drama for no reason
The suspension was looong ago
actually doing this in Jelly is really quite interesting now, and it's probably going to end up more verbose than some of the other languages
@KritixiLithos a range operator. It inserts every ASCII character between two other characters
@TuxCopter ninja'd :p
If no one is gonna tell me how to print the first N lines of output from a process and then kill it maybe I'll ask on Unix & Linux!
@DJMcMayhem There is no GH push yet
@feersum head -n
But nah, surely the question will be invalid for some reason.
@TuxCopter Jelly
because I don't think you can express 126 in Jelly in fewer than three bytes
It autokills the process IIRC
@betseg if you dislike drama, the simple solution is to block those that create it
Jelly's range is working only on ints
@zyabin101 You can make one, y'know
You have a GH account
@DJMcMayhem nah m8 it's entertaining
@TuxCopter it sends SIGPIPE; that doesn't necessarily kill a process but it does by default
Okai :3
processes can choose to handle it though
@ais523 It kills most processes though
(although half the processes that handle it just print an error message and exit anyway)
So I think it's ok
This SIGPIPE thing isn't working for me since it's a program I wrote and also it's Windows.
But it's not in the V wiki
Oh, yeah you're right. I rarely update that. >_<
Right now every insert mode mapping is undocumented
»  yes | head
I'm on Windows
Would be helpful if you did update it :)
@feersum well if it's a Windows question, that would be a decent reason to close on Unix & Linux
@ais523 See, I knew it!
MSYS doesn't ship with yes apparently so I can't try that.
hmm, would "implement yes" be an interesting code golf challenge?
Is there actually any use for yes? :P
brb sandboxing
@seequ Pipe y in programs
@seequ nowadays many interactive programs have an option (typically -f) to answer yes to all questions they ask by default (there's also often an option to answer no by default, often -q)
but it used to be that if you wanted to use an interactive program for batch updates
you had to set up an automatic yes-answerer to say yes to all its prompts manually
that's where yes comes in
@ETHproductions I think it's fine
pipe yes into a program and it'll answer yes to every question it asks
(this is why it outputs an infinite stream of y by default, and where the name comes from)
Yeah, TuxCopter's answer was enough.
> fuck you, well done
the flair seems about right :p
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I'm on mobile, I can't see flairs :(
Ah the sigpipe kill thing does work!
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ when did you start browsing Reddit?
I just messed up the syntax.
@ETHproductions Yeah, I'm not sure it's an exact dupe, but it's pretty close and I was able to find it without too much searching.
@betseg like 2 years ago
I see most of the answers being veeeery close, yeah.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ So, when you were smaller than 13? :P
recently nuked my old account due to an ex-irl-friend harassing me
@betseg yes
@ETHproductions Do note that this challenge was marked as a dupe, though.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ you criminal
TBF I joined ppcg like 1 month before I was 13
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ law abuse evelen
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ For a moment, I thought that was missing a g.
whatever happened to Oliver The Question-Poster?
@GabrielBenamy suspended IIRC
@GabrielBenamy probably on hiatus to think up another storm of questions for us
wait wat
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ irlfriend
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ "exgirlfriend`
He's unsuspended now
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ETHproductionsFind the sortable years code-golf number The year 2013 had an interesting property: the digits are consecutive when sorted (0123). Unfortunately, this won't happen again until 2031, and after that, not until 2103. Your challenge is to write a program or function that, when given a non-negitiv...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TùxCräftîñgImplement the Unix utility yes code-golf yes is an unix utility useful when you want to pipe y in a program to avoid confirmation, for example. When no input is given, print y and a newline indefinitively When there is an input, print this input and a newline indefinitively Test cases => y ...

no, just a general asshat who got mad at me for not wanting to buy csgo
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ wat
yes repeats any parameter line you give it, "yes" is just the default
@wyldstallyns y is the default
@TuxCopter he got mad that I didn't want to spend $10 on a game I probably wouldn't play, knew I used reddit and liked nethack, and was able to find me by my initials
I knew him from a church group last year
why would someone go mad for this?
yes lorm ipsum | head 50 | mail [email protected]
Are your initials EI?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ huh. I got csgo for free from a random dude I don't know
@betseg no, RW ;p
I don't play it very much
@wyldstallyns head -n 50
it looks like TF2 but slightly different to me, and I'd rather get something like undertale for the $10
-2 bytes: head -50
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I fully support this idea
I'd rather save up for $20 and get allowed to develop Android apps on the Play Store
It's kinda like tf2 but much more serious
yeah, figured as much
I've been obsessed with overwatch recently
@DJMcMayhem thanks for the support XD
@DJMcMayhem wayyy too much monies
heck, I could get 3 copies of undertale + soundtrack for that
@DJMcMayhem I played it over their free weekend and wound up purchasing.
is it worth it?
That's the most I've ever payed for a game since I'm usually a cheapass and wait for steam sales
It doesn't seem to be a $60 game, but I'll get enough enjoyment out of it as a $35 game.
@TimmyD hm, okay
@DJMcMayhem lol nice
My sister has Undertale, and from what I saw it seems a cool game
Just Way Too Hard™
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ it's like if tf2 was less silly and had a lot more characters/play styles/depth
All my best IRL friends play it, so that makes it more fun, haha
@DJMcMayhem I like my lime scouts, very little quality of updates, and other memes, thank you very much :P
Oh it's got plenty of memes. :P
I played the crap outta TF (and MegaTF), and then TFC, but I just couldn't get into TF2.
What do you guys think of WatchDogs_2?
Haxing with apt-get
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Overwatch mini-dump iob.imgur.com/uYGg/hJhXAxolTy
Overwatch is the usual Blizzard formula -- take a genre and polish and fine-tune the crap out of it.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ It felt really "arcade"-y to me. Still does. The character personalities are certainly different with TF2, but they still feel really similar.
@DJMcMayhem ಠ_ಠ ^
Overwatch characters, even ones that fulfill similar roles, play very differently.
@DJMcMayhem harsh on bastion :p
@TimmyD hm, okay
Because he sucks
@betseg oh weird. Let me try to fix that
@betseg lol
@DJMcMayhem why?
is it just point-click-die?
Imagine if heavy took no skill to play and everyone played him all the time
ok then
@DJMcMayhem TBF I've heard more about mei being cancer, but that's just me
Really? That's funny
A good Mei player is really annoying.
In game Mei is fine. The reason you hear that is that she can annoy teammates a lot
Ice wall in front of the opening at the start
@DJMcMayhem I think your sentence no verb.
I mostly play tracer, pharah, and junkrat
Then occasionally roadhog and mei
hm, okay
junkrat is like demoman, right?
Yeah, pretty much. Then tracer is like a faster scout, and pharah is a flying soldier
I mostly play Hanzo.
You play on PC or console?
PC master race
wait what my reddit link got 4 stars
PC master race
Boo on the "PC Master Race" crap. Play on whatever's appropriate.
I play Overwatch on PC.
^^ amen. PC is much better, but PCMR is obnoxious
@TimmyD we should play together sometime. What's your gamer tag?
Of course, I'm probably an exception.
I have a PC (gaming laptop), 2x Xbox One, 2x Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, Genesis, N64, SNES, NES, GameCube, Wii, Atari 2600
The last console I had was the Wii
@TimmyD woah
Other than that all I had was a Ps2
@DJMcMayhem AdmBorkBork but I don't recall my .####
The only console I ever had was a XBOX360
I had a PS1, which is older than me :p
It was shit
@Yodle I've only had the Wii
I have a gaming desktop, and my family has a Wii U. I've never cared much for consoles
Q: Add a language to a polyglot

ais523This is an answer-chaining challenge in which each answer builds on the previous answer. I recommend sorting the thread by "oldest" in order to be sure about the order in which the posts are made. The task The nth program to be submitted must run in n different languages; specifically, all the ...

@TimmyD what does it mean that I had to check you weren't tux when I saw "borkbork"
brb afk
@TimmyD haha, I'm djmcmayhem, but I don't remember my number either
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ because bork
@DJMcMayhem I have a wii, xbox one that really is my brother's, and my mac laptop that's pretty good for games
@TimmyD wait wtf you're confusing me
i literally had to check your profile after that
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ he will be right back, and he is away from keyboard.
yeah but I think tux is controlling his mind
We are all Tux
> Black Helicopters (BH) are not just helicopters with a black paint-job as you may have been told. They are, in fact, autonomous agents -- lifeforms -- created by New World Order (NWO) agencies via nanobiotechnology.
> You've been kicked from The Nineteenth Byte.
3 messages moved to Trash
That got confusing
@TuxCopter You also got a free invitation to trash.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ TL;DR XD
but I've bookmarked it
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ How is that relevant
I am a black and white penguin copter not a black helicopter
@TuxCopter uh-huh
that's what you want us to believe
You see it clearly on my profile I am a penguin
@flawr ikr
such amazingness got me 4 free TNB stars
Q: Find the shortest pangrams from a word list

ais523A pangram is a string that contains every letter a-z of the English alphabet, case-insensitive. (It's OK if the pangram contains more than one copy of a letter, or if it contains non-letter characters in addition to the letters.) Write a program or function whose input is a list of strings, and ...

@TuxCopter read the message above yours
ಠ_ಠ I am telling the truth
Should I introduce a 2d lang in the answer chaining challenge?
or a non-deterministic one
@KritixiLithos If you want people to cry
well obvs
@KritixiLithos yes
@DJMcMayhem can you put 0x1B (esc) just before i2 in your code and share a TIO link? I cant on mobile :p I'll add another lang but Vim doesn't want me to :P
perlsniped @Dada's binary conversion algorithm
@GabrielBenamy Well done! Save two bytes with $;+=$_+$;for@F;say$ ;)
ooh nice, thanks!
I hope it's okay, I feel like my algorithm is entirely different than yours
sure, it's nothing like mine, no problem at all!
@ais523 Your explanation of polynomial time seems to exclude things like n^2. Am I reading it wrong?
@Geobits yes; O(n²) means that doubling the size of the problem quadruples the running time
that's a constant factor of 4
It's still polynomial though, just not linear.
@KritixiLithos thx, didn't need it :p
Ok, so "constant factor" in terms only of doubling, etc. I don't usually see n referred to as a constant factor, that's all.
@Geobits That's because it's constant, not nonstant
"constant" here means "a number that doesn't depend on n", like 4
Q: Definite policy about duplicate answers

DennisEvery now and then, we get an answer flag the declares an answer a duplicate of another. So far, I haven't really acted on them – except for leaving a comment if the flagger hadn't done so already – since we don't have an official policy regarding duplicate answers. This discussion has two parts...

Woah. I just posted my 200th answer and I didn't even realize it!
nice one!
@Dennis if I were to write a TIO program in one language that told the environment to run a specific golf-language program, and output that's result as my output, is that cheating?
Do we have a challenge for just finding the length of a string

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