unordered_map<int, pair<int, int>> seen_times;
seen_times[cur_cost] = make_pair(get<1>(cow), get<3>(cow)); // this runs, the debugger even steps into make_pair
// and yet my debugger still shows seen_times as having size 0
Hey I was wondering what your guys opinion is for leaving the output on the stack for stack-based languages. I saw this answer by Martin Ender, but this feels like cheating in ><> (especially because characters are displayed as decimal instead of unicode on the stack, for the online interpreter at least). What are your guy's thoughts?
I think the general consensus is that functions can leave the output on the stack, but if it's a program, it needs to send the output to some form of STDOUT.
Okay, thanks. I guess ><> would be considered "functionless" then? Because to me, a function is just storing where I am on the stack, jumping to the desired function, then ultimately jumping back to where I was.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I'll send the list of bots to GitHub in my report.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC That's ... the thing. You see, if GitHub's algorithm detects that you are a bot, all your repos become unlisted. But everything still works. That's actually helping.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Even reCaptchas. Just opt for the "audio" version for disabled people and pipe that into the Google Speech API. Success rate is acceptable.
I got the idea for this question after reading an answer by Martin Ender here. It more-or-less says: Functions in stack-based languages can leave the output on the stack.
This had me ask "what is a function?". I use ><> and to me, a function is just when I store my current location on the stack,...
@NathanMerrill Well, box-shadow is by default on all sides, so it's more useful when you only want the top and bottom to have shadows, since you can really only wrap four or one sides with a single shadow
@HWalters In TNB, carets ate typically used to agree with or refer to the previous message. A double caret refers to the second message before, and so on.
Ugh, I just now noticed that one of my previous messages has "ate" instead of "are". So annoying how my mobile keyboard likes to pick the former when I'm trying to type the latter.
Described with words, like, this? "imagine two dots. Underneath the two dots is a straight line, with the righthand side forming a chord in a semi-ellipse, broken at symmetry along the shorter axis. Now rotate this image 90 degrees counterclockwise into standard smiley format"
@all Which do you feel you are better at managing, time or space? Like, if you plan your week's schedule are you more likely to stick to it, or if you clean your room is it more likely to not get cluttered again?
I'm...not sure, actually. My spaces do gradually get more cluttered over time, but also, my schedules don't get cluttered that badly due to my introversion.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC that sounds like an even worse idea. if you aren't familiar with C then writing a compiler into it sounds like a host of bugs for you to find on competition day
@TuxCopter Because it's better than C++ if you don't know anything about either and he better get used to it now before being confronted with the same restrictions in college
They wouldn't have offered Java if it wasn't fast enough
@TuxCopter Why? If whatever competition he's doing is like any competition I've ever seen, the language speed has almost no impact at all compared to the speed of the algorithm.
> Note also that due to the slower speed of a Python program, it may not be possible to solve the largest test cases for some problems even with the inflated time limit given to Python submissions -- consider using a faster language for problems where execution time is critical.
Side Stage is a technology presented by Canonical Ltd. to be included in Ubuntu Tablet. It was first demonstrated on Ubuntu Tablet's YouTube announcement on Canonical's channel "celebrateubuntu".
== Summary ==
Side Stage allows Ubuntu Phone apps and select Ubuntu Tablet apps to run in a smaller section of the screen, alongside the main app. It aims to "go even further" with the idea of multitasking, allowing screen space to be divided in this manner. Examples shown in the announcement video included a notes app being used alongside a web browser, and a user swiping from the right edge to bring...
Let's use the four basic operations, addition +, multiplication *, subtraction - and division / (float, not integer). We'll number these operators from 1-4 in the order given above.
Stewie's sequence is defined as follows:
x = [x(1), x(2)] // Two initial numbers (one indexed)
x(3) = x(1) + ...
Most annoying thing about wiki is for lack of better terms "redirect decay"... when someone decides to redirect X to an article Y that supposedly includes it, then Y deletes the content that included it
Does anyone remember the challenge about finding the index of the highest running mean of length n in a binary list? If the input was: 1001111001` and 4 then the output should be 3, because the starting index of the 4-digit sequence with the highest mean starts at position 3 (zero-indexed).
The x86 instruction set refers to the set of instructions that x86-compatible microprocessors support. The instructions are usually part of an executable program, often stored as a computer file and executed on the processor.
The x86 instruction set has been extended several times, introducing wider registers and datatypes as well as new functionality.
== x86 integer instructions ==
This is the full 8086/8088 instruction set. Most if not all of these instructions are available in 32-bit mode; they just operate on 32-bit registers (eax, ebx, etc.) and values instead of their 16-bit (ax, bx, etc...