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Mathematica is also ludicrously verbose
I guess you could make a prototype Giza number of the length of the input number (eg 121 for len 3), and repeatedly subtract one-filled numbers until you match. Not sure if that would be shorter in most languages though.
you'd make a prototype giza number, then subtract the two, and check if all digits are the same
That works too, yeah.
Or check for divisiblity by 111, etc. Whichever is shorter.
is there any base where all numbers of form 11111... are divisible by the same number?
excluding 1
Hmm, doubt it
@DrMcMoylex We just made the new tag, and you didn't use it? Shame on you.
...this is actually interesting. I can't find a single base where 11 and 111 are divisible by the same number
in essence, I believe that n+1 and n^2 + n + 1 share no common factors
for any n
Tomorrow's new OEIS sequence: bases where x and y are divisible by the same number
@NathanMerrill And there isn't any. If d divides both n and bn + 1, it also divides 1.
Is that a good challenge idea?
@Dennis ah, makes sense
so basically, #### and ####1 share no factors where #### is any sequence of digits
@Rainbolt what's X, what's Y, and what number are they divisible by?
there seems to be a bunch of dimensions to that
hard to sequence
X and Y are representations of a number, and you check to see if they share a factor (and in what bases). For example, given X=4 Y=10, they share a factor in base 10, but not base 5.
Hard to sequence, but not hard to output a list of bases as a challenge.
right :)
Given positive integers a, b, c, d, output the first a bases where b and c are divisible by the same number greater than 1, beginning at base d. Nobody cares about the number that they are divisible by, just that they are divisible by some number.
And I guess none of the digits in b and c can be greater than d, because otherwise the number would make no sense in that base.
@Mego :( sowee. It's funny, I remember thinking before writing it "Oh hey, this is a good example of that new tag!" Then I totally forgot it while writing it, haha
Wiring will do that to you sometimes.
Sounds like you had some faulty wiring
Nothing major, just a crossed wire or two >_>
Tomorrow's challenge: Given a user's last chat message, is their wiring faulty?
@DrMcMoylex Actually, 0 bytes
So, I think my interview went great, and I have to credit PPCG for being the source of inspiration for several of my projects. I drew a lot from Minkolang, Spacewar!, and TNBDE to answer questions.
@El'endiaStarman Cool
Nice! That's awesome
Good luck with getting the job
@Mego Does Actually return something like true with the empty program?
You are required to tell us the moment you find out
Thanks. :)
@El'endiaStarman The empty program is essentially cat
@El'endiaStarman Turns out PPCG isn't a complete waste of time
It outputs the input (but in reverse order of input due to LIFO)
@KritixiLithos IF you build stuff.
Since empty chat messages don't happen, it will always output a non-empty string (aka a truthy value)
If all you do is answer challenges, that's slightly more wasteful. :P
@Mego So you're saying everybody's wiring is faulty?
It took a while to actually get to the insult
@El'endiaStarman In my case, most of what I do is answer questions or be a part of the chat...
@DrMcMoylex Probably because your wiring is faulty
Or Mego's is. According to his script it is ;)
@KritixiLithos Almost all of what I presently do is be part of the chat. :P It's just that this has lead to projects. There is nothing that spawns ideas so readily as being in the company of other people who produce copious amounts of ideas.
Heh. Marky was a product of chat for sure. Initially even moreso.
@DrMcMoylex Ding ding we have a winner :)
TNBDE was a direct result of TNB, basically. Minkolang and Spacewar! came from the larger PPCG community.
What is TNBDE?
@El'endiaStarman I notice you don't say anything about the quality of said ideas :)
@Mego Someone should create a cow that quacks :P
@Mego Ha, sure, but here's the thing: the more ideas you produce, the more likely you are to produce good ideas (and terrible ideas).
@El'endiaStarman Oh that, yeah
@Geobits He's not wrong
@El'endiaStarman It's the Cave Johnson approach - throwing science at the wall and seeing what sticks!
@Mego Exactly! :P
@Geobits That's fake
So science == noodles. Got it.
@Geobits you've clearly never seen blue gel
And noodles == food, hence science == food
Wow. My python answer is tied with a perl answer. :)
@NathanMerrill I don't usually use gel in my hair, but when I do it's normally clear, not blue.
@Geobits Let me put it this way: blue gel will excite you. You'll be bouncing off the walls!
@El'endiaStarman Yay!
lol, found this tidbit:
"Repulsion Gel was Aperture Science's first attempt at creating dietetic pudding substitute"
@NathanMerrill Yeah, the food you eat bounces out of your stomach.
@DLosc At this point, it's basically your answer with my name on it, haha
I wouldn't say that--I didn't see how a recursive solution would even be possible upon first looking at the problem. You built the skeleton, I trimmed the fat. ;)
Well, Dennis is at 48 now, so it's a moot point, haha
@DrMcMoylex "One does not simply..."
Also: wow. 0_0 I don't comprehend the thinking processes required to come up with a trick that brilliant.
The recursive Python solution translated to Pip is 22 bytes: a<t|POa=DQa=a@0-1&(fa)
@NathanMerrill A slightly less non-toxic version of fiberglass insulation, it coats the walls of the subject's distended stomach, causing the food to bounce right back out!
Brb looking at my microwave to get the quote right
This would be fun (and maddeningly hard) in brainflak
@El'endiaStarman did they ask you to write code in the interview?
can I know the problems?
@NathanMerrill Nope. The first half was them asking me questions about my background and experience and stuff. The second half was whiteboarding the design of a database schema for keeping track of user accounts, games, statistics, achievements, and so forth.
@El'endiaStarman Wait, is it a game company?
*cough* Mojang *cough*
@DrMcMoylex They don't actually develop games, per se, but rather a platform for the online community and multiplayer.
I could see interviewers using that even if they're not gaming related. It's a simple concept that most people are familiar with.
I don't assume people asking fizzbuzz are in the gameshow buzzer business :P
@Geobits Well yeah, you wouldn't want to buy a buzzer that fizzes out a third of the time.
@DrMcMoylex ... And now there's a 42-byte Perl solution.
@TuxCopter I almost want to do this to see how much training it takes to get 1-100 correct, but then I really really don't.
I guess I could add it to Marky's training data so he would know how to respond to numbers.
@Geobits I'll test it for you :P
the best interview question I've heard for object/database design is to design the game of Monopoly
@Mego "less non-toxic" lulz
everybody knows what it is, but there's a lot of intricacies
@TuxCopter I enjoyed reading that. :P
I built a board game builder system with some classmates, and I had some classmates who main goal was to ensure that the table flip happened -.-
Does SQL not have a table flip builtin?
I mean, tables are the basic unit of storage, so I'd think it would have the basic table manipulation functions.
FML I've been stuck on this bug forever, I finally go ask for help, and I had the wrong variable name in my QML, and it doesn't throw any errors or anything. ಠ_ಠ
@feersum Nope, just one to chop off the legs
Wow. A closed question at 30+ votes
> @DrGreenEggsandHamDJ.
Promoting an IMO great answer with a very nice explanation... PS edc65's answer is very nice too!
^^ (By the way: It's not my own)
Hi all
I think I am being dim but how would you sample uniformly from non-decreasing sequences of length n where the integers in the sequence are from 1... n^2?
@TimmyD I must say, I'm starting to like the new Microsoft.
@Lembik Would choosing n integers then sorting work? I haven't given it thought, but it's the first thing that comes to mind.
Axiom of Choice
@Lembik View them as strictly increasing sequences, then use this to generate a random subset.
Are there any strong opinions on monitor resolution for programmers in here?
Q: How to tag "smallest compiled output" challenges?

ais523I was working on this challenge when I realised I'd misinterpreted the rules; it wasn't code-golf, unlike most challenges are. Rather, it was asking for the compiled output of the program to be as small as possible (i.e. the program, when compiled, produces the smallest possible executable). I su...

I'm leaning towards 2560x1440
Yeah, as long as it's 1920x1080 or higher I don't have an issue with it.
@trichoplax What are you using currently?
@Dennis Yeah. Since Satya Nadella took over as CEO, they've been really FOSS friendly.
I have 1600x900 rip
Did chat die momentarily?
Not here
Guess it was just me. Pasting...

And how big is the monitor going to be (diagonal inches)?
You don't want a super high resolution monitor that you then have to run at a non-native resolution (or with zoom) just to see the code
(Sorry if I sent those messages twice)
@Rainbolt 1366x768, so looking to increase to at least 2560x1080 but wondering if it's worth going for more
Oh right. Are we talking laptop, desktop, what?
@trichoplax You are using exactly what I was using before I upgraded to a 2560x1440. I was overwhelmed by the tiny window size for a while, and for coding I actually wish my resolution was slightly lower sometimes (or the monitor was slightly larger... either would work fine). For gaming though, I love it.
Looking for a monitor, rather than a laptop screen. I'm looking at 24 inch minimum
What minimum size would you recommend to make 2560x1440 practical?
@trichoplax have you considered a 144 hz / 120 hz monitor over a hi-res monitor?
I've got 21"s at 1080, so 24" makes sense to bump it a little, but I don't know how necessary it is.
@tuskiomi I'm looking for 72Hz minimum. Do you find a significant improvement with higher?
@trichoplax Unless your eyes are better than mine, I would recommend 27". I have some trouble with even that, but I'm starting to get used to it.
I'm definitely not aiming above 27", so I guess 1080 will probably be enough then
I changed my monitor from 60hz to 144hz and noticed a difference dragging windows around on my desktop. I can see the shadows of the window at 60hz, and can't see them at 144hz. I haven't tried 72hz.
@Geobits I'm losing by 1 byte of your Java answer in the Giza challenge :s
@trichoplax much, you have much more improvement in the fluidity of the screen, you start noticing window animations, the mouse actually moves, as opposed to a teleporting type motion, and if you play any game that isn't considered casual, you'll have a much better experience, imo. I cannot compare it to 4k / UhiRes, as I've not tried that yet, aside from my phone. If you're strictly programming, I'd reccomend a widescreen display.
@Geobits I am not sure that is then uniform
What is "UhiRes"?
@Zgarb interesting thanks
@Rainbolt Ultra-Hi Res
I don't game so I hadn't thought about super high refresh rates but if it makes a difference even for interacting with a window then I'll look at them.
If you're not gaming, then I'd lean toward the other side. Take my advice with a grain of salt, as I've not tried any of the ultra hi res displays for an extensive time.
@tuskiomi By widescreen do you mean 16:9, which seems to be standard now, or 21:9, the new extra widescreen?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tuskiomiLasers & Mirrors ah lasers. they're a modern marvel. From the most common colors of blue, red, and purple to the more exotic cyan, green, and Occasional yellow. One of the most fascinating properties of lasers is their tendency to travel in a straight line, and bounce off mirrors. What fun! Let'...

I program on a 1600x900 laptop monitor and I have no problem
Thanks for all the advice everyone. That's narrowed my options a lot
@Yodle I lied it's now shorter :D
did you just... tag yourself? :-)
I did, but never mind I may have been wrong...
Anyone who has an ultrawide, how is it for media consumption?
I assume for things like YouTube you are kind of stuck with black bars on the side
I usually use display modifications to separate a 16:9 space and the extra sidebar for higher productivity because of this. My monitor of choice for movies, videos, etc. is not a widescreen, however.
Because I was thinking of buying either 2 x 1080p monitors or 1 2560 x 1080 ultrawide
(I'm not doing 1440p because I don't hate my laptop and I don't think I can play games at 1440p on it anyways)
Dual monitors on a laptop? interesting.
@Shebang What graphics card do you have (that causes you to worry about games at 1440p)?
I dual monitor on a laptop with a 1440p moniter
I code with my ide on one half, SO on the other and cmd line in the other monitor
@Rainbolt Well to be honest I'm not sure which GPU the HDMI port on my laptop "renders" through, it's either an Intel HD Graphics 4000 or a Radeon R7 M260
like that^
I know the HDMI output supports 4k @ 30Hz
I know that a GTX 980 TI can handle Planet Coaster at 2560x1440, and a GTX 1080 can handle Diablo III, Overwatch, and Minecraft with SEUS shaders (which ends up being even more intensive than Overwatch on ultra) 2560x1440.
@Yodle Meh. I could drop a bunch (the entire declaration really) by making it a lambda, but Java lambdas are shady af.
@Shebang some versions support 60hz as well.
@tuskiomi Yeah I know, it's more trying to narrow it down to which GPU it uses since I'm on a laptop with crappy switchable graphics
is it just me or does everything in sandbox have a score of -1?
@Flp.Tkc sort by activity not votes
You are probably in page ~a lot
Or ^^
@Shebang which GPU what uses? the laptop
oh, didn't realise the sorting had reset itself :P thanks @BlueEyedBeast
that giza problem is fun
@Geobits I have a recursive method at 130.... i had it at 109 but realized i forgot to include an import so i changed it up a bit
i just wanted to let you know i'm coming for you
Ha, go for it. I have a screen full of other methods I was trying, but I just couldn't get under 119 with them. I'd like to see it happen :)
golfed my answer down to 40 bytes :D
@GabrielBenamy Just brackets, semicolons, and keywords are half of your byte count in my answer
@tuskiomi Which GPU the laptop decides to use external displays on, i.e. if the HDMI port is on the motherboard or on the discrete card
@GabrielBenamy I'm glad. :D
@Yodle I have 9 alphanumeric characters in my code. Everything else is perl wizardry.
Heh. I noticed I have the number 1 a lot so I was gonna assign it to a variable before realizing that 1 and i have the same length...
Is there a tag for kolgomorov-complexity challenges where there are multiple valid outputs?
For example, the 5 favorite letters challenge, the valid JSON challenge, ...
Me: "Let me know if you need help."
Coworker: "I might."
... two hours later during the daily standup meeting...
Coworker: "I still need help whenever you are not busy."
No, I don't think there really needs to be one
@Yodle The funny thing about that is that I had the exact same thought earlier, lol
@Rainbolt Oh, so it was "I might [need your help now]", not "I might [, but I'll let you know for sure later]". Sounds about right.
> What are all the common factors of 24, 64, and 88?
> A: 1, 4
> B: 1, 4, 8
> C: 1, 4, 8, 12
> D: 1, 4, 8, 44
Seriously. What in the hell?
@Geobits Yes. Typical communication between developer and non-developer. I vent here because so that I may respond professionally.
that's... a really bad question
Yes, another directly from my kid's homework -_-
Wait... it's C right?
It's B, if I understand correctly
I lied
Yeah, B.
It's A or B
They promote lateral thinking. See it that way :-) @Geobits
He bubbled in B and wrote "and 2" next to it.
^^See? Lateral thinking
since neither of them include the number 2, we can conclude that neither one is meant to be exhaustive
@Geobits Oh, that's the issue I was missing :P
@GabrielBenamy The word "all" generally means exhaustive :/
oh, it says "all" the common factors
in which case, the answer is "E", none of the above
Do the instructions say choose one or choose all that are correct?
can I be your kid's new math teacher
No instructions besides what I wrote there.
CMC: compute all common factors of an array of numbers
MATL, 5 bytes
Anyway, homework's done, time to hit the park. Adios :)
stupid subarray
¡Hasta luego! :-)
@LuisMendo Jelly 4 bytes: g/ÆD
say $a=$_,grep{!($_%$a)}@ARGV for 1..$ARGV[-1]
JavaScript (Firefox 30+), 56 bytes: a=>[for(i of Array(a[0]).keys())if(!a.some(x=>x%~i))-~i]
@Dennis I think it's the same approach as mine (not that there are so many...). What does the / do?
Oh, reduce
@LuisMendo does your keyboard have an easy upsidedown exclamation point key?
Actually mine doesn't work, forget it
@LuisMendo Yeah, reduce by GCD, then divisors.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Sure! Spanish kbd :-)
On US international, it's simply AltGr - Shift - 1.
⁄ for mac >_<
that's alt-shift-1
I thought AltGr was an uncommon key?
right alt normally
¡I have an easy one on my android!
ilook what I can do!
@LuisMendo I've been looking for one to easily type in spanish (still learning spanish though), to troll my friends
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Try with right command key.
But I also have some weird keys overall ♧♡¤¿€£¥₩æþ
control doesn't do anything either
mac keyboards are dumb
So, I tried a totally different approach on the Giza challenge ... and came in at 5 bytes longer than my current approach :-/
eyyyy it's alt-1
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Opt + 1 according to Google.
Ninja würde
¡Qué chévere!
@TimmyD I hate when that happens
@TimmyD Right now you're being outgolfed by Java and C#, lol
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Hahaha. That's so South-American of you :-)
I know that word, but not used in Spain
Does Powershell do regular expressions?
@DrMcMoylex I know, this is driving me crazy.
@LuisMendo lol
@LuisMendo Well, my RightAlt key doesn't actually say AltGr... But since I regularly type in three different languages, an international layout is the only hope of keeping me sane.
@LuisMendo TBF, I'm half mexican, learning from my mom who learned in cancun, and 1/2 my school is mexican :p
southern california
@Dennis You should include Jelly in that list :-)
@LuisMendo I don't really think of California as "South America"
no, but the spanish they speak definitely is
@DrMcMoylex But the word "chévere" definitely is... I think
@GabrielBenamy Yeah, it has access to the full .NET engine
@LuisMendo what do you say in spain?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ TBH I'm not sure what chévere means
@LuisMendo Fair. Jelly's code page was actually designed so it could be typed on my keyboard layout. :P
@LuisMendo I thought you were saying he fits the "Southern USA" stereotype, aka Texas
¡Qué chévere! is supposed to mean how cool/awesome/great
@DrMcMoylex aint no texans here pardner
@TimmyD I'm on a Linux machine right now and can't test powershell, but you might be able to adapt one of the existing solutions, like Dada's
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Ah, ok. Then in Spain there's "Qué guay" (sounds childish), "Qué bien" (neutral: how good), and others enter into the swearing-word area :-)
There are Texans in the room though
@GabrielBenamy WRONG
PowerShell is now available for *nix
@TuxCopter Okay, how about this: I'm on a Linux machine at work right now, and can't test powershell
@DrMcMoylex i dunno my interweb isnt too good, dial up is pretty slow in these parts
Huh. I might actually hit the rep-cap again today. I haven't done that in a while
brb removing my upvote to his challenge
Oh you can't install anything
:P thanks though!~
@DrMcMoylex Same here, thanks to that 10000something post LOL
@LuisMendo guay is pretty common where I am, and bien is "the teacher is standing there don't say anything bad"
@LuisMendo Wiktionary says that chévere may have originated in Cuba, possibly derived from an African language. So not exactly South American, but definitely American.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yup
guay is more of the 7th graders though (middle school)
@DLosc Hm you're right. I tend to call all Spanish-speaking America "South America", which is plain incorrect
how about "South of America"
@LuisMendo also, how common is vosotros & conjugations in spain? not at all hereabouts
on another topic: anybody know how to plot recursive function in R?
@GabrielBenamy Only if America == USA
@GabrielBenamy Hm. That's one of my pet peeves. How USA snatches the name of the whole continent :-))
@LuisMendo C#, 113 bytes: I=>{for(int i=1;i<=I.Min();i++){var a=1>0;foreach(var c in I)if(c%i!=0)a=1<0;if(a)System.Console.Write(i+" ");}};
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Do you mean vosotros vs. ustedes for 2nd person plural non-formal? Here's it's mostly vosotros, but the South of Spain (Andalusia) often uses ustedes instead
hm, okay
it's almost all ustedes here
vosotros is considered somewhat demeaning
My answer's just a bit longer than yours and Dennis's >.>
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yeah, a Bolivian friend that stayed in Spain for a few years said ustedes was the most natural in his country
@Yodle Heh. But it's C# :-)

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