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PowerShell, 52 bytes -- param($n)-join(65..90|%{"$([char]$_)"*(($_-64)%$n)})
$_- : half money face
@TimmyD Brachylog, 28 bytes: :@A:{hH,?t:ImE,I+:H%:Erjb}fc
@HelkaHomba can we assume that the Earth is perfectly spherical and that 1 metre is 90°/10000000?
@HelkaHomba Ungolfed Java, 548 bytes:
    public static double distanceBetweenCoords(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2){
        final int R = 6371000;

        Double latDistance = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1);
        Double lonDistance = Math.toRadians(lon2 - lon1);
        Double a = Math.sin(latDistance / 2) * Math.sin(latDistance / 2)
                + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2))
                * Math.sin(lonDistance / 2) * Math.sin(lonDistance / 2);
        return R * 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
@JonathanAllan Not sure what you mean. jelly.tryitonline.net/… does exactly the same.
Q: Find the Wavy Words!

Mario(Note: this is an easier spin-off of my previous challenge Find the Infinity Words!, which is a spin-off of my other previous challenge Find the Swirling Words! :) ) Definition of a Wavy Word: If you connect with curves all the characters of a Wavy Word on the alphabet (A-Z) you obtain the pat...

Q: Chained Binary Operations

carusocomputingChained Binary Operations Here's a challenge involving truth tables and binary operations. For this specific challenge, your task is to use the following table of operations: To create a function that takes in two inputs f(p,a), where p is the initial truthy/falsy value and a is a list of tup...

@TuxCopter or just undock lappytoppy
what if its a desktop
Then you leave it to burn. It's the fate it deserves by not adapting.
Stopped reading at "brogrammers". Surprised I made it that far tbh.
Wait this site is made by the creator of DICSS
Explain everything
@TuxCopter git commit -am "FIRE!!!" && git push origin master
@Geobits was about to post the same thing in C...ninja'd
JavaScript is the only language where a joke library would be used professionally.
That'd make for some interesting reading through the commit logs later.
@Geobits So golfed would be like 546?
Actually, about 150 I think
Anyway, unrelated thought: speech and writing are both NP-complete problems, whereas reading and listening are in P. (I'm not sure if I've brought this up in TNB before.)
So you're saying it's easier to parse thoughts than create them? Seems legit.
That's basically the essence of NP-complete, isn't it? Finding a solution is hard, verifying it is easy.
I have to disagree.
I remember that
@betseg How come?
@TuxCopter You sure are posting a ton of completely unrelated external links today.
@El'endiaStarman not you, tuxcopter.
@betseg Oh, okay. This is why direct replies are good! :P
How long until the first IoT ransomware? Pay $10000 to open your front door and get your fridge to work before it melts
I find it kinda weird that @'ing someone without replying to a message still shows it as a reply to their most recent message.
I was trying to be polite. Please stop.
@El'endiaStarman I wrote that, hit send, saw your message, then my message was sent
@Geobits That he is. Not really helping his noise to signal ratio...
Q: Encode the alphabet cipher

OliverGiven a string that contains lowercase letters, encode that string with the alphabet cipher. To encode with the alphabet cipher (I will be using the example hello): First, convert each letter in the string to a number depending on its position in the alphabet (a = 1, b = 2, etc.) 8 5 12 12 15 ...

@JonathanAllan Part of your code prints to STDOUT, so you get those parts printed first, then the collection return values of the link. ÇṄ$€ṛ“ should work for a test suite.
@Dennis ah, I've forgotten that before, yes makes sense now.
@Dennis thank you very much :)
Can I make S.I.L.O.S print 1 as 01?
@JonathanAllan np Btw, ð/ works, but µ/ would be a lot clearer. The separator specifies the arity of the chain that follows, not the preceding one.
@Dennis, Oh, right, thanks again!
Finally hit 1k!
congratulations @GeorgeGibson
Oh that doesn't work
Anyone still a KitKat? Most common version yet old. My old galaxys4 even runs lollipop. statista.com/statistics/271774/…
I'm Jellybean
@HelkaHomba I have Kitkat because Lollipop broke WiFi + consumed a lot of battery on my tablet
I'm Marshmallow
I'm too lazy to look up the OS
I should probably get something newer
Or at least be bothered to flash CMod
@Yodle but it doesn't have the in reply to arrow thing
It used to be that a lot of telcos would lock you in on ridiculously old versions. It wasn't that long ago that most everyone was running Gingerbread
I'm not sure what changed recently but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore
That reminds me, i haven't upgraded to a newer nightly for about 3 weeks.
I guess I'm on Marshmellow.
Do people actually eat marshmallows plain?
Serious question.
Yes. Me. :P
I'm too lazy to get a new OS
There are many different kinds of marshmallows though.
I do like roasting them over an open fire.
@El'endiaStarman I thought that was chestnuts
I'm Kit
@quartata That's the reference. :P
I especially like seeing how many layers I can get off a marshmellow.
for those employed during the great depression, did their standards of living go up?
Well, I wasn't alive at that time, so I dunno. </smart-aleck-answer>
But that's an interesting question. I would lean towards "no".
String foo = "foo";
String bar = "bar";
System.out.println("baz" + foo == bar);
Nevermind: wikipedia
"The Great Depression had devastating effects in countries both rich and poor. "
any guesses what the output is
oh, "countries"
Hello World
@Poke Something like "bazfalse", maybe? Depends on precedence, and I don't know Java that well.
just "false"
yay precedence
@Poke wut
So the addition happens first. Yeah, that was the other possibility.
the concatenation gets evaluated first
even more confusing if the strings are equal
since they aren't identical
Well, that makes sense. Would you rather 2 + 3 == 5 give you true or an error?
the full example i was reading:
public static void main(String[] args) {

        final String pig = "length: 10";

        final String dog = "length: " + pig.length();

        System.out.println("Animals are equal: "

                           + pig == dog);
Yeah, using == on strings is bad, mkay?
it is
Yeah that's what .Equals is for
That's one of the most common dupes I used to see on SO when I was active in the tag.
@Poke Ahh, I can see why that would be confusing. That's like doing 2+2/3+1 or something without using parentheses to make it clear what you meant.
mhmm. always use parens
and use equals for object comparison
@El'endiaStarman That's clearly 3 though :P
@El'endiaStarman the answer is 3 :p
Ninja'd 2 times in a row
mmk i have no idea how you both got 3
My computer went crazy
.....impressive confluence there. :P
even mixing up the order of operations
@Poke 2/3=0
@Poke 2/3 => 0.
Ah dangit.
where was it mentioned that we're doing integer division
that's language dependent
It's Java, isn't it?
well /my/ code was
Ah. Another language hadn't been mentioned, so I went with that.
@Poke Maybe but it's pretty common to do integer division when both operands are integers.
the arithmetic in my head disagrees with that
but fair enough
Python 2 does that, and Python 3 made / float division and uses // for integer division because of that inconsistency.
The arithmetic in my head tells me that ^ is a power operator, but Java disagrees with that too :P
you all know the unicode trick in java already, yes?
I don't
// \u0022 is the Unicode escape for double quote (")
System.out.println("a\u0022.length() + \u0022b".length());
what does that print, @Yodle
Oh wait, you mean using \u for characters?
That's disgusting.
@Poke Lemme guess, that's 1?
Yeah looks like 1 to me
I'd say 2
or 2
I didn't see the b after the second one
2 is correct
@Yodle Oh, I missed that too.
That's just because it does the replacements before compiling.
But anyway, I concur with Geobits.
Is it something like CPP?
(which makes sense, because doing it afterwards would be... weird, to say the least)
what if you wanted to print \u#### as a string though o.O would it replace it or leave it as is
Ah right, that makes sense
@Yodle escape the backslash like you would if you wanted to print \n
@betseg Isn't markdown fun? :P
@betseg Code formatting has no effect on slashes, so just don't bother. :P
@Geobits it is
I was thinking about game generation: It'd be really cool if the game set the difficulty on the fly. Like, it could identify how difficult you like things, and how frustrated you were, and increase/decrease the difficulty based on that while you were playing
@El'endiaStarman my keyboard puts slashes for fun
@NathanMerrill Frustration level would be hard to gauge I think. I tend to get mad at games when they take pity on me, though.
@NathanMerrill I've seen a couple Extra Credit episodes mention that there are games that do that. Usually not in a great manner.
@Geobits that's the whole point of neural nets
I remember being really insulted the first time some Mario game offered me a white raccoon block after failing a level multiple times.
they learn to adapt to your specific situation
I also remember Dark Souls being praised for allowing you to choose in-game mechanics that make the game easier or harder.
@NathanMerrill That's not really specific to neural nets
@NathanMerrill Right, but how does it know if you're frustrated with it yet?
Besides putting in a controller-through-tv sensor.
well, when the day comes that all games can be generated by computers, I imagine we'll be able to do that
@Geobits How hard you hit the keys on your keyboard.
Good games don't involve keyboards.
anyways, for the mario example, it wouldn't be "Give the player an added bonus to this level", it'll simply generate the levels to be exactly the level of difficulty you want.
so, at the start, things may be way too easy/hard
but it'll approach perfect difficulty
And then a much bigger problem is how to generate levels with the right level of difficulty automatically
I could see that working for some types of games. But it might take a lot of the pride out of saying "I beat level X" today though, since it's hard to directly compare.
/r/mildlyannoying material: I try to tap the ↰ on replied messages. Someone else posts a message before I can tap. I tap the username. I go to the user's page.
I've made a simple game a while ago where there are a bunch of blocks randomly placed on the screen that scroll downwards and you have to move your mouse to avoid them. The closer you are to the top, the denser the blocks become, but your score also increases faster.
Don't know if any other games do this but Nethack's monster generation is actually based mostly on player level and not what floor you're on: nethackwiki.com/wiki/Monster_creation
I have it about half-ported to Javascript.
@Geobits I also like scoreboards with other people, but you could simply compare people who are on the same average difficulty as you
@quartata Monsters in FF8 also scale to your level. The balance is a bit off toward the top end, though, since you still end up being stupid OP.
Also, when you hit a block, the game pauses and tells you your score. You can then click anywhere to resume (and your score resets).
@Geobits Luckily that doesn't happen in Nethack for fairly obvious reasons
regardless, everything has a difficulty rating, and when machines are able to generate games on their own, they'll also be able to set that difficulty rating on the fly
I believe Skyrim etc does the same. Same enemies show up, but scaled to level.
Oh well it's not all the same enemies
Just what enemies are is dependent on the player level
@NathanMerrill Sure. Like I said, I think it will work better for some games than others.
@Geobits that's why I play Requeim. Delevels everything. Took me a while to get to level 10, but now I can finally beat bandits :)
@Geobits I think it'll work for all games
(once we can generate all games)
I mean it kinda makes sense. You wouldn't want a high level character fighting the same enemies as he did when he was lower level since his stats are probably way better now.
@Yodle In a lot of old-school games you'd progress into more difficult enemies because the story would take you to places harder things spawned, though. Scaling is different.
Another alphabet challenge (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Q: Alphabet wings!

OliverYour task is to print this exact text: az za abyz zyba abcxyz zyxcba abcdwxyz zyxwdcba abcdevwxyz zyxwvedc...

In a well scaled game, grinding levels would be irrelevant.
I'm more upset by this comment:
ANOTHER alphabet challenge?? Please, take a break. We have enough recent alphabet challenges. Not that it is bad, though. — Erik the Golfer yesterday
+10/-9 wow
What is it even saying? It's contradictory
> not constructive
Oliver is posting like 3 challenges a day, there's bound to be some that are bad
Oliver = Helka confirmed
He's sure trying to be
Oliver = Helka - Quality confirmed
I've posted one every week or so, but I've run out of ideas.
@TuxCopter Halka Hambo
> Halka
I mean, he's gotten a little better at writing challenges but they would be so much better if he would use the sandbox
Because he isn't Helka
betseg = Releasing Helium Nuclei
batseg = Releasing Helium Nuclei - Radioactivity confirmed
I know we have a rule for languages that are created after a challenge is posted shouldn't be competing, but what if that challenge was in the sandbox first and someone created a language during that and then when it was posted to main used it for a 0byte or something solution?
Same, but worse
@Yodle we've already got a rule for that too
Ah I see, was just checking if that also was bad
If it's in the sandbox, it's considered "posted" for those purposes.
Beta Decay = Releasing Helium Nuclei?!?!?!
What about the trivial questions, like hello world?
Tux posted hell lot of HWs with his new langs
It's a catalog
It doesn't matter if the language postdates the challenge
catalogs don't exist
IIRC, the HW challenge explicitly states that nothing will be accepted, so all of everything is non-competing. Either that or it explicitly says later languages are allowed, can't remember which.
Huh, when did that happen?
What about Leaky's asterisk thing?
in that case, it should be non-competing
@TuxCopter 2/10 expected solitaire in shenzhen i/o
I don't think it's even possible btw
(At least with the current parts)
That feel when Pyth imports basically every module under the sun except os into its namespace
You know something's wrong when Pyth is longer than Perl
Then again I didn't pack any of these strings maybe that'll help a little
Even packing the whole code is 110 bytes
What on earth
@Adnan Is there a 05AB1E command that outputs just the capture groups
You mean something with regex?
Because 05AB1E has zero regex
Ah. I see.
Well I think I've exhausted all the golfing languages then. This was the best I could do in Pyth:
v%"__import__('os').system('feh \"http:%s\"; echo \"%s\"')"th:jb'+"http://xkcd.com/"z"<img src=\"(.*?)\" title=\"(.*?)\""4
Pretty bad.
Huh, which challenge is that?
Q: Display an xkcd

Pavelxkcd is everyone's favorite webcomic, and you will be writing a program that will bring a little bit more humor to us all. Your objective in this challenge is to write a program which will take a number as input and display that xkcd and its title-text (mousover text). Input Your program will ...

why is force a ve tor quantity?

 The h Bar

General chat for Physics SE (physics.stackexchange.com). For M...
@Maltysen Aside from packing the entire code (which I did already, it's 110 bytes) do you see any way I can improve on this?
Q: Byte Counts in Golfing Lanugages

Challenger5How come some golfing languages like Jelly or 05AB1E use unicode characters but still use 1-byte per character counting?

Sheesh, it's even in the FAQ now. Come on
The FAQ might be a bit hidden for newcomers though
There's a community ad for it.
@Geobits Except Baldur's Gate. You're certainly free to wander off the road going from Plot Point A to Plot Point B, but don't say that the big warning signs talking about "big monsters here" didn't warn you.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

OliverWrite a meta-n-quine Your task is to write a program that generates a program, which generates a program, and so on, which eventually generates a quine. Scoring Take your byte count Subtract the number of generations your program has multiplied by 2 This is your score Example If the progra...

@NewMetaPosts Yet another post in the dupe chain
irb(main):010:0> :D
=> :D
Happy ruby
CMC: Make a bot to automatically downvote any challenge.
> La buit
Slime rancher french translation is bad
@feersum Geobits, 0 bytes
Does Geobits accept source code? :P
Java-only, unfortunately.
@Oliver Strictly speaking, that's not a quine. You'd have to append a linefeed.
@DLosc o_O
@Dennis Will it be proper if I add a linefeed to make 14 bytes?
@Dennis By your logic, the other 05AB1E quines aren't quines eithr.
I figured I'd keep the dog theme going for my Halloween avatar.
@Oliver I haven't looked at the other ones. If appending a linefeed to your program doesn't change the output, doing that would be enough, yes.
@TimmyD invalid. This does not fullfil part of spec where it should only downvote alphabet challenge
@TuxCopter XD
@feersum TNBScript: @Geobits Hey, there's a new alphabet challenge
Guaranteed to only downvote alphabet challenges
@TuxCopter -1 vreaks loophole of outsourcing challenge
Hello @DJMcMayhem
@TuxCopter you outsource challenge to bot instead of doing it
How's it going goat man?
@TuxCopter But Geobits might notice another challenge en route to finding the alphabet challenge, and downvote that one too. You probably need to put a link in your script.
@DLosc Fair enough
@DJMcMayhem gaot need halp
i mao <D-c> to y but it just beep
TNBScript: @Geobits Hey, there's a [new alphabet challenge](#{gets.chomp})
and since beep = bork....
@Downgoat The CMC was to make a bot. Of course I'm going to output the actual work to it.
D? What modifier is that?
AFAIK its command key
probably magic
Oh. I'm guessing the keystroke is being picked up by your terminal so it never gets to vim
I also don't know a ton about OS X problems
What does i<C-v><D-c> give?
@Downgoat The spec doesn't say only ;)
Q: Encode the column cipher

OliverGiven a string to encode, and a number of columns (the key), encode the string as follows: I will be using the example Hello, world! and the key 3 First, write out the number of columns: 1 2 3 Next, write the text starting from the upper left, one character per column, and when you run out o...

@NewMainPosts @Oliver Damn, you are spamming questions
@DLosc Hellhound for Halloween?
Can someone please help me improve my score?
A: Encode the column cipher

Dmitry Kudriavtsev Ruby, 84 bytes ->s,i{t="";i.times{|n|s.ljust(i*(s.length/i+1)).scan(/#{?.*i}/).each{|j|t<<j[n]}};t} Terrible score, tips appreciated.

> chigaco
Chat poll: Who has the spookiest Halloween avatar? (don't judge based on thumbnails)
no, me
00h, sp00py
Point of order neither of those are Halloween avatars
mine is
i set it on the 23rd
And I thought it was fairly obvious that you shouldn't vote for yourself
@quartata Helka
Since that's your identicon you set it when you joined SE which is not Halloween
@TimmyD I thought he just inverted it
i know who it is
Still spooky.
@quartata flawr
@quartata Actually, I had my photo from 7th grade set until I set it back on the 23rd.
@quartata Obviously me
@TuxCopter The only terrifying part about yours is the use of rofl
@JonathanAllan Close, but try transpose with fill like sz⁶
@miles - I just did that :)
orlp's is pretty spooky, too.
Also come on my avatar is clearly the most bone chilling of them all. Take a closer look it gave Maltysen goosebumps
@TimmyD He's had that for years though
@JonathanAllan cool, it's very neat, I first saw its use in codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/85760/6710
I'm setting one soon
@quartata Good grief. You're just not happy with my answers, are you? :p
@miles think I've used it before somewhere
can a mod please eleven my profile?
I will never be happy until I get the answer I deserve. My avatar is the best, no one else's opinion is worth considering and Pepsi is better than Coke
> Pepsi is better than Coke
Haha good joke
And yes I just went there
I like Coke's taste better :P
I actually think they both taste terrible.
Practically any soda is better than a cola
@dennis pls
I mean they both use the same aluminum on their cans, I don't see how they taste any different
@Downgoat The contents, not the can itself, ya goat.
It's what's inside that counts
I'm really not sure why, but sometimes when I'm searching for text in an excel document in office 2016, it crashes my display driver and has to restart all office processes running...
@TimmyD oh
in that case i prefer water
@Downgoat Yes, but Coke is more corrosive so it make the taste different because there is also oxyded aluminium
this is why you get fresh tin cans from the big trash cans
Not goat's milk?
@Downgoat I prefer water as well, I have soda very rarely now.
I swore I would have pegged you as a goat's milk fellow
Maybe you're too grown up for that now though. Not a baby goat anymore
@quartata flawr. The avatar was already spooky before he changed the colors!
@quartata ಠ_ಠ what do oyu think i am baby goat
do u drink mouse milk? >:|
(you are mouse right?)
@LuisMendo Don't like snakes eh?
It's not a snake
It's a blind worm
@quartata It's not that I don't like them. But they are scary
Installing Androidify, gonna make a spooky Android avatar
Anyone here use zsh? gaot need halp
@Downgoat I do
zsh? Is that a PowerShell module?
@betseg pls halp how to do exclude name in glob expression

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