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That's pretty cool.
Definite proof that the American Imperial system is undeniably better.
@El'endiaStarman They even have adjustable ones that help with sticky stuff
Yeah, my parents had one of those.
So why are we talking about baking?
@El'endiaStarman At least this relationship is rational.
@HelkaHomba The Nineteenth Bakery
@TheDoctor Yes
@HelkaHomba Flawr made (wanted to make?) some cookies.
@El'endiaStarman No I did not make them yet, I don't have any nutella around. It'll have to wait for monday.
i wanted cookies
I'll post some when I make them.
@El'endiaStarman I think I'm gonna make a graphical chart at some point, the tables posted on so many cooking websites are more or less useless.
@HelkaHomba i found diamonds
@flawr Maybe this will help? (Source)
@El'endiaStarman Cool=)
^ for lengths
@flawr We had a challenge based on that.
@El'endiaStarman I think we didn't have that challenge in the end=)
Because there was an inconsistency somewhere
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardA Byte Saved is a Byte Earned If you have been on PPCG for more than a couple of minutes you will probably have seen something that looks like this 12 bytes saved thanks to @expertgolfer or something similar. Golfing here is not just competitive but also collaborative so users help each other...

@flawr No normal mile?
@HelkaHomba I don't know
@HelkaHomba I'll bet the "normal" mile is either Roman or statute. Probably the latter. Definitely not nautical.
A nautical mile is definitely knot
That makes it all worthwhile :)
I just learned that ounce comes from latin uncia, a tweltfth, because it was a twelfth of a libra lb.
While today an ounce is one sixteenth of 1lb
So now we have 16 twelfths in a pound?
@trichoplax Right.
Yet another decision that wasn't made by people thinking of those in the future.
This obviously implies 12 = 16, therefore 3 = 4, that means squares are triangles. .
Is there any unit of weight other than pounds and ounces commonly used in cooking?
It was probably those same guys who made October the 10th month.
Right because 8=10 implies 12=16
@feersum ....you might actually be pretty close to the truth. October was the 8th month, then the Romans added two months at the beginning (January and February).
@flawr I can't think of any.
There's also tablespoon and teaspoon for volume.
$ bash
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.6.dylib
  Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/bash
  Reason: image not found
[1]    24007 trace trap  bash
Wait, if bash is borked, how do you executed this command?
Illuminati confirmed /ಠ\
@TuxCopter zsh
just checked, sh and csh still work
cool, an image vectorizer: vectorizer.io
@El'endiaStarman We use these here too.
@flawr grams and kilograms
@muddyfish no hectograms?
*depending on the timezone.
I will try to make a golflang in Cheddar
I have no name!@(none):(unreachable)$
My prompt ^
wtf happened
Bash went mad?
2 messages moved to Trash
No idea
but why
@Downgoat plz help how to use cheesecloth
init do nothing
@DmitryKudriavtsev nuke it from orbit and get a new one
but muh files
random skit:
*In a world where evil reigns all powerful, ....*
*one man must buy some mayo...*
...they wanted some mayo on their sandwhich
@HelkaHomba @DJMcMayhem Minecraft?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CrazyPythonResolve paths code-golf Convert a path to an absolute path. The path may be: relative absolute contain ~ If the path doesn't exist, exit with code 1. An invalid path leads to undefined behavior. i.e. do whatever you want, I don't care Test cases, assuming /foo/bar is the current working di...

@flawr wtf
okay then
's Conjecture: any program that is not known to halt will not halt.
Because common sense.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ /r/AccidentalRenaissance/
@mınxomaτ I need a feed curated by you of interesting security posts.
Like a blog, but for things you didn't make.
I'm probably too lazy for that.
@mınxomaτ right now it's called "the starboard posts by minxomat"
@TuxCopter chescloth has been merged with ches
@DmitryKudriavtsev I'm pretty busy today, so not right now. I'll probably play tonight though
@Downgoat Oh?
@DJMcMayhem Tux is playing
I npm updated cheddar but no cpm in the path
I had to install cpm manually
@TuxCopter well it is supposed to be merged meaning I've stopped working on cheesecloth but I haven't bothered to re-add it to ched
cpm will take a while
rn I am playing Minecraft but I started working on a golflang in Cheddar :)
:O :D :D +1
@Downgoat vsl status?
@Downgoat what has happened to the goat?
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ I have been trichoplaxified
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Pumpkins Trichoplaxes came to his house and painted the goat in blue
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC status: bork :P
@Downgoat chat link, I'm certified project CPR
chat link pls
Link to chat room?
@Downgoat yes please
Now restarting to work on the Cheddar-powered golfing lang
@Downgoat help cheddar say # is not an acceptable form of comment
But in the docs:
# This is also a comment!
»  cheddar < camembert.cheddar
Syntax Error: Unexpected token at 1:3
1 | // A
  |    ^
(Just a first draft. The scales alignment is correct for water.)
@El'endiaStarman ^
@flawr It seems slightly odd that the spacing between 1 cup, 1 pint, 1 quart, and 2 quarts are all the same.
I rather like this idea though.
@El'endiaStarman Well that is the point of a logarithmical scale=)
But what is not very well visible is that e.g. 2cups = 1 quart
@flawr Oh duh. I was thrown off by 2 quarts -> 3 quarts having a different spacing. >_<
Ah ok=)
alt-< on mac gets you ≤. Vrey useful. Vrey good.
Compose+<+_ = ≤
Compose key FTW
does it work on linux?
@El'endiaStarman I think I need to continue the smaller scales within the bigger units, but without labels.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

OliverHow many ways are there to get from here to there? Given a board M chars wide and N chars high, count how many ways there are to get from one coordinate to another, by only moving up and to the right. Examples M = 5 N = 4 From (0, 1) to (4, 3) ....B ..... A.... ..... = 15 ways Remember, this...

@flawr hahahahaha
@DJMcMayhem, profile pic is too generic
I liked the old one better
that was his old one
@Downgoat can't maek cheddar golf lang, too many bugs in chedar ;_;
Hey @TuxCopter I made you a cake
cmon join the server you can have a piece
i'm on the server
@TuxCopter Yeah, I don't know what you were thinking. :P
@El'endiaStarman :P
Cheddar is hardly mature. It needs time, like cheddar.
...actually, does cheddar need to age? *goes on Wikipedia*
Oh yep, Wikipedia says 3-18 months depending on the variety.
Wow, too long to wait for a language ;_;
Would you rather use something like JavaScript, which was prototyped in 10 days? Wait a minute...
@El'endiaStarman a minute
@Dennis Can you please pull 05AB1E?
@flawr Ha ha, you joker.
Anyone may help me? When you have R1 and R2 resistors, connected in parallel the power dissipated by each one is the same when you connect only the one resistor?

 Electrical Engineering

A place to talk with friends from the EE community about vacuu...

 The h Bar

General chat for Physics SE (physics.stackexchange.com). For M...
Q: Undonditionally generic deterministic primes

TheBitByteInput consists of two positive integers, let's call them a and b for convenience. Output is the list of prime numbers beginning with the ath prime and ending with the bth prime. If a and b are the same, then it means you should output only a single prime number. The algorithm you use must sat...

You won't find any electrical engineers here I don't think. We're mostly computer science idiots who wouldn't know the difference between a diode and a resistor if one kicked us in the head
haha. Me too
I would, but my EE knowledge doesn't extend much further than that.
If the main site's not a homework solving service, maybe chat is a homework solving service!
I know what is a resistor, a diode and a transistor but it's all :P
Q: Python 3.5 kaprekar number

SebbeStraxdef gen(number): nr = sorted(number) return "".join(nr) + "-" + "".join(reversed(nr)) def calc(number: object) -> object: def f(x): return 0 if x == 6174 else 1 + (lambda s: f(int(s[::-1]) - int(s)))("".join(sorted(str(x)))) print(f(3712)) total = 1 while True: nr = numb...

@NewMainPosts lolwut
@quartata funnily enough, I've had far more electronics classes than comp sci.
One of those EECS weirdos?
Also, am I the only one that's really bothered by what's happening to status effects in Sun and Moon?
I'm not sure I'll buy it
Not engineering so much, but you have to know the basics to work avionics for a decade ;)
I don't play Pokemon
I haven't gotten the demo yet. What's with statuses?
Sounds like they'll be changing how paralysis/sleep/attract affect skipping turns so that it's far less common
Among other things
Ah. Well I'll be getting it either way, so I'll make my judgement then. The kid and I always grab the set to play through and trade
@TuxCopter you don't need to edit a obviously trash post
I'm more curious about the rumored lack of gyms.
Wait, what?
Dunno if true, but that's what the interwebs is saying.
I just made the mistake of reading the comment section on SNL's third debate cold open
You'd think I'd learn
No different than a train wreck I'm sure.
who play Minecraft here?
I was going to quote one but I decided that I would be making a large mistake by subjecting you all to it
@TuxCopter Probably pretty much everyone.
At least at one point or another.
@Downgoat You need to fix cheddar
I used to do @TuxCopter
Play Minecraft.
why couldn't we have just elected fdr as our one true dictator and never have to go through this again
What about Minecraft @TuxCopter ?
helkahomba.mcserver.ws If you want to play Minecraft on a server
Yours ?
Nope, HelkaHomba's server
Cracked ?
Nope, premium
You have cracked minecraft? ._.
I don't have a bank account and my parents think gaming is useless ._.
> gaming is useless
Is it ?
That doesn't give me an account ._.
@El'endiaStarman New, more refined version:
In case you'll ever get your hands on an european receipe book :)
(If anyone wants the pdf just ping me.)
btw I learned programming because Minecraft
Java ?
so this is a proof gaming is not useless
@Mahmoud Yep
I don't think it is.
I'd buy it if I could but ...
@flawr make it look good and easy to read from a distance
@Adnan Done.
Thanks :)
A: List of bounties with no deadlines

Adnan200 rep for the shortest proper quine in 05AB1E I am really bad at writing quines, so I'm willing to give rep for writing a quine in 05AB1E. There probably is a simple and easy solution that I am missing :p. Since 05AB1E is a golfing language, I'm also interested in the shortest quine, so the ...

@NewBountiesWithNoDeadlines waitwat
@NewBountiesWithNoDeadlines you exist?
Hmm, that is new haha
@flawr that way people can print it and hang it up in a a kitchen
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC If you print the pdf it is pretty legible.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HovercouchHelp me cheat at Cheat Cheat is a card game where you're trying to get rid of your hand. A turn looks something roughly like this: Determine what card rank you have to play that turn. In most variants this is one rank higher than the previous turn. Play 1-4 cards, face down. These don't have t...

any:all :: ? :none
SID Today: the NSA's internal magazine: theintercept.com/snowden-sidtoday
Leaked by the intercept.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC New.
There's a TNB feed for these bounties now. In order to pick your bounty up, you have to add an answer to thid question. Question edits and answer edits won't be picked up by the feed. — Dennis ♦ yesterday
@NathanMerrill What will your policy be for controller bugs in this Fellowship Koth?
@feersum I'll fix them as fast as possible?
Tor Browser only has partial fingerprinting protection. Tested with panopticlick.
Let me try cranking the security meter up a bit.
Q: Help understanding bit banging portion of program

user61089Hey I have been reading about the tower of Hanoi online, and come across this algorithm. for (x = 1; x < (1 << n); x++) { printf("\nMove from Peg %i to Peg %i", (x&x-1)%3+1, ((x|x-1)+1)%3+1); } which displays 2^n-1 moves for a standard puzzle. What confuses me is the algorithm used to fi...

@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC If it's any consolation, I doubt the NSA cares enough about any of the TNB's data for it to matter that much.
@TuxCopter ;_; wat us borked
i can fix rn
did you ever fix for loop scoping
That works?
i really hope isnt borked
We meet again, my inverted adversary...
@feersum I'm still confused by this question: were you expecting a different answer?
@NathanMerrill I mean, if it breaks existing submissions somehow
oh. The API will always be stable
It is so complicated, that some bad bugs seems inevitable
right, but I don't expect the API to be any different. I want to see if I can make it simpler, but as it stands, its pretty straightforward
oh, I'm not against adding additional methods, depending on how early it is and how much of an advantage it gives bots
@NathanMerrill What are the ranges of attacks other than Slice?
infinite if not indicated
So you can go to the other side of the board and keep distantly attacking?
if you have vision, and its off cooldown, yeah
Can you attack invisible enemies if you know where they are?
if you can see them, they actually lose invisibility
maybe I'll rewrite the ability to indicate that
What about an abitily like "Deal 15 damage to all enemies". Are invisible ones immune to that?
@flawr Oh nice! Looks cool.
@feersum yep
I could think of hundreds of questions about this spec but I guess that will benefit no one..
well, please do. I'll try to make broad strokes that cover multiple questions
I just updated the invisibility part :)
Maybe it's intended to be understood by reading the code?
I'd hope not. I'd like the spec to be the authoritative reference, so that if there is a bug, I have ground to change it
Surely it would have to be several times larger then
oh, absolutely
@Downgoat Remember that bug when I was trying to make shuffle but the variables would stay defined between iterations
I plan on making it bigger once I have the public API finished
That's what I am referring to
I have it written, but I think I'm going to refactor it
@quartata shit
@NathanMerrill What does it mean for something to go "for N turns" when the turns of different characters do not proceed in any fixed order?
@feersum of the character's turn
the one that performed the action
so, yes, your AGI is really powerful. It makes everything better (and only a couple of things worse)
If you poison someone and then die, do they stop being poisoned?
@El'endiaStarman .______. That is very wide range
@feersum I believe I dispel them on resurrect (which is the only time it'll matter)
Well what's the answer with a regular death?
A: List of bounties with no deadlines

trichoplax200 for beating the existing winner of Shortest universal maze exit string The current winner has an exit string of length 80. A valid answer including code and a resulting exit string of length 79 or shorter will win the bounty. The bounty will be awarded to the best answer when no better answ...

@Downgoat I guess it covers everything from mild cheddar to extra strong mature cheddar
@feersum er, no? Not sure why it matters
when a character dies, I remove them from the action queue, and off the map
and off the team
@trichoplax Gonna need to dig through chat, but you might wanna make it 78
I meant if the one performing the poison action dies
@Sp3000 78 varieties of cheddar...?
I get the feeling I posted a 79 in chat and never updated the answer, but I need to double check
For maze, silly :P
@feersum oh! Yeah, all statuses are independent of the person who placed them.
also, statuses last based on the person who has the status
I guessed the reply might have been intended for that one really :)
I should indicate that
@NathanMerrill So are the poison turns based on the poisonee not the poisoner?
@Sp3000 I know you said in your answer that you were 12 mazes away from a 79, but I don't recall seeing one. I don't read the entire chat transcript though...
which means that stuff like Spikes doesn't actually work on poison
@Sp3000 Sure you don't want to just find it and claim the bounty rather than being so scrupulous...? ;)
I was confused since you said before that the number of turns applies to the one performing an action
yes, Sp3000 is very unscrupulous, we've all seen it
@MitchSchwartz Well spotted. I got my negatives mixed up...
Oh I remember why, it was because I found it with orlp's program I think
Did we get around to informing orlp? I guess the C++ answer could be updated with that string, giving a new winner and a bounty on 78 or less?
I think that was my intention, but despite the ping I'm not sure what happened
Oh of course the initial message pinged orlp. I was scrolling down looking for a mention later...
ok...so I've been getting into the game theory of elections: Initially, it makes sense for candidates to be as closely aligned to their parties as possible (as you are the most likely to get votes from your party that way). However, as soon as you are selected by your party, wouldn't you want move as close as possible to the opposing party (while maintaining an honest appearance), so you can sway as many as possible to you?
like the analogy of the 2 ice cream trucks on a beach. You want to be as close to the middle as possible so you get as many customers as possible
This works in theory, but neglects the ability of voters to choose not to vote.
why would that make any difference?
I might be less inclined to vote if both parties appear identical
Taking a more extreme position can make some people more motivated to vote.
I suppose this depends on the assumption that voters choose based on policies rather than personalities
@Sp3000 I can't see any objection from orlp, so I'm going to go ahead and edit in a 79 and update the bounty to reward 78. There's always roll back if there does turn out to be an objection.
I'm not sure what causes voters not to show up
I could easily argue that more extreme points of view causes voters to show up less
@trichoplax I think its a good thing that both are considered.
I suppose I might assume there will be a clear victory for the other side if one side is extreme
@NathanMerrill I agree. I think the dangerous thing would be voting based on what you're told to base it on, rather than all the information you have available.
ok, so this article lists a lot of factors for voter turnout
and the first factor is Electoral Competitiveness
which makes sense, because if you feel that your vote is going to matter more, you're more likely to vote
so, from a game theory perspective, the best move is to align yourself as best you can to the swing states
Wish I could understand the feeling of not wanting to vote, but tbh I've never really thought about it (compulsory voting woo)
Q: Mini Candy Crush AI

Mike SzerThere is a straight vertical line with 8 candies, a candy can have 4 colors: red, blue, yellow or orange. When you destroy a candy the neighbors with the same colors explodes. And then the neighbors of the neighbors explode if it has the same color and so on.. The destroyed candies disappeared...

@Sp3000 You can't understand laziness? :P
What, is that the main reason people don't go? :P (or just a contributing factor?)

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