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queue "Are you smarter than a 5th grader"
That show leaves me puzzled. On the one hand, I feel like the contestants are cherry picked for humor/ratings. On the other, I know a lot of people like that.
English education is sorely lacking in many parts, because a lot of focus is on literature. For example, in my high school, we definitely learned more about English structure when taking foreign language classes (the teacher literally boggled when half the class stared at her blankly when she was introducing verb forms like "present participle" or "imperfect" or the like).
clearly the ideal system would be to teach the grammar for a conlang that doesn't have any rule exceptions.
that way, you'd actually be learning about language contructs (and english in the process)
I agree that the lit portion is overdone. Literature is a fine thing to study, but you should probably know how to speak/write the language first ;)
I have a (rather well-read and educated) British friend from my degree in London who didn't know what a passive voice was.
I'd simply put literature study in History
that's really where it belongs
@MartinEnder You mean the passive voice construct wasn't known by him/her?
No, he was able to use it, but he had no idea what the term "passive voice" was referring to.
I think he was making a joke :)
A joke was being made, yes.
Oh dear.
I think I almost prefer debate talk over this English grammatical nonsense
keyword: almost
In reference to that foobar question that was recently posted: foobar is absolutely still a major method for Google to recruit software engineers. That's how I got recruited.
right, which is why I said it'd have to be a really recent update
you did foobar a month and a half ago?
In late July/early August
There's no way to know if that's what they're using now to find their recruits.
Q: Shortest possible JS (ES5) code to get ids of all elements of a given tag

tylerUsing the shortest JS (ES5) code possible, as measured in number of characters, gather all the ids on a page for foobar elements into a comma-delimited string. For example: <div> <foobar id="456"></foobar> <foobar id="aaa"></foobar> <foobar id="987"></foobar> <div> Should give "456,aaa,...

(factually correct or not, I just wanted to use all three "there" words together)
It's very factually incorrect. I know from speaking with engineers that they are absolutely still using it.
ah good to know :)
Why haven't I been foobared? I Google python stuff all the time
So they're using their tools there?
@DJMcMayhem Probably all the vim
@Mego did you talk about their code writing process in your interviews at all?
Hi! :)
Dammit. Do they force emacs usage over there?
I was told that employee's don't store code at all on their computers
They're using "their" there.
@NathanMerrill Yep
@DJMcMayhem No, they just look down on using antiquated editors :P
Their "they're" is there.
@DJMcMayhem I think it's pure chance. I tried itertools straight after and it didn't come up. tbh I thought it was an urban legend until I saw it myself, that's why I screen dumped it
and, if I remember correctly, that they spin up vms for development
@NathanMerrill I don't know about that - it never came up. But source control (specifically Git) is used heavily there.
right, I knew that
@Mego Antiquated? The newest version is barely 2 months old
antiquated is measured by launch date, clearly :)
@Josh to answer your question, if you are getting the login screen, its too late
that said, I've actually gotten foobar-ed a couple of times, so it might happen again
too late to get back in...? :(
@Josh It's not pure chance. They have a machine learning algorithm that looks at your search habits and decides if you should be invited. However, not knowing the details of that algorithm, it's impossible for anyone outside to tailor their searches in a way that will trigger foobar, so it seems like pure chance. They also take into account the number of open positions they have.
@Josh If you were signed into a Google account when you got the invitation, you should be able to go to google.com/foobar and login using that account's information.
and since it's machine learning, nobody really knows what works :)
Just click login and choose the right account
@Mego Ahh... I see, well I feel kind of honoured now :) fingers crossed it'll come up again. I'm using python more in a job I've just started, so hopefully it will come up again. That's probably why it came up now
Question: Is catseye.tc/installation/REDGREEN TC without the fishs and the wires?
Maybe you'll get the opportunity to leave your job and join legion Google!
Q: Geometric Series Sum

BoeNoeFind the solution to the geometric series 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 with the common ratio of 1/2.

@NewMainPosts NUKE IT
@Mego, unfortunately not. I was wondering if it was because I was on a computer at work. When it logs into "Guest", is it looking for the default profile on the computer? Because that's locked out at work, it's all on servers. I am actually quite happy in my job (although I'm not sure I'd ever say no to Google!). I was more into testing my worth with the challenges
@El'endiaStarman you should post TNBDE
@Josh you managed to get it on a Guest account? I would call that luck then :)
@NathanMerrill Looks like Martin already did. I'm actually considering making another webpage specifically for search-type queries.
No, not a guest google account, I was logged into my gmail, but on a work pc
@El'endiaStarman oh, I don't know how I missed that
thanks :)
@Josh If you were signed into a Gmail account, you can use that account from any computer to access foobar.
I'm definitely gonna edit that answer though. It's quite inadequate. :P
no worries :)
@El'endiaStarman what you up to these days? still doing "a website for a friend"?
@NewMainPosts Is this question just asking for a program that prints 1?
@NathanMerrill I (basically) finished that several weeks ago, actually. I've been working part-time at the local grocery store in a janitorial-type job since then.
@Mego, it really doesn't work. I don't think it even got as far as logging me in before it went wrong. I was bloody mortified! It was like winning the lotto, and then dropping the ticket down a grate! It's also why I listened to that guy in the Google Store
@El'endiaStarman I meant in the programming world :)
@1000000000 Brain-Flak, 4 bytes: (())
AFAIK Google stopped hiring via Foobar
14 mins ago, by Mego
It's very factually incorrect. I know from speaking with engineers that they are absolutely still using it.
@WheatWizard probably the only time brain-flak will ever tie jelly. :P
AND didn't Mego get hired via Foobar?
@El'endiaStarman Yes
Well, I'm not hired yet - I still am waiting for the paperwork to sign. That should be in my inbox by Monday at the latest.
I was in Google's store in PC World today, and the Google dude said it was over - but he was trying to sell the new phone, so I'm not convinced either way. I'll keep searching, but I think you guys that are on, might be the last intake :(
I doubt that retail salesmen really know how google's hiring process works
@Mego still?
@WheatWizard Brainbool 2 bytes: +.
Don't listen to sales people. They have absolutely no idea what is going on in the engineering side of the company, except what they are told in order to sell things. Listen to engineers and HR. As an almost engineer at Google, I can tell you that they are absolutely still using foobar.
I got my paperwork a couple of hours after accepting
@1000000000 Snails, 0 bytes:
@NathanMerrill Oh, haha. Um, I'm not fully invested in any single project at the moment. I've been working on the game mechanics taxonomy, Pytek, porting a simple game I wrote a couple years ago to the browser (which I could/should finish today), and thinking about porting my hyperbolic geometry program to the browser.
@1000000000 Wise 2 bytes: ~-
@NathanMerrill I haven't been given the formal job offer yet. I just got matched with a team earlier this week (thanks to having to look at a completely different city because of an unexpected hiring freeze in Austin). I just talked with my recruiter two days ago about compensation.
As an almost engineer at Google, @Mego, can you ask HR to check my account for foobar activity? It glitched I tell you
@1000000000 Jelly, 1 byte: 1
@Josh If you're unable to log in, just wait, and keep doing what you're doing. Foobar will invite you again.
@TuxCopter @DJMcMayhem looks like Jelly wins after all
I know but I'm impatient! lol
I can understand that, but there's nothing I can do :P
@Mego - how is it at all unclear? Only thing it does not say is that you are to take the number of terms as input, which is pretty bleedin' obvious.
:) no worries. Thanks for inviting me to chat by the way @NathanMerrill, I've not been on here before
If all you're really looking for is "prove my worth" challenges, try Project Euler
@JonathanAllan It's not obvious at all. It can be interpreted many different ways - one of them is "add up these fractions".
@Josh Welcome to the room! It's pretty much the best place on the Internet. :)
people downvote my answer because they don't like the question. So stupid.
And it could have the number of terms as input, or it could just be "what does this series converge to?", in which case the solution would be 1 in several different languages.
@DJMcMayhem Absolutely! :D
Title: "Geometric Series Sum"
@JonathanAllan No, people downvoted your answer because you answered a challenge that you know is unclear, seemingly just to be the FGITW, and you should know better than to answer a challenge that should be closed.
It's tagged code-golf, it's not going to be what is the limit.
I'll check that out @NathanMerrill, thanks. :) and it is quite quaint @DJMcMayhem, I like it! I could chill here nicely with some coco if it wasn't virtual ;)
No I saw it and thought I knew exactly what it was asking.
You're making assumptions. Assumptions should not come into play with challenges. The specification should say exactly what it means - no interpretation necessary.
people downvote on the assumption that I am making an assumption.
I assumed it was asking for some series of calculations, but wanted the actual output to be 1. I downvoted because your program simply doesn't output 1, not because you FGITWd it.
I assume that is correct @JonathanAllan
You downvoted because you assumed something else?
pax tickets are buy-able
as of like 5 minutes ago
it's a working solution to the question posed
It didn't answer the challenge as I understood it. I also downvoted the challenge (and would've CVd but it was already closed).
I downvoted because you took part in a behavior that is detrimental to the site.
check their twitter for the link to buy them if you're interested
Bad Question does not imply bad answer.
I'm done discussing my downvote. Your reactions to downvotes are why I typically don't discuss/explain my voting.
This. So much this.
Answering an unformed question is poor etiquette.
Everyone is free to vote as they wish. Trying to shame them or argue with them for voting a certain way is a very bad thing.
People whine about "unexplained downvotes", but then whine about the explanations too.
I read it, thought I understood it and answered it. Simple.
the only time I expect a explanation for downvotes is on meta
@Poke So, that means they're sold out as of like 4 minutes ago? :D
but here it is obvious. People are downvoting because they think I shouldnt answer - but that does not make the answer bad.
@TimmyD They're not actually doing the 3day badges this year
so no not yet!
There is no requirement or social norm for voters to justify their votes. That's a big part of why votes are anonymous. If you want voters to explain their votes, try not being so hostile towards them.
I dont answer random awfl questions generally, and thought this one made sense, even if the OP could have been more verbose.
did I say there was?
From this point on, I am no longer going to discuss this topic, as my views have been made clear, and they are not going to change.
@JonathanAllan I clearly explained that my downvote is because I think it's wrong. Whether my assumption is right or not depends on the question, which doesn't elaborate. You also made an assumption about the question.
My original question was rhetorical, and implied by the statement immediately following it!
Can I change the topic and ask @Mego if he has any useful resources for creating languages? It's on my bucketlist. Same question to everyone :)
You've still gained almost 20 rep for it
@Josh a real language, or an esolang?
@Josh What kind of resources? Github comes to mind (I've written 2)
@Josh If you decide to make an infix language, you'll probably want to use the Shunting Yard algorithm.
esolang is like kthxbye right?
I'd be happy with that, but I'd rather it be useful lol
Thank @El'endiaStarman, clicking that now :)
@Josh Sure thing. Whenever you are programming and think "man, I wish there was a language that does X better/at all", write it down. You'll eventually compile a list of features you want in languages. Pick the features that are most important to you and aren't mutually exclusive, and start designing a language based around them.
@Josh no, it's more like this:
in Brain-Flak, 1 hour ago, by MegaTom
@Josh Esolang basically means "any language that isn't regularly used in production", as a general rule of thumb.
@DJMcMayhem like whitespace?
Yeah, that's another good example
Whitespace is an esolang. Perhaps the most well-known esolangs are brainfuck and Befunge.
the two most important parts to making a language is: 1. Having a set of design goals, and 2. Actually writing some code
I've written Minkolang, which is in the same class of languages as Befunge and ><> (fungeoids).
Thanks @Mego, I've a couple of ideas I probably should jot down
> Actually writing some code
I see what you did there
would you prefer "Seriously, writing some code"?
@El'endiaStarman Fungeoids? That's a neat classification term.
the third most important is: no more stack based CJam copies please
Consolidating your ideas whenever you have inspiration is the best way to start. Otherwise, when you get in a language-writing mood, you'll hit a block trying to come up with features and design goals.
fun to say! @TimmyD
@Fatalize :(
How low a level language do you think is best to write other languaes?
In my defense, Seriously and Actually are deque-based.
@Josh as high as possible
@Josh I use Python for both of mine.
@flawr I'm expecting a plane crash.
as HIGH as possible? I wasn't expecting that! why?
Easier to code, to maintain
It's a lot easier to write another language using a high level language. :P
@Mego Saint-Saens didn't compose any plane crashes as far as I am aware of.
Python is a nice language for language implementation. If you're going to have syntax more complicated than simple LTR concatenation, you can leverage the ast module to do the parsing work for you.
@Mego did you ever end up writing British?
fair enough :) good advice
@DJMcMayhem It's in the pipeline. I have a million ideas and 0 time.
@DJMcMayhem u wot?
funny thing is, most of my ideas have been about what I can't do with python
@Mego Until you're working at Google. :P
Speaking of having 0 time, I have to go now :P
nice chatting @Mego
@El'endiaStarman Then I'll have 2 million ideas and 20% time!
@Mego Better than before! :P
(but Google will own everything I create in my 20% time)
I will definitely be checking out Google's code golf server
that's better, glass half full please @Mego ;)
@Mego but you might get others to join you
@Josh I wouldn't be surprised if "Glass Half Full" is an esolang
lol - maybe it will become mine?
> No other language that the author knows of is implemented like this, because it would be idiotic.
I like it already
@NathanMerrill - well played
Hey guys, what's a good example of a search you wish you could do with SE's chat search?
I'm actually on a train back up from London, and it will be pulling into Manchester soon. I'm going to head off too. Am I alright to nip back here in the future?
Of course!
@Josh no need to ask.
The person that posts "should of" the most. Though I already know that it's Downgoat
this room is pretty active at all times of the day
Sounds like a plan. Thanks again guys, I hope we speak again soon :)
Repost for the afternoon crowd:
@Fatalize Not exactly what I'm looking for, but that's an easy query. :P
vandalised feedbot posts, of course ;)
The "regex for the grammar police" inspired me
also if you search for something like "pastebin" it won't find actual pastebin URLs
"should've" is actually a good example! The built-in search only finds two messages, but there are a lot more than that.
searching for substrings and multiple words is near impossible
Or searching for punctuation
Like, trying to find a Jelly code snippet.
any python people in? I can't use the module any more that I was for computing the permanent :(
I get bpaste.net/show/d8fd5c093e61 and I have no idea what changed?!
does tnbde work with questions/answers or just chat
Just chat
@Poke There's SEDE for main
oh wow I found out what caused it.. how weird
@Lembik what was it?
circular dependency?
Alright, I'm gonna put a list of search queries in the Meta post. So far I've got "certain words" ("should've"), substrings, multiple words, and punctuation. I'd like a concrete example for each of the latter three (which means @Martin for substrings/multiple words and @TimmyD for punctuation/code snippet).
I had a file in my directory called permanent.pyc
and it seems that import first looks in the current directory
which is bad practice :)
Q: Useful External Resources

Martin EnderThere are a bunch of external resources that are either used very often by this community or are directly related to it. This post contains the most relevant ones to make them more discoverable for new users. Here is how this will work: put each resource in a separate answer, linking to it at t...

CMC: Solve, for 𝑎, 𝑠 ∈ ℕ₊:
21a - 25s =    0
 4a +  9s = 2240
@NewMetaPosts that sure took a while
fastest-code follow up is now in the sandbox
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ what are the first two symbols these arent in my font
@MartinEnder pastebin.com works in SE search for those.
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ positive natural numbers?
@Lembik Had a problem like this once. I had a file called time.py in my home folder, which broke all modules that imported time. Took me forever to figure that out...
nvm figured out there are no integer solutions
@Dennis that sounds like a pain!
Yeah there's none.
> With great power comes great eleven.
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ I coded for nothing ;_;
a = 56000/289? s=200000/867?
....you guys tried coding and not solving the system of equations?
Brr ... building fire drill when it's 47F / 8C is a good way to get the blood pumping.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LembikThe challenge is to write the fastest code possible for computing the permanent of a matrix. The permanent of an n-by-n matrix A = (ai,j) is defined as As an example (from the wiki): In this question matrices are all square and will only have the values -1 and 1 in them. Examples Inpu...

No s=47040/289
@El'endiaStarman TNB in a nutshell
@El'endiaStarman i did lel
@El'endiaStarman Not sure exactly what you're looking for, but searching for something like this is pretty impossible with the built-in searching.
random language idea: allow access to variables of parent call stack (of code in the same location)
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ It does. Why the ._. face?
@NathanMerrill Cogol2 would totally be able to do this... if I were to actually work on it.
it'd be useful for those data structures that you always pass around
I feel like many recursive algorithms end up with 2 or 3 extra parameters of data that you just need to pass around
and isn't actually the input to the function
@Lembik Yeah, it was quite entertaining. If it hadn't suddenly started working when I switched to another directory, I don't think I would have figured it out any time soon.
New CMC: Find a, p, s ∈ ℕ₊ to maximize 4 a + 4 p + 9 s while satisfying:
25a = 21s
4a + 4p + 9s <= 2304
4a + 9s <= 192p
Q: How to answer a Code Golf Puzzle

BoeNoeIn some languages such as PHP you need to add these <?php ?> before you can start to program in PHP. And in C++ too. int main(){}. When answering a question, must I add the tags/function?

@TimmyD That's a doable example, but I would think it would be rare that you would have that specific snippet on hand to search for.
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ 192p?
   // Edge case testing
   val = parent.val + parent.parent.val
Okay, I was wondering if you meant 0.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LembikThe challenge is to write the fastest code possible for computing the permanent of a matrix. The permanent of an n-by-n matrix A = (ai,j) is defined as As an example (from the wiki): In this question matrices are all square and will only have the values -1 and 1 in them. Examples Inpu...

Well first I have p <= 11
@El'endiaStarman True. I was just trying to think of an example where the snippet is basically punctuation. I'm not familiar enough with the language(s) to come up with a snippet on my own and then try to search for it. :D
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ you can use this
@TimmyD I'm actually gonna use %10.
@betseg I'm maximizing here
Okay, how about the same problem, but only maximizing 4 a + 9 s?
I can't make a solar farm out of power poles :P
I think I'm wrong since I forgot 0 isn't in the natural numbers
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ What's the constraint? You're eliminating p?
@TimmyD yes, only want to maximize a and s
@Shebang wut
pretty sure natural numbers == nonnegative numbers
Apparently there's a distinction between natural numbers and whole numbers
0 is part of the latter, not former (according to Google)
whole numbers includes negatives
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ So 4a + 4s is <=192 or <=2304?
Best I can find is 1894
@TimmyD <=2304-4p and <=192p
I prefer the terms: Integers (for positive/negative), non-negative for 0 and up, and positive for 1 and up
where a = 126, p = 10, s = 150
It's possibly higher
What's this for?
@Shebang Most set theorists include 0 (i.e., empty set) in N.
Designing a Factorio solar farm
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ a=126 p=11 s=150 ?? Just rushed together some code.
oh wait I did it wrong
@El'endiaStarman I know, but that's annoying :P
also, I was ninja'd
factorio is dope
Change the second condition from 4a + 4p + 9s <= 2304 to 4a + 4p + 9s <= 2388
like that game a lot
@DJMcMayhem that must be a new record
FYI for people who might have not seen it, I included a demonstration of TNBDE search capabilities.
@PhiNotPi I was wrong, with p=11 it's 4 higher :P
@MartinEnder I think meta-bot started taking longer to post around the same time that bounty-bot started working.
@TimmyD That's why I wrote ℕ₊
yay lots of people are doing the halloween avatar thing
@Shebang hm, first time seeing you here! Hello!
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Holy cow, there is a tiny little + at the end of that. It's like three pixels on my screen.
@El'endiaStarman feature request: It'd be way cool if queries could grab user data, and for that user data to automatically use cookies
I had thought it was a full-stop.
aka, a parameter that references a named text field
@El'endiaStarman graphing?
and when you press run, that text field is saved in browser cookies
@Poke Look in the list of useful queries.
@TimmyD You mean a half-colon?
i tactically ignored that link
Q: Wolves and Chickens Puzzle Golf

J843136028Wolves and Chickens There's a river and there are wolves and chickens on one side of the river. They have a raft and they all need to get to the other side. However, the raft cannot travel on its own. The raft will sink if more than two animals are on it. None of the animals want to get wet beca...

The most obvious example is grabbing your SE user ID
@PhiNotPi No, I mean an eighth-pipe.
@NathanMerrill Hmm. That's an interesting idea. I'm a little leery of how much work it would probably take to implement that. :P
it should all be client side.
I actually think the hardest part is figuring out when to add a text field
Yeah, I don't want to bother trying to parse SQL.
oh, just come up with something blatantly not SQL. Like ##NAME##
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ I think a = 147, p = 56, s = 175 maximises, gives 2387.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Hello! I only just became active again quite recently :)
@Downgoat Holy crap. :P
@NathanMerrill That's pretty much how SEDE does it. Hmm.
What I'm concerned about is that doing that kind of thing might make it impossible to search for it within the transcript.
I think that the benefit outweighs the cost
Alright. I'll consider it.
i like the sql query search although manually grabbing my chat id is a bit annoying
if you want something like Nathan is suggesting you could try string interpolation or something but then you'd also need escape sequences
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

corvus_192Let's do some circlejerk in German code-golfstring On the German reddit community there's a big circlejerk going on about replacing words or part of words with numbers, resulting in something like l8 instaed of late. The numbers we are going to use are: Number | German word | strings to be rep...

@Shebang That only gives 2163 now, I updated it to only maximize 4 a + 9 s
@NewSandboxedPosts Dat phrasing...
@DJMcMayhem Phrasing!
Wait, is phrasing not a thing anymore? Come on!
@TimmyD Danger zone?
Call Kenny Loggins.
Lol. Good show
I've never actually watch an episode. Everything I know about Archer I've learned via memes.
@TimmyD That's true of me as well.
Q: A penny saved is a penny

anonymous2...counted! You will pass your program a variable which represents a quantity of money in dollars and/or cents and an array of coin values. Your challenge is to output the number of possible combinations of the given array of coin values that would add up to the amount passed to the code. If i...

"A penny saved is a penny" - yup, totally true.
@El'endiaStarman Have you checked that you're not the same person?
@MartinEnder I'm pretty sure I would know a lot more about programming if I was.
@MartinEnder He knows Powershell, I don't. He uses IE, I don't. That's one heck of a Disassociative Identity Disorder I/we have.
I also use a Windows phone, a Surface tablet, an @outlook.com email address, and my main gaming console is an Xbox One.
dat microsoft junkie
Oh, and I primarily search with Bing.
And love Windows 10.
well that's understandable because it has multi-do
And I didn't think that 8 was all that bad.
who doesn't want to do what they do... faster!?
Actually, I guess from some quick MS Excel'ing that a = 147, p = 56, s = 175 would, in fact, be optimal
yes but did you like windows ME
@TimmyD I'd love to have a Surface tablet and Xbox One. Nothing else fits, though.
@Poke I actually skipped ME because I was a poor college student at the time, so I've never even used it.
I made do with 98SE until XP SP1.
I would normally onebox the Ballmer peak xkcd now, but it's so huge.
Well that's good. No one liked windows "mistake edition"
@MartinEnder Fun anecdote: a friend in college decided to try that hypothesis out, managed to get some big program we were doing to run, but went back the next day after he recovered from his hangover and couldn't understand his program.
haha nice
We wound up having to rewrite that whole section, because part of the grading was on documentation.
Programmers.SE is finally Software Engineering!
@MartinEnder halfboxing.
@NathanMerrill I really like the subtle redesign as well
@TimmyD Wow, that was pretty funny.
so, they are now SE.SE?
Q: It's official! This site is now Software Engineering Stack Exchange

enderlandAwww yeah. WOoooooooOOOOoooOOOOOoooT! PARTY TIME. Check out that domain name and logo! If you see any problems anywhere, please leave an answer to this question so we can track them. Thanks Stack Exchange :-)

Dose first few sentences.
@NathanMerrill but not all programmers are software engineers >.>
@Josh can confirm foobar works for me too rn
@Poke right, they are excluding anybody not in the latter.
@El'endiaStarman Yeah. I'm not even a Ruby-er (Rubier? Rubian?) and I enjoyed it.
@TimmyD "Rubyist" is what I would say, and same here. :P
huh, how did that link not get any stars

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