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Does Populist come at 2x, or over 2x?
I think it's at 2x
Oh, then I need 3
2 now :P
It has to be the highest votes answer as well.
but the badge does not then get taken away...
Mine is :)
So wait, all I need to do is downvote Dennis? Too easy :P
One does not simply downvote Dennis... Actually I'm not going to stop you - I want that badge :P
Well, here's the stuff, then:

A community should have rules in order to stand out, because, without rules, the community will just do whatever, and so it could have internal fights, disasters, vandalism and other bad stuff. [tag:code-trolling] was discontinued for a reason, for example. Dupes is another rule: Thou shalt not ask a question, shalt be it a duplicate of another.
Why tags don't work?
@Mego I was really tempted to respond with "seriously" there. I'm not sure if this message is any better :)
This could potentially end up in some crazy voting... Mego gets 41, then that answer gets downvoted and Jonathan's answer gets 41 (or Dennis' is downvoted)...
@EriktheGolfer Um. Okay? There's literally no consequence to changing accepted answers though. Possibly a light shunning, but most people here don't seem to care.
@StewieGriffin Tactical voting to award badges. I'm sure someone has complained on M.SE about that already.
I guess the badge isn't awarded immediately though...
Probably takes around 15 minutes
@Geobits Basically, there is a rep consequence, but I don't know if that matters if Dennis has 100k+ rep.
@EriktheGolfer What are you even arguing about?
gratz on the Famous Question Badge @StewieGriffin
on this site, the populist badge seems harder than normal to get, considering the many OPs that don't even accept an answer
@Mego I'm sure you're right... But people do anything to get their hands on some gold these days!
I thought changing accepted answers was fine, since sometimes someone may come up with a shorter solution later on after you've already accepted one.
@EriktheGolfer I'm talking about consequences to the person doing it.
@DJMcMayhem Changing an accepted answer, and some sort of populist badges I can't understand :P
@NathanMerrill I earned a populist badge that was stolen from me just cause it happened to be my own challenge... :(
@Yodle It is. That's perfectly fine. The only issue is when the OP accepts an answer that is not the winning answer by the challenge criteria.
@Geobits Oh no, there aren't any. I didn't get you at first, sorry.
@JonathanAllan Thanks :)
@Geobits Plot twist: My answer gets an upvote just after the first answer gets a score of 41.
@Mego Ah, well that makes sense then. Otherwise it seems a bit unfair to whomever should have objectively won.
@EriktheGolfer Code-formatting doesn't work in chat if the message is over many lines!
@Yodle Exactly. So either accept the winning answer, or don't accept any answer.
@JonathanAllan My first gold badge on PPCG actually... It only took 54 challenges :)
My only gold badges are fanatic and electorate :/
I'm 2/3 towards electorate
@Dennis Another case: Jonathan Allan answers then and all upvotes go there.
@Mego Me too. My "next" is Socratic, but I'm only at 20/100 on it :/
And socratic. That's the one I really want
Socratic would be nice to have, but I'd need more challenge ideas
My next gold one is Electorate, but I'm only 85/600 :(
Wait a minute... how in the world do I have 20/100 for Socratic? I only have 19 questions
@Mego I had a 99 day streak before the summer!
Marshal is my closest gold badge at 229/500
Other than the two I already have, Socratic is my closest gold badge...at 14/100. :P
I don't even have deputy
@Geobits Did you delete one? But, I don't think that's the case... maybe it was closed, but upvoted too much.
Not that I can remember. I don't remember ever having one closed or deleted.
Should I check?
@Geobits Just check it out then, if you're not bored :)
@Dennis Sure :)
@EriktheGolfer Huh? There's nothing on my profile, if that's what you mean, but I didn't think deleted ones would show up there.
Oh. Code Trolling strikes again.
@Dennis Can confirm there exists that one. I don't want to share content, though.
You can do is:q deleted:yes in the search field to find your deleted questions
@Geobits You can always search deleted:1 to find your own
@Mego deleted:1
@Mego Thanks!
Ninja-penguin strikes again!
@EriktheGolfer Bravo for confirming it exists after he linked to it.
@DJMcMayhem I am the (cold winter) night
I have three deleted questions
And twenty-three answers
Hello community
I have returned from lunch
Hi poke!
@Geobits Why do I need a congratulations for that??? I just wanted to make sure Dennis wasn't trolling low-rep users.
How is "Well-received" defined by the way?
The chicken nuggets were plentiful and now I feel the after-effects of BK
codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/7145/… is my only deleted question (self-deleted 4 years ago)
@StewieGriffin Positive score
@EriktheGolfer Yes, because Dennis is a well known troll. smh
@DJMcMayhem You say that...
@StewieGriffin positive score and not closed
@Mego I have 54 positive scoring questions (plus 3 deleted questions with positive score), but only have 52/100 on the badge...
@DJMcMayhem Well dennis the menace is a troll
@Poke my lunch was free today :]
They might need to have at least +5 or +10
@Yodle define free
I don't remember for sure
@DJMcMayhem Well the "not deleted" part certainly isn't retroactive at least.
someone else paid for it :p
@StewieGriffin they also have to be on different days
@Poke That one! Dennis the menace is the troll! For Dennis Mitchell though, IDK. Update: maybe Dennis the Menace was called... Dennis Mitchell?
Pretty sure characteristics are shared by those with the same first name
@DJMcMayhem riiiight, I posted some one the same day...
Don't know about that, there are tens of Dens in the community. Fewer real Dennises though. Maybe PPCG is going to turn to a trolling community? Let alone!!
Dec 31 '15 at 2:10, by Dennis
Let me rephrase: Mods do not troll. Even if you do not understand their actions, they're just doing their jobs.
See, this is why I don't want to be a mod :)
@Dennis But, mods are people too, and they may troll... as users (you have >2k reputation). Also a reason not to be a mod :) [hint: you receive every chat flag out there]
Chat flags go to more than just mods.
Anyone over 10k network-wide
@Dennis but scroll up....
Dec 31 '15 at 2:08, by Dennis
Quite frankly, I don't think PPCG will ever graduate.
Define "graduate" before making that point :P
So, let's stay with 9999 reputation points?? This is not fine for sites with a design. And, speaking of design, why should a design (not graduation, the design) incur larger rep requirements (this is the case of 5x)!
What random argument did I just walk in on
Have the word "beta" removed
@DJMcMayhem I was going through some challenges to see if they had the same post date,,, looks like I had a good streak a few weeks ago... Challenges posted #days ago / score: 17/+47, 18/+16, 19/+24, 21/+32, 22/+22, 23/+37..
@quartata I don't think you really want to know.
@Geobits Too late I read the transcript
Sorry, I'll try to be quicker next time.
@DJMcMayhem Are you a time traveler? There is no "beta"!
@DJMcMayhem Some graduation. I could have taken care of that beta with a userscript. :P
also, chat flags are significantly less intrusive than I thought
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

YodleTravelling Pumpkin Problem Background: Jack is a pumpkin that enjoys spooking the citizens of the villages near his pumpkin patch every Halloween. However, every year after someone lights the candle inside of him, he has a limited amount of time to spook everyone before the candle burns out, t...

@StewieGriffin Nice! I'm on a pretty good streak right now. Last five went [23, 61, 42, 29, 31]
[I have 50 tabs open at the moment, literally.] Can I name them?
@NathanMerrill They're also (mostly) pretty benign if you bother to look at the context, which most (it seems) don't bother doing.
@quartata just ignore and move on. It's easier than caring
@EriktheGolfer No thank you.
yeah. I just remember getting lots of kickback because "you're notifying every 10K on SE", when the notifications automatically disappear, and you don't notice unless you are currently active in chat
@Geobits Hmm... it would have been a long message anyways.
@NathanMerrill The main problem is that, like I said, the context thing. A jokey flag can all too easily get someone banned for a while just because people validate it without looking very hard.
Plus it's a big "hey everyone come look at how bad our chat is" sign.
right. Kickback because of the seriousness of consequences is a good idea
kickback because it notifies all 10K users doesn't really hold weight IMO
Generally, if I get 10K network-wide, am I toast?
nope. there hasn't been a flag for a while
like 30 minutes or so
at least, while I've been looking at the screen :)
I would have reviewed some, ignored others, etc. Hope I get something like [something over Jon Skeet or at least Martin Ender] reputation then.
@EriktheGolfer No... I've seen only a couple of flags in total,,, like for ever...
@NathanMerrill If it only notified people in the room, the context issue wouldn't be as big. Since you're notifying everyone, the likelihood of mistaken consequences goes up.
@StewieGriffin So, chat has strong guidelines?
In the words of Dennis:
Yes, that avatar. Chat SO and chat SE seem to be pretty much decoupled, but you have more than 10k rep on both, so you should see flags wherever they're raised. Flags aren't frequent though and usually get handled in a few seconds. — Dennis ♦ Oct 3 at 6:40
@EriktheGolfer The last sentence is the key...
@Geobits I actually think this has to do more with broad chat guidelines than anything else. I still feel like I'm making arbitrary decisions, and I've search SE for chat rules
@NathanMerrill Yeah, the various room "cultures" are hard to figure out unless you're active there. I usually only validate flags in other rooms if they're really obvious.
Most I skip, every now and then it's obviously not valid.
@Geobits right, but chat rules are supposed to be independent of culter
A: Toward a philosophy of Chat

HDE 226868I guess I'll expand my comment into an answer, because there's a lot I didn't say. On chat, I see a lot of rooms with "regulars" - a small group of folks that have been in the room since its conception, and continue to play major roles in the dynamics of conversations there. They often have pers...

That hinges on what you define here: "Over-the-top, offensive, and otherwise inappropriate room culture is not okay and should not be tolerated."
Yes, the broad rules are there, but they're interpreted stricter in some rooms than others.
Which is perfectly normal imo.
Like I said, I do validate things when I think they're obviously bad. But most of the time flags are "blurry".
@Geobits Go to stackexchangechatroomsforinappropriateorrudeorevenabitabusivestrongbehavior.net then... if it exists. Do not make inappropriate cultures here. That's the whole point of it.
Like my flagged comment earlier. I figured there was a 50% chance it would get flagged, knowing the room. But once it was flagged, I knew for sure it would get validated, because it looked terrible out of context.
oh, did the flag really actually go through?
@EriktheGolfer I believe you missed the entire point of everything I said, so I won't bother responding more than this.
I voted against it
@NathanMerrill Yeah. Dennis cleared it a couple minutes into the ban.
Well, I assume it was Dennis, since he sighed about it at the same time.
What was the message? (Out of curiosity)
they were talking about the language Your Mom
Well I'm not gonna say it again :D
You could paraphrase!
@DJMcMayhem Coulda shoulda woulda, whatever.
Is there really no language where this is 4 bytes?
user image
@Lynn I think you'd need some sort of 'trim both sides by one element' operator, which seems a bit obscure.
Either that or one where output was automatically summed, but that could end up a nightmare.
@flawr Cuuuuuute~~~ ♥
Nice red turtle :D
@flawr hahahaha
@Geobits Just last year's recycled one, but I like it :)
I would've recycled mine from last year, but poor file management forced me to be slightly less lazy.
@Geobits I looked for it, it doesn't exist. (Search for "elements")
@Geobits I searched for some time before realising I'd saved it on my outdoor laptop
@Geobits +1 for putting shoulda woulda coulda into alphabetical order
Are we getting out halloween avatars already?
@Lynn Jelly isn't it, I have looked for the operators required. ẋ3 is a bit obscure, ṖḊ doesn't have an operator, and S is necessary. Sorry.
@muddyfish Sure!
It's about time!
@muddyfish At least we aren't like stores, we'd already have Christmas avatars.
@Yodle The stores round where I am have christmas ones out and in about a week, they'll take those down for the halloween ones and then put the christmas ones back up again afterwards
@muddyfish what
@muddyfish wtf lool
@mod can you refresh my chat avatar?
@muddyfish You don't changed your avatar... ?
@muddyfish That's crazy. The stores here have had Halloween stuff since the beginning of October. They'll change to Thanksgiving in November, and then Christmas at the end of November.
feature request: have "@mod" ping every mod network-wide
let me go rename myself to mod
@PhiNotPi As if chat flags aren't bad enough already...
@PhiNotPi so I just need to create a 50 rep sock to annoy every single mod? count me in!
@TheveryevilROFLcopter I didn't either, I don't think you must change it.
@muddyfish coughFlag banscough
@flawr Woah, try highlighting the "Yes".
@EriktheGolfer I just added the message Very scary wow on the bottom of my avatar lol
@EriktheGolfer I didn't click the save button
@muddyfish Oh, you changed it.
Well, guess I'll change it too, but later, I feel it's too early for Halloween yet.
@EriktheGolfer I did. I just forgot to click the save button after uploading
@muddyfish Basically, you now look like some sort of wolf.
@El'endiaStarman Nothing seems to happen?
Wolf? No, it looks like muddyfish is supposed to look.
Like a catfish but bigger
@PhiNotPi per Fellowship, what should my policy be on copying other's answers? You can have two sets of identical code with different heroes (or two sets of identical hero groups with different code)?
The Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus), also known as the seawolf, Atlantic catfish, ocean catfish, devil fish, wolf eel (the common name for its Pacific relative), woof or sea cat, is a marine fish, the largest of the wolffish family Anarhichadidae. The numbers of the Atlantic wolffish are rapidly being depleted, most likely due to overfishing and bycatch, and is currently a Species of Concern according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Fisheries Service. Apart from their unique appearance wolffish are distinguished by the natural antifreeze they produce...
Obviously copying both code and fellowship isn't allowed
@Dennis 32 - well that solves that! Nice.
@quartata Not like the avatar at all, it seems...
@NathanMerrill specifically copying others?
@El'endiaStarman Just looks like regular highlighting in my browser. What browser are you using?
@flawr The image above is what I see. A strange black outline around the e and s.
@flawr Chrome.
I mean, on one point, if a team of 4*regen is going to win, but I'd certainly be ok if two people had their own teams with those abilities
On my Chrome it just doesn't let me highlight the whole thing. I can highlight on either side of the e|s split, but not both.
but on the other hand, maybe there's some really dirty combo nobody has seen yet. I'm not sure if I should really allow anybody to copy that combo
I feel like copying code should be a "no" even if one of the heroes is different.
ok. I think I'm going to provide generic code for anybody to use that knows at least a little bit about each ability
Maybe it is a good idea to say "no two fellowships may be identical"
now I'm less sure about what I said about copying code
if I do "no two fellowships may be identical", then somebody could use some awesome combo, but if they just use my code, it'd be underwhelming
Q: Digital Diversity

Jonathan AllanA positive integer may be represented in an integer base 1 <= b < inf. When converted to that base it has some number of distinct digits. Any positive integer in base 1 has 1 distinct digit. Most positive integers in base 2 have 2 distinct digits, the exceptions being those of the form 2^n - 1...

actually, this gets slightly more complicated. What's a fellowship? Does that include the ability point assignment?
maybe I just say "copying code and fellowship" isn't allowed, but allow community judgement on everything else
@PhiNotPi NO! You already have a feature to do that; it's called Flagging.
And you know why you don't mess around with that.
Well, I hope you do! :-S
I thought of you guys with your-mom flags earlier in chat
in fact, reordering the abilities can actually make a difference (if there are multiple abilities that occur at the same time, they run in the order that you define them)
@YvetteColomb I'm... confused. It was inappropriate to do earlier (in your words), but now it's okay...? Especially considering nobody was actually talking about anyone's mom earlier, this seems... odd.
@PhiNotPi when do you think I should check for death? Everytime your HP changes? At the beginning of your turn (to allow for saving heals)?
@NathanMerrill whenever you check state-based actions, you should lose if your life is below 0
what's a state-based action? Aka, if I have the ability that allows me to slice when you slice me, I should do it then too?
Darn, Gloo knocked out of the top five :(
Q: Sum of neighbours

Bassdrop CumberwubwubwubThis should be a fairly simple challenge. For an array of numbers, generate an array where for every element all neighbouring elements are added to itself, and return the sum of that array. Here is the transformation which occurs on the input array [1,2,3,4,5] [1,2,3,4,5] => [1+2, 2+1+3, 3+2+4...

@YvetteColomb Is that what we're known as now? The "your mom" room?
At the end of each turn, check all players and kill those with 0hp.
on one hand, this prevents last-second heals, but on the other hand, if you have 20hp and I deal 20 damage, I expect you to die.
I can't think of any instance where you both heal and damage a person
so I think I'll simply do the check on damage
I'm troubleshooting a mailflow issue where the recipient is rejecting our email. I'm discussing with one of their IT staff. He says to me "Uh, could you turn off your spam filtering and see if that helps?"
if (time != o.time){
    return time - o.time;
return tiebreaker - o.tiebreaker;
So did it help? :P
all of the above are integers
can I get rid of the if statement somehow?
(aka, do a compareTo() function with two sets of integers)
@Geobits I like your humor.
what do those variables represent?
a primary and secondary sort
aka, "sort by time, then tiebreaker"
oh, you're comparing two object's move times, so see which goes first
(I couldn't tell what type of variable "time" was, static or...)
sorry :)
Q: Multiple-Key Sorting

MegoGiven a list of indices and zero or more lists of integers, output the lists of integers, sorted in ascending order, with the key priority from the first input. Example Let the keys input be [1, 0, 2], and the lists input be [[5, 3, 4], [6, 2, 1], [5, 2, 1]]. Those lists need to be sorted by th...

I don't care about code size -.- :)
I actually want it to run fast
I'm more or less interested if its possible to do math that makes my if statement go away
I feel like any math expression would take longer than that IF statement.
If you want it to run faster, tweak your if to appease the branch predictor
how is tiebreaker assigned?
is it a straightforward priority queue?
Hahaha, brain-flak is 4 bytes shorter than java. XD
but I increment tiebreaker every time so that my queue doesn't sort things in the wrong order
@Mego - you ready???? Oh you're not here - you are at 40...
aka, I want things to be ordered in the integer they give me, followed by insertion order
There's probably a better way than resorting the entire list.
I'm not resorting the entire list. Queue accepts Comparable objects, and will sort according to that.
here's the full implementation:
When your error message is nearly 12-times the length of your code, you know you're golfing in PowerShell.
@TheveryevilROFLcopter why do you have an IE icon taking space!
Where? D:
Ah Edge on my task bar
Edge is great
I keep it because sometimes I need to do some tests with this shitty browser that everyone uses for some reason
> Welcome to chicken,
> the chicken chicken that chicken.
> chicken articles in chicken
Chickenified Wikipedia. Beautiful.
You have a very strange definition of beautiful.
@PhiNotPi also, Fellowship seems like a great time to rank by maximized affirmed majorities
this... might actually be the perfect use-case
So what will be Trump's evidence against his assault accusations? That he has an evil twin?
I don't see why he would need evidence for this. Never used any for anything else he has said
@PhiNotPi any suggestions on how to pair players? Simply do each possible pair N times? Pair players with an adjacent score?
The modulo 53 of their userid
@NathanMerrill I think MAA requires each pair to occur equally, if you want to do that.
what? How is that useful come elections
We're not using it as a voting system though.
right, but you're saying that if people are ranking candidates, they have to rank all of them?
No, they don't.
then not each pair will occur equally
By "requires" I mean "for best results as a KOTH ranking system"
ah :)
round robin it is then
When voters vote, they implicity rank all of the candidates, so each pair-up occurs an equal number of times.
Even if a lot of the pairs are "the remaining candidates are equally bad"
so, by not voting for a candidate, they are placing all of them below
Which is why MAA will treat all "non-competing" players as "losers" (if you implemented it exactly the same way you would for elections).
So, by having all players compete in an equal number of matches, that effect is balanced out.
@PhiNotPi I read this as MMA at first, and it still made sense.
also, isn't it MAM, not MAA?
^ yeah
Maximized Affirmed Alections ... it's a dialect thing.
ah, and for those that speak normally, what does FANNY stand for?
lol. That was probably too obscure
I'd say, but I'd get flagged.
I was referring to fanny mae
Oh. Isn't it not actually a full acronym?
Google only finds Fannie Mae.
@TimmyD its a pronunciation of FNMA
Seems like the joke didn't pan out.
@Dennis you're totally right
my bad

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