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@TheveryevilROFLcopter What would you need Read-Input for?
To read input... ?
Because Host cmdlets dont care about pipes
Read-Host is literal interactive input.
And to read input from stdin what is the cmdlet?
$input or $args[] or param()
Not a cmdlet
@Powershell dafuq
Pipelining in PowerShell is different from what you'd expect in e.g., Bash.
Anybody know how to tell a client to cache a large image? Cache-Control headers don't seem to be working the way I expected them to.
Powershell is confusing
@Shebang Yeah the first one is the best option
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Have you tried asking them politely?
@Mego I've asked them publicly.
Why PowerShell is not listed on esowiki? It deserve a place here lol
Maybe do nothing and assume they'll do it on their own?
Caching is one of those things where it's usually the client's job to worry about it, not the server
@Mego Nope, not happening. ;-;
@VTCAKAVSMoACE How are you testing it?
Yeah, I can't think of a time I had to tell a client to cache something (esp images). Usually I only mess with that if I need them to not cache.
@Geobits Exactly. Caching is not the concern of the server - the server's job is simply to respond to requests.
@Dennis Through Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on Mac OSX Yosemite.
And refreshing. :P
Refreshing clears the cache.
Having ~200Mbps internet makes you realize how slow most servers on the internet are.
@Dennis kill meeeee
@mınxomaτ I remember thinking the same about my 10Mbps internet a long time ago. Servers have gotten a bit better since then :P
@Geobits Downloading a Windows update. All in all, my bonded connection is ~30MB/s. Windows Update only serves 5MB/s :/
@mınxomaτ As always,
I think I found how Powershell work
@mınxomaτ To be fair, that's still only ten minutes or so to download the entire Win10 OS, much less an update ;)
That implies that Windows Update works properly the first time
Sure, sure. I'd never claim that :P
The 'Hey scripting guy' blog dont have code blocks
@DJMcMayhem What is the problem?
23 mins ago, by Mego
(disregard that map is lazily evaluated in Python 3 so that won't actually print anything)
What is happening here is normal
It's just not what I expected
@Geobits It's bouncing bewteen 2MB/s and 5MB/s. This is not acceptable...
list(generator) entirely execute the generator
@Geobits Yeah, that comment is why I was trying it
So while map(print,range(5)) will not print anything, wrapping in a list execute the map
@mınxomaτ After spending time looking at FTP servers, I'm surprised 2-5MB is what you consider slow :P
FTP is a slow and broken protocol. But the Windows 10 updates are P2P, and I have the full P2P range enabled.
Maybe they should switch from their proprietary crap to torrent.
I don't really see why my message have 1 star...
Oh, I didn't know Win10 updates were P2P. Interesting.
Gasp stop starring please
@Geobits You have to enable it. And then set if you want only MS peers, or also other customers
@TheveryevilROFLcopter Stars are like fire. Grasping for them will leave you burned, but they pop up in the most unusual places.
@TheveryevilROFLcopter Is there a reason why you suddenly decided to speak (semi-) AAVE?
I wonder what the percentage of people at work is on the site right now
I like the P2P nature of W10 updates -- means that my laptops and Surface can get updates from my desktop rather than re-downloading them.
@mınxomaτ No...
Then please stop. This is very confusing
@Shebang implying that someone here isn't at work
I assume most of the Europeans are off work by now at least :P
And there are a bunch of minors on here.
@DJMcMayhem print is a function in Python 3. It outputs the arguments to STDOUT and returns None.
So [print(x) for x in range(5)] will print 0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n and return [None, None, None, None, None]
Type [System.Collections.Generic.Stack] introuvable.
I tought it supported .NET types
How are you trying to use it?
It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to.
Trying to declare a class variable:
Also, I had to RMA my router three times, until TP-Link recompiled a custom version of OpenWRT/Lede for me. Their tech support far exceeds what I would have expected, it's pretty much like xkcd.com/806, but it wasn't a dream.
According to this it looks like .NET Objects should be surrounded by apostrophes. Also, I think Stacks have to be given a type. Not sure though
@Shebang Oh yes for the types lol
@Mego does that mean square brackets are just syntactic sugar for list(map)?
@Shebang Not it says me that there is no type following the [
@DJMcMayhem Basically
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Does that solve your problem or do you need the image to survive refreshing?
@TheveryevilROFLcopter Does $stack = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Stack[object]' work? I don't really know PowerShell.
Although be warned, I completely gave up on remaking Stuck in C# because of how .NET is finicky with types and whatnot.
._. Now it crash with a weird error that shouldn't even exist
That's always fun!
@PowerShell dafuq
@DJMcMayhem Sort of. It's a list comprehension, which has its own quirks. The full syntax for a list comprehension is [<expression> for <iteration variable> in <iterable> (if <condition>)] (using parentheses instead of square brackets to denote optional parts for obvious reasons)
That's roughly equivalent to:
result = []
for var in iterable:
  if condition:
@TheveryevilROFLcopter Ugh. Generics in PowerShell are icky.
I will finally stick with the non-generic version of Stack :P
:D Yay, now hash tables are totally confusing
@Microsoft ಠ:Dಠ
Q: Terminating, Purely Periodic, or Eventually Periodic?

Oliver NiIntroduction A decimal is terminating if it has a finite number of decimal digits. For example, 0.4 (2/5) is terminating because it has one decimal digit. A decimal is purely periodic if it has an infinite number of decimal digits and has no decimal digits before its repetent (the part of the d...

huh...there are 100 SE sites...so couldn't you get 10K rep by joining all of them?
(and therefore, chat moderation tools?)
@NathanMerrill no. It only counts sites where you have > 200
I though chat mod was 10k on one site?
@mınxomaτ no, it's network
@mınxomaτ Nope, network wide
Ninja'd again (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Actually, that might work meta.stackexchange.com/q/253487/286591
You'd still need 200 on at least one of them for the bonus though
A: Do I need 10k Network or 10k site rep to see chat flags?

Tim StoneYou need 10k network reputation to see flags on the network chat site, as reported on your chat profile. This value is your combined reputation across all sites, but starts excluding your reputation from low-participation sites (i.e. ones where you have less than 200 reputation) once you pass the...

Why the heck do SO and MSE have a different chat system?
PowerShell is hurting my brain
I feel you
I give up about creating a golfing language in PowerShell
I think that's 90 minutes from when the idea was brought up :P
I haven't even started writing the interpeter lol
Weird, it don't onebox
Because I added a dot at the end
Wow. This esolang page look like a page from a real wiki
@DJMcMayhem It won't work. I had 10k total network rep, but couldn't see chat flags until I had 10k network rep across sites where I had at least 200 rep.
Tis true - I didn't see chat flags until I had 10k rep here at PPCG, as my other sites are under 200.
I only have > 200 on a handful of sites. Most sites I registered just to be able to vote/comment/flag
@TheveryevilROFLcopter do you know an interpreter that actually uses the right spelling?
I have 200+ on 13 sites
13 here too :D
Internet high-five
13 :O
I have 200+ on 2 sites (PPCG and SO) :/
Illuminati or something
@TimmyD I recommend Ruby. :)
Really close to 200 at CR (170)
@TheveryevilROFLcopter Those are the only two I have 10k+ on, so there's that.
I have 195 on CR
193 on worldbuilding :/
@DJMcMayhem 195 too many
200+ on 12 sites... I actually wouldn't have thought it would be that many
The only site I have over 130 is PPCG
@Mego :( I'm ashamed of myself
(and 7 others where I have more than 101)
Yeah, I've got another nine over 101 and under 200.
I have 7 >200 sites (PPCG, Arqade, MSE, WB, Programmers, SO, and OS)
1.5 k at PPCG, 148 at CR, <130 at everything else
I have 1k+ on 4 sites
@DJMcMayhem Six for me
For >101 sites I have 18 (above plus M&TV, A51, RPG, InfoSec, Math, Apple, SU, SFF, EE, Physics, and CS)
And 982 on Lifehacks of all things.
@Geobits same
and 994 on computer graphics
PPCG and Arqade are my only 1k+ sites
Since PowerShell is so WTF, I will try to create a language in Bat?sh
Haha, I have > 101 on 25 sites
@TheveryevilROFLcopter create an actual shell
what the hell, steam... the first time ever that I get a huge coupon on a game anyone would actually buy and I already own it...
I should rep farm on more sites :P
@MartinEnder Which game?
@TheveryevilROFLcopter I don't know why you have such a problem in it?
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition (75% off)
Weird errors everywhere
Such a good game
@MartinEnder that has a great sountrack
haven't actually played it, but listened to its soundtrack
I'm sure you can find someone to take it off your hands
I'm not able to play it on my laptop, but it's #1 on my list of games to play once I buy a new PC
My wife has it on Steam. I haven't played it, but I've watched my wife play it (and she loves it).
Wrong game >_<
Q: Fill in the grid randomly

jacksonecacA simple but fun code golf challenge! Given positive integer n create a 2 dimensional matrix where each location is filled with it's xy index (starting from the top left). For example: input: 2 00 10 10 11 input: 3 00 10 20 01 11 21 02 12 22 Once the grid is created, randomly fill each ...

@TheveryevilROFLcopter Well, you'll get "weird errors" no matter what language you program in if you don't follow the syntax and rules of the language ...
I want to get ori. It looks fantastic
It looks cool, maybe a little pricey considering my current Steam library cost less than if every game in it costed $1
I played it a bit, not quite my cup of tea. Beautiful game and well executed, though.
@TheveryevilROFLcopter Any chance you mixed up this and this?
@MartinEnder I'm sad you didn't link to my avatar and instead did a websearch. :-(
it's so crisp though
CMC: Crack a paid software on your own responsibility
CMC: Don't do this CMC
@TheveryevilROFLcopter done
No, you just finished this CMC
So this is incorrect
Load Of Fun With TNB
@GLASSIC No. We do not condone piracy
Q: Fill in the grid randomly

jacksonecacA simple but fun code golf challenge! Given positive integer n create a 2 dimensional matrix where each location is filled with it's xy index (starting from the top left). For example: input: 2 00 10 10 11 input: 3 00 10 20 01 11 21 02 12 22 Once the grid is created, randomly fill each ...

VTC Ninja
Aw yiss
A: Write A Program That Outputs Its Mirror Level

CJ DennisZ80 Machine Code, 8 6 bytes* <8ww8> * Assumes certain conditions by entering from Amstrad BASIC < INC A // A=A+1 8w JR C, #77 ## C is unset unless A has overflowed, does nothing w LD (HL), A // Saves A to memory location in HL (randomly initialised) 8> JR C, #3E ## C i...

irb(main):014:0> Math.!
=> false
irb(main):013:0> Math.! 2
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
	from (irb):13:in `!'
	from (irb):13
	from /usr/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
irb(main):009:0> def !(a)
irb(main):010:1>  -a
irb(main):011:1> end
=> :!
(irb):9:in `!': wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1) (ArgumentError)
        from C:/Ruby23/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/rbreadline.rb:7056:in `rl_deprep_terminal'
        from C:/Ruby23/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/rbreadline.rb:1512:in `rl_cleanup_after_signal'
        from C:/Ruby23/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/readline.rb:48:in `rescue in readline'
        from C:/Ruby23/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/readline.rb:44:in `readline'
Wow, I hardly broke IRB
@Cyoce I prefer ?..!
@MartinEnder Ummm....... What?
?. is the string ., .! call the method ! on the string .
yeah that
Yes, Ruby is weird
So does everything have a ! method? What does it do?
logical NOT
irb(main):018:0> class Q
irb(main):019:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):020:0> Q.!
=> false
Oh ok.
but everything except nil and false is truthy
Returns false when not overloaded visibly
@Cyoce more generally, you can call pretty much every operator as a method
try 3.+5
it's just weirder here because the operator itself is normally applied as a prefix
same for 3.~
So you can define logical not, but you can't define truthyness? Ruby is weird
I don't understand? false and nil are falsy, everything else is truthy
I think he means you can't define truthyness for a given object
Like a.? = true
I don't know anything about Ruby so I don't know if that statement is true
ah, that might be true. I wonder if you reimplemented FalseClass whether objects of that class would actually be considered falsy for conditionals
Who knows?
it has only three methods so it wouldn't be hard to test, but I can't be bothered right now
A: How to create an Object who act as a False in Ruby

Jörg W MittagUnfortunately, this is not possible. This is one of those annoying cases where Ruby is not object-oriented. In OO, it must be possible for one object to simulate another (in fact, depending on whom you ask, this is the very definition of OO – remember that OO came out of simulation), but it is n...

also googling is faster
I know in Python it's as easy as a.__bool__ = lambda x:False
In C++ it's as easy as operator bool() const { return false; } - is Ruby really less-OOP than C++ in that regard? Shameful.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayForge me a Sword code-golf Challenge Given a number, n, as input, output a sword of order n. Swordsmithing A sword is made up of two main parts: the handle and the blade. The handle is made up of x characters. The handle should contain n x characters. The blade is made up of : characters....

Q: For and While Loops

Maddie CheasickCreate a program named Even that gets a number from the user, and counts even numbers from 0 to that number. Have the numbers print onto the webpage, one per line using document.write (instead of alert). For example, here I set the variable x to the value 5. I put an alert window out just to warn...

Other than the whole truthiness thing, I think Ruby handles operator overloading the best (of the languages I know of)
Just read this line in a Quora answer:
> So anytime you’re dealing with approximations, you’re likely going to run into Taylor series or approximation methods that are morally equivalent to a Taylor series.
Morally equivalent, huh? Hmmm...
@El'endiaStarman You should read up on Moral Theory.
Yeah, morally equivalent. Certain religions require you to go to confession if you use Taylor series.
@Mego A moral is a product type.
If PPCG had a motto, it'd be Less is more
@mbomb007 So <=>?
@mbomb007 No, it'd be "More work, but less code."
Spaceships :D
@Mego is compares types.
@TheBitByte Less work, less code
@mbomb007 Um, code golfing involves effort.
@Mego this needs to go into our design
@TheBitByte Maybe just Less
@mbomb007 Thinking about making a code short involve more effort than writing a bloated naive solution
Spaceships everywhere
@Downgoat Get on it
@TheBitByte Many of us do this while at work, as procrastination, or instead of work.
@mbomb007 I meant hard work, not job work.
Different defn of work.
Nah, job work.
@Mego Not the first time I've seen this here.
Hmm... The profiler has been running for 6 hours now... I think something is wrong.
@Mego Compiling.
@mbomb007 Compiling!
> When on the road to golfing code, the price for bytes is steep. While some implore that less is more, just mind the bits you keep.
> Keep? That's so deep. You made me weep. Do you like drinking cassareep?
> As you pour over obscure assembly for some bytes to gleen, wonder if there's a built-in to count from one to bleen.
Meh. The meter's maligned.
@Geobits you are crazy good at this
> Gleen? What is that, and where have you been? Tell me, or I'll cut your spleen. Just joking, now go and play, you teen. Because my laser is like a sheen.
> Yeah, he's crazy good at this. Are you now in bliss? Just watch me, I'll turn his rhymes into an abyss, and he'll remiss.
@TheBitByte Are you botting?
@TheveryevilROFLcopter "Botting" is the 29277th most popular surname in the US, and no, I am not a bot.
@TheBitByte Are you a bot?
@TheveryevilROFLcopter I am as human as everybody else in this room. Bots aren't allowed here, you know.
Yes, but your responses seem pretty botty
@TheveryevilROFLcopter "botty" is a slang for your bottom, actually. Are you being rude or did you not know what it meant?
context, everyone
it's a wonderful thing
@ArtOfCode Sarcasm, everyone. Too little and everybody thinks you're not funny, too much and they actually believe you.
I wasn't being sarcastic at all.
@ArtOfCode I wasn't talking about you at all.

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