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Someone needs to make a Whython that actually works...
it would be a great programming language
it doesn't actually work tho
lemme see if i can find a python implementation which i can change tokenizer easily enoghu
applescript is weird.
It lets me do quoted form of oneItem as string, where oneItem is a variable, as string converts a var to a string, and quoted form of adds quotes to a string. But what order???
did you read the docs?
(I'm just saying it's unintuitive)
huh cpython's tokenizer's code is almost as ugly as cheddar's
i didn't know that was possible
there are like 0 comments
@Downgoat Any code written in C is automatically ugly
@Downgoat but you have comments
No, I mean code is badly written
It's C though. Efficiency over readability
Micro-optimizations are abundant in the CPython code
I'm not talking about just code
@Mego comments don't reduce effciency
we have a "preprocessor"
header files and .c files are messy and laid out without much thought and all
also I'm looking at the tokenizer
c compiler should be doing optimizations
@Downgoat Micro-optimizations not macro-optimizations
Header files by nature are hard to restructure
@quartata removing comments is not any optimization
The tokenizer is probably generated
it might slow down compile time my miniscule fractions of a second but otherwise there is no excuse
@quartata I'm looking at tokenizer generator source code
it loads a grammar file and executes it
It probably never needed to be touched again. Grammar is what matters
Thing is the grammar module needs to be modified for most changes to the grammar file
Weak excuse but usually code that isn't touched is bad not the other way around
@Downgoat For a lexer?
Wait wat
gonna eat pizza that's been sitting in oven, applescripts are so hard to debug
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC y are u using AppleScript?
@Downgoat because it is the only way to access apple APIs
You know you can just send events from Objective C right
Or you could not use Objective C and be much happier
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC brb adding features to cheddar
@quartata swift too?
I'd rather code five lines of Applescript than setup an entire freaking objective c project
or something coca
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC What are you trying to do?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I'd rather have an entire obj-c proj then 5 lines of AppleScript that don't work
I'm rather ashamed to admit I have AppleScript experience
It was a while ago though
me similarly: all my programs are really just results of a weighted RNG. I don't know what I'm doing and am pleasantly surprised that it's working so far
@quartata help me debug my script pls
tell application "Finder"
	set theSelection to selection
	repeat with oneItem in theSelection
		do shell script "/Users/CENSORED/some_script"
	end repeat
end tell
some_script doesn't execute
do shell script executes as if you typed it at a prompt. So make sure your script has a shebang and is executable
Also you can do repeat with ... in (get selection)
I don't remember how Finder handles selection; it's different for everything. Probably wouldn't hurt to print it out to see what you are getting too
@quartata 1. yes it works in terminal 2. using display notification with oneItem as string successfully prints the path
What are you doing with oneItem anyways
TODO: develop perfect pitch
What I wouldn't do for perfect pitch...
My relative pitch is okay, but there is definitely some room for improvement.
Hey @Mego, can I ask for a favor? I doubt it will take more than a few minutes
@Sherlock9 You can always ask for a favor. Whether or not I'll perform the favor depends on the favor. :P
Oh it's simple. You know that unlucky numbers challenge I've been trying to test for a week now?
Since you have Linux, pypy3, and Seriously up and running, could you test U(10,100) and U(20,100) with this code and see how long it takes?
Sure thing
That way I have some idea of whether or not U(1e6,100) will too long or not
Fair warning: my Linux server is a potato
Thanks a bunch
Ah hell. Run it anyway. My WSL can't get any CPU time for some reason
U(10,100) took about 30 seconds (output 52945)
U(20,100) took about 1 minute and 45 seconds (output 106297)
75 seconds extra? Weird. Could you use pypy3, or were you already doing that?
@DJMcMayhem here's a strategy I'm trying right now... try to remember a single pitch as long as possible.
As in... pick a note and hum it... check every few minutes to see if you still remember it, gradually trying to remember it for longer periods of time.
Oh, that sounds like I good strategy
Oh right pypy
I was using CPython
I picked C right now. 15 minutes is my record.
Let me know how well it works for you
@Mego Welp :P Any luck?
@Sherlock9 I'm working on installing seriously under pypy
Oh, I see
2:17 for U(10,100) under pypy3... Something isn't right
O_o No, not at all
I suspect that Seriously's code isn't written in a manner that would benefit from pypy
For reference, I'm using pypy3.3-v5.2.0-alpha1-linux32
Yeah, that's the same version I'm using. Very strange
4:34 on U(20,100)
Well, at least it's consistent
Thanks, Mego
@Sherlock9 Are you doing the "unlucky number" challenge?
I should probably accept the answer
You're welcome :)
Do you guys play Atomas?
No. Should I?
Also I made an Atomas clone, I'm thinking of making a code-challenge for it.
To get the highest score using a bot.
Should the challenge of getting the highest points in Atomas be a or a ?
CC, unless the bots fight against each other directly
So I've got the Atomas "engine"
It's in Python
Do I just post the engine and hope for the best?
@Qwerp-Derp I'm trying to
All the Actually answers I came up with take too long for U(1e6, 100)
I think I should go delete it for now
@Qwerp-Derp Don't accept mine
It doesn't work fast enough
Wait what
The CJam answer is better and actually works :D
humble brag/frustration/gloating moment So there's two main levels of discrete math taught by my university (both fulfill the same degree requirement, one has more emphasis on theoretical math). I wanted to take the upper level, but couldn't because I haven't taken (and never will take) the "transition to advanced math" class. Right now I'm sitting with over a 100 in the lower level class.
Wow one of my friends just got engaged... make me feel old.
@PhiNotPi You're not getting old til they start getting divorced ;)
Never was a fan of Vermin Supreme. Too much sour cream for my tastes.
I kinda almost wanna vote for him though.
Wtf autocorrect? O_o
> He was, however, not invited to return to the Lesser-Known Democratic Candidates Presidential Forum, due in part to him glitterbombing Randall Terry at the event in 2011. - Wikipedia.
But... Glitter bombs make everything better, don't they?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Oliver NiSolve the N-Queens problem Given a N by N chess board, write a program or function that determines a placement of N queens on the board, where no queens are on the same row, column, or diagonal, and print the position each queen is in. Examples N: 4 Possible board: a b c d 1 - Q - - 2 - - -...

@Maltysen Yes, 4 years ago :P
Any advice for how to upload my YT videos + metadata (tags, desc, thumbnail, etc) in a more automated way? I see 3 options:
1. Have AutoIt do every thing manually (con: subject to exact YT gui layout that changes a lot)
2. Use JS + bookmarklet (con: can't automate open file dialog (I think))
3. Use the YT API (con: more complex and no visual feedback, can't change things on the fly)
Is there a 4th option?
Lol dropbox is banned in Turkey as of yesterday
There are more than 8000 banned sites
Google drive and onedrive too
How come?
Dunno. They just ban stuff.
Oh ok I got it.
Redhack hacked government related emails and uploaded to these services
Uh huh
Sounds really lame for people who need to transfer big files over the cloud :/
Vpns are expensive too
I think i haven't said that imgur is banned too
1 hour later…
Listening to ERB
Which one
Currently listening to Hitler vs Vader 2
So here's my bot thingo for Atomas
# Pytomas (an Atomas build for Python)
# Author: Qwerp-Derp

from random import randint

# Initial variables
element_table = []
atom_range = [1, 3]
specials_list = ["+"] * 6 + ["-"] * 3 + ["B", "C"]
carry_over = " "
moves = 0
score = 0

# Initialises starting list
for a in range(6):
    element_table.append(randint(atom_range[0], atom_range[1]))

# Processing for Plus atom
def plus_process():
    global element_table
    final_atom = 0

    def plus_code_block():
        # Main code block for plus
I think this is good enough for publishin'
@Downgoat you around? What do you mean by "not a proper ASCII representation" are there non-ASCII characters that crept in?
@JonathanAllan D'you think this challenge idea is good?
which? Mine?
My Atomas challenge
To get the highest score in my port of Atomas
(Code is above)
What is Atomas?
no idea man
So is it a good challenge?
Does not describe game play
I'll describe it
Have you sandboxed it?
And I don't really plan to...
I think with something potentially complex you probably should (I should obviously have even sandboxed my latest, but thought it was unnecessary due to simplicity)
disheartening to spend time making something then the first 3 votes are all down
@ConorO'Brien About your number regex sandbox post, maybe you could add a requirement to be able to match parts of arrays (like regex?) i.e. in an example language twins may be (.+)\1, and given [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 7, 7] it should return [[[2, 3], [7]]], or [[2, 3]] the first time it's called and [[7]] when it's called again or something, hopefully this will make Jelly and APL less suitable for these tasks?
@Qwerp-Derp Welcome to Programming Puzzles and Code Golf. This is a good challenge; well done! In future, I would recommend using the sandbox before posting a challenge.
@betseg LOL
@Qwerp-Derp - why are you using a module like a singleton?
"# Your bot here" no API is directly apparent
@JonathanAllan Wat
you have made a bunch of functions which have no arguments and define a load of module scoped variables at the top...
makes it hard to comprehend...
how can I try your .py code? only thing it displays is the game over message , and needs a bot to be created to actually do anything...
maybe some non-bot interface or a simple bot that dispays state as it goes so one can see whats going on?
Yeah, I can give you the non-bot interface
# Pytomas (an Atomas build for Python)
# Author: Qwerp-Derp

from random import randint

# Initial variables
element_table = []
atom_range = [1, 3]
specials_list = ["+"] * 6 + ["-"] * 3 + ["B", "C"]
carry_over = " "
moves = 0
score = 0

# Initialises starting list
for a in range(6):
    element_table.append(randint(atom_range[0], atom_range[1]))

# Processing for Plus atom
def plus_process():
    global element_table
    final_atom = 0

    def plus_code_block():
        # Main code block for plus
in order to post you will need to write up an explanation of the rules I think...
(It's just the code, slightly edited)
I'm writing down the rules as we speak
what Py version are you using?On 3.3 (that I'm in) it would need to cast input to an int.
and raw_input not here
if not hasattr(__builtins__, "raw_input"):
    raw_input = input
    input = lambda prompt: eval(raw_input(prompt))
if not hasattr(__builtins__, "basestring"):
    basestring = str
You can just check Python version as well, but I was too lazy so I just did this
I just put int() around the input and changed raw_input to input to just make it work on 3.3
@JonathanAllan It's in Python 2
Because I have Python 2
@El'endiaStarman ;_;
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ^ a relative of yours?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Qwerp-DerpPlay Atomas! Your task make a bot that plays Atomas, with the highest score. Here is a (very long) run-down of how this game (or at least, my port of the game) works: You start off with a ring of 6 "atoms", between the values of 1 and 3. You have a chance to get special atoms: The + atom, w...

Ayy I posted the thing
2 hours later…
Q: Correlation Coefficient of Words

WallyWestThis is going to be relatively quick... Challenge Given a lower-case word as input, calculate the Pearson's Correlation Coefficient between the letter position of the word (nth letter within the word, x), and the letter position within the alphabet (nth letter of the alphabet, y). Background ...

Question: How did it go from "Wikia, home of Fandom" to "Fandom, powered by Wikia"?
@Downgoat - when you are about... I have updated the ASCII logo challenge to elucidate on some portions of the pattern.
Holy fuck
GitHub is banned too
(in Turkey)
If you don't show up in chat tomorrow, we'll know that they banned SE, too
Q: Visualize sorting

LoovjoSay I have a list such as [3, 0, 4, 2, 1], and I use selection sort to sort it, I could visualize it like this: 3,0,4,2,1 |-| 0,3,4,2,1 |-----| 0,1,4,2,3 |-| 0,1,2,4,3 |-| 0,1,2,3,4 This challenge is about visualizing sorting like this. Input Your input will be a list of positive...

@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Erdoğan...
@betseg Maybe time to consider moving
i do
Do you know any country that accept 16-year olds
I hear canada is very receptive
Isn't Turkey a parliamentary republic? How did this happen?
The downside to moving to Canada is that there is a non-negligible chance that Trump will be your neighbor's president.
That said, probably still better than what's going on in Turkey, so move away. :P
then again, with a country as "loud" as america would thereafter be, it'd be kind of hard to ignore the loud kid screaming in the street
@El'endiaStarman brah our neighbour is syria
@quartata %50 one party %50 three parties
Ah. That sucks.
If you don't feel like moving too far you could try Italy or Spain perhaps
The only thing i want is leaving turkey ;_; idc about distance
Any weather preferences? :P
Well, I'm in İzmir, as hot as Spain and Italy, Canada would be nice :P
Are you sure you want to move to the place where they eat french fries with gravy and cheese curds
> I'm sending a pull request to America, please merge me to your country. I swear I won't cause any conflict.
^ my friend shared on Facebook
@quartata are you kidding me? Poutine is incredible
@DJMcMayhem No I know. I was just kidding
I used to make poutine at home until I realized it was terrible for me and that cheese curds are tough to find here
@betseg I'm totally not biased or anything, but you should move to Colorado.
Don't do it. Move to California instead we have good universities good jobs and avocados
@quartata can u juic avocad in califurna
Yes. Juicing things seems to be a trend here
Yeah. We got a fair bit of heavy rain from el nino this year which helped but
My area isn't really affected but in NoCal it's worse
CMC: Part I: Hack into the Turkish, and any Western European or North American government, and make me not Turkish. Part II: Hack into an airline and arrange a flight for me.
@quartata wat
@betseg governments have bad security
why would they have that
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Turkish citizens database is on torrent!
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ US Army hacked -> it was SQL Injection
@betseg ./torrentspoof -evasion 012345678
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC lol you should look at the U.S.'s whole TSA show
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ ?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC wat iz dis
@betseg doesn't exist :/
nikto will accept -evasion 012345678, it does IDS evasion if you have libwhiskers installed
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Transportation Security Administration, it provides all the metal detectors and stuff
(they still haven't caught any terrorists)
(just look at the NSA) (google "kurzgesagt safe and sorry")
:32811939 ❯ nikto -h codegolf.stackexchange.com -evasion 012345678
- Nikto v2.1.5
+ Target IP:
+ Target Hostname:    codegolf.stackexchange.com
+ Target Port:        80
+ Using Encoding:     Random URI encoding (non-UTF8)
+ Using Encoding:     Directory self-reference (/./)
+ Using Encoding:     Premature URL ending
+ Using Encoding:     Prepend long random string
+ Using Encoding:     Fake parameter
Nikto output:
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Watched that already
(did I refer you?)
Someone referred me to the "Time" Soundcloud URL
And then I binge-watched all the Kurzgesagt videos
(it was me, I sent the URL)
>_< nikto thinks 404 URLs are vulnerable pages
A security scanner

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