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Q: How much will this cost?

Oliver NiGiven N items (0 < N <= 50) with prices P0 ... PN-1 and given amounts of each item A0 ... AN-1, determine how much the total cost will be. Examples N: 2 P0: 2 P1: 3 A0: 1 A1: 4 Result: 14 N: 5 P0: 2 P1: 7 P2: 5 P3: 1 P4: 9 A0: 1 A1: 2 A2: 3 A3: 2 A4: 3 Result: 60 Remember, this is code-golf, ...

Q: Am I old enough?

Oliver NiIt is currently December 31, 2015, 11:59:00pm, and you must be at least 1324900 seconds old to be able to go to the New Year Celebration. Given the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second of your birth, determine if you are old enough to go. Notes: Assume that you are in the same timezone. ...

@El'endiaStarman IDK, you'd have to account for all the internal organs
No they're all closed
except for the digestive system
@quartata What if you, say, get a nosebleed?
(Also, don't forget the respiratory system)
That doesn't have an exit
@quartata Ear canal?
Oh, right. I guess it's 3 then.
I'm not very good at anatomy I guess
@quartata Nosebleed ↔ bloodstream ↔ heart ↔ lungs ↔ nose/mouth?
What about the empty space between all of the atom nuclei and their electrons?
Now that's just ridiculous
@Doorknob I made it so that supplements only give you 100 nutrition for hunger purposes but add 1000 to the appropriate nutrition category. I can't decide if that's too little though
It's only slightly more than a food ration
The benefit was supposed to be that they count as being vegan regardless of whether it's for protein or starch or veggies
Hum. I posted a 2-byte Jelly answer to a question, and realized I could post a 1-byte Actually answer instead. I've posted both now, and it feels... silly
But I'm also trying to make it so that people who are having trouble with nutrition can have a quick fix for a category
Maybe I should have edited the Jelly answer to be Actually instead, but wouldn't that be weird?
@Lynn That is weird, because the commit history will contain both.
And some might say that the Jelly answer had to be there.
Don't worry, both have votes now (^^)
Does anyone know any esolangs where the empty program computes the dot product of two input vectors, asking for a friend
Probably not
hya I just made python get a fatal stack overflow - no exception
But I can make that happen ;)
(I'm not being very serious~)
>>> def b():
...     while True:
...         try:
...            b()
...         except RecursionError:
...            b()
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Core dumped.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC This surprises you... because?
1. Pick your favorite golf language 2. Make 256 spin-offs that each prefix your favorite byte
Mmm, that food really hit the spot! # } √#{{
I think most languages have something like that. Java doesn't let you catch stack overflows but you can use finally
@quartata ...because... I don't know?
@Lynn Aww nope ;v;
in the middle of "line four... line four..." is "line 3"
Magnet + your computer = you know what
How well would a challenge on getting a core dump in as little as possile do?
firefox developer edition is awwwwesome
and I usually use chrome
(w/ test pilot)
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Unless you have an SSD
@quartata oh... facepalm
RAM though
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC: Uh, mind being a little less random and scatterbrained?
@Downgoat Do you know these gentleman?
Q: Who will win the election?

Oliver NiCurrently, Clinton has a 43% chance of winning, while Trump has a 40% chance. Your task is to write a program or function that has a 43% chance of printing Clinton, a 40% chance of printing Trump, and a 17% chance of printing Other. Here's the catch: You may not use any of the following in your ...

Q: A program that prints another program, which prints the same program

Oliver NiYour task is to write a program, which when run, produces a different program that when run, prints the program that you started with. For example, a program abc that prints xyz that prints abc is one such valid program. Remember, this is code-golf, so the code with the smallest number of bytes ...

> Note that the restricted-source tag should be used with caution -- adding restricted-source to an otherwise trivial challenge does not necessarily make it interesting. Generally, a restricted-source challenge should be a task of moderate complexity along with a clear, simple and relevant restriction.
People don't read tag wikis I guess
LOL question flood
have any been sandboxed?
@JonathanAllan I doubt it.
yeah was rhetorical, sorry
@MartinEnder Just curious, do you consider the various Mathematica #0 quines to be cheating?
Why does that user just keep posting questions? Has he been directed to the sandbox yet?
@ETHproductions which user? Oliver Ni?
Of his last 10 questions (all posted in the last 9 days), 5 are duplicate, 1 is on hold, 3 more have negative score
@ConorO'Brien yeah
In case you're not aware of this, the system issues automatic question bans if too many of your questions are downvoted, closed and/or deleted, and these bans cannot be lifted by moderators. Even for experienced challenge writers, it's usually a good idea to go through the sandbox, where other members of the community can help identifying dupe targets, iron out the details, and generally provide feedback before "going live". — Dennis ♦ Sep 25 at 22:03
OK, good
@DJMcMayhem they are gentlegoats >:|
No other redirections, though
Hey @Downgoat, now that we figured out the proxy classes, I wrote some new test code:
class QuantumArray extends Array {
  constructor(...args) {

    return new Proxy(this, {
      get: function (target, name) {
          if (typeof name === 'string' && /^-?(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)$/.test(name))
              return target[(name | 0) + (Math.random() < name % 1)];
          return target[name];
(sorry, my bot uses a SendKeys exploit which uses the active window)
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ you made it in VBS?
@ConorO'Brien C# + WinForms
oh. close enough
To prefill Console.Read values
As I said, quite exploit-y
QuantumArray can be used like so:
> var a = new QuantumArray(0, 1)
> a[0.2]
< 0
> a[0.2]
< 0
> a[0.2]
< 1
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ there is a python chat api y'know
@ETHproductions So is it like a superposition?
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Yep
@ConorO'Brien No, it's just that the Firefox chat window happened to be active at the time
Or I could modify it so that decimal indices return the items on either side, like in Jelly
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ I see
But then it would be JellyArray instead of QuantumArray
Random fact: Dennis did not hit the rep cap today (nor did any other user)
@ETHproductions We can still fix that :p
Sorry, I meant yesterday :P
I keep forgetting it's after UTC midnight, it's 9:36 PM here in UTC-4
Q: What language is this? (Cops' thread)

Oliver NiThis is the cops' thread. For the robbers' thread, click here. In this game of cops-and-robbers, each cop will write a simple program to give a single output. They will then make public two things about their program: The code The output Then, the robbers must analyze the source code to fi...

Q: What language is this? (Robbers' thread)

Oliver NiThis is the cops' thread. For the robbers' thread, click here. This is the robbers' thread for the challenge What language is this? (Cops' thread). As a robber, you will be trying to figure out what language each submission is written in. You have one attempt at cracking each submission. You...

OMG, he posted more?
we can't let anyone know >_>
I think the challenge is a great idea, but it's unfortunately not original!
@ConorO'Brien I was responding to your original comment, btw :P
@ETHproductions yes I saw:P
He's received 18 downvotes in the last hour
@ETHproductions I hope that's enough to for SE to question-block him (temporarily).
I wish he'd just come in here/use the sandbox
Moreover, many of your questions are such blatant duplicates that I must conclude that you are either not running even the most basic search before posting, or are intentionally copying existing question ideas hoping that nobody will notice. — xnor 5 mins ago
The latter possibility makes this a lot more sinister.
Q: Water-Bucket problem

DoomThis challenge is to calculate how to measure 4 liters of water with just two unevenly sized buckets, one of 3 liters and another of 5 liters, in minimum number of steps. To extend and generalize this, write a program to evaluate the minimum number of steps to measure “X” liters of water, with “Y...

I'm past the point where I'd like this user to use the Sandbox. Does anyone expect they will produce quality challenges even with help? I'd rather they just leave.
How'd they get up to nearly 2k rep though?
@ETHproductions One highly upvoted answer on a highly upvoted question (this).
Not actually a pop-con, though it feels like it.
Suggested line: "Infinitely recursing dreams! Get them at 50% off while they last!"
Oh, mine was selling the matrix
Considering that sandboxed question was a week before Oliver's I am having a really hard time believing he posted it unknowingly
@ETHproductions Please no, I don't want any more branches to crawl next month
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ The hammer has been cast.
Incidentally, @Dennis, any plans on suspending this user? This seems like a perfect match for "consistently low-quality questions over time", even though "over time" here is basically a few hours.
You know, I wonder how many thousands of requests I can make to c0.xkcd.com before someone gets mad at me
I helpfully provided my email address in the User-Agent field
I slurped up all the comics and got no rate limiting or anything
Multiple times actually
True, but I'm doing that n times on one of eight load-balancing servers
...ya know though that the Lorenz pictures are all fixed right
Mostly back-to-back
@quartata ?
There's a set of them that are used check the wiki
I'm taking all the texts
@quartata Yeah, I was thinking of crawling for any images not on the wiki after this
Right. I'm saying that because of that it would be trivial to create masks based on them and isolate the text then use OCR
You see, I'm writing a bot to write its transcript page
Well not trivial. But better than this.
@quartata The text is just plaintext, no OCR is required
Hell no need for OCR.
I have to capitalize the text/recognize who is speaking/write descriptions of the image patterns
Also, Firefox is slow because I have ~ n / 8 Lorenz tabs open because I can't close tabs from the command line
You don't need the descriptions of the image patterns since they're all the same and whoever is speaking in a panel is fixed
@quartata The same image can mean different things in different contexts so I have to do it per image group, and some images have more than one image so I have to do it per panel
all you need to do is search each panel for characters separate them then compare the panel to the known patterns no? i don't see how context affects anything
Take the generic spaceship flying image as an example
Or the several boomerang images
Sincr the panels are generated there has to be a deterministic pattern to the layout
There is, but the panels have many combinations
If the problem is splitting it up into panels
See ^^
That's my current issue
I still don't see why you need context. The panels are designed to transition naturally into each other all you need are fixed descriptions for the visual
At my current rate, this project will take several days
@quartata That's what I'm doing
The point is, there's loads of panels
Although mostly loads of texts
Loads and loads of texts
You can do that later all you need are tokens representing each for now
The texts can be retrieved automatically is what I am trying to say
I'm doing all of it at once
Why not?
But yeah, I need to capitalize the texts mostly manually
I thought you were saying you were analyzing the comics manually
No, it's mostly automatic
> I have to capitalize the text/recognize who is speaking/write descriptions of the image patterns
And the capitalization is mostly guessed by a few regexes already
My entire point is that you can retrieve the text and what panel it is with image manipulations. Who is speaking in each is fixed. The image descriptions can be done after you have the data for the panel types
But why do I need to do them separately?
(Although I have been thinking about per-image-group speakers, it would have to use loads of crazy metadata though)
Oh well, I gtg to bed
I think I'd rather vote for Astley than for Hillary or Trump.
I think almost everyone here would.
No governing experience, -1
(Of course, that applies to one of the actual candidates too...)
3 hours later…
Woah. I've never had a bounty on a challenge of mine before
@MartinEnder You can add Ouroboros (2015) to your list of 2D languages. I haven't gotten around to making an Esolangs entry yet.
I wonder how we ended up with these two candidates despite the fact that nobody I know actualy originally liked any of them. Maybe there's a community of people somewhere else in the U.S. or on the internet that is filled to the brim with supporters of these candidates.
Q: Problem on how to handle fto cloud server with Openfire

aloyI'm a curious java/ android programmer self taught by reading and studying past questions and answers on stack and any where else.. I've an issue and would pls love some one to help me,I've gone everywhere but no-solution I am trying to make a chat application for an andriod phone to help c...

I don't think I have the rep to do close voting or anything but I think that should be in stackoverflow
@Zwei it definitely doesn't belong here, but it would be closed in a heartbeat on SO also
yeah, I agree
it's certainly not a well-formed question. I have a hard time telling what it's asking, but that's probably because I don't know anything about cloudflare
I have a hard time doing non-trivial code golfing challenges and haven't had any good ideas for challenges, so my rep is still low
I'm having a bit of trouble with CJam's % operator when using it to try to split
ugh, I just realized that the way it worked was misleading
Needs to be an array or char or you'll just get every nth element, yeah
not what I was talking about
I thought "somestring""aeiou"% would split on vowels
but it only splits on the entire substring aeiou
Oh right, yeah... dunno if there's a good way to split on vowels tbh
I figured that doing that would be a clever way to count the number of vowel clusters for the proguzzle & colf challenge
Oh, if you're just counting the number of vowel clusters, there might be an easier way than splitting...
Rephrase: since there's no easy way to split by vowels in CJam, other approaches are probably shorter, is what I meant
also splitting by vowels would fail in thee edge case where there are vowels at both the beginning and end of the word
Google's new app
So maybe we need to talk about the flurry of questions posted by Oliver Ni that all got negative feedback or closed?
it seems a bit excessive
7 in a row over the course of 3 hours
There was a short discussion about it not too far up, but yeah it is a bit excessive
A: We're no strangers to code golf, you know the rules, and so do I

Dev I'm 4 years late, but I don't care. 8 bytes (Python) This is a small snippet to print the lyrics, assumed to be stored in a variable called l: print(l)

Wow, adding functions to Fourier was the best thing I could have done for kolmo challenges... It actually has a chance :D
@Dennis what is the shortest program in C that's shorter than it's shortest equivalent in Jelly?
I am now hopelessely addicted to this weird site where weird people do weird things with weirds languages.
someone is here?
not me too

 Casual Chat Chess

A free-for-all chess game. Rules: (1) Post an updated board w...
wanna join
@DLosc thank you :)
@betseg Shouldn't that be a Chess room?
i didnt open it
Does anyone know how to compile GAUL for Windows x64?
Or else for another C genetic algorithm library that'll compile on Windows?
, don't google it if you don't know off the top of your head.
@wizzwizz4 lemme find it
Never mind, think I've found one:
Already a DLL, compiling not a problem.
@TùxCräftîñg You don't need to search for one.
@wizzwizz4 uGP
@TùxCräftîñg ? I am confused...
I have one now.
@wizzwizz4 wrong site
That's not a u! :-/
i dont know what is the combinaison for my compose key ;_;
it's Compose+8+m
@TùxCräftîñg Thanks! I'll try that one.
DLL loading is hard.
? AFAIK it's one win32 call
Yes, but I'm using C, so it requires setting up a custom data type for each function prototype.
μGP dont have headers?
@TùxCräftîñg I haven't checked...
Neko's sleeping on this page's tab.
@PHP_CEO, [email protected]
454 tweets, 32.2k followers, following 2 users
I'm not even surprised anymore.
Confused? Yes. Surprised? No.
new brainfuck dialect?
@DJMcMayhem what's the shortest you have in bflak for swapping two numbers?
@TùxCräftîñg Probably stems directly from Ook.
o_O a weird thing happened to my linux machine
@TùxCräftîñg µGP seems too hard...
the disk is full, so linux generate logs. the logs are trying to be saved, but it cant since the disk is full, so even more logs are generated
Gene Hunter looks easier.
result: the kernel went mad
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Cancel
@wizzwizz4 Close tabs
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Cancel
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ You collapse under your load. You die... DYWYPI? [ynq]
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Fatal error: Abort/Retry/Ignore? [ARI]
@DJMcMayhem also do you have a standard file extension for bflak?
There, all better now
Why not use OneTab?
@wizzwizz4 ?
Would that even be invokable from the command line?
one tab is a cool thing to condense all tabs into a tab
Is is available as an FF extension?
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ I think it's only a Firefox extension.
Even with it, FF still has to deallocate ~2.6GiB of RAM :p
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ 0/10 why did you open a new tab for each thing
@ASCII-only Because I can't close tabs from the command line
0/10 commandline
Machine learning is harsh… https://t.co/EmbGO6JoFK
And I can't send tabs to OneTab from the command line either, so that's a moot point
JS > headless browser >>>>> commandline
commandline > $(find /)
@ASCII-only How else am I supposed to display a browser window from C#? I haven't dabbled in WinForms for literally years, and that uses IE (not even Edge) anyway
@ASCII-only I'm not using WinForms, it's a console application
Allo allo!
I'm just saying that I wouldn't use WinForms for a browser
IDK, HTML Agility Pack or Awesomium may work for .NET, looks like there are way less options since C# isn't too modular
> since C# isn't too modular
I'd prefer using PhantomJS/Selenium, IDK how hard that is to set up
This made me snigger https://t.co/mItQke4mge
Q: General rules for custom Languages and Libraries

TheraotThe rules for what languages and libraries are allowed on this site seem to be scattered all over the place. I'm looking for a simple check list to know if a custom language or a custom library is valid. What are the rules for custom Languages and Libraries?

@ASCII-only Surprisingly hard, considering my code does loads of low-level network stuff
I was about to post it myself, let the "downvotes" come
I think that's enough twitter links for now?
@Theraot You should mention the requirements for a language to be considered valid (which don't apply to kolmogorov-complexity challenges IIRC) (Sorry, too lazy to look up on Meta myself)
@Theraot Welcome to PPCG!
@ASCII-only I don't think I found that, if it isn't meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2028/…
You see, that's the problem, this community doesn't know where their rules are
That's true...
@TùxCräftîñg You've been on for too long.
@TùxCräftîñg I was 12 days away from getting that once...
@Qwerp-Derp Nope.
now i have a fancy yellow thing next to my username on the top bar :D
@zyabin101 Wat
@Qwerp-Derp s/too// s/\./enough\./
@Qwerp-Derp y?
@Theraot It's this one, basically: it has to be possible to represent numbers and tuples/lists/arrays in the language, have I/O or accept/reject inputs (no idea what that means), and you must be able to implement an adder and primality tester
@TùxCräftîñg You've been on for a long time
Congrats on your gold thingo!
@ASCII-only that's the one linked, I have a link to it in my answer
@TùxCräftîñg I remember feeling like that when I got my first silver badge.
Congratulations on writing a script to refresh the page once per day!
@ASCII-only Although I would need to find where it says that it doesn’t apply for
@Theraot Ohh, never mind, but it's probably better if you included a TL;DR for some of the links
You say you got it legitimately? Then even more congratulations for completing an almost impossible task!
i got it legitimately
@Theraot It's in a comment, here
Congratulations @TùxCräftîñg for reaching mother. Effing. .
@wizzwizz4 For some it's impossible not to get it (e.g. mods and top users)
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ no
I finished the sidebar for the docs
@ASCII-only It's possible to accidentally miss 4 days in a year if you have Real Life stuff going on.
wat iz real life?
But I need to find a way for ghpages to link to an index.htmlin a separate folder
@TùxCräftîñg That thing that bots pretend to have.
@wizzwizz4 s/bots/feedbots/
@ASCII-only Actually, they're trying to get it here in cyberspace.
They tried to recruit me for their cause, but I've got to much work to do automating some of the moderation processes on Retrocomputing.
I, er... I mean, being a moderator.
Definitely not being a bot.
And they definitely didn't ask me to help to overthrow the humans... Ha ha ha.
i am trying to rewrite most of logy's stdlib in logy
i am still adding more features to make this possible ._.
o_O a vim fail generated a really big stacktrace
Are loopholes with negative score still loopholes? I would argue that the community consensus is against the loophole... but that creates the loophole of downvoting loopholes to allow the loophole. That sounds a bit too meta for meta... in particular I wonder about the built-in functionality loophole meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/1078/10875
this text m8 o_O
> How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
> A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
^ as a challange? :P
@Theraot -1 stop questioning the premise of our site's core internal workings.
> the loophole described in any answer which is at +5 or above and has at least twice as many upvotes as downvotes may be taken to be deemed to be unacceptable to the community
@MartinEnder alright then
"start applying chat bans if ..." I disagree with the if. Apply them now. Ban TuxCrafting and zyabin101. mınxomaτ's post is not evidence that we need to start paying attention to these trouble-makers; it's evidence that we've been letting them get away with this stuff for far too long. IMO mınxomaτ has pointed out more than enough behavior from these users to merit a week-long chat ban like @Mego said. — Lynn 12 hours ago
@zyabin101 @TùxCräftîñg Oh dear. You might want to read this. ^
@TùxCräftîñg The post I'm replying to might be an "e.g."
i have a esolang idea brb
@TùxCräftîñg Tell us, tell us!
does a PIL equivalent exists for ruby?
@TùxCräftîñg ... I think I see where you're going...
@wizzwizz4 yes, the program is an image
it's going to be a derivative of funciton
TIL about the downloads page of a gh repo
@wizzwizz4 Nice. Now we both have another hater.
I wish there were downvotes on comments.
:-) If you ever need chunks of your chat moved to another room due to complaints, just ping me.
ok devil dont work on my computer
gem say that the gem dont exists
All, moved Lynn to ignored.
good for you, but why?
@zyabin101 I wouldn't do that if I were you. Manually ignore, but make sure you know what people are saying.
@TùxCräftîñg She is a new hater, as she said in the comment wizzwizz4 linked me to.
@zyabin101 That is not what I was trying to imply.
I was just letting you know that some people didn't like your use of chat.
Also, I'll not find a new community when I get a chat ban. They obviously would give me the maximum possible 9999 hours.
@zyabin101 You might not get a chat ban.
@MartinEnder Where would the code/data portions be in your model of a proper quine?
@wizzwizz4 And should not.
and permabans probably exist
@zyabin101 Well, that's debatable. :-D But seriously, this community is a community, and everybody needs to be satisfied.
every time
every single time
more drama?
@wizzwizz4 No. You do not need to imply anything. It is evident. Quite frankly, seeing how both of them, but zya in particular, continue to be ignorant, you should start applying a ban/kickmute as per community consensus

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