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... learn a golfing language
Just go for it! My first few answers (to golfs, at least) were downright terrible, but people helped me out in the comments and gave me tips, etc. It was very welcoming.
The same experience is less likely to happen if you post a bad question.
@Geobits Same here, people seem really open to helping newcomers with formatting and whatnot.
can't a guy just be a lurker in peace
@Poke Sure, but not if he wants rep for it :P
Well I thankfully now have all the rep I need
I got 111, nobody ruin it
brb downvoting
But... you can't get 1111 if nobody ruins 111.
wow my keyboard and my mouse went mad
@Geobits Do you use a golfing langauge?
@confusedandamused Not unless Java counts. (it doesn't)
i generally use only the golfing languages i created becuz jelly links are weird
I have a couple answers in a couple other languages, but I don't think any of them are "golfing" languages.
and adam outgolf me by 1e6 bytes when i post an APL answer ._.
I have an APL answer, but only because I was cracking a cops/robbers entry that used it.
@NathanMerrill I saw them, actually. Interesting stuff.
What if you tried doing the analysis on data obtained solely from your own messages?
@Geobits I only really use C# JS and Python at work (mostly C#)
All of them are used here, so no worries. C# probably less than the others, but it's not rare or anything.
you can use any language here if the version used is older than the challenge
I'd recommend using C# so I can beat you with Java from time to time, though. It's very rare that it beats python or js ;)
@TùxCräftîñg You can use a newer version, it just makes the answer ineligible for winning.
I typically golf in Pip (golfing language I created), Python, or QBasic. I pick whichever one seems like it will be most fun for the given challenge.
I keep meaning to do some QBasic golfs, but somebody usually beats me to it.
@MartinEnder can you CW and FAQ this ?
Boxes on top that pop up after load are annoying. I mistapped a few times.
I just find code golf more interesting than "normal" (like project Euler) problems
@Geobits I'm sure I don't know whom you mean. In the last two months, there have been 10 QBasic answers from 6 different users. ~_~
@NathanMerrill Done
@DLosc Well, I didn't say I was particularly persistent about it :P
but CBM BASIC is better than QBasic.
No BASIC is better than QBasic. Either that or it's the nostalgia speaking.
ಠ_ಠ CBM BASIC iz teh best BASIC
@TùxCräftîñg I golf in QBasic for the nostalgia; I never learned CBM BASIC; ergo (for me) QBasic is better. ;)
@NathanMerrill Thanks for making that question a smattering and a dupe-like of many normal questions.
It's a FAQ
@AlexA. is here!
Indeed. Greetings!
welcome back!
@AlexA. It's not a faq without answers.
X axis is words, Y axis is chars. All the different pairings from the last 6 months.
@El'endiaStarman -1, not an OEIS
@zyabin101 It links to relevant answers in the question itself
@TùxCräftîñg If ever there was a better BASIC than QBasic (there isn't), it would be GW-BASIC.
@flawr Thanks :)
@Geobits from krosoft so itz bad
@zyabin101 its conceptually similar to this
Also, I can't edit tags anymore just to ignore that question because Alex A. inserted the mod tag in it.
@NathanMerrill: There may not be much of a linear correlation, but there's definitely some sort of correlation.
@zyabin101 Is there anything that will please you here? You basically begged for the question to be posted, and now you are mad you can't ignore it?
I may want to quit Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Meta fully including writing in the Sandbox due to the junk.
@El'endiaStarman you can't do character vs words. You have to do average word length
how do I edit tags in a faq question
What are you trying to edit in?
@NathanMerrill But....it's so cool!
you're right, but you're finding correlations that longer messages happen to have more words
@El'endiaStarman The top part definitely has a snowman correlation
@AlexA. already did thx
@NathanMerrill It's still interesting how it's bunching up.
@NathanMerrill A friend of mine once found a quite good correlation between radius and diameters of circles.
@El'endiaStarman I still think you'll see it. You're basically rotating the graph 45 degrees
@NathanMerrill So you're saying, x = words, y = chars/words?
@El'endiaStarman Could use a Box-Cox transformation, find the optimal λ such that the relationship of transformed variables is approximately linear
@Dennis thank you
Now, I added tags [scoring code-golf answers] to ignoreds and hid questions in these tags altogether.
Because of that junk, of course.
Also, I enabled adverts back.
What junk is that?
Does that do something?
@zyabin101 So, what you're saying is the last couple hours of you asking for these to be grouped up was just a massive troll?
I chose the wrong user.
To write the question, I chose the wrong user.
Congratulations. You just insulted the one person who volunteered to help you out. Good luck on that happening next time.
I should be the one who should have written it.
Don't apologize to us, apologize to Nathan for effectively wasting his time. (Though I for one greatly appreciate the post he made.)
Q: How to count bytes FAQ

Nathan MerrillWe've got a lot of questions asking how to count the bytes in different situations. This question is here to put them all in one spot. General questions How to count flags How to count "interactive" answers How to count REPLs How to count multiple files How to count lambdas How to count newlin...

@NewMetaPosts How appropriate
NewMetaPosts has a way with timing
it's uncanny
langton ant rule RU*nL have a 2-number counter in base n+1 in near every pattern
Counting bytes can cause weight loss too if you forget to eat.
@Rainbolt Haha. given to us by the same website that brings us "8 reasons you have an itchy butt"
If you're digitized like in Tron then counting bytes is the only way to lose weight.
I've heard mounting bikes helps, too.
What about mounting mountain bikes?
Or bikers?
@flawr I almost stumbled on that once but I'm pretty sure it was just a rounding error
I'm not sure if I should groan or give a round of applause.
@El'endiaStarman I'm wondering if the y-axis is slightly off on your diagram above. For example, there's a big horizontal line that's above 500 characters, but I expect it to be exactly 500 characters (because that's the normal chat character limit).
@Poke lol, this took me a bit
@PhiNotPi I have noticed tick marks being slightly off before for time, so that could possibly be the reason for that discrepancy too.
@PhiNotPi IIRC the messages are stored as html, so things like markdown would put many just over the limit.
I saw my opportunity for a great pun
It shall not be squandered
@Geobits Not by that much though. The line seems to be around 550.
Oh, I didn't know it was that high :/
oh, a real mini chat challenge: get as many characters into the html as you can
@NathanMerrill Alas, no, not really.
The character limit for multi-line messages would be quite spammy :P
@Geobits TNBDE actually doesn't store huge messages accurately since the transcript shows a "load more text" option, which the transcript scraper doesn't click.
@El'endiaStarman there's an interesting "second line"
Oh, I meant that in relation to Nathan's [cmc-proposed]
on larger messsages
@Fatalize Dang, then I guess I'm out. Fastest I can get input 204 to run on PowerShell is ~3 minutes, even after trying several different algorithms (including Fisher-Yates to come up with permutations rather than trial division).
Yeah, I wonder what's up with gap in 600-800 character messages.
@TimmyD Really? Is Powershell that slow?
There aren't any built-ins for primality checking, factorization, or array permutations, so everything is interpreted at runtime.
reminder: don't code your next cracker in Powershell
So the problem is that you can't implement a decently efficient prime factorization algorithm in not-too-many bytes?
solution: dont use powershell
That's like telling someone with a penguin avatar not to use linux.
Fun fact: TuxCrafting uses Windows.
but i have a linux machine so
I don't play Minecraft
why did you delete a "._."
Trying to get the average word count up.
Did anyone ever check if their computer is stable?
Odd fact of the day: three of my top five answers are on questions that have since been closed. :^\
@feersum Their subsequent "*actually" didn't help. :P
you know when a CA have too many states when arriving at a basic structure take 10 mn in speed 8^6 ._.
@zyabin101 I did just now. After tilting the box slightly, it returned to an upright position.
@zyabin101 the power port is messed on my laptop, so many times, I end up putting the cord beneath my laptop (to get it in the right position), making it unstable. Funny enough, its stable right now
Not case tilt stability, full PC stability.
My computer holds a horse, so yes
CMC for users with smartphones: run Memtest86. (One test pass is enough.) :P
ಠ_ಠ never itz propietary
@Fatalize No, that's pretty easy. The problem is I either need to iterate through every possible number up to (divisors sorted and joined together) or create permutations of the divisors.
Marky is my stability test. He can runs all cores at >90% for days on end, with well over 8GB of RAM used just for him. Nothing's exploded yet.
halp I still have 26 days of vacation to take before the end of the year, this is too many
@Geobits He tests the CPU.
He tests everything I actually need to test for. My computer runs fine, and I don't see a need to torture it for no reason except the lulz.
@TùxCräftîñg Then find an Ubuntu Server ISO, and boot from it and choose the Test memory option in the prompt.
@Fatalize How many of those 26 roll over to next year?
But you have to have a smartphone for the CMC tho, so...
wikipedia say it's proprieatary and it also say it's GPL licensed
total mindfuck
@Rainbolt 10 at most I think, but then I would have even more days to take next year ._.
@Fatalize Solution -- take off the entire month of November.
@TùxCräftîñg Say in the talk page: "The infobox says it's proprietary, but the text of the article says it's GPL licensed."
@TimmyD at this points I'm probably gonna take 3 weeks in December, so you're not too far off
@Fatalize take off thanksgiving week and christmas-new years
that's like 8 days or something
@Poke I mean, I don't know if you know that but... we don't give a damn about thanksgiving outside the US
Did not remember that you were outside the US
find some holidays and take those weeks off
that's what i do
I said I have 26 days remaining of paid vacation, so you could have easily guessed that I'm not :p
sick burn
Why is that? based on the number of days?
Though I had 88 days at one point ;)
I suppose I only get like ~15/year
but that should grow over time so we'll see
that's like... nothing
3 weeks is a lot of time
one week for christmas two in the summer
that's really not much
i will sometimes take a monday or friday off when we have a friday or monday off to get a nice 4 day weekend
other than that i don't really take days off
i also get like 5 sick days which is explicitly separated
sick days should be infinite
i mean if i'm really sick i can talk to my manager or whatever
and we'll figure it out
but if you start missing too many working days i can understand people getting upset
especially if you stop meeting your deadlines because of it
(no longer speaking directly about my job)
So when using c# is it better to check for nulls on your own when calling .toString() or would it be better practice (but maybe slower?) to use Convert.ToString()?
What does Convert.toString() give if you feed it a null?
@confusedandamused I think I need a little more context here but in general if it's something you can prevent yourself I'd prefer that over using exception handling
although for codegolf pick whatever is shorter
oh, that's reminds me. I recently found Objects.equals() in java
which does null checks on both objects
@Geobits An empty string where as .toString would return a NullReferenceException
quite convenient
@NathanMerrill Really, on the first object?
its a static method
@NathanMerrill java8?
not the generic one you find on all classes
Oh, there are two Object.equals()?
Objects.equals(a,b), not Object.equals(a), right?
@NathanMerrill there's another one?
my bad. Its Objects
@Geobits I would avoid having to know the answer to that question and just use myObj?.ToString() ?? string.Empty
Or making the reader of my code know the answer
@Rainbolt Personally, I usually check myself. I was curious if it would return a null string rather than empty, which would make using it to avoid null-checking silly.
I was just thinking:
Many governments in general are controlled by public pressure.
Public pressure is mostly controlled by the media.
I'd be thoroughly surprised if the media wasn't controlled (indirectly) by politicians.
@Poke I was just reading about dealing with strings and sometimes it's nice to have a better error message when working with writing XML or something rather than getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
You can set whatever message you want if you do the check yourself ;)
i gotta go. ta ta for now
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ I don't think the media is "controlled" as much as "filtered" by politicians. Media still needs to sell
Ohh, a few mins ago, in Space Trader, I was assigned a quest to deliver disease recover thingies to Japori.
spouts econ 101 free-market nonsense
My first quest in that game.
later @Poke
@NathanMerrill I see you aren't from the U.S. :p
However, 10 cargo bays have been suspended on the way to Japori.
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Neither are you if you think the politicians are very controlled by public pressure ;)
@Geobits Nah, it's the other way around
Read it closer
This part?
> Many governments in general are controlled by public pressure.
The politicians certainly aren't controlled by the governments
Without that one, the whole "triangle" thing you're going for doesn't make much sense imo.
It's not really a triangle
Oh, so you're saying politicians control government? I thought that was clear.
Since they effectively are the government.
@Geobits Not if they're U.S. politicians
Which politicians aren't (or were not, or trying to be) part of the government?
I thought that was the one thing that actually made you a politician.
Oh, I see what you're saying.
@NathanMerrill I think I'm going to revisit your Topping the Charts KOTH.
that said, politicians absolutely try to show a particular story in a particular way. That said, it backfires when the "presented version" is less interesting than the real one
Sure, you don't have to win to get your message across. Nor should you.
looks it up
oh! I remember that one
its based off a real-life game
Good spot @Dennis. Definately think the slice of pie could be golfed quite a bit (maybe even enough to put it on top...):
A: Bake a slice of Pi

Jonathan AllanJelly, 83 bytes surely still quite golfabale 7Ḷ⁶ẋ;€“\::\”“|:\”ṭṙ7 ⁾()ẋ6⁷⁾|\8ØPæp”|⁷8RUR€µ“⁾ḅ|Za"~ṅỵþȷ^ṇ⁷Ċ’Dṁ;€”|ż@¢Y⁷ø⁶ẋ7“\__\|” TryItOnline How? 7Ḷ⁶ẋ;€“\::\”“|:\”ṭṙ7 - Link 1, left side padding and filling 7Ḷ - lowered range of 7 ([0,1,2,3,4,5,6]) “\::\” - f...

Maybe can remove the rotation in link 1, prob can somehow remove a bunch of space insertions too
@PhiNotPi Just reminded me of that time-travel KOTH idea
I was wondering if I could try to implement it
Do you mind?
advertisement of KoTHComm
> Jelly, 83 bytes surely still quite golfabale
@PhiNotPi What is that Koth?
Q: Topping the Charts

Nathan MerrillTopping the Charts You are a record label company. Your goal is to get 4 of your signed bands in the top 4 positions in the charts. However, its recently been noted that bands currently in the charts influence who is going to be in the charts the next day. In this challenge, each player will ...

I have a strong feeling that there's some kind of mathematical strategy to Topping the Charts, but I can't figure out the best way to do it.
well, position 11 is powerful
basically, you always want to switch somebody such that you always get to move next
@PhiNotPi So... Do you mind?
@NathanMerrill I don't think the "How to count flags" post is relevant. the de facto standard is part of the "How to count 'interactive' answers" post.
well, it was open, so I thought we might as well include it
if it really is all a duplicate of interactive answers, then can we close it as such?
This is either bullshit or a quiet revolution (probably the former)
@NathanMerrill yeah I'll close it
A: Decode the chmod

Jonathan AllanJelly, 100 91 bytes Almost certainly golfable - 91 bytes, what?! -9 bytes with the kind help of @Lynn running string compressions for me ,“£ɱ~» Ñ ṖK,“ and”,Ṫ LĿK 7RBUT€Uị“ØJƓ“¥Ị£“¤/¡»Ç€“¡*g»ṭ O_48ịÇ“User: “Group: “Others: ”żY Test it at TryItOnline How? ,“£ɱ~» - Link 1: pair with the st...

I saw "hacker proof code" and I was triggered.
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ you mean this? meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/…
Was thinking of picking it up
(Will probably not be very Primer-like though)
You can make a time-travel challenge if you want to.
@NathanMerrill also the more recent reference for counting newlines is meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/6886/8478
"Hacker-Proof Code Confirmed"
(and I think "count it as \r\n if that's necessary" is quite important)
Hacker-Proof Code Confirmed
close again?
Computer scientists, man
They stupid
they think they can make hacker proof code
@NathanMerrill will do
you can totally make proofs about your code. They are just prone to the same problems with proofs in real life
aka, human error
looks good for now but this list definitely tells me we need newer, more comprehensive and more to-the-point posts for some of these
e.g. the way the flag counting rules are buried has been annoying me for a while
I'm making a list of reasons why it won't work
maybe the answer just needs an uplift?
If we can hack-proof code, we can bug-proof code!
Hacking is just unwanted behavior defined by arbitrary human criteria
Bugs are unwanted behavior.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC ....yes, of course.
@El'endiaStarman no more unit tests!
and a whloe ton of math!
this is why hack-proof code is under the same umbrella as proofs
Who wants that?
if you can write a proof without making a mistake, then you can write bug-free code
That's how formal verification was envisioned a couple decades ago. Bugs just weren't a big enough problem to go to the effort of formally verifying your code.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC: I think you need to read more about formal verification.
@El'endiaStarman if we use the langauge of math because it is precise and exact...
..programming languages are unambiguous
no translation needed!
So then HACMS should just be a really good linter.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC ....yeah, pretty much.
@El'endiaStarman so now apparently we have a perfect linter for hacking
(to logic errors)
nohacks main.js
uglifyjs main.js > build/main.min.js
this is why I hate PHP. The amount of standard "interpretedness" is really hard to do any verification about
this might be in my build script soon
$a = "someProp";
$b.$a = "this"
wooo, I got Ton Hospel!
I think that's the first time he's answered one of my challenges
Ton Hospel?
A Perl god
He wrote "The Perl of Great Price".
@NathanMerrill print it out and hang it on a wall
@El'endiaStarman After an embarrassing amount of googling I've come to the conclusion that this was a joke.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC gross, its perl
@MartinEnder It is sort of an obscure one.
I got it, but that said, the term is pretty common in my religion :)
@MartinEnder "And now you will be banned."
The starboard is like /r/programmerhumor, I come check it out just for entertainment
@AlexA. :O the long lost user Alex is here!
how long has it been since cops v robbers?
@AlexA. A gold rep
I think the most recent one was the "shorten my code" one
which I totally didn't think was going to work
but you all proved me wrong
I like proving wrong things.
lol, it appears we summoned you @TonHospel
@TonHospel: You should totally write a book on Perl and name it "The Perl of Great Price".
Just finished a 23h work day. Finally all business is done for this year.
@mınxomaτ You mean you have three months of vacation next?
@mınxomaτ I've been meaning to tell you, its crazy how much attention your alwsl has gotten
do you have any idea why?
(besides the fact that its a good idea)
Let's call it free time. I still have to answer to calls. But the company road show is finished and now investors are crunching the numbers.
@NathanMerrill 4chan, mostly
@NathanMerrill Hm. A few things just kinda went viral over the past few days.
Well, now I can focus on getting 0.6 out.
All in all I know that at least 265 people are/were running this unstable version. Judging from the ~50GB served over the past week from the alwsl CDN.
Also, that blog post amassed over 35k unique views. Which is 13GB of just HTML with no media served.
wait, which blog post?
@Sherlock9 Happy birthday!
It's probably already tomorrow over there, so i'm a little late
@JonathanAllan No need to do that, really :-P
@mınxomaτ you mentioned that scanning the internet makes ISPs mad. is there a story there?
Many. Maybe I'll make a post some time about that.
@LuisMendo huh?
Q: Is this string prime?

Oliver Ni A string is called a "prime string" if it can't be written as a concatenation of more than one of the same string. Your task is to write a program that, given a sequence of letters of length N (5 < N < 100), determines if it is prime or not. Examples Input: AAA Output: not prime Input: FD...

@JonathanAllan No need to golf down your answer below 67 bytes ;-)
@LuisMendo oh I see :D
@LuisMendo as I was making it I was sure it would be, and then it got all messy fitting in all the last bits
...probably cos I'm no golfing genius
It seems to me you are learning fast!
@NathanMerrill That totally HAD to get a regex answer. I didn't even TRY anything else :-)
@TonHospel so you are going to start learning Retina then?
Who knows. I usually look at the retina answers and wish perl had some of these features
e.g. /^(.+)+$/ with forced backtracking would be great for the recent partition a number question, except that perl has no sane way to extract how the () matched
@TonHospel I'm flattered :D
@MartinEnder Mainly for golfing to be sure. For actual work it seems a bit...esotoric :-)
That's true. Although I do occasionally use it for nontrivial string transformations outside of golfing.
Although I think if Retina ever reaches a state where I'm happy with its feature-set I'd like to make a more usable and readable sister language.
@MartinEnder this will never happen
Since there are very few perl opponents here I often look at other languages as a measure to gauge my solution, something like : I should get 20% below python, 10% below ruby and about equal on retina, except for the cases where retina totally blows me out of the water
@TonHospel do you perl for work?
@NathanMerrill Yes. Mostly around networking
@flawr A lord peg
Mmm, the decanting problem also has a nice pure regex solution of about 50 bytes in perl
Should be a good fit for Retina
Mm, no, it needs some extra logic. Bummer

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