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@Downgoat Oh yeah Java needs no headers
I could be C-fuzzy, but I thought you only needed a prototype if you used it before you declared it.
wait if I do this:
class Foo {}
with no public
what is it's permissions?
@Geobits That sounds right to me
It's package-local then
ah ok isee
@HWalters Wait no
@ASCII-only Why not?
@ASCII-only by hand he meant literally pen-and-paper
@HWalters protected is class/derived class only, no modifier is package only, not just derived classes
@Maltysen I know
But it's so much easier to learn Java via IDE
^ yeah
IDE basically codes for you
you just keep pressing ctrl+space until something relevent shows up :P
o_O no
please no
@Geobits ?
@Geobits it was joke
@Downgoat the fact that that works shows just how redundant java really is
@Downgoat What I actually do sometimes
@Downgoat I know but I've seen people work like this. It's frustrating beyond belief to watch.
@Geobits by work, you mean like people who actually have job in Java?
yes :/
@Geobits If the package was small enough that would probably actually be the easiest way
tbh I'd be happier if class was Python instead of Java
But at work I don't imagine it would be even remotely small
@Downgoat they don't worry about class modifiers much past public and private
@Downgoat You prefer bitey snake to soothing coffee? Eww.
@Downgoat Python is probably more appropriate for most CS subjects
@Geobits ;_; y u haet snek
(i dont like coffee :/)
@Downgoat Wait really? I thought you hated snek
@ASCII-only i disliek snek
@Downgoat I like snakes, and have had a couple as pets. I like coffee more though :P
Meh, they taught us with Pascal mostly
@ASCII-only snek is currently suffocating him and threatening into saying nice things
@Maltysen He's not using snek rn tough
i mean i see python being used for giant projects and python imo isn't a "big-project language" the way it's designed which has led to my dislike
it's not that bad though
@Downgoat you'll like type-hints then
i personally dislike them, but it could open up python being used for a bunch of new "big-projects"
that and it's module system is rather weird
@Maltysen woah
@Downgoat How
Define big project
Python is a scripting language. I see it used all the time where something like Java or C++ should be used
But Python has classes
@Downgoat *cries*
Things like ANTLR have Java ports though
@ASCII-only and awesome unittesting
big project is a project where you have lots of files modules, i.e. seperate components which need to work together
@Maltysen Yes, definitely
@ASCII-only hardly
classes in python are as much classes as ES5 functions
I mean self is an argument??? wat
@Downgoat it even has metaclasses which is more than java can say
@Downgoat How
o shit i just relized im going on python rant
@Downgoat That's like the only weird thing about Python classes
@Downgoat ES6 class is sugar over ES5 function
C++ does the same thing sorta
@ASCII-only actually not
Python classes actually have operator overloading
Yeah, this is an argument in C++
@Downgoat I don't much like python, but its classes are a far cry better than JS classes, which you've defended here :P
@Downgoat It mostly is
It's just hidden in syntactic sugar
I mean techinically you could do everything with ES6 with ES5 but ont rationally
@Downgoat Not rationally?
@Geobits I'm refering to ES6 classes. ES5 classes are too shitty for words
@Downgoat ES5 equivalent is more than readable enough to me
A: How to directly bind a member function to an std::function in Visual Studio 11?

juanchopanza I think according to the C++11 standard, this should be supported Not really, because a non-static member function has an implicit first parameter of type (cv-qualified) YourType*, so in this case it does not match void(int). Hence the need for std::bind: Register(std::bind(&Class::Function...

@ASCII-only ...
@Downgoat prototypes are cool
A.prototype = Object.create(B.prototype);
A.prototype.constructor = A;
like wat even
@Maltysen yes
I mean basic classes could be done in ES5 but for real OOP you're gonna need ugly AF hacks
@Downgoat snek on the other hand, even has multiple inheritance
which again, more than java
What's "real OOP"?
Java doesn't have multiple inheritance?
@Maltysen java has multiple inheritance
@Downgoat no
they purposely didn't put it in there
Well.... of interfaces it does.
@HWalters Having a single class in your code does not make it Object-Oriented. Same way having functions does not make your code functional
@Geobits Not really inheritance though
You're not inheriting anything
@Geobits called implementation IIRC
I agree it's not exactly the same, but at least it's done for a purpose, unlike JS's giant FU to it :P
@Downgoat Okay, but what's "real OOP"?
@Geobits lel
@HWalters Code that utilizes OO concepts. E.g. inheritance, implementation, etc.
@Downgoat How does JS not do that
@Geobits yeah, java is coherent and deliberate and well-designed, but I just get annoyed that they designed it to be extremely redundant and purposely restrictive and stupid because they don't trust the developers
So "real OOP" is dispatch subtype polymorphism?
@Maltysen IIRC the idea was "the good parts of C++, without unnecessary complexity/pitfalls". It's quite debateable how well they managed that.
(inheritance -> subtype, implementation -> assuming polymorphism)
@Geobits good part of C++ includes speed which they seem to have forgotten :P
@Downgoat Hahahahahahaha, says the JS user
@Downgoat Of course it's slower. It has a garbage collector
Wat, Java garbage collector must be borked, it didn't collect itself :P
@Downgoat Java is almost as fast
It was crazy slow in the early versions, and that reputation has carried on until today even. Java's not nearly as slow as it used to be.
@Downgoat :O You're bashing JS? I thought that was our job.
>_> accidentally did JavaScript instead of Java
> Wat, Javascript garbage collector must be borked, it didn't collect itself :P
@Geobits to be fair I'm porting Cheddar to C++ for a reason...
@Downgoat So you made up your mind, you're definitely doing that?
@Downgoat do snek and use RPython and pypy
Java's a bit overly OO
@DJMcMayhem well I'm trying
@Downgoat If you wanted to be masochistic about it, you should've chosen C.
How's the BF interpreter going?
@Downgoat Is it on c9
Halp Wanted: anyone who knows C++, can u pls halp make ches :3 i am going from Hello World to Programming Language so I might need some help
@ASCII-only what is?
I'm still trying to make parser engine
@Downgoat That's what I'm doing though ;_;
@smart peoples: why does reaching curie point of LC tank change resonant frequency? there aren't any permanent magnets involved
@Downgoat No why ;_;
@Downgoat you can't use someone else's?
@Downgoat I had some wonderful cheeses this weekend. Cheddar, Swiss, Havarte, and Gouda plate with crackers and wine. Yum.
@Maltysen yeah but learning Flex/bison seems hard
@Downgoat Use Bison/YACC
@Downgoat I already told you I'd help, but I know literally nothing about Cheddar, so I might be slow
@ASCII-only it's lex/yacc or flex/bison :P
@Downgoat but... even lojban has a bison grammar iirc
@Downgoat Yeah I mean use YACC or Bison
@ASCII-only wat XD
@Downgoat quartata was asking for it IIRC
@ASCII-only oh
So, if you heat up milk to about 80 to 85C, careful not to scald it, and add some acid such as a tiny bit of lemon juice, then separate the whey from the fluid, press, and drain it... optionally adding salt, you can make paneer
If you count yabneh as cheese, you can make that with yogurt and cheesecloth... drain for about 24 hours
@Downgoat pls wait for me I only need to spend a week trying to learn proper C++ (i.e. fixing all my out of scope/double deletion/free() etc issues)
@HWalters wait it's that easy to make cheddar package manager? :P
@ASCII-only k
i need to learn how to C++ too
@Downgoat Sorry I need to upload once I get home, 11pm your time or before if I get lucky
>_> oh. I'll probably be asleep by then
i should really by sleeping right now but clearly writing short code is more important than academic performance :P
@Downgoat we should just not include anything academic related on our college applications and just put all our PPCG posts
yes brillant
@ASCII-only "Proper-C++" makes those problems rare
brb getting accepted into all ivy league colledges
Make sure you golf the application while you're at it. Show them you're serious.
You use smart pointers and containers, and RAII, rather than trying to match your deletes to all of your news
Very nice, but I think you could use an URL shortener for a bonus.
@Geobits i used ppcg.lol
@Maltysen I think any potential employer would be scared off by code that looks like Krz7.wcmmsm/*@[email protected],<b2_.DdhKrR7.zU3*FKhK
I mean like a bit.ly or something so you don't need the /users...
@Geobits o
@DJMcMayhem was that a real example?
oh is that the star thing?
Yeah, I grabbed it from your link
Good solid, maintainable code is not well golfed
A: The Colors in Our Stars

MaltysenPyth - 46 bytes This was fun! I finally got to use Pyth's image I/O features. Does euclidean distance because of golfiness, though manhattan is just a short change. Krz7.wcmmsm/*@[email protected],<b2_.DdhKrR7.zU3*FKhK This just loops through all the pixels with the formula's though it condenses the...

I just sorted all your answers by votes and grabbed the most scary looking one.
@DJMcMayhem that was just really badly golfed
also that was an awesome challenge
@Maltysen :D
@HelkaHomba I appreciate the bringing of CMC's onto youtube. :D
Thanks, I got your YT comment :) Though of course they won't be proper golfing or even coding since only viewers from here would understand :P
In fact it's hard to not use the verb "golf" when I mean "make something simpler/smaller"
> Hello, this is Helka Homba, and welcome to another adventure! Today, we'll be doing minecrafty things, but first you need to write a program that takes a number as input, and generates this redstone ASCII-art of ....
I bet the average viewer would really appreciate that.
> I also use regular Python sometimes
> sometimes
@anyone how do i change a class member in C++ without getting a memory leak
"I started working out last month and golfed off 5 pounds already"
@ASCII-only You just do it.
@feersum So I don't have to delete?
Only if there was a corresponding new.
That you wrote.
So if it's implicitly created by the constructor I don't need to delete it?
No, that's not even on the heap, so you can't delete it.
help, when should i pass/not pass by reference
I noticed on the sort manual (linux) the -t option which I could use to specify a separator, but I can't seem to get it to work
echo "3 -1 9"|sort -t" " -n
I expected the output to be sorted, but it's the same. I thought maybe it's an output separator, but echo "3 -1 9"|tr ' ' \\n|sort -t " " -n does the same as sort -n.
Does anyone know how to use that -t option?
a="3 -1 9";sort -n<<<"${a// /$'\n'}"
Without -t, but hardly useful.
@mınxomaτ nice substitution. I would however like an example with -t.
Usually, for non-NL blanks like tab, sort in bash requires a dollar sign (e.g. sort -n -t$\t etc.). But that doesn't seem to work for spaces.
interesting, but that gives an error here. Maybe I have an old version of sort.
found the error, it actually works with sort -n -t\t
wait no, it runs, but the sort does nothing, it's wrong
@seshoumara You are aware that -t is the column delimiter, not the value delimiter, right?
not really, could you explain the diff?
It's used to select a column (k) to sort by.
aa, so for the -k option?
root:~# cat zipcode
root:~# sort -t'|' -k2 zipcode
now it makes sense, thank you
@seshoumara With regards to your numbers, you use use heredoc to enter the values:
sort -n<<EOF
One number each line, then EOF as the last value.
I know, but the question specified the input nrs are space separated.
that was why I got to -t, otherwise it would have been straightforward with sort -n
80/100 days for fanatic \o/
@anyone halp how to print box chars in C++ ;_;
12/100 days for fanatic \o/
Over on main I have 251/100 days for fanatic
@ASCII-only wchar?
or codepage-dependent chars
@Qwerp-Derp ?
In a bash script I have sth like sed 1\!p. Can I assume that the history substitution is off and just use sed 1!p?
No one answered my question
18 votes
And no answers
(except for my one)
@seshoumara History expansion is off by default in scripts.
Oh yeah @Dennis
We updated the logicode thing again
I'll update tomorrow. 4 AM here...
@Qwerp-Derp It's not exactly easy to get a good score, don't expect people to answer quickly
I got 2214138604871819402525 as my score
Because all I did was 1+1+1...+1
For everything
@Qwerp-Derp I've done it in 22010100, but it's nowhere near optimal
Um I found a bug in @Downgoat's Cheddar docs
only using / for 5 and then + - and !
and concatenation... 5=(11-1)/(1+1)
but at the moment 55 is not (111-1)/(1+1)
You can hardcode 10 values, remember
Ooh hey it's a new guy
at the moment 55=1+t(1+1+1)+(1+1)*t(1+1+1+1) (t=!)
Oh cool
which is a bit weak :p
So... should I make everything a prefix?
Or is this fine?
nah it's fine, I just use a function so I can eval to check it
TBH I'm surprised that I got this many upvotes so quickly
it's a good question :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SteeveDrozBalanced use of the alphabet Write a program that counts from 1 to 100 and back down and ends by the sentence "I finished counting": 1, 2, 3, ... 97, 98, 99, 100, 99, 98, 97, ... 3, 2, 1, I finished counting The output can be of any kind: array, comma separated, line separated, ... In order t...

only thing is I dont really think it should be code-golf, but challenge
Yeah it's not golf anymore
I proposed a 8 bytes shorter solution to someone in a comment, but he hasn't replied or edited. Could I remove the comment and post it as a separate answer?
@seshoumara Can I see your comment?
That is a toughie
It looks different enough
You could probably post a separate answer
I still used 3 commands, but all were different since I had sort -n
plus tr and diff sed script
@TùxCräftîñg halp they're not displaying correctly
@ASCII-only what OS?
What's not displaying correctly?
@JonathanAllan What language is your answer in?
@TùxCräftîñg Ubuntu, but the terminal normally displays fine
@ASCII-only screenshot?
@Qwerp-Derp Python
Could you give me your script?
um I need to fix some stuff I broke I think...
@JonathanAllan PyPy?
no std lib
Guys have a crack at the challenge
@TùxCräftîñg For some reason \u2514 is printing as DC4
it's probably a problem with your font
Oh my the upvotes keep rollin' in
Now I have over 800 rep!
updated straw
A: Print a 10 by 10 grid of asterisks

XiKuuKyPython, 34 bytes for i in range(0,10):print("*"*10) Explanation: for each iteratable object in a range with memebers 0..10 print character asterisk times 10. Ruby, 20 bytes 10.times{puts ?**10} 10 times put a line 10 asterisks SX, 19 bytes 和(0,10):我('*'*10) Actually: this compiles (tec...

whatcha think
@betseg The first two are way outgolfed, the third is badly golfed plus 21 bytes for me, plus they're supposed to be split
@Qwerp-Derp somone just posted a concat and sum only at 600,000 odd
that cant be right can it?
could be that they are summing the products for each of the 100?
That's what I'm asking
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayDecode the chmod code-golf parsing Challenge Given a three digit octal permissions number, output the permissions that it grants. chmod On UNIX OSes file permissions are changed using the chmod command. There are few different ways of using chmod, but the one we will focus on today is using ...

I'm awake now
Hmm that would make the largest number 111111111+111111111+111111111+111111111+111111111+111111111+111111111+111111111‌​+11111111+11111111+11111111+11111111+11111111+11111111+11111111+11111111+1111111+‌​1111111+1111111+1111111+1111111+1111111+1111111+1111111+1111111+111111+111111+111‌​111+111111+111111+111111+111111+11111+1111+1111+1111+1111+1111+111+111+111+111+11‌​1+11+11+11+11+11+1+1+1+1
295 1 and 51 +
so on it's own that's a score of 15045
I'd estimate their true score at 35-40 million
How do I test Emacs Lisp code?
I know people usually post rep achievements of thousands, but being new I'm so glad I got to 350+! Now I have access to review queues, which are empty atm :)
good privileges happen to be by reputation multiples of ~350: 350, 750, 1k
@Qwerp-Derp I uploaded the current state ~ 17 million score
What's at 750? Vote counts?
and nowhere near optimal
@BetaDecay Yeah
@JonathanAllan You can still edit it
But you have to change your time if you change your code
@Qwerp-Derp yep, I know... bit sleepy :)
@BetaDecay yes
@JonathanAllan Ah
yeah, of course.
we have got edit history too anyway :)
17 million? That's pretty good
How many 1's and how many operators?
4784 ones
3582 operators
does that multiply correctly?
@Qwerp-Derp i am trying to do your challenge but my generator run out of memory at 8 :/
Why did BlackCap delete?
1: 1
2: 1+1
3: 1+1+1
4: 1+1+1+1
5: fac(1+1+1)-1
6: fac(1+1+1)
7: fac(1+1+1)+1
8: fac(1+1+1)+1+1
are the only one generated for 1..10
What should 9 be?
i think i can optimize it by generating the tree on the fly
@JonathanAllan Your guess is as good as mine
IDK I was about to ask that
That was a perfectly good answer
@TùxCräftîñg 5=(11-1)/(1+1) - (probably) less score impact
although not quite sure, we want to minimise either ones or operators
Oh yeah guys
There's no golfing by the way
In your code
but on it's own it scores 5*3 rather than 4*4
yeah - you see I already golfed my factorial base finding function?
I ungolfed the others to remove bugs
@Qwerp-Derp "how" was addressed to me?
That was to TUx
@tux miy code is doing something like those equations, but I added one concat operation at the begining, so like 700 = 1111-(1+(1+1)+(1+1)*fact(1+1+1+1)+(1+1+1)*fact((11-1)/(1+1)))
^ and the last term is a 5 :p
1: 1+1
2: 1+1
3: 1+1
4: 1+1
5: 1+1
6: 1+1
7: 1+1
8: 1+1
9: 1+1
10: 1+1
i borked it....
Nah, that looks right
unborked yay
and the on-the-fly tree generation improved the performances
it just make the code uglier
Oh yeah, @JonathanAllan, Put the number of 1's and op's in your answer
1: 1+1
2: 1+1
3: 1+1
4: 1+1
5: 1+1
6: 1+1
7: 1+1
8: 1+1
9: 1+1
10: 1+1
what happened again ;_;
i give up for the challenge ;_;
that score should be 81638725
Which score?
my generator only generate a thing for 5
the lisp one
Q: Corrcey my Soellign

Beta DecayIntroduciton Some of you might have realised that I am a sloppy typer when using my phone. That's why I want you to write a program which corrects my typos. Chalkrnge Given a misspelled word, output all of the possible words which I meant to write. Typso The main cause of my typos is down to...

How to I get the two numbers into one list so I can add them?: jelly.tryitonline.net/…
(K just to show that the last action will only operate on the right hand of the two)
I trust Obama
@BetaDecay changes -> confirms
@flawr nope, official pronunciation is jif (inventor says so)

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