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@StewieGriffin Nope, normal browser
Q: Print multiplication tables by input

RizzeIn this challenge you've to print multiplication tables by input, Here are some examples: Input: 2 Output: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Input: 20 Output: 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Rules The code more short, wins. This challenge is a code-golf, It follows code-golf genera...

A: Print multiplication tables by input

TùxCräftîñgPython, 52 bytes lambda n:" ".join(map(str,[n*x for x in range(11)]))

Why -1 to my challenge?
Can I just post a function without a complete program?
@Rizze I didn't downvote but it is kinda boring/simple
@Rizze yes
@TùxCräftîñg but not a snippet
@Rizze I can't think of a suitable dupe, so that part's probably okay. I'm a bit confused about the spaces in the output though - they seem somewhat uneven?
You can use spaces how you want.
Can I use C without #include <stdio.h>
because most compilers include automatically this
I would like to use:
main(){int a;scanf("%d", &a);for(int i=0;i<=10;i++){printf("%d\n",i*a);}}
seem valid
@Rizze if it compiles (and runs correctly) in some existing compiler then it's valid
but you can golf it:
main(){int a,i=0;scanf("%d",&a);for(;i<11;i++){printf("%d\n",i*a);}}
@Rizze That works. A function might be shorter because scanf is quite long
is there a online compiler that doesn't need to #include <stdio.h>?
I should probably make a census of languages that TNB users speak. :3
@Rizze gcc and probably MSVC dont need to #include stdio
and there is no need for a online compiler
@zyabin101 We speak programmer
@zyabin101 french, 1337, english, and i will learn hebrew soon
English (of course)
I speak a smidgeon of Welsh and a fair bit of French
Is ok this code main(){int i,a;scanf("%d",&a);for(i=0;i<= 10;i++){i*a}} ?
@Rizze In that case it might be good to edit the challenge to say so, and would it be okay if you were a little more specific about what sorts of output formats are okay? I think you'll be getting all sorts like 2 4 6 8 ..., 2\n4\n6\n8..., [2, 4, 6, 8, ...] and so forth
main(){int i=0,a;scanf("%d",&a);for(;i<11;i++){i*a}}
^ more golfed
wait no
it's not ok
because i*a is never returned/printed/used/anything you want
@Sp3000 You can use every format you want
in The 2nd Monitor, 6 mins ago, by skiwi
Note to future self: Please close opened tabs
Hmm k...
@Rizze so 02468101214161820 is allowed?
yes, it is
Yess, Fourier loves that
so i dont even need to format the output of my python program yay
-lot of bytes
golfed to 33 bytes
@Rizze Printing characters such as spaces uses too many characters
So, you have to find another way.
@TùxCräftîñg Might as well go the whole way and do range(0,11*n,n)
(a la manatwork's comment)
i forget about the step argument of range
@Rizze Say I were to use the letter input/output, what would the output be for input Z?
base26 output
Ahh XD
My js code
You don't need the curly braces in JS
A: Print multiplication tables by input

TùxCräftîñgNeoscript, 16 bytes {n|0:[n]:(10*n)} Inspired by @manatwork answer

@BetaDecay Cool, thx
Woo, new badge.
5568 bytes -> 1882 bytes
best golfing ever
function f(a){for(i=0;i<11;i++)alert(i*a)}
is shorter
gitlab.com/betseg/rubik/blob/master/rubik-golf.c i added the golfed version too, will post this evening
y u gitlab?
is os
open source
ah gitlab is os
@TùxCräftîñg PowerShell is shorter yet :p -- param($a)1..10|%{$_*$a}
powershell is evil ;_;
@TùxCräftîñg github isnt
@TùxCräftîñg Yes, but still shorter.
haha neoscript ougolfed you {n|0:[n]:(10*n)}
A: Print multiplication tables by input

TùxCräftîñgNeoscript, 16 bytes {n|0:[n]:(10*n)} Inspired by @manatwork answer

I am visibly too late to answer.
Not gonna get 1000 rep someday.
@zyabin101 There is no "too late to answer" rule, as long as the answer is interesting
Someone already answered in Python before me ;_;
@zyabin101 I asked this before, but it's perfectly fine to answer with a longer solution in the same language even - I guess you only do so if the method warrants it though?
nd i answered in python 3
(I was asking since I had a different method of the same number of bytes)
@JonathanAllan as long as the answer is interesting, you can post any (even longer) solution.
@TùxCräftîñg so I should post the Python 2 version of 24 bytes??
@Fatalize but noone will see
...I think you should take it
FreeDOS is the SourceForge Project of the Month.
SourceForge is the site to be avoided of the decade.
I used to get MalwareBytes from there a few years ago
DRY flaw - Godel's incompleteness theorem. ^^
I used to use it quite a bit.
@Geobits SourceForge is the zyabin101 Best Site of the Millenium.
Have fun with that.
Zalgo use SourceForge as source control
Man, where are the ~25 byte Pyth / Jelly / CJam / ... solutions??:
Q: When is their birthday?

Jonathan AllanDonald Knuth was born in 1938, on the 20th day of Capricorn. The first day of Capricorn is the 22nd December. Donald Knuth was born on the 10th of January (1938). The challenge Write a program or function which takes three inputs about a person (any other specified order is fine): Their (ca...

I'd think it would be hard to parse 12 signs and deal with dates (including leaps) in 25 bytes. Maybe not impossible, but dates suck.
TIL that Powershell has ls as an alias for dir
That almost makes it usable
:O cool
Are we talking about Frost Brand?
@Martin Ender: ls as an alias for dir? OMG. — Mega Man Jul 23 at 18:54
@quartata It also has alias cat for Get-Content, cp for Copy-Item, diff for Compare-Object, echo for Write-Output ... etc. It's almost like they were trying to entice users of other shells.
powershell is cool
And, technically speaking, ls is an alias for Get-ChildItem, of which dir is also an alias.
Can anyone work out how to use this API:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenDo you write happy code? code-golfasciistring On multiple occasions I saw someone post an answer with code that contained happy/unhappy emoticons (can't find them anymore unfortunately..) Usually it's with MarioLANG, but I've also seen some other programming languages where people made comments...

A: How to detect if employees are using Tor?

DigiDanMy simple occum's razor method would be to look at the kb size of the .exe and simply 1.) Examine then delete a file of that size or 2.) Disable executables of that size... Is this a BYOD environment.. GP lockdown??

Why the disapproving face? What could possibly go wrong with that plan?
Q: Simulate a Rubik's cube

betsegA Rubik's cube has 6 colors: red, orange, yellow, white, blue, and green. Red and orange, yellow and white, and blue and green faces are on opposite sides. Net of a solved Rubik's cube looks like this: Y BRGO W And the tiles look like this: Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y B B B R R R G...

wow 9 updoots
almost 1k
i love this method
> My simple occum's razor method would be to look at the kb size of the .exe and simply 1.) Examine then delete a file of that size or 2.) Disable executables of that size... Is this a BYOD environment.. GP lockdown??
@betseg downvotes every one of your posts
but i dont undrstand it
doesn't get reverted for serial downvoting
you have 9 updoots and 3 favorites
sqrt(9) == 3
Quick, get a challenge idea...
a triangle have 3 sides
so betseg is a illuminati :O
should i post my solution ._.
yay i have 1001 rep now
@betseg Happy 1k!
@betseg Do it :D
brb downvoting so you get to 999
@TùxCräftîñg ._.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@zyabin101 i mean, to the question. its about 1.8kb
@betseg You are now forever in my debt ;)
Q: Stringsplode the String!

gowrathThe challenge is relatively simple, but will hopefully lead to some wonderfully creative answers. The task is to take a string as an input (via command line, function parameter etc.) and output/return a stringsploded version of it. A stringsploded version of a string is its first letter followed...

abc = aababc?
^ yes
ggtgtggtg gtg bgtg bagtg bai
crickets chirp
tumbleweed blows across
(( ( ͡( ͡°( ͡° ( ͡° ͜( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A crowd of Lenny
Or one in blur-motion
@betseg I want to post my usual comment but last time I was suspended :(
@Rainbolt wat iz
Can't tell ya. I'll get suspended.
You got suspended for that? I don't remember that. Huh
@Rainbolt Base 64 encode it and tell us
Maybe you could call it Horatio-face instead >_>
Oh, and also, thanks for ruining the :o emote for me. I can't not think of that when I see it now :P
My pleasure
Damnit, what do you see Geobits? What do you see?
i dun understand too
@BetaDecay I see trees of green, red roses too.
And I think to myself
What the hell are you talking about
and :o as well
I'm sure I cannot find a golfing lang to quickly answer in.
Yay, my pointless edit worked to harvest more rep: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/92431/hexagolf-rotatagons
@zyabin101 Then find a golfing lang to answer slowly in, or a non-golfing lang to answer quickly in, or a non-golfing lang to answer slowly in?
I get less rep in these cases.
He who seeketh naught but rep will obtain neither rep nor happiness.
@zyabin101 They are plenty of golfing langs to quickly answer in, it's just a matter of knowing them.
And a matter of speed.
Which comes from knowing them
@Geobits You just had to use that as your test run input, didn't you? :P
Well I couldn't not :P
Bytes out for Harembe
You can't be flashing your bits or your bytes in here.
im posting my answer and then going to bus stop to go to the movie theater to watch finding dory :p
@Sp3000 maybe you can see how to shuffle this about a bit, 27 seems excessive...
A: Greater than less than greater than something fishy

Jonathan AllanJelly, 27 bytes (as usual this is almost certainly golfable!) =”>U LR!×ÇĖP€S‘ L‘ḶŒ!ị@ÇðżF Test it at TryItOnline This uses the factorial base system to find an index of the permutations of [0,N] that will satisfy the equation. If we translate > to 1 and < to 0, reverse the string and multipl...

Martin's method should be most suited for Jelly for that one, I think
(not that I've tried)
riffle is zip?
I would expect the method in my perl program to be shortest for almost all programmming languages
Hmm I thought there was an atom, but in any case zip then flatten should be similar
A: Simulate a Rubik's cube

betsegC, 1716 bytes No answers so far, so I decided to put my own solution. #define m(a,b,c,d)t[c][d]=r[a][b]; #define n(a)m(a,1,a,3)m(a,2,a,6)m(a,3,a,9)m(a,4,a,2)m(a,6,a,8)m(a,7,a,1)m(a,8,a,4)m(a,9,a,7) #define y memcpy typedef char R[7][10];R t;F(R r){y(t,r,70);n(1)m(5,7,2,1)m(5,8,2,4)m(5,9,2,7)m...

(if you know the current position in the string only one counter is needed)
@betseg I plan to look at that at some point!
Marky, the one that hates me, has come.
@Geobits why is he there?
Dunno. He does what he wants.
Idea: finally do a follow up to my only successful challenge, Does the water ultimately reach the tank?
@HelkaHomba Remind me when HNQ dies down
@Sp3000 Probably. I had a different idea, but the port of Martin's seems to be shorter.
Darn edge cases and 0-based indexing. :/
@zyabin101 it's your only susccesull challenge because its your only challenge?
I had two failed challenges, too.
What do you mean by failed? Posted but deleted? Still in the sandbox?
Oh, cumulative reduce and reduce never seem to do what I expect. Surely a winner! Test casesJonathan Allan 29 mins ago
Little did he know:
A: Stringsplode the String!

Lynngs2, 1 byte x. Try it online!

Nice moment for gs2 :)
@zyabin101 In my experience follow-ups usually get diminishing returns, especially if you're just trying to force one out rather than asking a pertinent question you already had. Better to form a topic around an idea than vice versa.
Aha I can type in here now, hi everyone!
@Sp3000 Why then?
@Lynn Can you please add an explanation? :P
@Yodle But can you yodel in here?
@Yodle Welcome to a room of wonders!
@HelkaHomba 15498 internet points says I'd get too many upvotes due to language name
Okay, okay. I was really tempted to just leave it minimal, but… :D
I'm kidding.
@Lynn It really needs one, because glancing on the gs2 page I don't see how x can possibly do this
Thanks! @Geobits I probably wouldn't be good at it, I'm a terrible singer.
You should change it to [x](...) :P
what's the term for the underlined letter in menus?
@Sp3000 Embrace your virality Sp
@Yodle Hello!
A: Fluctuating ranges

Dennis05AB1E, 1 byte Ÿ Try it online! How it works It's a built-in.

@Yodle Everyone's a good singer if it's text-only ;)
Haha good point.
@HelkaHomba Nah, I'm good :P
@Yodle Your name sounds like "Yodel" so you must be a good singer!
It was supposed to be Yodel, but I didn't know how to spell it when I was younger, and I kinda just kept it this way since it's usually not taken as quickly as the actual word as a username.
@NathanMerrill Access key
yeah, found it, thanks!
@NathanMerrill Keyboard shortcut? Access keys?
Dangit, ninja'd by a second.
after like a minute too
that's quite a ninja
@Dennis Which Brainfuck interpreter does TIO use?
Oh I could check the repo, right
Err, no, I couldn't. Darn
Mini-challenge: Given N>=1, output a brick wall N bricks wide and N bricks (lines) tall. The bottom layer should have N full bricks.








That reminds me: I promised @Sp3000 to add some features "tomorrow", several weeks ago. Sorry.
shrugs take your time :P
@HelkaHomba Wasn't this a challenge...?
Time isn't the issue. Memory is...
@HelkaHomba while(n--)if(n%2){}else{} im too bored plz someone else do the rest of the code :p
Hah, well I forgot too :P
@HelkaHomba Full challenge idea: base on this mini-challenge to create a more customizable wall.
@HelkaHomba Should we also print the number of bottles of beer on the wall?
Such snarkiness all around >.>
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ It's deadly serious
> The challenge is relatively simple, but will hopefully lead to some wonderfully creative answers.
@Sp3000 There was codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/38548/… which i've always liked
I feel so ashamed. ;v;
@HelkaHomba PowerShell v2+, 63 bytes -- param($n)$n..1|%{(("[]"+"[__]"*($n-1)+"[]"),("[__]"*$n))[$_%2]}
@ConorO'Brien What if not every character is unique?
either way that's terrible
I'll just write it in assembly
Might be able to golf it some
Movie starts at 18:30 and im 3 kilometers far from the theater :/
@betseg Tree, two, one...
@BetaDecay @JonathanAllan All Jelly symbols should render just fine on TIO, which uses DejaVu Sans Mono. YMMV, but on my machine (openSUSE), I can type all of them with the US international/Mac keyboard layout.
@zyabin101 did u sandbox them?
@Dennis - I have not even looked into the keyboard layout thing. Windows here - can't get code page to work on cmd, or notepad++; also no idea how to get the interpreter to work, so all is through TIO and copy paste :(
@HelkaHomba Golfed 5 bytes -- param($n)$n..1|%{"[]"*($x=!($_%2))+"[__]"*($n-$x)+"[]"*$x}
'jelly' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file., even from the directory containing jelly
Try python3 jelly.
Windows can't even shebang
notepad++ does have the underlying bytecodes so I can paste and save; just not see all the chars
Brainfuck is frustrating
@quartata unfortunatly I don't get on with NIX, memory like a sieve.
@JonathanAllan Notepad++ should let you choose the font. DejaVu Sans Mono renders them perfectly.
For programming, it's fine! But for golfing, agh.
will try...
@Lynn Is that for the exploding challenge?
nope, looks the same, lots of boxes... e.g.
Nah, that would be easy. I was looking at the times table challenge
Ah, OK.
Specifically, I'm trying decimal I/O, which makes it non-trivial
Use Sesos.
@JonathanAllan That's weird. They render fine on TIO?
Hm, could you check something for me?
I mean, that'd save bytes/effort, but if I wanted to save bytes and effort I'd use Jelly :>
I'll try a new instance of notepad++ when I have less tabs...
I think Tips for golfing in Brainfuck would be a good place to put a definitive, short way to read an EOF-terminated number 0­–255 from standard input. But sadly, the thing with Brainfuck seems to be that it's inherently… extremely non-modular, and the shortest way to do anything depends on how you layout your tape!
@JonathanAllan Could you load TIO, do a hard refresh and see if they still render?
What constants you have lying around, and stuff
@Lynn I like programming in brainfuck, but decimal I/O... No thanks.
hard refresh?
Same. It's really painful
Imagine handling big (>255) numbers *shudder*
@JonathanAllan Ctrl + F5 in Chrome. Not sure about other browsers.
TWO ways to do stringsplode in 2 bytes, seems like we have redundancy in the code page :p
> If, just if, your code can't print number, you can use letters, Here is an example:
One's monadic and the other isn't, so not really a redundancy?
not sure how doing anything in my browser will affect notepad++??
@JonathanAllan It won't. But I'll know if I can safely use local fonts on TIO, and you'll know if your DejaVu font is incomplete.
@Lynn brain-flak uses decimal IO by default (for the same reason, I thought brainfuck was annoying)
@Dennis, well I restarted Firefox (after closing all TIO tabs) and everything still seems to display fine
restarted Notepad++ and still no joy
in DejaVu Sans Mono
and set to UTF-8
Do you have — oh.
@HelkaHomba Don't you mind if I base on your upside-down tent challenge to make a full challenge?
@JonathanAllan Hm, right-click outside a textarea, click Inspect and choose Fonts on the side. Does DejaVu Sans Mono say local or remote?
if I copy and paste into notepad++ it now displays all
Chat mega challenge: reverse all inputs in brain-flak
@Dennis remote
I say mega challenge cause I don't know if it's possible
@JonathanAllan Eh, system or remote. But anyway. FF should favor the local font if it supports the characters.
DejaVu Sans Mono remote http://jelly.tryitonline.net/DejaVuSansMono.woff2
that is from Firefox inspection
Look like your DejaVu Sans Mono is incomplete then.
Oh actually still does not display in notepad++
...funnily enough it displays a kind of apostrophe in the find dialog though
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillGenerate Access Keys This is thematically similar to Generate keyboard shortcuts for a menu, but its actually a pretty different challenge. Let's take PHPStorm's menu as an example: New Project New Open Directory Open Open URL New Project from Existing Files Save As Open Recent Close Project R...

yeah still a few non-displays in notepad++ actually
@zyabin101 I don't mind
@HelkaHomba Okai :3
I'll ping you with the challenge once it's sandboxed.
Does anyone else keep a list of challenge ideas they've had that they don't want to forget?
If I had ideas...
@Dennis downloaded and reinstalled the font, Firefox now using system and displaying fine
@DJMcMayhem I mean, I have one, but I'm not convinced it would be interesting to golf...
@JonathanAllan \o/
@DJMcMayhem No
Still no joy with Notepad++ though
@DJMcMayhem I keep mine in the sandbox
Why does everyone act like challenge ideas are difficult to come by? (awaits insensitivity claims...)
It is for us mortals. :P
@HelkaHomba not everybody can post 200 good challenges
You don't think the other 33 are good?!?
@trichoplax Some are meh. People will upvote anything :P
I barely managed to write 31 challenges, and one was a dupe...
For that matter, not everybody can post one good challenge.
I'm happy with fifth or sixth place.
not so nice from the chatroom as before
@DJMcMayhem There's also this list of challenge ideas people are donating to the community.
TIO looks fine though
yet inspection says system for both :/
But the chatroom doesn't use DejaVu Sans Mono, does it?
@Dennis No, it does not.
If I inspect an element with Jelly code in it says DejaVu Sans Mono system
It uses Verdana/Tahoma, I think.
It looked the same as TIO before I reinstalled the font
But the textarea doesn't use a monospaced font...
If I inspect a normal chat message it says Veranda system
Oh and python jelly works - I thought it was standalone since the wiki says "jelly f ..." etc
oh I see there is jelly and jelly.py, so both should work?
I've never used Python on Windows...
@JonathanAllan No, jelly is the executable, jelly.py is imported.
ok so I had tried renaming jelly to jelly.exe too
@trichoplax hey, that looks awesome. Thanks!
@MartinEnder maybe you made guesses about memory layout by looking at BFI source code? i think gdb can be used to get a definitive answer without guesswork, but i haven't used it before
> This water tastes terrible! n - a potion of empty bottle (10 aum).
Not quite right but definitely pretty good...
Oops, I just tried to quaff it
> What a funny potion! (298)
Obviously NH has a different definition of funny
@MitchSchwartz yeah, I've dumped the memory around the tapes a bit, and it's definitely nothing to do with the source code order. I guess there's just a magical [ at a convenient position in memory (probably from the literal or something).
Ahh, so I can't talk about NH in here but quartata does?
I'm playing Dice Heroes, and I'm starting to like it. :3

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