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(I also find it somewhat suspicious that 10 bytes would be my score if the interpreter used 0 for EOF instead of 255...)
CMC: Write a program which takes in an image and outputs a version of the image using only the colours #000000 and #FFFFFF
"a version of the image" unclear
I can return only zeroes, it's the very darkened version of the image
It's a CMC, it doesn't need to be clear ;)
Output as rgb triplets OK?
@Fatalize And, sure that'd probably be acceptable XD
@quartata Sure
Or do I need to write it as an actual image to a file
Nah, RGB triplets is fine
I can convert it later
Shit what happened to my local version of Pyth
@BetaDecay Mathematica, 8 bytes: Binarize
^ …
Wow haha
World of warcraft having a heart attack
@MartinEnder i'm only using (cheat) for a particular BFI exploit, but you are right that it wouldn't work in other implementations, e.g. bff
@MitchSchwartz so (cheat) is for when you move the tape head into the program memory, I suppose?
hm okay
why the picture of an owl-spider?
Why not
Observed in Fukushima
@flawr posts cool but freaky images.
And plane crashes
those are cool but freaky
Well it's not golfed, but I've got this:
I have compiled seeded UnNetHack on C9 :D
i tried wizard mode and it didnt ended well
@TùxCräftîñg If you use Wizard mode, use it carefully and wisely.
^^ carefully & wisely
> /NIxer.png
That's weird, I managed to earn both the Inquisitive and the Curious badges overnight... I didn't think I was that close to getting a positive question record (cc @DJMcMayhem)
Now, in my C9 workspace, I play a dwarven Valkyrie on seed 1.
Turn 71, I take tree items.
...what the
Turn 174, I finish exploring Dungeons of Doom:1.
@BetaDecay @flawr's evolution?
@El'endiaStarman Yep :D
@TùxCräftîñg Make it eight, as I found out the context and liked the joke.
NetHack poll: what is the quickest amount of turns you finished exploring the first dungeon level and went down?
(yup, other variants included)
idk, probably 200-300
(i am not very familiarwith hjkl, so sometime i go in a totally different direction than where i want to go)
ppl who are good at Vi : Plz consider improving wikibooks book.
Turn 655, I finish exploring Dungeons of Doom:2.
Next, there are two ways down: a staircase and a yellow staircase.
Which should I pick?
the blue one
There is no blue staircase.
There are: gray staircase, yellow staircase. Which should I pick?
@zyabin101 Random
I already decided.
I waste 19 turns going to the yellow staircase.
Red is where x ^ y > (x+y)/2, blue is the opposite, and there are a few black pixels where they're the same.
@zyabin101 Could make a cool country flag
Turn 674, I get there and next turn, I'll go down.
@El'endiaStarman pretty...
@El'endiaStarman What's that for?
Tweetable Mathematical Art?
@MitchSchwartz Can you explain why the <+] trick actually works? From staring at the code it would seem that the ] sends the interpreter into a loop until pc doesn't even point into the current stack frame any more and I have no idea how to tell what happens afterward that makes the tape head end up at the end of the program.
halp how to escape html in js
Use JQuery
@BetaDecay Looking for ways to extend rock-paper-scissors to the infinite plane in an interesting way.
@TùxCräftîñg You could literally google this and get a nice 8-line function for it.
@TùxCräftîñg vive la jQuery
var entityMap={"&":"&amp;","<":"&lt;",">":"&gt;",'"':'&quot;',"'":'&#39;',"/":'&#x2F;'};function escapeHtml(string){return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g,function(s){return entityMap[s]})}
beautiful weird
@El'endiaStarman Formulae
Too much blue, could have looked like Darth Maul
Red is x^y > x and x^y > y, blue is the opposite, and black is where x^y is in between x and y.
Guys help, my printer is flashing at me and I don't know what it wants
@BetaDecay Use JQuery
Does it want feeding? A nappy change? I have no idea
@BetaDecay jQuery.printer.solve(jQuery.printer.problems)
CMC: Convert El'endia's fractal formulae to a regex version
@trichoplax oh, thank you :)
I love the explanation :)
@BetaDecay more paper or cookies
either one
i'm leaning towards #2
@trichoplax I'm glad it made (at least partly) sense :D
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ paper
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ definitively cookies
I gave it cookies and now the printer's on fire
lp0 on fire
So I think it worked :D
@trichoplax Where?
why when divs are set to width: auto; they take all the screen as width
Turn 675, I got to Gnomish Mines:3.
@TùxCräftîñg is ir absolute or fixed?
Turn 735, I ate an uncursed food ration. ...
Red is (x ^ (y/2)) > ((x/2) ^ y), blue is the opposite, and black is otherwise.
Mmm, that food really hit the spot! ( *<== } @
I like how this one reminds me of the old warp-effect Windows screensaver: link
Woah, this is really cool: link
ff is blocking jquery
> Blocage du chargement du contenu mixte actif (mixed active content) « code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.0.min.js »
@El'endiaStarman (.).*(.)\2.*\1 is neat too
@MartinEnder Oooh, yeah.
Turn 868, welcome to experience level. Two.
Oooh, thanks! :3
@TùxCräftîñg You should use JQuery to unblock JQuery
@Fatalize He can't use jQuery.
crickets noise
@BetaDecay cool! did you try printing now?
does it print the message "moar cookie"?
Red is (x/2)^y + x^(y/2) > x+y, blue is the opposite, and black is otherwise.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ The printer's on fire, it seems that made even more problems.
I tried but the paper just burned
okay then
that seems to be fully functional!
@BetaDecay That seems to be broken.
@BetaDecay try jQuery.extinguish(jQuery.paper.last)
it should extinguish the paper
Turn 895, not a milestone but I'm burdened. The large kobold corpse was the crux of the problem.
@TùxCräftîñg Nope, that just made the toaster stab me in the eye
Large corpses are large.
@BetaDecay so jQuery.safe(true).extinguish(jQuery.paper.last)
@zyabin101 why r u carrying a corpse?
I am carrying corpses for Tyr, the lawful Valkyrie's god.
oh true
you can offer corpses
Whenever I find a co-aligned altar I #annotate the level, so it can be found later.
Now, whenever I find corpses, I ask UnNetHack for an #overview, get to the destination level, and offer the corpses.
u play UnNetHack?
I play seeded UnNetHack compiled from source in a Cloud9 workspace.
Turn 931, yieee fell in a pit. Took a small amount of turns to get thru.
Turn 1044, lost my magic energy to a trap.
Turn 1070, welcome to experience level. Tree.
tree? u mean three
2 days ago, by zyabin101
@ASCII-only Yes, I'm following the NATO phonetic alphabet for naming digits.
@TùxCräftîñg ^
The NATO phonetic alphabet name of the number 3 is TREE.
@El'endiaStarman Formula?
Red is for?
@El'endiaStarman This one
@zyabin101 Red is for ((x^(y/2)) ^ ((x/2)^y)/2) > (x^(y/2), blue is where they're equal, and black is otherwise. A little different just to make it look Darth-Mauly and appease Fatalize. :P
Turn 1182, I was alignment penalised for using a poisoned weapon.
I think.
Q: 4-way intersection generator

DJMcMayhemHere is an ASCII-art of a 4-way intersection: | | | | | | | | | | | | | -----+-----+----- | | - - -| |- - - | | -----+-----+----- | | | | | | | | | | | | | (Note how the horizontal roa...

Hahaha, my new challenge I accidentally tagged it with codegolf.stackexchange.com/posts/92391/revisions
Yup. Alignment penalised.
Pro tip: Never use a poisoned weapon as a Valkyrie.
Only neutrals/chaotics can use a poisoned weapon without penalty
It's only -1 though
@El'endiaStarman Consider me appeased
Anyone wanna make something interesting?
Turn 1288, I have become blind.
@BetaDecay Did you make this just now?
@El'endiaStarman Yep
@zyabin101 how?
Turn 1295, I have become seeing.
@TùxCräftîñg A trap.
At the same time, welcome to experience level. Fower.
@BetaDecay I'm not entirely sure this is going to be as rich in outputs as the other one, since X and Y don't interact here. you'll just always get an intersection of two sets of orthogonal bars.
@zyabin101 What dungeon level are you?
@MartinEnder Yeah, I've just noticed that...
UnNetHack, Gnomish Mines:3.
You're gaining XP too fast
Let your pet take care of most enemies
I lost my pet. o_o
it's generally good to level up
XP level determines monster generation
Also, I'm exploring the level as far as I can, for a while.
So uh I think I made a boo-boo
Is there a way to specify the bash exit and not a user-defined function "exit"?
Turn 1309, I finish exploring Gnomish Mines:3.
@Syxer Just use CTRL-D
@quartata In a script, tho
builtin exit
@quartata yay thanks
Now, I can quit that branch and go to Dungeons of Doom:3, or I can continue that branch.
yay i found a backup
274 total lines
What should I do?
@betseg What is your windowing system? :3
@zyabin101 wut
You use Arch, right?
i said 500 lines previously thats why i wrote that
@zyabin101 ye
Arch is a linux distro, right?
@zyabin101 ye
Linux distros use X, right?
@zyabin101 not every distro
or wayland
So, X needs a windowing system.
@betseg What is your windowing system? :3
@MitchSchwartz While I'm still trying to crack your Brainfuck reverser, how about a Hexagony challenge? ;)
@zyabin101 thats generally called window manager but wateva
Okai :3
if i start nethack friday 13th i lose a luck point?
@TùxCräftîñg Aye.
10 mins ago, by zyabin101
Turn 1309, I finish exploring Gnomish Mines:3.
As I didn't get an answer, I'll do it myself.
@zyabin101 X is the windowing system
I'll ask Chance.js: "Should I continue that branch?"
@quartata Oh.
> chance.d100()
new Chance(7569714188386304) said true.
>>> new Chance(1309).integer()
>>> new Chance(-4062971214954496 - 3).integer()
>>> new Chance(7569714188386304).bool()
First call, I seed Chance with the turn No. and generate a random integer.
> Some jerk on NAO died right on the up stairs with three pet arch-liches and a master mind flayer, and left me a bones file. It had been a fantastically lucky run right up to that point, too. -- 10:08, 16 February 2014 (UTC)
Second call, I take the result of the first call and subtract (for branches that are not DoD or Gehennom, for DoD and Gehennom, add) the dungeon level No. and seed Chance with it and generate a random integer.
Third call, I take the result of the second call and generate a boolean.
All, we get an answer.
This time, I continue the branch.
I cannot go to Dungeons of Doom now. :(
You can go back up you know
why the default rc always activate autopickup and numpad
@quartata Yup, but the choices of a branch now exclude the Dungeons of Doom.
a fountain show up as
so my codepage is borked
No, you just have ibm graphics on
@quartata ik
Turn 1412, welcome to experience level. Five.
Don't use the Minetown fountain for dipping for excalibur
i just executed chcp 437 to get correct rendering
Guys, there is a nethack room, you know... chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/44570/nethack
halp how can i decrement every digit in a file
fun fact: if you attempt to change the default code page on a "Single Language" version of windows 10, you'll need to reinstall. no recovery options will help you
unnethack dont show the turn count
@quartata Ikr.
/me facepalms
Finally found a configuration that I really like. Red is (x^y/2) - (x^x/2) > (y^x/2) - (y^y/2).
@El'endiaStarman What's this for?
@quartata Trying to extend RPS to the infinite plane in interesting ways.
Welp I'm dumb
I'm not in Minetown yet, and I'm not gonna dip for Excalibur until level seven.
I just altered /etc/ssh/sshd_config in a way that makes it exit as soon as you log in by accident
@El'endiaStarman Interesting...
@zyabin101 Any particular reason on the latter part?
quitting level 1 at exactly 370 turns
halp how can i decrement every digit in a file
@betseg Every digit?
> ...some players prefer waiting until they're level 7, when Valkyries gain intrinsic speed and can run away from hazards such as water demons more easily.
@Syxer ye, there are only single digit numbers
The odds of running into a water demon while dipping are tiny
I wouldn't bother
@betseg What happens when that digit is zero? :P
@Syxer there isnt any zeroes
@betseg So... load the file, replace 9 with 8, 8 with 7, etc. and then overwrite.
You'll likely want to do it in the opposite order though
Because you'll end up with a bunch of zeroes if you don't.
what can be the utility of a spell book after been read?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

agtoeverJPEG recompress iterations image-processingcode-golf I was inspired by this question on the Photography SE site. It appears that opening and saving a JPEG file can change the quality of the image. The objective of this codegolf is to count how many iterations it takes the JPEG compression algor...

@TùxCräftîñg You don't have to memorize each one.
@TùxCräftîñg You can forget spells
How do I drop a set amount of coins?
I want to leave a credit of 50 zm.
d<n>$ IIRC
16 mins ago, by Steven H.
Guys, there is a nethack room, you know... http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/44570/nethack
Hey, I might have missed stuff, as I've played the game, and so everything seems "intuitive" to me. Can somebody who has not played Slay ensure that the spec is clear:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillSlay This KoTH is based off of the computer game, Slay. Try it out, its way fun. TLDR You start off with a bunch of small territories: you try to merge them and capture as much land as possible. Each territory has its own economy: each hex gives you 1 gold per turn. Warriors can capture an...

Seems pretty clear except for territory death

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