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@TùxCräftîñg Yep. But now I use sublime text
i should really set up XCompose
Which distro?
elie@elie-N250P ~ % ruby --version
ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]
@HelkaHomba i was sad thinking u stopped ;_; <tears of joy>
halp how to change brightness in i3
@Optimizer No, just got lazy. Thanks for all the support, it really is motivational :D
@TheBitByte I'm voting for Jon Skeet
@BetaDecay Last I checked, Jon Skeet isn't running for president.
halp the touchpad is crazy
@TùxCräftîñg Windows?
I hate Linux.
I mean, GNU/Linux. Err, Linux/GNU.
Nope, that's Linux.
Nah, only GNU!
You Linux people keep arguing over this while I do real work.
linux is the kernel, gnu/linux is the kernel + some a lot of utilities
I don't have to worry about this argument, that's the advantage of Windows.
Also, while you keep looking what the license is each time, I'm halfway through finishing the work.
disadvantages of windows: closed source, 2 many virus, no configurable wm, etc...
Aug 10 at 22:22, by flawr
Please include the title of the poll when posting a link.
@flawr That's a guideline, not a rule.
@TheBitByte I never said it is a rule, but it is annoying if you do not do it.
@TùxCräftîñg Disadvantages of Linux: Low desktop market share, creates catch-22, few or no AAA games, etc, etc.
@TùxCräftîñg Both Windows and Linux.
Also, if you post bare strawpoll links they may be mistaken for spam and accidentally deleted... :P
halp how to get the cpuid (L1NUX)
@TùxCräftîñg sudo dmidecode -t 4 | grep ID
May not be accurate, though, I heard.
A company ran a Hexplode KotH this year (now closed, but interesting variation on the game and interview with the winner)
@TùxCräftîñg If that doesn't work, try $ dpkg -p cpuid, but I can't vouch for it.
@trichoplax maybe worth adding to the chatiquette?
@flawr It's not a rule.
It's just a guideline.
@trichoplax Neat, that would've been great to take part in
@TheBitByte I'd love to see "It's not a rule" mentioned in the chatiquette too...
@TheBitByte Chatiquette is a guideline too
I want to clash bots in Hexplode :3
@TheBitByte I'm not talking to you.
So did anyone watch the new season of Robot Wars?
@flawr I don't know how much the PPCG mods want to include in the chatiquette (it can never be exhaustive) but that's worth mentioning to see what they think
@flawr Wow, rude.
Corner Hugger vs Corner Hugger, board size 4. Corner Hugger (player 1) wins, with a score of 67.
@TheBitByte interrupting a conversation is rude too
@BetaDecay I did - like a physical KotH :)
Why is it that people are arguing whenever I turn up here?
@TheBitByte As is spamming strawpoll liks.
@flawr One ping isn't a "conversation"
oh for goodness' sake stop arguing
I'd say bickering rather than arguing. It's not getting dangerous yet...
@TùxCräftîñg Okay no spaming those links or @flawr will get mad at you apparently.
@trichoplax yet :)
@TheBitByte He is respectfully putting a title in there.
@trichoplax Haha yeah. I think I might study robotics just to take part in the future
@flawr Yeah, I put titles too and you got mad bro.
@TheBitByte @flawr please play nicely
@TheBitByte Oh did you?
@flawr I don't have time to argue. You're better than this.
the tension rises
@TheBitByte I have plenty of time.
The lights go out
@flawr This is why people talk about you when you're not around.
Flawr and TheBitByte are lying dead on the floor
Who murdered them?
sheaths katana
They are just sleeping. They'll be back when they calm down
@TheBitByte of course, I'm constantly working on my reputation
I'm even considering quitting the game I'm playing right now just for this!
@trichoplax So who is actually in charge of the chatbaguette?
The mods are.
@ArtOfCode Thanks!
"This project is entirely unaffiliated with Stack Exchange, Inc", so I can ignore it haha
Alex A.'s surname is Arslan? Well that's ruined the mystery :(
@TheBitByte Best of luck with that ;)
@trichoplax Joel agrees.
@BetaDecay Welcome to the knowing.
@TheBitByte Maybe you can ask him for your chat privileges back :P
@TheBitByte doing that would mean a mod can't suspend you as long as you don't violate SE policies, but ignoring room-specific guidelines does give room owners a reason to kick you.
@trichoplax He's busy. :D
@Optimizer In the next episode(s) would you like to see more End exploration or something else?
i started nethack and i died 2 minutes later lol
@HelkaHomba more exploration
i dont know minecraft, so what else is uncharted territory ?
@Optimizer The farlands.
lands far away ?
or something more specific ?
its pocket and 10 edition only
dont think helka can see it
@Optimizer Alrighty. There were a couple End cities that I didn't explore where I could get items, but there's nothing else in the end that will look drastically different.
i popped in a room with 2 closed doors
@TùxCräftîñg Minecraft?
@HelkaHomba i mean in gen in minecraft, not necessarily in the End
and idk how to get out
@TheBitByte NetHack
@TùxCräftîñg sudo
someone know about nethack?
@Sherlock9 Again thanks for the recommendations, I started reading the sandman series and really like it so far!
@TheBitByte I could but without teleporting it could literally take years
@HelkaHomba Install a mod.
i found
i just kicked the door
No. If I wanted to cheat for it I could just go into creative mode
the 2 doors lead to dead ends
@TùxCräftîñg Doorknob, Easterly Irk and Lynn.
Oh, and quartata, who is developing their own variant, qNetHack.
nobody here so :/
2 doors leading to dead ends
Have you tried searching?
Press s to search for hidden doors/passages.
do nothing
Also, reading the Guidebook and in-game help (both included) helps
What's around the doors?
nothing around the doors
Have you tried using a numeric prefix to s?
Type 20s, prepending n if the number_pad option is on.
> You hear some noise
with a room
Any of the two doors not leading to dead ends now?
@ArtOfCode Good question. -_-
At least there's been one frequent factor recently, so there's that.
a rock killed my dog
@TùxCräftîñg Aww...
> "They say that a bag of holding can't hold everything."
Throw a tripe ration to a dog to try to tame it.
Or a cat.
nethackwiki.com/wiki/Pet#New_pets, second item in the list.
One thing: find the dog/cat and a tripe ration.
NetHack selfie: the Valkyrie, which I almost always play, makes some progress and reaches DL 2 in 257 turns.
@flawr Excellent. Glad you like it :D
Hm. I should get back into NetHack some time soon. Maybe tomorrow
Q: Products of Consecutive Primes

NeilAs of time of submission to the sandbox, I had 17017 reputation, which you will all be able to factorise as 7×11×13×17, a product of 4 consecutive primes. Please write a function or program to output all the products of two or more consecutive primes up to an input integer n. For example, given ...

@ArtOfCode I always assumed it's because when you show up it's usually because of flags
@El'endiaStarman So have you decided to start hornussen now?
I guess you're just unlucky
@quartata only half the time :)
@TùxCräftîñg We call those traps "puppy pounders"
To mathy people: Given a length N string of < and > can you always insert the numbers 1...N+1 in between the signs such that all the inequalities are valid? e.g. <>><> can become 1<6>5>3<4>2 because 1<6, 6>5, 5>3, 3<4, and 4>2
I feel the answer is "yes" but I'm not sure how to argue it
@xnor ^^
< and > can be in any ratio ?
@HelkaHomba Yes. After a <, insert a number one greater than previous max. After a >, a number one less than previous min.
Adjust so that the min is 1.
@flawr Haha, no. :P
@Optimizer Yes. It could be >>>> where 5>4>3>2>1 works
then y not ?
how to open a chest?
every number has to be either bigger or smaller than the next randomly chosen number
@TùxCräftîñg tear off your shirt, take a knife, cut it
in nethack
@TùxCräftîñg #loot
Are you on NAO?
i am on a local installation
@feersum Neat. Thanks :)
@quartata have you seen this?
pretty small, but cool
@El'endiaStarman How about schwingen or rock throwing?
@Optimizer It's not apparent to me that 1...N+1 will always work :I
@El'endiaStarman I gathered the relevant posts into a room in case people want to keep the discussion going:

 Towards a Hexplode inspired KotH

A place to talk about how to implement this and what variation...
4>2<6 is correct sub-sequence, right ?
@Optimizer No. For only two signs you need to fit 1 2 3 in
so yeah, if that is a correct sub-sequence, then it will always be true
> You die from your illness.
@TùxCräftîñg better than dying from someone else's illness
> You see here a scroll labeled XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXA.
10/10 best naem
@TùxCräftîñg Aww... How did you poison your in-game self?
eating a jackal corpse
(this was the only food i had ;_;)
@trichoplax Good idea.
@TùxCräftîñg Who you were?
a samurai
People who have mentioned Hexplode in the last 24 hours, this is just to let you know we have a room if you're interested in discussing the possibility of a KotH... @Sherlock9 @BetaDecay @TùxCräftîñg @betseg @DJMcMayhem @ASCII-only @ConorO'Brien
i died with exactly 365 moves
People who have mentioned Hexplode: what is Hexplode?
@TùxCräftîñg Don't eat corpses that are older than 60 turns
You really should play on NAO
@trichoplax Ooh alright
@Fatalize Just wanted to ask the same.
@quartata why?
@TùxCräftîñg So I can watch
yay i just fell in a trap
also if you ascend on a server people will know you didn't cheat
Q: Two Symbol Math

Socratic PhoenixIntroduction The four basic math operators (+, -, *, /) can be reduced to just two, due to the fact that: x + y = x - (-y) x * y = x / (1/y) Challenge The challenge is to take input as a "string" containing: Numbers Single character variables ("x", "y") The four basic math operators (+, -,...

@DJMcMayhem I don't get it.
What is the goal, how does the game work?
So, you take turns placing tokens on tiles.
Once the number of tiles equals the number of neighbors, that tile "hexplodes"
(Places one token on every neighbor)
Of all neighbours?
how do i restarrt a game in nethack?
No, all neighbors adjacent to said tile
@TùxCräftîñg Suicide
@flawr The goal is to eliminate the opponent's tokens. You take turns placing tokens on hexes, and when the number of tokens on a hex equals how many neighbors it has, it "explodes" and distributes one token to each neighbor, which may then explode in turn. All opponent hexes included in an exploding chain reaction are converted to your tokens.
@DJMcMayhem how?
Pray several times in a row?
People who have mentioned Nethack: what is Nethack?
@TùxCräftîñg #quit
^^^^^^ He said it better than I can
@El'endiaStarman But after placing two tokens I have two neighbours with the same amount of tokens, but nothing happens?
I really don't find the concept appealing
@betseg A ridiculously confusing and in-depth rogue-like ascii game.
Basically, vim meets D&D
in Nethack, Aug 28 at 1:02, by DJMcMayhem
It's like D&D meets vim
@flawr No no, when the number of tokens on a hex equals the number of neighbors to that hex, that's when it explodes.
@quartata thx
@El'endiaStarman Ah, so it doesn't matter how many of the neighbours are occupied?
Yes, it does not matter
i am starting to play on NAO: tuxcrafting
oh yeesh your terminal size
move commands dont work
Oh, NAO defaults to numpad.
exit out and modiy your nethackrc
it's on the main menu
on the main menu i dont see any command to modify the rc
It's under the Play nethack menu
Look for number_pad and change it to 0
vim say me pattern not found for /number_pad o_o
Then add OPTIONS=number_pad:0 to the top
@TùxCräftîñg Yeah, you have to add it
i started playing
@TùxCräftîñg NH 3.6 has o by default
So you can just move into the door
@TùxCräftîñg Uh, why did you go down without your pet?
idk how to go with the pet
Also I wouldn't be in too much of a rush to go down a level...
@TùxCräftîñg It'll follow you if it's adjacent
Pet is crucial at early levels. It should be doing most of the combat for you
Slow drip = sink
@TùxCräftîñg Which one of these things does not belong ;)
Although it might be fruit juice, not sure.
Anyways see if you can get the pet to steal a few things
huh my pet eat a thing
@TùxCräftîñg Yeah. They do that :P
I was about to say "see if you can get it to steal that fruit juice it might be blessed" until I remembered this isn't qNetHack
I've been doing a little too much coding today...
Splashing of a naiad = fountain
@TùxCräftîñg Closet
Let your kitten kill these things.
In general you should let your pet handle as much as possible because you don't want to level up too fast
@TùxCräftîñg ;_; y u do dis pengiun man
@TùxCräftîñg OK, these are the mines. You can go through them if you want or go to the other staircase for the regular dungeon branch
@TùxCräftîñg elbereth
Too late. Don't go so fast in the future :P
Do you know how to elbereth?
I'll take that as a no.
When you engrave the word "Elbereth" on a tile you exercise wisdom and most intelligent monsters that can see will avoid it
This conversation is confusing. Can you see TùxCräftîñg's screen or am I really bad at following the thread?
Elbereth + your pet will be your best friends
@trichoplax I'm watching on NAO. I should probably move this to another room
Ah - I don't feel so bad about my thread following abilities now :)
Yeah, I know. I made that room.
i restarted a game
my pet died
this term theme looks freakin' awesome
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC woah cool
for the colors in the screenshot
whyyy does hyperterm have to open ~/.hyperterm.js in the browser?
lots of setup. like a dragon ball z episode.
1. get the theme
> Ulch - that meat was tainted! You feel deathly sick. Your movements are now unencumbered.
at least there is a good new...
I don't play nethack. Anyone else like me?
so you should
How to use zsh w/ hyperterm?
Google shows nothing
yay i'm 0x10 now
how do I use zsh w/ hyperterm!?
i died again
nethack is hard
takes about a year to win generally
like to become good enough to win
@quartata wow, nice!
Question on puzzling, in non-puzzle form is: What is the set of ten integers such that the maximum element is minimal while all 120 3-subset sums are unique? I found a page on OEIS with a sequence that works (and it seems like it may be the solution) but it makes no sense as to why. It is a cross-ref from a sequence which does make some sense. Anyone have any idea what base 10 concatenation of primes could have to do with it?!
Q: Build a sandpile

Eric TresslerAn abelian sandpile, for our purposes, is an infinite grid with integer coordinates, initially empty of sand. After each second, a grain of sand is placed at (0,0). Whenever a grid cell has 4 or more grains of sand, it spills one grain of sand to each of its four neighbors simultaneously. The nei...

@flawr that name is the best one I've heard xD
@ConorO'Brien =)
Anyone here using twitter?
No, that's for twits.
me neither
Cause I want to delete a tweet, but I'm not sure what happens to the answers to that tweet.
google fu?
^ scrap that question, I made a mistake when checking that sequence does not fit (105+5+1=68+40+3)

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