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@Sherlock9 Of course :P
@Sherlock9 if the input is 0, prints a 0, if the input is 1, prints 1s forever.
It would be a minor change if the truth machine outputs the input value once if it is falsey and infinitely if it is truthy
@MartinEnder Crap, I can't output 1's infinitely in Logicode.
def chain_add(seq, final_length):
 for i in range(final_length-len(seq)):seq+=chr(48+(ord(seq[i])+ord(seq[i+1]))%32%10)
 return seq
Does it still count if the code runs infinitely?
This is from my VIC cipher encoder
In fact, many of the solutions to our truth machine challenge would work with any truthy/falsey value as input
In the for loop, I add to seq, and eventually look behind at what I've added if len(original_seq) >= final_length. I can't do lookbehinds in list comprehensions. I think I could mess with reduce() to do this, but I'm not sure how
What do you guys think of my lang?
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei ???
@Sherlock9 reduce(lambda seq,i: seq+chr(48+(ord(seq[i])+ord(seq[i+1]))%32%10), range(final_length-len(seq)), seq) should work, but I haven't tested it.
@DerpfacePython look cool
@TùxCräftîñg What do you think of my crappy interpreter?
@DerpfacePython | for OR instead of ? would be much more intuitive
And ? for random bit?
* works fine for random bit
I was thinking of using ?
dc uses ? for input :)
I personally would use ? and : for ternaries (shorthand for the conditions)
@Mego But this isn't one of those langs...
And besides, I have conditions already
You have conditions, but cond?true_branch:false_branch is intuitive thanks to the many other languages that use that syntax
I'm going to make your interpreter massively better in a PR :)
Q: Emulate an Intel 8086 CPU

copyNote: A couple of answers have arrived. Consider upvoting newer answers too. Java from NeatMonster Javascript from crempp C from Mike C C++ from Darius Goad Postscript from luser droog C++ from JoeFish Javascript from entirelysubjective C from RichTX C++ from Dave C Haskell from J B Python fr...

A: Emulate an Intel 8086 CPU

J BHaskell, 256 234 lines I've had this work-in-progress one for some time, I intended to polish it a bit more before publishing, but now the fun's officially started, there's not much point in keeping it hidden anymore. I noticed while extracting it that it's exactly 256 lines long, so I suppose ...

@DerpfacePython I have the same problem in Stack Cats
haskell is cool
I want to add a feature "+"
Where circuits can output multiple bits
But I need help
Can anyone do it for me?
This is the closest thing Stack Cats has to a truth machine, which outputs 0 for 0 and enters an infinite loop for 1, but you can't have both an infinite loop and output in Stack Cats: stackcats.tryitonline.net/…
@MartinEnder I probably should have read that message fully before trying 1 as input
I'm wondering if I can add my lang to TIO.
@DerpfacePython Just ask Dennis
But Dennis isn't on...
@Dennis Can you add my lang, Logicode, to TIO?
I think that did the trick
he might need a link to the interpreter.
Some year ago I made up a brainfuck derivated language specifically to be used to write grafical (simple) programs, but have 0 knowledge of how to make a compiler or interpreter.
Would asking for one as an actual question, be too much for this site? I can give all my reputation as bounty (150 so far, I registered last week).
Interpreter is here.
Dammit Dennis, get on the chat already.
@DerpfacePython He's always in chat, but does not always chat.
@seshoumara Ummm... that would be a "maybe".
Some of the time he does flags.
@zyabin101 Well, crap.
Is TIO open-source?
I have four projects going on now: two prefix calculators, a REPL for esolangs, and a 4004 emulator. :3
The language is simple, only has the 8 chars from bf and maybe 3 more, one for sure to change between coding the logic and coding the GUI elements, so the 10 chars have double meaning based on what tape you are.
"Seen 2s ago, talked 5h ago" - Dennis :(
@Mego It works, but in Python 3, you have to import reduce() from functools
@DerpfacePython Yep
@seshoumara wait, so you have a spec, but no implementation?
Do I have to golf my interpreter?
@DerpfacePython Please don't
He seems inactive these times.
@Sherlock9 Yep, I don't know why they didn't just keep reduce in __builtins__
@Mego o.c
@Mego Ah, I see now (not really)
@Mego Is my interpreter any good at all?
Could I improve any parts of my code?
o.c is the butt of a joke about golfing interpreters for golfing languages. Phase is a silly person sometimes.
@DerpfacePython It's very simple, which is fine for a simple language. You might experience growing pains as you add features, though.
yes, all the details of the language were (I have to just remember them) specified to the teeth and the GUI elements are simple butons, labels, text boxes with simple proprieties like color, size, position.
And Kirbyfan, Kirbyfan developed O with him.
@Mego Guido van Rossum was not a fan of map, filter or reduce and it took quite some persuading from the Python community for him to keep just map and filter
i am trying to do a truth machine in Ru and i tought i can abuse implicit arguments
@Sherlock9 GvR doesn't understand the glory of functional programming, then :P
@Mego How so?
but for unary operators the implicit argument is β
@TùxCräftîñg Abuse implicit arguments, then!
If reduce got shoved into functools, map and filter probably should, too.
26 secs ago, by TùxCräftîñg
but for unary operators the implicit argument is β
@Mego He thinks that list comprehensions serve the purposes of map, filter, reduce just fine, is what I remember the rationale was
@DerpfacePython Your code isn't really organized very well.
@Maltysen see my answer above
@Mego How?
@Sherlock9 List comprehensions can't do what reduce does in a clean manner >_>
@TùxCräftîñg Still try, and please don't reply with message oneboxes.
@DerpfacePython I don't really have time to do a full code review right now
this is way too long
@Mego Just as an example, I don't think list comprehensions can do that chain_add function
Wait wait wait... @LeakyNun is leaving???
@MitchSchwartz I just found an 12-byte solution for the A plus B problem that should work, but doesn't because I messed up the source encoding in the Ruby interpreter. :/
   ? { ?
  / : + !
 ' / ö ~ ;
  . . . .
   . . .
@DerpfacePython yes ;_;
@Sherlock9 Nope, comprehensions can't access elements that are created in the same comprehension
Thank you for putting into words what I was trying to cobble together earlier
sigh... Well, it was nice knowing you, @LeakyNun. Thanks for helping me out with my troubles with Pyramid.
Welcome :)
I hope you come back soon.
@DerpfacePython He'll be back. He just has an examination coming up soon-ish that requires his full attention for studying.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LamedonyxPrint the name of the language The goal of this challenge, as implied in the title, is to print the name of the language with a program in said language, in as few bytes as possible. But that would be too easy, right ? So to add a litle bit of challenge, you are not allowed to use any characte...

Well, stuff like that happens all the time
And by soon-ish, I mean I got the impression that it would be like 5-6 months
5 to 6 months to study for an exam?
Wow, that's a long time
@NewSandboxedPosts ಠ_ಠ
languages with a long name will be disavantaged
List comprehensions can't assign to variables and they can't access elements created in the same comprehension. As far as I know, they can do map() and filter()'s jobs, but not reduce(). I want Oxide to fix that, if possible.
@MitchSchwartz how flexible is anarchy with output formatting? e.g. it doesn't seem to care if there is a single linefeed at the end or not, but are there any other flexibilities in the output format?
And dammit, @Dennis still isn't on.
@MartinEnder No
@DerpfacePython Oh, give him time. Even he needs to sleep sometimes.
But it says he's active
@feersum so no \r\n for example?
So... I highly doubt he's sleeping right now.
No, it's on Linux.
sure, I just thought there could still be languages with weird interpreters that always use \r\n
Well, I haven't actually tested that, but it seems unlikely.
fair enough
Who likes hates Microsoft Edge?
@TùxCräftîñg Don't tell me we have a new theme and I've missed it!
it's a unoficial userscript
@TùxCräftîñg I remember, but it looks so different!
Microsoft Edge! >:-)
@MartinEnder Hey, since we're talking about the anagolf A+B problem, I'm a little unclear on something. Is your solution adding 2 numbers together, or a file with a bunch of numbers together?
@wizzwizz4 And now chorus! IN TER NETEX PLO RER!
@DerpfacePython He might be browsing from mobile, which has a not-great chat interface, and also would make him unable to do TIO work.
@zyabin101 YAAAAAAAAAY!
@Mego Guess I just have to be patient, then
@TùxCräftîñg I just installed the PPCG userscript
@DJMcMayhem the input has multiple lines and you need to add the two numbers on every line (and print it on a separate line)
And it looks amazing.
@DerpfacePython obviously it is
@Mego I found some links about GvR's thoughts on map, filter, reduce python-history.blogspot.co.id/2010/06/… python-history.blogspot.co.id/2009/04/…
@MartinEnder well drat. I thought I would win it, but I can barely tie third. :(
@MartinEnder is that \xf6 ? it seems to contradict the documentation, "The following is a complete reference of all commands available in Hexagony." (?)
implicit/explicit arguments parsing rules are really wtf rin Ru
@MitchSchwartz well yeah... I was a bit lazy in the interpreter so all unknown commands (which includes the letters) set the the current edge to their value
but apparently it only works within the ASCII range
(and of course it doesn't work for any of [ \r\n\t\f`] because those get stripped before everything else is parsed)
you could say it's undocumented implementation-specific behaviour (e.g. the C# interpreter that is part of the EsotericIDE will throw an error on any non-whitespace characters that aren't printable ASCII)
huh, that's interesting
I'm currently trying to figure out how on earth you were able to print a linefeed without alphanumerics and binary characters...
I'm so confused. There's no option to create an account
I just realised how awesome Downgoat's userscript was
but yeah with output formatting, the judge tests your_output.rstrip == expected_output.rstrip , except for special challenges like Quine where there is no flexibility with whitespace
It looks bloody beautiful.
ah, so any trailing whitespace is allowed. that's good to know.
Really? I was sure I've had problems before where it wouldn't accept because of trailing spaces.
oh and trailing null bytes too, that seems even more useful
yeah it seems to translate dos newlines into unix ones too, github.com/shinh/ags/blob/master/fe/fcgi/submit.rb#L217
A: Implement a Truth-Machine

TùxCräftîñgRu, 11 bytes Ϟα;»α;¿{»α} This look way too long

OK, I have officially just written my first anagolf answer! \o/
It's twice as long as I thought it would be though
Now I'm super curious. What I wouldn't give to find out how the heck someone did it in 13...
wow, i didn't know ruby's strip methods took away null bytes
and only from the right side
What does eleven even mean
how are you all
Good, thanks
@DerpfacePython a mod action
any new topic to talk
for example when a mod edit a message
@TùxCräftîñg do it with same
@DJMcMayhem what I would give to be able to brute force Hexagony programs of that length... ;)
I meant the vim answer
It's gonna drive me crazy
can someone tell me how can i make a room unfrozen??
yeah I know. same problem though, isn't it? :D
@microbuster by asking nicely
I'm opening my code-golf workspace on C9.
@microbuster call a mod
It's gonna be good. ;v;
@microbuster you can ask a mod (like Martin) to unfreeze it
@microbuster ^
@MartinEnder i need your help
i need this room to be unfrozen

 clash of clan talks

a room only for some users and coc
@microbuster Done :)
A: Implement a Truth-Machine

TùxCräftîñgRu, 11 9 bytes »Ϟα;¿{»α} This look way too long

yay golfed down to 9 bytes
Plz dont spam ;_;
@trichoplax thanks
@microbuster I don't think the "plz dont spam" was directed at you ;)
@trichoplax ok np
the font in Arqade chat rooms is really small
Ϟ woo cool letter
@MitchSchwartz is there a way to tell if inputs have trailing linefeeds?
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei uppercase koppa
(or do they/don't they in general?)
it set the value in the koppa register
@TùxCräftîñg yes, atually i am its owner and no one use it
@TùxCräftîñg thanks i can use google
I honestly think it's impossible to do it in 13 keystrokes. The logical solution is that he cheated somehow.
Here is the code-golf workspace: ide.c9.io/schas002/code-golf, C9 account required.
@MartinEnder you can look at the source code of the page, or something like what i do, which is submit code that outputs every input character followed by ! (trusty tester.bf, last modified jan 28, 2014)
well turns out there was one in this case :)
absent or inconsistent trailing newlines can be annoying for ruby and some other languages
so, now that I've got 13, do you want to compare whether we have the same?
(for some reason, -l uses chop rather than chomp)
well, if you want. i'm sure you use the same way to get a newline as i do though :) the only difference would be the layout. actually, i have two slightly different 13 byte solutions
sure, but since I still have 3 characters that don't do anything except control flow, maybe we might come up with a 12-byte solution by combining ours or something
   ? { ?
  / : + !
 ' / $ ; ~
  , . . .
   . . .
  ? _ }
 . ! + ;
? " % / ~
 , . . .
  . . .
  ? _ }
 ; + % ,
? . " / ~
 ! . . .
  . . .
haha, those are crazy :D
the second one feels a little cleaner in the sense that the " isn't passed over extra times (which just happens to be harmless)
i actually got the idea for the path from your sum input solution :)
I already forgot what the exact layout of that was, but I do remember I had a _ there as well
I also considered starting with |$ or >$ so that you don't need the ~, but I haven't found anything good yet.
MAIN.C: 7 lines, included 1337, 0 warnings, 1 error
@MitchSchwartz do you want to try beating my HW solution? :) I'm sure it must be possible to reuse some of the ; (e.g. if I just omit the @ where it is right now, I could fit the P0 in the second line, but then the @ needs to go where the 0 is right now, so the score would be the same in this particular case).
I'm going to make a nano-notepad for the web.
Say: are you tired of switching apps to take notes?
Are you tired of keeping a pen and paper or sitting beneath a computer while taking notes?
@MartinEnder I just tried to run the program with the Ruby interpreter and the I/O seems kind of messed up
Do you know what I mean?
ummm, no?
Well, my demo has been borked. I present to you, The Textbox!
OK, first of all, if I run the prime example
after I enter a number and press enter it just sits there
until I press a key
Then it prints the answer and exits.
oh okay, I never run any of my interpreters with user input, I always pipe the input into the program
And when I run the actual A plus B program, none of the outputs are actually visible if I use console input.
Because they don't get written until I type something
And then the text I'm typing overwrites the output
I don't know how Ruby buffers console input
So the overwriting thing is because it prints only <CR>
It's still bad how an extra key has to be pressed to read the input though.
I assume you're on windows? the reason it prints <CR> instead of <LF> for you is that I get the linefeeds from the input (and the first character after a number would then be <CR> on Windows)
as for having to press an extra key that might actually be a problem of the console
use a pipe? :P
Other programs can read a line after the user presses enter...
@zyabin101 it's a <textarea>...
Yes, it's just a textarea :D
and what is the utility of this?
@feersum oh you mean another key after the enter
@TùxCräftîñg I can now easily keep notes in a very limited browser, without annoying features like cloud save. :3
at least add a script to store the text in cookie/localstorage
because otherwise it will magically diseapear if you close the browser
@DJMcMayhem any reason you answered the indentation challenge in Vim instead of V?
It's just a textarea, we don't want any distracting changes to it. :/
brb installing VirtualBox, the process involves resetting the network connection and temporarily stripping you from the network.
See you around.
@MartinEnder i'm not having any bright ideas, seems hard
Well, thanks for trying :)
@Dennis Can you add DNA# to TIO? I dunno if it works properly or not but it looks like it should
@βετѧΛєҫαγ "If this lang is good, yes."
@zyabin101 Oh haha. It is far from good :D
Argh Dennis is never on
@DerpfacePython Contrary to popular belief, Dennis is in fact a human being who occasionally needs sleep.
:O Dennis is human
@MartinEnder But... but... but it says he's on...
@DerpfacePython His computer is on
It's giving me false hope, I hate you "last seen" liar.
@MartinEnder Contrary to unpopular belief, Dennis is a human which is always in chat. But does not always chat.
Actually @Dennis don't bother with DNA#
It's awful
Isn't it possible to have Downgoat's userscript create a theme for the chatroom?
I just popped over to RPG.SE's chat and they have a theme
but it dont work
And it looks really good
So do chemistry.se
@TùxCräftîñg Why not?
i have already tried the modify chatroom theme option in the userscript, but it dont work
It does work
Gimme a minute to install
Huh... Well it did work
There you go
I'm playing around with RPG.SE's cool dice sim thing, BTW
@DerpfacePython In which room?
@βετѧΛєҫαγ What how
OK, I deleted the link to stop too many people from playing with the dice theme
@DerpfacePython Install Downgoat's userscipt
I did
@primo Yeah, that would affect lines’ original contents.
That's really weird, it doesn't work
@βετѧΛєҫαγ Where is that?
It's the spanner in the toolbar
OK, yes, it works now.
I enabled "Goats instead of boats", and I heavily enjoyed that decision.
@Lynn how many ascensions have you had?
I had none.
30+ across variants, I think
I'm installing NetHack now. :3
@Lynn that's a lot.
I haven't made it to the quest yet.
@MartinEnder @MitchSchwartz Is the ~ in your solutions really needed (as opposed to having a nop there)? Since it would get back to the start either way (possibly passing through the empty bottom row).
Ascensions in NH?
Oh wait TIL Leaky Nun created an alphabet challenge on anagol
@Downgoat The background with the chat should be more "greyish".
@DerpfacePython ?
@DerpfacePython The ultimate goal to finish NetHack is to offer the Amulet of Yendor to your assigned god, and as result, ascend.

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