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@ReleasingHeliumNuclei next step, a brainf*** interpreter
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei or compiler
Yeah, it probably isn't
But in SILOS?
It is fairly challenging
Same thing, instead of a/2 etc, printLine array[pivot]++; etc
Then pipe into gcc or something
Btw wat iz loadLine @RohanJhunjhunwala
Yeah sure, a compiler can be created, but I mean like compile BF into SILOS (preferrably by another SILOS program) or interpret BF
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei it loads one command line argument into the heap starting at spot 256
@TheBitByte This is even more unnecessary blank lines than before. It's a type of attention grabbing, and is inconsiderate to other chatters
Whatever guys i need to sleep
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ ~* is already case insensitive
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei wait
@ConorO'Brien idk
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei before you sleep... do you understand loadLine?
@RohanJhunjhunwala yup, not into ASCII addresses, beyond that
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ You're only the second derpiest
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei I don't understand
@RohanJhunjhunwala first 256 bytes are for the ASCII variables, loadLine stores in beyond 256. is it true?
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei yes
Ok sleeping now
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei the default heap goes to 8192 so space should not be an issue
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ idk
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei k g'n
Night? Lol
Its 5 am
@TheBitByte Mathematica, 61 bytes: "None"[,a="Up",b="Down",c="Both",,"None",,c,b,a][[#~Mod~12]]&
I wanna ask, why is the design of PPCG very simple?
it's still in beta
It doesn't look attractive to me?
it's supposed to get a design soon
SE devs are lazy
november 1st, I hear
Oh, graphical design
@ConorO'Brien Really? I heard it'd be in 6-8 weeks ;p
CMC: given a CSV file containing two columns, and an integer N, format the table into multiple rows such that each column contains at most N rows, excluding the header. Like this, for N = 3:

@ConorO'Brien If I execute that, it displays the results for a split second and then resets me to a blank page (cc @El'endiaStarman)
This site has graduated since 6 months ago
@ConorO'Brien That could practically be a main site challenge.
1 min ago, by Eᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏ Iʀᴋ
SE devs are lazy
@mınxomaτ Yes, I'm working on the fix.
@El'endiaStarman hey, you're right, lemme sandbox it
@ConorO'Brien o_O I'm confused ima go to bed
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ Goodnight! I word poorly
@ConorO'Brien Not about the challenge, but the solution
@Anastasiya-Romanova秀 This site isn't a standard Question & Answer site, so we've requested some other changes to reflect that now that we have graduated. This is being prioritised above a new design, so while we will eventually have a new design, it may take a little longer than it does for other Stack Exchange sites
Q: We're not a Q&A site. But what should be done about it?

Martin EnderIt has come up several times recently (more than usual) that PPCG differs from most of the other Stack Exchange sites in that it's not a Q&A site. People don't come here to ask a question because they have a problem, people come here to solve recreational challenges. The most valuable contributio...

> I word poorly
@Anastasiya-Romanova秀 until we get our design, you can use this fantastic community-made design
@trichoplax But it's been 6 months. It's way too long. The development of this site should be a top priority for SE team
@Anastasiya-Romanova秀 no, not really. I'd much rather have practical concerns addressed before aesthetic ones
They're too busy drawing unicorns, increasing SO Docs rep and stealing Valve's stockpile of big pink cookies
@mınxomaτ It's fixed now. In a very hacky way.
@ConorO'Brien How does the site look like using this so-called extension?
I really should've gone with hash permalinks from the start...
@Anastasiya-Romanova秀 ... interesting... ?
@El'endiaStarman Still doesn't work for me.
@mınxomaτ Ctrl+F5.
@Anastasiya-Romanova秀 I have no idea where we rank in their priorities against other SE sites, I only know that they have agreed to focus on the fact that we're not a Q&A site before they focus on our design (since we told them that was more important). It would be nice to have an update, but I wasn't expecting it to be quick since we've raised so many different things that need to be changed in that post...
Old permalinks are handled in a hacky way. New ones should work just fine.
@Geobits Depends on the design
^^^ the design userscript
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Conor O'BrienLimit a table (this is in minimal form, and is in rough sandbox stage. refrain from voting at this stage. I will flesh it out at a later point in time.) Given a CSV file containing two columns, and an integer N, format the table into multiple rows such that each column contains at most N rows, ...

@Anastasiya-Romanova秀 No, I'm saying it looks interesting(?). Personally, I'm not a fan, but others seem to like it.
@ConorO'Brien It looks cool. Much more better than the old one
yes, it is much better than the plain site IMO
Will it make the browser running slow?
I wonder if the community needs to decide which changes are most important and raise them as feature requests before the SE team will look at them?
I use Chrome. Which one should I download?
this is in firefox
Why they don't ask the community to help to design this site?
@Anastasiya-Romanova秀 They're scared we'll commit golfed code to production.
@ConorO'Brien Could you help me to install this design on my browser?
@Anastasiya-Romanova秀 Read the readme on the github
I've installed Tampermonkey
> Just go here, and either A) Click "raw" and it should prompt you to install it, or B) copy + paste the code into the "Add New Script" area.
@El'endiaStarman what? we don't golf production code, that's just ridiculous :P
Yay! Finally...
Now I use new design
Suppose you have access to a fairly big chunk of source from a somewhat recent Windows Kernel. What are some funny comments to grep for?
@ConorO'Brien Thanks for the info
@mınxomaτ the basic expletives, please work, stop, mac or linux, etc.
But the chatroom design still looks boring
@Anastasiya-Romanova秀 take it up with the goat
It's only for main page?
Even if I liked the design, this would be reason enough for me to not use it:
var reps = [
  ["Helka Homba", "Calvin's Hobbies"],
  ["HelkaHomba", "CalvinsHobbies"],
  ["Helka", "Calvin"],
  ["fItaJ.png", "qkXJy.png"],
  ["Aqua Tart", "quartata"],
  ["Don Musolini", "Luis Mendo"],
  ["DonMusolini", "LuisMendo"],
  ["AandN", "Adnan"],
  ["A and N", "Adnan"],
  ["lirtosiast", "Thomas Kwa"],
  ["I Go Best", "Geobits"],
  ["IGoBest", "Geobits"],

  //["Code Review", "the evil code reviewers"] ihaichu - EasterlyIrk on behalf of CR.
@Geobits but it doesn't do anything, since it's executed here
What's the png one for
but this is kinda funny
@quartata helka's avatar
@ConorO'Brien Got some results for "damn" and "shit" already. I'm taking suggestions.
You know that would make pinging him painful
@ConorO'Brien Just the general principle. If it was just a design thing, it wouldn't be so bad. But there are the little in-jokes sprinkled through it to confuse new users, etc.
@mınxomaτ how about quit or stop?
@Geobits in the code, or in the result?
Either, I guess. If it's just in the code, it makes me wonder why there's a bunch of unused code.
@ConorO'Brien Things like "please" are mostly nice reminders. "stop" and the likes overflow my console, these are most likely automated comments.
What's this?
@mınxomaτ ah, I see. try please fix or todo or fix
6 mins ago, by mınxomaτ
Suppose you have access to a fairly big chunk of source from a somewhat recent Windows Kernel. What are some funny comments to grep for?
Too many TODOs.
(It's like over 200k files)
@mınxomaτ really? is this production code?
like, finished product
Uh, dare I ask how you got access to this
@JonathanAllan Congrats on 1k!
Yes, not compileable. I guess about 30% or so from the important kernel bits. (XP eraish)
Bit newer
@Dennis oh, you noticed before me LOL. Thanks
? he's noticed you here at least
@ConorO'Brien Dennis noticed that Jonathan got to 1k before Jonathan noticed.
/me is dumb
I read as "you never noticed me before..." I should probably get to bed soon
@ConorO'Brien that was my pseudo-first post (I made an ASCII dice roll to get 10 rep to be able to post it)
@JonathanAllan oh,cool!
I always get it's and its the wrong way around ...**always**!
yeah, me too.
its so wrong [sic]
Its hard to get it's usage right
The way I remember (when I need to): "it is" -> "it's". It's a contraction, and "its" is a possessive, like "his", "hers", or "theirs".
Never haggle with a sign maker until the sign is up.
@El'endiaStarman it's not that I don't know, or couldn't recall if I thought about it, it's that I don't think about it until after the event
CMC: Given + output proton, given = output neutron, given - output electron.
"Appease the compiler Gods" :)
@mınxomaτ How about "beware"
@feersum Nothing really interesting. Just a bunch of hints about buffer lengths.
@HelkaHomba :( they're all different lengths
@feersum Just a stray "beware: recursive call..."
@trichoplax twitch
@Sp3000 Fine: Given + output Sp3roton, given = output nemutron, given - output electron.
@HelkaHomba python2 60: c=input();print{'+':'prot','=':'neutr','-':'electr'}[c]+'on'
@HelkaHomba Hah, that wasn't what I meant - I was just having trouble beating qci7%["electr""prot""neutr"]="on" in CJam
@Dennis - is that using the string compression?
If it's Jelly and uses strings, that's a pretty safe bet.
I didn't think it would be advantageous with such short words, but there you go!
Jelly doesn't use DEFLATE or anything related; it indexes into a dictionary.
@JonathanAllan I think it only takes about 3-4 letters before compression starts helping, theoretically speaking
yeah I had a peek, went to use it for something or other, but all my strings were longer
the sums of the chars modulus four are unique
CMC: Print your language's name in as few bytes as possible. Only programs shorter than the name itself are allowed. e.g. print('Python') is not valid.
@HelkaHomba then you are asking for string compression
Well, I guess Java's out :P
@ConorO'Brien Yes
or repetition in language name
@HelkaHomba my language is one byte long. ;_;
The challenge is picking the language I suppose
Sounds tricky without builtin compression like Jelly/Bubblegum
I figured I'd have some Befunge-style fun. :P
ugh - how can I make windows cmd use all the chars in your charset Dennis?!
@JonathanAllan chcp 65001
@HelkaHomba Jolf, 2 bytes: λe prints jolf but not exclusively jolf. I like this solution :P
.λe"name works for 8 bytes, but is unfortunately longer than four letters.
@ConorO'Brien What does it print? That page isn't working for me
@HelkaHomba this:
@El'endiaStarman nope, no joy (I had to check, but was fairly sure I'd tried that)
@El'endiaStarman Hmm 48:

(for ><>)
I guess I could do >o on the last line and just error out :P
// with some random newlines
function jolf(code){ args = Array.from(arguments).slice(1); var a = new Jolf(code); a.args = args; a.inf.i = function(J){ if(!J.enc.i){ J.prec += "var i=String("+JSON.stringify(J.args.shift())+");"; J.enc.i = true; } J.comp += "i"; } a.inf.I = function(J){ if(!J.enc.I){ J.prec += "var I=String("+JSON.stringify(J.args.shift())+");"; J.enc.I = true; } J.comp += "I"; } a.inf.j = function(J){ if(!J.enc.j){ J.prec += "var j=Number("+JSON.stringify(J.args.shift())+");"; J.enc.j = true; } J.comp += "j"; } a.inf.J = function(J){ if(!J.enc.J){ J.prec += "var J=Number("+J
I don't like jolf rn, it's kind of hacky
@El'endiaStarman Whoops, that should've been 74 bytes, not 47 bytes.
@HelkaHomba Java REPL: 2 prints "java.lang.Integer res0 = 2"
@Geobits Close enough. pats Java on the head consolingly
Hey, even jolf had to hack it :P
@Geobits most languages have to hack it :P
Can Jelly not do it?
I think string compressing the name would be four bytes anyhow :P
Jelly might be able to, or if not it'd be a tie
@HelkaHomba Argh!, 0 bytes.
@HelkaHomba how about same challenge, but print another language's name in less bytes?
anybody else really enjoy refactoring?
@NathanMerrill Only if it means to factor a number again, then yes. Otherwise, no.
If we're allowing REPLs, a lot of them are 0 bytes.
I just refactored a bunch of stuff again on KoTHComm.
its way better now though
@ConorO'Brien But everyone would choose C or R or something (or I reckon someone has used the empty string as their language name...)
@Sp3000 Same technique in Minkolang is 52 bytes.
@HelkaHomba no, it still has to be shorter than the target language
@ConorO'Brien There's a language named "Hello, World!" and a builtin for that in who knows how many esolangs though.
@El'endiaStarman Forgot I could factor out the on
@ConorO'Brien Ah. Ok, sure. Still easier though :P
@HelkaHomba I have a valid answer, 3 bytes:
@Sp3000 ._.
prints "Jolf"
@Dennis Looks like that's technically an error message, so borderline :P
@ConorO'Brien \o/
I want to see a Java answer.
9 mins ago, by Geobits
@HelkaHomba Java REPL: 2 prints "java.lang.Integer res0 = 2"
That's the only kind of Java answer you'll get for that.
Java is a great for golfing.
CMC: Write a program that satisfies the following: it is L bytes long, it prints a string S. That string S has N unique characters (limited to ascii); and your score is (L^5) / N. Lowest score wins.
@TheBitByte In some ways. In others it's terrible.
@Geobits Java is the most interesting solution in my opinion, if not the shortest.
@ConorO'Brien Sounds like "look for an alphabet/ascii built-in"
yeah, true. I meant something else :p
Oh, wait.. what?
@ConorO'Brien Jelly, 0 bytes. Prints 0, so score is 0.
@HelkaHomba Minkolang, 8 bytes: lZIhcO2@. Outputs random alphabetic chars forever. Eventually, "Minkolang" will appear. :P
oh well.
it was fun for about zero seconds
@TheBitByte I wouldn't agree that it's the most interesting most of the time. It's nice when you can pull of some tricks, but there's only so much you can do to shorten it for most golfs. The library/method names are just too long, so a lot of times you end up doing things the "easy" way, which is often boring.
Didn't see the limited to ASCII, so I guess Wc, in CJam gives 3^5/(#chars in whatever you mean by ASCII)
@Geobits You win.
Ok. Is there a prize involved?
@ConorO'Brien That throws three different syntax errors for me.
@TheBitByte have you been around here before? :/
CMC: Output all 95 (or whatever it is) ascii characters with code that doesn't have any one of those characters. Built-ins are not alowed.
@Dennis it might. I can only guarantee it working on firefox
@ConorO'Brien obviously you should have scored it as (L^5)/(N-1)
@ConorO'Brien Yes, they were formerly named ColdGolf.
@El'endiaStarman Oh, that's why I had an ignored user I didn't know of >_> why doesn't the user page tell me pervious usernames?
@JonathanAllan Yes.
you mean all printable?
Well if whitespace isn't counted as printable, then Whitespace is the simple solution. Too lazy to do it though.
Lenguage is the easiest one that comes to mind
@ConorO'Brien 'cause SE doesn't consider that an important thing to tell you...?
Yeah, that would work too.
@JonathanAllan Yes.
@El'endiaStarman weird.
@ConorO'Brien You can always use the TNBDE!
@El'endiaStarman Hooray! Technology saves the day!
Sometimes people change their names to get a fresh start. Mods should be able to see it (to catch abuses), but I don't see why general users should need to.
@ConorO'Brien Or doesn't save the day. Autopilot cars in the future..
@Geobits I can understand that. I was just wondering if it was a user I previously ignored that I forgot about :P
I can't wait for self driving cars.
@Geobits I think its important information for the user page. Most people aren't motivated enough to open the profile page
So many fewer deaths.
@TheBitByte Hopefully, technology will have advanced by then
@ConorO'Brien Yes but I still want manual control options...
@ConorO'Brien Oh I know, I was just answering "why doesn't it tell me?" (or at least what I assume the answer is)
@Geobits ah, I see
The more people manually controlling cars, the harder it will be for the superior machine-driven ones.
@TheBitByte oh? why? you don't feel comfortable putting your life in technology's hands? Well, neither do I :P
If they're all automatic, it would be so much easier.
@ConorO'Brien By then I'll have my exosuit ready.
As in the technologically-maintained exosuit? :P
@Geobits why don't we just get rid of cars and all use the subway? :P
In the edge cases where the car fails.
although, I do have to say: when you guys change names, I lose track, and any historical interactions I've had with you pretty much go out the door
@NathanMerrill oh no D: do you remember small-caps me?
@NathanMerrill Well, right, that's kinda what I meant. I think some people use the change for that purpose. Especially if they had a rocky start on a site.
@TheBitByte Jelly 7 bytes 95Ḷ32+Ọ
> rocky
BTW, forgiven and forgotten @TheBitByte :) glad you can be here
@ConorO'Brien If the subway/train system was up to par, I actually have no problem with that.
@Geobits right, but my point is that I forget even if I knew they were changing their name
@TheBitByte forgot numbers :p
@ConorO'Brien Because the nearest subway is in another country.
but putting it on the profile still sounds like a good idea
@Dennis ah, right.
I heard, not sure of the exact number though, that Toyota needs something like a minimum of a trillion kilometers on their self driving concept cars for the Japanese government to approve them for real road use.
at that point you don't need self-driving cars, tho
@TheBitByte Now that's just silly.
@Geobits Google it.
@Geobits IDK what it's like. I'm not close enough to one for it to be available to me :P
@TheBitByte Oh, I'm not saying I don't believe you. I'm saying it's a silly requirement.
@JonathanAllan Is that a built-in?
@ConorO'Brien Tokyo's the only place I've ever lived where I could truly go without a car. It was great.
@TheBitByte is what a built in?
As far as I'm concerned, self-driving cars cannot come fast enough. I hate driving.
@JonathanAllan Your code for the CMC.
@Dennis You hate car accidents too.
@Geobits wow, fantastic. I hear its like that in some places in France and England
@Geobits What if you had 4-5 bags of heavy groceries, or needed to get furniture?
@TheBitByte People driving cars cause more accidents by far than machine ones, even when you go by accidents/distance.
And, now that I'm approaching 16, I get to drive. yaaaaay /s
@TheBitByte Believe me, no self-driving car could possibly cause more accidents than the average local driver.
@TheBitByte huh? It's like [chr(32+x) for x in range(95)]
@HelkaHomba Furniture gets delivered, and I usually do my shopping in smaller batches.
^ simplified living
or french living
whatever its called
@Dennis Yeah, until the AI decides to chill out a little bit and do a drift :P
@JonathanAllan Oh okay.
Besides, it's not like I could get furniture in my current car. Despite living in the south, I don't own a truck ;)
@ConorO'Brien Simplified = buying non perishables in bulk so you don't have to shop as often (and it's cheaper)
@HelkaHomba yeah, that
The alternative solution is you get one of those bags on wheels which you just tote around
My problem is that if I buy (most things) in bulk, I get tired of it. My groceries are pretty varied just because I buy them on the spur of the moment for the next couple days.
So I grocery shop every couple days, but only for a few minutes each time, instead of spending a lot longer once every week or two.
I wonder, what if there's a code-golf post on deep neural networks? I'd pay to see that one..
lol, well Marky was hardly golfed :P
Oh, Marky is a chatbot based on tensorflow's RNN, fed/trained with the chat transcript and movie scripts.
He usually lives in one of the chatrooms, but I don't have him up right now. I can wake him if you want to play around.
It's kinda fun in a terrible sort of way.
Dr. Emmett Brown: If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.
Don't expect a turing-champion or anything, though :P
@Geobits A few days ago I did talk to a turing-champion.
And it was fun.
Really crazy bot, though.
All because of the people who talk to it. The bot has learned some weird stuff...
Can I get a mod to unfreeze The Block?
@TheBitByte Oh, I can believe that
You know which bot is that?
@Geobits thawed
@TheBitByte can maybe golf down the 95... 13 bytes: ⁴Ḥµ³’’’’’Ḷ+ðỌ
Likewise for minutes. As expected, it's pretty much chaotic. There are a surprising number in the very first minute, though.
bah. Apparently, Java can figure out the types when I do () -> new MyClass<>(), but not when I do MyClass::new
(the latter is just shorthand for the former)
@JonathanAllan Still need to do the + I think
@El'endiaStarman That doesn't look like a graph to me
@Sp3000 "do the +"?
@DJMcMayhem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's quick and dirty. I'll eventually work out how to do a nice one with D3.
As in, isn't + printable ASCII?
I'm so dumb
@El'endiaStarman But we already have one :P
@Sp3000 Yeah yeah whatever... :P
@El'endiaStarman No, I mean it doesn't even look anything remotely like what you described. It just links to 7 random messages from aug 1
@DJMcMayhem Works for me. Try Ctrl+F5.
Oh weird. It changed
Yeah. The JavaScript was cached. :P
haha I get it now
@JonathanAllan ⁴Ḥ‘\n⁹ÆṪ’Ḷṫ¢Ọ (\n literal newline) - there's probably a better way to do the numbers though
@Sp3000 - I was trying to trim the last 5 off ⁴Ḥ‘µ⁹Ḷṫµḣ³Ọ
@JonathanAllan Great. See if you can do less than 10 bytes.
10: ⁶¹⁹ÆṪ’ḶỌḲṪ, looks golfable still though (comma not part of code)
The challenge didn't specify an order, so I guess you can print the space last to save a byte.
@TheBitByte ...and @Dennis does it in 9 ⁹ÆṪ’ḶỌḲṪ⁶
“¶’ also works for 128.
Out of curiosity, since that program requires the -a flag, should I add two bytes, or three bytes?
@Dennis Wait, dec on chars implicitly casts to int now?
No, “...’ is an integer literal.
o_O wiki needs a string literals page
@DJMcMayhem 3 if you're going from program code to program -a code, 1 if you're going from program -e code to program -ae code
Ok cool
@JonathanAllan I want 6 bytes or less next.
I think that's just asking for the impossible
@Sp3000 That's kind of the point.
But I've seen zero bytes answers accepted before.
If you find an existing language where the empty program prints all 95 printable ASCII characters, please do tell
@Sp3000 No, I meant like, I've seen zero byte answers to some questions. If people can do 0 bytes, then why not 6?
@LeakyNun @EamonOlive Hello world in brain-flak. :D
A: "Hello, World!"

DJMcMayhemBrain-Flak, 180 + 3 == 183 bytes ((((((((((()()())){}{}){}){}){})(((()()()){}()){}){}())(()()()){}()))()()())(((((([]){}()){}){})[[][]])<>)<>((((((({})){}([])[](){})[][][])()()())[[]]()()()())[[]]()()())(<>{}()<>) Try it online! This code is 180 bytes long, but adds three bytes for the -a fla...

Wanna outgolf me? :P
@TheBitByte Just because you can do challenge X in 0 bytes doesn't mean you can do an unrelated challenge Y in 6 bytes
@Sp3000 Agreed.
@TheBitByte hang on... CMC didn't specify "only the 95"... 3: ⁹ḶỌ
@JonathanAllan It did say only the 95.
1 hour ago, by TheBitByte
CMC: Output all 95 (or whatever it is) ascii characters with code that doesn't have any one of those characters. Built-ins are not alowed.
all != only :p
@JonathanAllan Output all 95. It didn't say output only them, but all of them. You win, but this is a loophole.
And it's fun, but not allowed.
indeed it is, I'm not saying otherwise...
Okay, I have an idea: Can you make a text compression scheme based on this? That would be cool.
Okay, I have another idea:
CMC: Write the shortest (in bytes) implementation of the PAQ9A compression scheme.

Input is the string to be compressed, output is as you wish it to be, but you must specify which format of output you use. (eg: binary, hex, etc)

PAQ9A link:https://cs.fit.edu/~mmahoney/compression/#paq9a

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