X = 0
Y = 0
k = -1
l = 0
while 1
c = a[Y][X]
_ = {{
': {|}
'- {|}
'| {|}
'+ {|}
'/ {|
l = -k
k = -#
"\\" {|
l = k
k = #
'A {| c}
'B {| c}
'C {| c}
'D {| c}
X =- k
Y =- l
if c == _ ret c;;
Given a list of paths, output the correct path.
Example of path:
- and | are horizontal and vertical paths.
/ and \ are 90° turns.
+ is treated as a - or a | depending of the current direction.
Paths may go in any direction and a character may be used in multiple paths....
Render the top-down view of a hip roof in ASCII
First, some terminology (source):
A hip roof is (quoting Wikipedia) "a type of roof where all sides slope downwards to the walls, usually with a fairly gentle slope"
A slope is a planar surface that is a part of the roof
A rid...
@LeakyNun if you are here, or whenever you take a look at it. do note that def and the heap declaration can not be indented. idk if that is worth fixing. If you do get a chance, take a look. Otherwise it's fine and I can take a look at it. I assume it's late for you, so don;t worry too much about it.
@LeakyNun I made a note of it in the documentation. SO it's technically not a bug
Travelling alphabet
Your task is, given a list of points, output the shortest path to connect each point, using the alphabet.
You can't use any floating point operation
You can't use the letter Z uppercase or lowercase anywhere in your source code
You can use the lowercase alphabet
Test case...
Travelling alphabet
Your task is, given a list of points, output the shortest path to connect each point, using the alphabet.
You can't use any floating point operation
You can't use the letter Z uppercase or lowercase anywhere in your source code
You can use the lowercase alphabet
Test case...
My school has a golf team caled "Coed golf". At first glance I thought it was the greatest day of my life. Oh, why couldn't the "d" and "e" be switched...
Alright guys, I'd like a little help. This chat room has about 922k messages, my database has about 928k rows. A cookie for anyone who can find duplicate rows in my database.
I already tried deleting duplicates by mid, but that only took care of 172 of them.
Travelling alphabet
Your task is, given a list of points, output the shortest path to connect each point, using the alphabet.
You can't use any floating point operation
You can't use the letter Z uppercase or lowercase anywhere in your source code
You can use the lowercase alphabet
Test case...