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6:00 PM
I just checked that PowerShell takes less than half a second to launch on my machine... and for some reason, it's using a 3 pixels high font. :|
What is this, a shell for ants?
λ ^D^D^D^D^D^D^D^D^D^D
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ : Le terme «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» n'est pas reconnu comme nom d'applet de commande, fonction, fichier de script ou programme exécutable. Vérifiez l'orthographe du nom, ou si un chemin d'accès
existe, vérifiez que le chemin d'accès est correct et réessayez.
Au caractère Ligne:1 : 1
+ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
+ ~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

@El'endiaStarman Yeah, I love him. Makes me feel like I actually gain something from watching youtube all day
λ ^C
λ ^C
λ ^C
λ ^C
λ ^C
6:01 PM
inb4 "ms open-sourced windows" 19 jan 2k38
lemme get out D:
> /// <summary>
/// property
/// </summary>
> PowerShellAssemblyLoadContextInitializer.InitializeAndCallEntryMethod()
halp verbosity power 9000
Yeah ... PowerShell is ... verbose, shall we say
That almost looks like Java
6:08 PM
@BusinessCat C#, what did u expect
golfed and still readeable version of the method name: PSAsmLoadCtxInit.InitAndStart
@Zgarb :/ my default was 11 pt, but more like 1pt with the font.
@TùxCräftîñg Don't bother keeping it readable, it can be golfed further
CMC ANSWER(after ages) : `gets stdin a
puts [set x [lindex $a 0]]
set c 1
while {[expr $c+1] <= [llength $a]} {if {[set x [lindex $a $c]] != $x} { puts M
puts $x
incr c
}` can be golfed furthur than this
6:15 PM
Indent with 4 spaces.
or highlight and hit ctrl+k
i think
@GLASSIC [a](b)
6:20 PM
bbiaut (be back in a undefined time)
you mean .. internet lag ?
@TùxCräftîñg at an undefined time
or, alternatively, be back in a undefined amount of time
Interesting Phenomenon: Technicianing the Architect
Yeah, that's infuriated me before...
> Programmers are creative people. Programmers with a product so popular there’s a community discussing it? Those guys are really creative. Don’t belittle their intelligence by trying to second-guess what’s too difficult to implement; don’t Technician the Architect.
Also, since that blog is no longer directly available, here are my two favorite articles: An arithmetico-temporal paradox and Can a machine know that it is a machine?.
6:30 PM
Got a treat for you guys, courtesy of a Code Review regular who implemented parts of SE API
Tell me more...
(he made them for all 300-some sites)
It's getting regular updates & improvements on the daily, and also works good on mobile
wait what we have 3 q/day?
And why does that need work? Hard enough to keep up with those 3 as it is
cuz I thought we had ~10
I at least know we did when we tricked SE into letting us graduate
6:35 PM
cya l8r
I don't even know how to find the area 51 now that we have graduated. The side panel is gone.
@Phrancis do the questions which are closed almost immediately add to the daily count?
The "Site Health" section is based on the metrics used by Area 51
Moderator analytics claim we've been around 10 q/day for the past 6 months.
10 questions in the last 24 hours. 7 the previous day, and 8 before that.
6:37 PM
Yes, but most of them get closed very quickly
@Theo I'm asking the dev about it, will let you know
@Theo but the area 51 stats used to say 10/day which is what this uses
Only four questions closed in the last 24*3=72 hours
I was just informed that the Q/day metric (under site health) is literally just TotalQuestions / DaysSinceLaunch
@Phrancis :O
6:39 PM
So take it with a grain of salt :)
I believe there's a more accurate metric using the graphs / raw data below
he should do like a moving average
with like a week or so
where do i feature request? is this a stackapps?
It's not a stackapp, you can ask Ebrown in our chat room
in The 2nd Monitor, 3 mins ago, by EBrown
My metric is literally just TotalQuestions / DaysSinceLaunch.
in The 2nd Monitor, 13 secs ago, by EBrown
@Maltysen Sure, I can add it to the list. Does anyone else on Programming Puzzles & Code Golf have any other suggestions as well?
Option to remove closed/deleted questions?
in The 2nd Monitor, 21 secs ago, by EBrown
@Maltysen They already don't count.
6:47 PM
Oh, nice
in The 2nd Monitor, 29 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
you can always count on PPCG to break your toys
what does the "k" in gitk stand for?
time to crash the CR party
@NathanMerrill repository browser, obviously
6:57 PM
who's Zapp Brannigan?
futurama character
Basically a very sexist character
hey, userscript people, if you add a feature that hides all chats that consist of 50% or less alphabetic characters, I'll definitely install it
you mean just [a-zA-Z]?
what if I answer a cmc in brainfuck? you'll miss it!
7:04 PM
> Zapp Brannigan: Ever since man first left his cave and met a stranger with a different language and a new way of looking at things, the human race has had a dream: to kill him, so we don't have to learn his language or his new way of looking at things.
> Questions Per Day 4169.20
(for SO)
@Poke yep
@Poke that's fine by me
well fine then :[
CMC: print ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in BF
@FryAmTheEggman Too eloquent for Trump, but the message is scarily the same
7:05 PM
@TùxCräftîñg which one dude
@TùxCräftîñg Give me hexdump and maybe
(unbounded tape with 64-bit cells)
codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/89991/55696 There's multiple < 20-byte solutions to a code golf challenge and the 52-byte Python answer is selected
I'm so confused
The one on TIO can't go that high
brb creating a interpreter
7:10 PM
yeah most of them wrap after 255
I thought it was too weird for real life :/
It's kinda scary isn't it that a potential president for the US could be confused with Zapp Brannigan
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
def P(C):
 while C:
  if c=="[":yield L(P(C))
  elif c=="]":break
  else:yield c
def i(a):
 global t,p
 for x in a:
  if x=="+":t[p]+=1
  if x=="-":t[p]-=1
  if x=="<":p-=1
  if x==">":p+=1
  if x==".":print(end=chr(t[p]))
  if isinstance(x,L):
   while t[p]:i(x)
^ reference BF interpreter for the CMC
(unbounded tape will take too much bytes)
7:27 PM
@StevenH. Sometimes an author will select an answer before a lot of people have posted answers and they don't circle back around update it. Other times the author might just accept the one with the most upvotes. Technically the least bytes wins but some people upvote because they like a particular answer in general. Maybe it's in a language that doesn't see a lot of use in codegolf like SQL. Stuff like that
@muddyfish I just finished a marathon of Futurama... Let's see how this goes.
@muddyfish Somehow, I don't see Pence playing Kif very well.
I'm sure anyone who has to spend that much time with him will start sighing all the time eventually ;)
Aww, I missed "Mr. President, what the hell?"
7:34 PM
That's from the episode where Fry gets a cold, Cold Warriors?
I'm not so good at episode names...
Oh, I was right. Nice... I have a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
@FryAmTheEggman If you didn't know every episode of Futurama, you'd have to change your username
Oh nope, it was In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela, I got the episodes with the panic room confused, apparently :C
Futurama is amazing.
> Stop exploding, you cowards!
@DJMcMayhem Fry?
No that's from The Beast with a Billion backs, it's all of Earth's spaceships fighting a giant tentacle monster from another universe while Zapp is in an Applebees.
7:40 PM
One of the Comedy Central specials
@muddyfish I only got one of those wrong... it's not too bad.
I got 2 wrong
@Poke The fact that you got any wrong is deeply worrying. Not because of anything related to politics, but because some people don't feel the need to memorise every episode of Futurama.
I only missed one, but like I said, I just got done binge-rewatching the series
7:45 PM
Valid PowerShell --> $$|%{$_|?{$_}}
@TimmyD Why does that look like a fork bomb?
It does, kinda
It's completely harmless
> linux
goddamnit microsoft
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ What's wrong?
Microsoft <3 Linux
@FryAmTheEggman To be honest I only skimmed the one I got wrong. Someone asked me a question so i clicked and alt+tabbed. lulz
7:48 PM
I was only (mostly) kidding ;)
44 mins ago, by TùxCräftîñg
CMC: print ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in BF
@TimmyD To be fair, most things < 3 Linuxes
@Mego are you saying that most things are inferior to linuxes or that most things love linuxes? (I agree with both interpretations, btw)
most thing love lynxes
7:54 PM
@Maltysen Both obviously
@flawr Ocelots > lynxes
@Mego Fine. Microsoft ♥ Linux
@Mego wolves > ocelots
Make me go look up the Unicode symbol, grumble grumble.
Hello from Mom's phone.
7:55 PM
@zyabin101 Hello from my laptop
@TimmyD don't have a shortcut?
if windows you have alt numpad, and on linux you have x-compose
@TimmyD ALT-3 boohoo
Phew. I got 100% but I was really worried I missed a couple
It's sad how hard that was
@Mego I don't remember these things. I Bing'd "Unicode heart", hit the first link, and copy-pasted
@TimmyD I remember these things because I know CP437 very well :P
7:56 PM
@TimmyD microsoft doesn't like os x
@Mego seriously?
@TimmyD rofl its not on apt-get
who the heck downloads the .deb and uses dpkg
I do sometimes
@mınxomaτ D:
8:05 PM
@Maltysen I dunno. You're talking Greek to me. I use MSI
Fourth paste in the "Hello, What's Your Name?" series.
I had to register on Straw Poll to be able to make polls again.
Well, cool?
wut is teh poll
Good thing that every my poll is now displayed nicely in a profile thing...
@TùxCräftîñg Q_Q why the downvotes
apt >>>>>>>> the Windows software installation system held together by old duct tape
because 2 person downvoted
y u know, group pression
@TùxCräftîñg ah, fair enough
@Mego emerge > pacman > yum > others > apt
@TùxCräftîñg oh wow, I completely forgot that I was writing that
chocolatey > everything
Also, I surveyed people on is the idea of a code golf codepad good.
And looka, no one voted No!
8:11 PM
@Mego what windows software installation system? :P
@ConorO'Brien Exactly
Results: 4/6 = 2/3, majority of 50% reached.
@zyabin101 for what?
TIL powershell is more stupid than cmd
@Mego Like Linux is better. Linux is like the epitome of that "competing standards" xkcd comic.
@TimmyD but at least all of the standards are sufficiently good
(Let's try to not fight too much about this stuff, remember to Be Nice...)
Note that "HAAHAHAAahahahahahhaha." is very compressible. — Mark Adler Jun 3 '13 at 22:27
The man has a point.
I'm not following.
8:16 PM
@TimmyD I had to spend 2 hours the other day trying to unbreak my Ubuntu server because installing qmail broke everything somehow
the new strawpoll interface is neat
@zyabin101 what is a codepad project page?
Installing qmail managed to get PHP marked as a dependency of an uninstalled package, so it got automatically uninstalled. It also made apt not believe Apache2 was actually installed, even though it was, which resulted in my installation and configuration files getting overwritten.
8:18 PM
But I'll take that any day over DirectX nonsense
I think, at least, that we can agree modern computers, OS, and software are all complicated and it's a miracle things work as smoothly as they usually do?
Yep :P
Wat, is my Straw Poll username the username of my mother? Q-q
Duct tape and fairy dust make the internet work
8:21 PM
Don't forget the blue smoke
also the little gnomes who run around in the wires carrying our packets
Yeah. Especially DNS. The more you learn about DNS the more you question how any of it works.
@Mego TS
It works as long as the black box stays on top of Big Ben
8:25 PM
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei Well I was really bored so I wrote a not very good (definitely not golfed) program to do this "properly". In case you care at all: ideone.com/avE7tF
DNS is essentially BitTorrent, but designed by lazy, ADHD 12-year-olds
And it relies on a lot of "nobody would just go on the internet and tell lies"
Or, at least, the ICANN version does that. There are dozens of other alt roots that have all sorts of different behavior.
I=lambda x:x
K=lambda x:lambda y:x
S=lambda x:lambda y:lambda z:x(z)(y(z))
B=lambda x:lambda y:lambda z:x(y(z))
C=lambda x:lambda y:lambda z:x(z)(y)
W=lambda x:lambda y:x(y)(y)
U=lambda x:lambda y:y(x(x)(y))
ω=lambda x:x(x)
Y=lambda g:lambda x:g(x(x))(lambda x:g(x(x)))
combinators in python
Q: Extendable Train Swapping Problem

Alex L.Extended Train Swapping Problem Part 1: Normal Train Swapping Problem In the 1996 CCC (Canadian Computing Competition), the first Stage 2 problem was a Train Swapping Problem. You can visit the link here. Essentially, you have a bunch of numbered trains, and you want to find out how many train ...

8:31 PM
@FryAmTheEggman ...wow
Most of the functions will segfault if the initial array was empty but I was too lazy to write in that corner case :P
@TùxCräftîñg the heck is this?
lambda calculus combinators
and what do they do?
Some of them are kind of useless? K in particular stands out as being weird :P
8:36 PM
K x y = x
i dont see why it's weird
do you guys not know combinators?
it's a nice function
the only weird combinator is Ω
it's defined as ω ω
What is the point of y? Why not: lambda x:lambda: x?
because K(x)(y) would error
But why is it dyadic if it never uses the other argument ._.'
8:38 PM
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lambda calculus is weird
but cool
Fair enough :P
So what are thes things good for, can anyone explain?
Lambda calculus (also written as λ-calculus) is a formal system in mathematical logic for expressing computation based on function abstraction and application using variable binding and substitution. It is a universal model of computation that can be used to simulate any single-taped Turing machine and was first introduced by mathematician Alonzo Church in the 1930s as part of an investigation into the foundations of mathematics. == Explanation and applications == Lambda calculus is Turing complete, that is, it is a universal model of computation that can be used to simulate any single-taped Turing...
@flawr Proving Turing-completeness in functional esolangs.
@Zgarb So if your esolang let's you implement all these functions, it is turing complete?
8:40 PM
basically yes
Some subsets are enough.
@TùxCräftîñg wat is point of I function
... returning it's argument
@Downgoat It seems to be an identity function.
8:42 PM
@TùxCräftîñg 10/10 most uselsss function
@Downgoat You can give it as input to the other functions to make new functions.
it's actually useful because ^
@Downgoat You should learn a functional language.
functional languages are great
8:44 PM
I couldn't agree more=)
@flawr I've made one....
the cheese dont have recursion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So why are you asking about the importance of the identity then?
I've been wanting to learn a purely functional language for a while. Any recommendations?
@TùxCräftîñg yes it does <disapproval face>
8:45 PM
@DJMcMayhem Haskell
@DJMcMayhem cheddar
@DJMcMayhem Haskell
I heard great things about haskell
Oh purely
Wow, double ninja
8:45 PM
Haskell is the best functional language
@DJMcMayhem haskell is even greater=)
@DJMcMayhem nvm got it
@Downgoat I knew you would say cheddar which is why I said purely functional
Is lisp functional?
oh and btw church numerals are great
Lisp is slightly more functional than Python, I'd say. But not much.
8:48 PM
PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> 'haskell' -gt 'cheddar'
It checks out.
common lisp is a functional language AFAI(K|CT)
Okay. But the notation is way different
Lisp is called a functional language because it was basically the only language with functional programming features for decades.
Scheme is more functional than Common Lisp.
But I may be biased, because I used CL for a while and grew a bit tired of it. :/
@Zgarb Do you know a nice link about that for further reading?
CMC: transform church numerals to normal numbers in python
test cases:
lambda f:lambda x:x => 0
lambda f:lambda x:f(x) => 1
lambda f:lambda x:f(f(x)) => 2
lambda f:lambda x:f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))))))) => 10
8:54 PM
@flawr Here's the Wikipedia page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combinatory_logic
why every wikipedia link here is to the mobile version of wikipedia
I use chat on mobile at the moment.
@Zgarb thank you!
@TùxCräftîñg V, 11 Bytes: d2fxÒ<C-a>Dé0@"
(<C-a> is a single byte)
V is insane
8:58 PM
python: lambda c:c(lambda n:n+1)(0)
You wanna know how it works? It deletes everything that isn't a ")", converts all of them into the increment command <C-a> inserts a "0" and evaluates it.
That's why I think V is so much fun. Cause you get to play with bizarre solutions like that
problem with church numerals: playing with big numbers blow up the stack
there is no occurence of ) in your code ಠ_ಠ
Yeah. d2fx is "Delete till you Find the 2nd 'x'"
ah k
9:07 PM
Shit, it doesn't work for 0
i get 0 for lambda f:lambda x:x
Oh, duh I get it.
1 min ago, by TùxCräftîñg
Nvmd, I was wrong
9:22 PM
@ConorO'Brien Dammit, one byte off
well, reticular isn't a golfing language, so...
Then, what is it?
2d general purpose language
Huh. Could you explain this answer?
i          take input
 "f"       push f to the stack
    @c     count occurances of f in input
      1-   subtract 1
        p  print
         ; end program
I'll take 50% of that golf tho because you didn't know the lang XD
[however, this is my gem :3](http://reticular.tryitonline.net/#code=dgpcIHsiKyI6WzAxXSwifiI6WzAxXSwiKiI6WzAyXSwiLyI6WzAyXSwiXiI6WzEzXX0gInByZWMiID0KXCB7IisiOlsrXSwifiI6Wy1dLCIqIjpbKl0sIi8iOlslXSwiXiI6W0pdfSAiZnVuYyIgPQpcIFsicHJlYyJgfkZ-JH4kXWtLcCBbInByZWMiYH5GJH4kXWtLYSBbZG5ORVFda0tuIFsyQGRITkV-JF1rS2ggWyJmdW5jImB-SH4kXWtLZiBbZFQiU3RyaW5nIkVda0tzCnYgICA8ClwgMGIgInF1ZXVlIiA9IDBiICJzdGFjayIgPQogICAgICAgICAgICB2ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgPXFAInF1ZXVlIiZ-IDxqKjQ0ICAgICAgICAgICAgIDwKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgID4-OmM9S252Cj4gIj4gIm9pU0JxID4gbDBFIXZfS258Xit-Yy4gXyAuY24gInF1ZXVlImAgXgogICAgICAgICAgI
Updated my drawception profile banner earlier today
@DJMcMayhem erlang or racket
9:38 PM
yay rofi 1.2.0 is in arch repos
@ConorO'Brien now you need to outgolf me in V to settle the score. :P
And that looks awfully golfy for a "non-golfing" language
@DJMcMayhem because it's 2D.
And it uses a stack
And one letter functions
9:56 PM
if it was a golfing language I would've made some sort of eval function >_<
I did, but I don't understand it
it's a shunting yard algorithm
do you know about languages like befunge and ><>?
A little bit but not really
reticular is like them. both befunge and ><> have single-char commands, but are not geared towards golfing. they just tend to it
Aren't they both really hard though?
9:59 PM
sort of, yes. reticular is made to be easy to use (ish)

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