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@βετѧΛєҫαγ What a horrible CAPTCHA
@Dennis Can a mod nuke this room? Downgoat and I accidentally made two
why don't you guys just all speak dutch?
because we dont know dutch... ?
I haven't gotten around to learning it yet but from what I've seen of it it looks weird
I'd say that's a pretty good reason @TùxCräftîñg
@quartata poof
Hey, when did No Man's Sky get released?
@Dennis Thanks
Apparently 2 days ago
But I bought it on Steam and I couldn't install it
I hope there will be a Linux version
It probably uses DX11 so I can't Wine it
@BusinessCat Oh, it's not out on Steam yet it looks like
It won't be out until tomorrow
Ahh that's cool
Guess I just have to do something productive tonight instead
A: Fix my IPv4 address's missing periods

Leaky NunBrachylog, 93 bytes :ef:{".",@N.|.}ac:2f. ,0<N<4,?:N:4i.@nMl4,M:{:5&<256}a ~c[A:B]h:@N:Bc. :ef:{,"0":"9"y:.m?}ac. Try it online!

Built a bunch of what should be built-ins, still shorter than the other answers
I built string to integer (4th line)
Is insert (3rd line)
Replacement (1st line save last 4 letters)
If built-ins existed for those it would have had much less bytes
Fun idea: find Python 3 answers before its release date and then mark them as non-competing
Do we have a general consensus on how early is too early to accept an answer here?
I would say wait until it's been inactive for a while
@VTCAKAVSMoACE We don't and we won't. The time to accept is whenever the heart feels.
@LeakyNun don't please
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ lol
the hardlink
it pains me
HiggsBot is under 20 rep
Try now.
He should be able to chat in BBM, I gave him write access
holy shit
@quartata has like 33 rooms open rn
I thought we already established that I'm weird
s/weird/addicted to SE chat/
Q: Ban zip-style decompression for kolmogorov-complexity?

billpgA little while ago, I wrote a PPCG challenge under the kolmogorov-complexity tag, which frankly bombed. Briefly, the challenge was to output a series of names. The first half of names were fixed but entrants could choose their own set of names for the second half under fairly loose restrictions...

@NewMetaPosts What? No!
@NewMetaPosts ಠ_ಠ
I know this can be golfed more I'm just not too familiar with array.map so I'm not sure how to do so. Could someone enlighten me?
@NewMetaPosts Why?!
It's a legitimate question.
I personally think his reasoning is slightly flawed but it's not a reason to downvote it IMO
IMO doing a compression is just hardcoding the output
Which is generally frowned upon
I don;t get why you guys are mad. Using built-in compression is the most boring thing.
But hardcoding the output is part of the idea of kolmogorov-complexity challenges
not exactly
You can get a little creative, especially when the output is repetitive
@LeakyNun Python 3.0.1 was released on February 13, 2009.
Of course, you can come up with some smart techniques to reduce the byte count,
It is far older than this site.
@LeakyNun More to the point how is this "fun"
@BaldBantha But this is just another instance of built-ins allowed or not
@quartata Alright
@zyabin101 Alright
And as the 1 answer says, it takes only 1 extra sentence in the challenge description if you do want to ban compression for that specific challenge
UROFT (Useless Regex Of The Day): \p{Kannada}_+\p{Kannada} match most disaproval faces
@TùxCräftîñg How is that useless?
because i dont see the utility of a disaproval face regex...
.* matches all disapproval faces
@TùxCräftîñg I don't know how a ".....[5 more]" and 10 match up with **.
Code Review × Code Golf match upp...
That awkward moment when a mug has more rep than you...
My steam account got hijacked :(
Wait, really?
It says you're online
I am
But someone logged in and added a not-mine phone number
So now I can't change anything on my account, because they get all the SMS verification codes
contact the support
The only thing I could change is removing my PayPal account link, so they can't spend my money on hats and knives
That means they had to have physical access to your phone for the mobile authenticator
I didn't have the mobile authenticator enabled.
I'd blame your roommate
@Mego pleb
My roommate is my wife, and it's not her phone number
Heh that would be funny though
Listen mate, I just learned they added a mobile authenticator while going through this mess :P
So you don't use email verification?
@Mego I don't see how you could have not known, you can't trade without it
@BaldBantha He does (can't buy anything at all without it I don't think) but there's a massive difference in security between e-mail and physical device
good point
@quartata I use Steam Guard (via emails)
Which means the person must've gotten into my email
Which seems unlikely, because I use 2FA
So really I'm just really confused
And the phone number doesn't match anyone in my phone contacts
On a completely unrelated note, does anybody have feedback on this sandboxed challenge (other than "add more test cases")?
@quartata you don't have it set up I thought either? :P
I do
oh, do you want the trading cards then?
@Mego That really sucks. :( How large was your library?
@Mego Where did you get the palette from?
@DJMcMayhem He hasn't lost his account (yet)
@quartata you said you wanted my portal 2 trading cards, at 1 scrap each.
Oh, sure send a trade offer
I think I said 1.5
@BaldBantha nice try, but that answer is invalid.
@quartata oh yeah
> such that the sum of the absolute value of the sum of the differences of the RGB channel values
The FOG one.
@BusinessCat idk
@DJMcMayhem I still have access to my account, because the hijacker didn't change the password. 168 games, though.
@LeakyNun Wikipedia
@Mego I mean how do we generate the palette if the only requirement that each colour be different?
@Mego I assume you've already contacted support
@quartata Yep, waiting on a reply to my ticket
Oh, OK that's not as bad as I thought. I thought you had lost it.
@Mego Don't log off Steam while you're waiting
@BusinessCat Take the absolute value of the difference between the red channel in the original and in the output, for a given pixel. Do that for the green and blue channels, also. Sum those 3 values. Repeat for every pixel. Sum all of those values.
@quartata Not planning on it
You can only have one instance of desktop Steam logged into an account at a time so
@LeakyNun Maybe it's not clear enough - you use each color from the palette I linked exactly once in the output image.
@quartata can't right now, but i'll send a trade offer later.
You know how to do it right
@Mego Then why did you choose those 8 colours in the first example?
@Dennis - can Jelly get yield the date? I see the source imports time but only see a monad to get the time.
just can't right now
why did this get stars
5 hours ago, by Eᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏ Iʀᴋ
ninja'ed by the turtle
I'll send you my offer URL in steam if you don't have it already
@LeakyNun Because that's a 3-bit palette. 3-bit color makes for a simpler example than 8-bit color.
@Mego I think you should clarify that
> All images will use 8-bit colors (3 bits in the red and green channels and 2 in the blue channel), and will be 16x16. Here is an image displaying the 8-bit color palette. Each color from this palette must be used exactly once in the output image.
@Mego That you used 3-bit palette in the first example
> 3-bit example
@JonathanAllan No, unfortunately. I should add that.
@Mego I mean you should chain the two ideas together, that you used 3-bit palette in the example but we are to use 8-bit palette
@Dennis ah yeah should add it to the bitwise masking I guess
@HelkaHomba Other: surviving the apocalympics by not being in Rio
@HelkaHomba can i answer 'nothing'?
@LeakyNun I don't think that's unclear.
@Mego Well I think that's unclear.
@Mego You didn't even mention "3-bit palette". You just said "3-bit example"
@HelkaHomba That's a really hard choice between "open field" and "1V1".
@HelkaHomba Eh, all of those require going outside and moving. Where are chess and code golf?
@Mego You didn't even care to elaborate what "3-bit" even means. I had no idea that it was referring to each bit for each channel.
code golf need to be in olympics
@Dennis Golf would be under other
@TùxCräftîñg It doesn't require going outside and moving actively.
yes but compressing minecraft in 1 byte is olympic
HQ9+M, 1 byte: M
@LeakyNun That's standard terminology for color depth. X-bit color means that there are a total of X bits in each pixel, spread (usually) as evenly as possible through the 3 RGB channels (with blue getting shorted if necessary, like with 8-bit color).
If there were olympiads with code golf, then a Coder Olympiad.
@Mego What's wrong with them? People won't die of green water.
I think chess and bridge might be at the 2020 Olympics which is nice
i have borked my shell by adding fancy unicode chars in my PS1 :/
Chess still struggling with the logo requirements set upon them:
Q: Chess at the 2020 Olympic Games

Artur KirkoryanFor the 2020 Olympic Games, the World Chess Federation asked the Olympic committee to include chess as official sport. The committee agreed under one condition: The Chess Federation must design a chess-colored black and white logo, consisting of three intersecting Olympic rings with areas 1 each...

@Mego Alright, whatever floats your boat
@JonathanAllan Haha that's a nice puzzle
@LeakyNun s/b/g/ 🐐
solved, yet OP wants a "geometric" proof it seems (what, with the picture hints and all)
@TùxCräftîñg Nite!
@Mego And I know Rio has its own issues that the Olympics are somewhat exacerbating, but because of the Olympics such issues are getting more attention than they would normally. Not to mention the Olympics inspires thousands if not millions of children in an increasingly sedentary generation to be more active, and gives an entire continent a sense of pride, and promotes overall global unity.
@LeakyNun Oh.
@TimmyD Yes.
Example A is different than the explanation text.
@TimmyD See what I did?
I posted my answer. It's a beast.
@TimmyD Yes.
In case it's not clear, I like the Olympics. Don't go disparaging them in front of me >:I
@HelkaHomba People will die of corrupt officials, gangs running wild, and various waterborne pathogens present in the water where the triathlon athletes have to swim (thanks to all of the body parts that have been washing up on the shore).
I like the Olympics. I dislike the Olympics being held in Rio, because there's massive safety issues that should have prevented Rio from being chosen as the host, if it weren't for the even more massive amounts of corruption present in the IOC.
The tap water in the Olympic Village is not potable. Athletes and journalists have to use bottled water for drinking, bathing, and brushing their teeth.
CMC: draw a fence of length "n" (input). For example, a fence of length 3 is |---|---|---| a fence of length 0 is |
5 is |---|---|---|---|---| etc.
Python 3: lambda n:print("|"+"---|"*n)
@DJMcMayhem Compressing.....
I wish zopfli wasn't so slow
I already know the shortest one is BB96, lemme get to the good part
@DJMcMayhem Actually, 11 bytes ;'-*'|+*'|o
That's longer than i'd like.
@Lynn Nice edit.
@Theo lambda n:"|"+"---|"*n is shorter; you don't need to print with a lambda
I'd love to be able to +1 revisions to a post
@Mego Shoot. Of course
@DJMcMayhem Brachylog, 19 bytes: yb:{,"|---"w}a,"|"w
Still uses imperative style
Trying to use declarative style to golf it
JavaScript: n=>"|"+"---|".repeat(n)
@DJMcMayhem 17 bytes: ybe,"|---"w\;"|"w
Java: String a(int n){String a="|";while(n-->0)a+="---|";return a;}
gotta love the "goes to" operator
only 61 bytes >.>
What the heck? It should be seven, é|Ài|³- but that doesn't work. ;_;
@Poke Why not a lambda?
@DJMcMayhem PowerShell, 19 -- '|'+'---|'*$args[0]
s/Java/Java 7/
/me coughs
i think i can use a for loop to shorten it some
@DJMcMayhem Pyth, 10 bytes: j"---"*\|h
9 bytes: j*3\-*\|h
@HelkaHomba 1 v 1 fighting scores higher than team sports. Note to future KotH writers?
The only KOTH I've done was 1v1
here's Java7 in 41 bytes... String q(int n){return n==0?"|":"|---"+q(n-1);}
the savings is real
Retina, 16 bytes (input is in unary)
@Poke Use n>0 and swap the ternary
q=(int n)->n>0?"|---"+q(n-1):"|"; in Java 8 with a lambda :)
It would make me very happy if this user learned this language.
@LeakyNun I guess I didn't think you could replace ^
@Mego nice. i guess i could also just make it n<1
still a good catch
@BusinessCat You aren't replacing ^, you're just replacing the empty string at the beginning
^ is just an anchor stating that we are at the beginning
I fixed my speed problems! \o/
dennis-home:~$ time python3.5 -c 'from gnumber import *;Gnumber("5000.1").exp()'

real    1m52.998s
user    1m53.030s
sys     0m0.016s
dennis-home:~$ time python3.5 -c 'from gnumber import *;Gnumber("5000.1").exp_alt()'

real    0m2.156s
user    0m2.154s
sys     0m0.002s
Also neither of our version works with n=0
I know
It's giving me 2 as output
Please, be fair, just use decimal input
It's a sad day. I voted to recommend deletion on an answer in my own language.
@BusinessCat PEBKAC?
@BusinessCat Screenshot please
Oh nevermind, there was a trailing newline in the code
That broke it
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ;_; and many tears were shed
@Dennis "I fixed my speed problems" - Dennis 2016
Didn't know you were into that kind of stuff ;)
Out of curiosity, I've never known exactly what "recommend deletion" means.
More seriously, that's great. Was there one big problem or like a lot of small ones?
Is it what delete votes are called when done through the review queue?
@Dennis Is this the arbitrary precision math library you're working on
@FryAmTheEggman Well, I'm writing a Number class, and over a minute to calculate exp(5000.1) was kinda awful.
What did you change?
Yeah I was just joking around with speed being another name for cocaine :P
@DJMcMayhem yes
@DJMcMayhem i think auto-flag for deletion
@FryAmTheEggman If you're going to make jokes about controlled substances you should probably learn which ones are which :P
Oh, yeah speed is amphetamines right?
Bah :P
@trichoplax I was keeping numerator (power of x) and denominator (factorial) separate. Now I just store the quotient to avoid division by a huge number, which was the primary speed problem.
In retrospect, kinda obvious. Not used to writing good code.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ does that mean enough of those will delete it? Cause I believe you need 2k to cast a delete vote.
i think so
and yeah, 2k
i need like 40 more rep until then. >_>
brb, serially upvoting
@Dennis Certainly seems to have made a huge difference (and doesn't seem obvious to me...)
That was a joke. I'm not planning on doing that
@DJMcMayhem If you have the privilege, it just casts a delete vote. If not, Community will eventually raise a moderator flag if there are more recommend deletion than looks good reviews.
@trichoplax Division is hard. Even for 64-bit integers, division is an order of magnitude slower than multiplication, which is an order of magnitude slower than addition. With large denominators, it gets bad.
^ Something got garbled there. Did you mean addition the second time?
nah, division is two orders of magnitude slower than division
@Dennis OK ty. So then what's the point of allowing review before delete?
@FryAmTheEggman Yes, that. Writing is also hard. :P
@DJMcMayhem Because if there aren't enough high-rep users, low-rep users can involve a moderator. Am I understanding your question correctly?
@Dennis Oh of course - you're going outside the standard number types so you don't get the advantage of hardware support
On most modern architectures isn't multiplication usually doable in one clock cycle, so it's roughly the same as addition? Obviously not for bignums but for 64 bit I think it's fine?
@Dennis oh that makes sense. Yeah, you're understanding the question correctly. Thanks!
Q: Is integer multiplication really same speed as addition on modern CPU

exebookI hear this statement quite often, that multiplication on modern hardware is so optimized that it actually is same speed as addition. Is that true? I never can got any authoritative confirmation. My own research only adds questions. The speed tests usually show data that confuses me. Here is an ...

@Mego That seems debatable. Still, drinking bottled water is a small price for athletes to pay to be at the Olympics. Most of them and their doctors are probably aware of the risks involved.
And of course the Olympics should be safe, but banning all third world hosts seems an elitist mindset, antithetical to the game's ideals.
Isn't the reason that multiplication is doable in one clock cycle just because of pipelining? You'd only get the advantage of speedy multiplications if you're multiplying several numbers
@DJMcMayhem Do you have more CMCs?
Not right now
@NathanMerrill Huh, weird, could've sworn I read that somewhere. Maybe I made the same mistake as in one of the comments there about FP stuff...
@HelkaHomba I never said anything about banning all third world hosts. I merely said that, if a country/city is not safe for hosting the Olympics, then they should not host the Olympics. The main reason Rio is hosting is because of a massive amount of bribes.
@FryAmTheEggman Order of magnitude may have been an exaggeration, but it's indeed slower. Addition takes 1/3 cycles on recent Intel processors, multiplication 2, and division up to 86.
Holy carp those flags
@El'endiaStarman Yeah. I always thought I'd be just right for the air force.
@DJMcMayhem You're like the goose who lays gold eggs; it can't be forced
@LeakyNun What makes a CMC good?
@Theo You have an idea?
If they were good, they'd be real challenges. :P
Just say it here
@Mego BRB, changing name
@Dennis I beg to differ
@Theo that it can be done quickly
@Dennis Some of them are too trivial to be well-received on the main site. Most of them are arguably dupes of other main-site challenges.
@LeakyNun How so? If you have a challenge that is actually interesting, why not post it on the main site?
@DJMcMayhem Really, so fast? o_o
What makes a real challenge good?
@Dennis Because the criteria for interesting in here and in there are different
@DJMcMayhem ask the white fox
@LeakyNun Fair enough. I was using the same definition of "good".
@white-fox what makes a challenge good?
(helka homba)
Print exactly this text:
Oh duh, I should have realized that.
@LeakyNun Actually, 0 bytes:

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