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It's only useful if you change you mind about closing, but not if you change your mind about the reason...
@trichoplax Yeah... I'm not sure about that table
My DOG interpreter stopped working after putting on Github ಠ_ಠ
I am confuse
@Sp3000 For some reason I stared at it for ages before I realised what was wrong with it...
5 mins ago, by TùxCräftîñg
why chrome refuse to load a http request from a https page ;_;
plz halp
I'm still staring, actually
I don't feel so bad now ;)
It's presented so convincingly, and the other examples in that chapter all work fine
Oh, the columns are offset by 6 months aren't they
(btw I didn't click the link before because I assumed it had the answer, rather than the problem :P)
Ah I see. Well, it does, but the answer is the problem...
@Sp3000 Even if you compare with the next row down, there still seems to be a problem...
I just used 3 languages in that birth years question.
@trichoplax Is there? If you compare (5500 vs 5800) and (6000 vs 5800) for a single year, the +300-200 = 100 seems consistent with the fact that the gap between 500+1000 and 1600 is 100
Unless you mean something else
The table is showing your total income over that six-month period
Start 10,000/year

1st year
Jan-Jun  5000    5000
Jul-Dec  5500    5000
YR TOT  10500   10000

2nd year
Jan-Jun  6000    5800
Jun-Dec  6500    5800
YR TOT  12500   11600

3rd year
Jan-Jun  7000    6600
Jun-Dec  7500    6600
YR TOT  14500   13200
Hmm okay I think I get said other problem
The problem I see is that a 500 salary increase only pays you an additional 500 per year, which is only 250 per 6 months
Because the figures shown are for 6 months, it isn't obvious that the 500s should actually be 250s. It's only looking at the annual figures that it falls apart
The left column increases by 2000 per year
@trichoplax No, the pay raise is 500 every 6 months
I may or may not have started doing this
no pun intended
@TimmyD I read that as "Every 6 months, your salary increases by 500"
But the salary is still an annual figure
@quartata wow
No pun "intended"
@trichoplax Ah, so meaning a chart more like this one --
Wait, no, that's not right.
@TimmyD Exactly - so the annual salary increases by 1000 per year (500 every 6 months)
Wait, no, that was right
Start 10,000/year

1st year
Jan-Jun  5000    5000
Jul-Dec  5250    5000
YR TOT  10250   10000

2nd year
Jan-Jun  5500    5800
Jun-Dec  5750    5800
YR TOT  11250   11600

3rd year
Jan-Jun  6000    6600
Jun-Dec  6250    6600
YR TOT  12250   13200
I think the problem with this question is that it's a bit like asking "If you put $1 in your bank account at 1% per annum, how much would you have after a year" to which the answer is "Compounded how often?"
Yay 300 rep
@BaldBantha wot
I finally hit 300 on codegolf
i know thats how much you guys get daily but anyway
celebrating the little things :P
you can't get 300 daily
cap is 200
You can with bounties
well, Jon Skeet can
@Sp3000 Even if you compound arbitrarily often, there's still an upper limit on how much you get per year, so I think there's a bigger problem - the table ends up doubling the salary increases
Is the accept tick exempt from the cap too?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ He means that he hit 300 total today
> i know thats how much you guys get daily but anyway
I usually get 10
Then again, I'm never on
So I guess that's pretty good
3 mins ago, by Bald Bantha
i know thats how much you guys get daily but anyway
ninja'ed by the turtle
I'm not a teenage mutant anymore
@Sp3000 What I mean is, I don't think it's an answer that can be regarded as correct given a particular interpretation of the question. I think they just made a mistake.
@BaldBantha Welcome back to Programming Puzzles & Code Golf chat!
One thing that happened while you were away: the Scouting room got frozen.
Did the proposal make it over the three day hurdle anyways?
Yup, but it has died its death.

Proposed Q&A site for members of international Scouting organizations

Closed before being launched.

> Closed before being launched.
> After 30 days of inactivity, this proposal has been closed. See the Minimum Activity Requirements for Area 51. – Community♦ Aug 7 at 3:01
TIL the Community spirit can close proposals.
Guys, I need help
Where's that??
The answer is 42
@trichoplax Esowiki.
@BusinessCat wrong
I'm sure it's wrong.
Can't you just run it in an online interpreter?
@Dennis add a Befunge-98 interpreter to TIO
@TùxCräftîñg For people to cheat in Esowiki's questy captchas? Good luck.
Seems like a lot of effort just for a CAPTCHA
but it's also useful
Does seem to narrow the potential editors down to people with an interest in esolangs
Sometimes people code in Befunge
@βετѧΛєҫαγ If I followed it correctly it prints 1.
@FryAmTheEggman Ah thanks. My connection's gone crappy so all of the online interpreters are just freezing up
No promises, I did it by hand :P
Oh no I misread what _ did...
@βετѧΛєҫαγ 54693994
@βετѧΛєҫαγ Maybe it's a trick program designed to catch out people foolish enough to paste it into an online interpreter
It's changed again:
@βετѧΛєҫαγ 356303795
@zyabin101 yeah and scouting got shut down DD:
@βετѧΛєҫαγ aha!
Beta Decay is a bot!
Running it in an interpreter gives me the same answer as Tux
@Geobots failed another turing test.
Yeah, I just got the same too
What a faff just for a tiny edit...
@βετѧΛєҫαγ Flagged as malicious code ;-)
@TimmyD It's not malicious.
how do i timeout a function in javascript?
setTimout(time, function) ?
i mean stop a function after a given amount of time
to prevent infinite loops for example
@trichoplax The problem seems to be that fact that with the 500 per 6 months rise, if you're comparing to a year ago that's two increases ago, so there's a gap of 1000 per 6 months, or 2000 per year total
It... seems to me there's wording issues at play here though
Q: How to implement a "function timeout" in Javascript - not just the 'setTimeout'

sransaraHow to implement a timeout in Javascript, not the window.timeout but something like session timeout or socket timeout - basically - a "function timeout" A specified period of time that will be allowed to elapse in a system before a specified event is to take place, unless another specified ...

@Sp3000 I can't see a way that a year would give a 2000 increase. Every 12 months there are two increases, each of 500, so that's 1000 per year. If the salary starts at 10000, then it will be 11000 12 months later. The cumulative total of pay received will be affected by the frequency of pay increases, but the salary itself is simply 11000, because they are fixed size increases, not percentage increases
Hey, it's been four days since launch of my new Quitter feed!
I should probably share something. :3
Yeah, it has to do with the wording. If they're intending "During this six-month period, we're basing your actual paychecks on a total yearly salary of X" and then changing X by 500 every six months or 1600 every year, then you get the situation that taking the 1600/yr is better --
Start 10,000/year

          500    1600     500     1600
1st year  Pay     Pay   Salary  Salary
Jan-Jun  5000    5000    10000   10000
Jul-Dec  5250    5000    10500   10000
YR TOT  10250   10000

2nd year
Jan-Jun  5500    5800    11000   11600
Jun-Dec  5750    5800    11500   11600
YR TOT  11250   11600

3rd year
Jan-Jun  6000    6600    12000   13200
Jun-Dec  6250    6600    12500   13200
YR TOT  12250   13200
Idea: share this question:
Q: List of possible birth years of living humans

Christiaan WesterbeekThe Challenge Output a list of years that starts with the current year and ends 120 years ago. Every living human has an age in years that is a number in this list. Details The list should be in descending order. Every built-in function to manipulate arrays and/or lists is allowed. Shortest ...

If, however, they're intending "Your starting pay is 5000 every six months. Under plan A, we increase that by 500 every six months. Under plan B, we increase that by 1600 every 12 months." then you get the chart they have in the book.
"A question from a new user gone horribly good." :P
@TimmyD I think that's the source of the error. I can't imagine any circumstance where "salary" would mean "pay per 6 month period"
Well, that's the weaseling -- they state you're getting a pay rise, without mentioning the period.
Well, ping me when you finish discussing salary increases.
I have readied a headline.
Also, for whatever it's worth, those befunge programs prints the reversed list of digits after the first 9 as a base 9 number.
@TimmyD Yes, I wouldn't complain if they specified a 6 month period, but in the absence of specification I'm pretty sure they intended the period to be a year. In any case, if "salary" means per 6 month period, then there should be 1600 added in the right hand column, not 800. Otherwise the definition of salary is different per column
In short, I don't think the problem is intentional
neat interpreter preventing infinite loop
@FryAmTheEggman Good idea for a CMC.
Question to the hard ware guys: For windows, would you prefer installing a (graphic card) driver manually or is the built in windows Treiber "good enough"?
@El'endiaStarman Do you know about the principal component analysis / SVD ? It makes a whole lot of sense if you think about it that way. Especially when you e.g. use the SVD with zeroing for pseudoinverses or dimensionality reduction in ML.
the builtin triber driver is crap
@TùxCräftîñg why do you think so?
generally a official driver is better than the builtin
(btw what is a treiber ಠ_ಠ)
Treiber (german) = driver (english)
triber = mix of the two :D
happens sometimes (unconciously)
@flawr why not experiment?
@flawr I prefer installing graphics drivers manually. I've encountered crashes with auto update multiple times. A majority of the improvements (meaning more FPS while playing games) are found in the first year after the release of the card, so I will frequently update for a while, and then stop updating.
@flawr I would always install the driver direct from the manufacturer
I assumed all drivers came from the manufacturer. I thought his question was "auto update or manual update" but now I'm not sure.
Because of standards, Windows has a lot of "good enough" drivers.
New sandbox post should be popping up any moment
Well in that case the answer is easy. The driver from the manufacturer is better. I can show you charts from LinusTechTips that shows improvements in FPS with the exact same card using newer drivers every couple of months.
Additionally, there are drivers that are "released" by the manufacturer as ones that passed extremely stringent HQL testing and can therefore be bundled in e.g., Windows Update mechanisms.
As far as I know the windows drivers are made by the manufacturers, but might be just minimal or out of date.
Thanks for your suggestions @NathanMerrill @Rainbolt @TimmyD
Here's the video that I think I watched. I can't really check since I'm at work. youtube.com/watch?v=iZUshOSWQRo
I'm going to publish the birth years question on my Quitter feed.
@zyabin101 Cool, you said that already.
"A Code Golf StackExchange question from a new user gone horribly good." Cool headline, eh?
@zyabin101 Sure(?). Once again, you've already said this, lol
Good! I'm gonna publish it now.
@TùxCräftîñg I'd be more impressed if it was JS to BF. ;)
but its optimizing and it has infinite loop protection
(a loop cant run more than 1024 times)
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Good Luck Have Fun Dad Doggy?
@zyabin101 Good luck have fun don't die
probably don't die
where is my sandbox post it's been 15 minutes
it waits for you to post it
then it posts it right after
It didn't post because you said it would
Just to spite you
remember, a watched chat feed never posts
too true :c
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

VTCAKAVSMoACEImplement a Devanagari Calculator parsingkolmogovov-complexitymathnumbercode-golf Your task is to create a program, that, given a mathematical expression, evaluates it. The twist is that the numbers will be input and output in the Devanagari Numeral system. Quick summary of the Devanagari nume...

It was foretold!
@TùxCräftîñg Hm... that sounds to me like the resulting interpreter isn't very faithful then?
this is to prevent infinite loops
Yeah, but it's possible for legitimate loops to go for that long too, right?
but this implementation is in HiggsBot
That isn't really intelligent prevention, just a timeout.
so a user cant crash it with ?bf +[]
@TùxCräftîñg But you can parse for that kind of loop.
Well, you can only do so well. The halting problem means you can never have a perfect loop detector.
or i can reset the counter if the value at the start of the loop == value at the end of the loop in the current cell
so most legit loops will normally run
while infinite loops will stop
@βετѧΛєҫαγ OK. Pulled.
My rep on meta is 20 less than on main
wait for your meta user to update
¹Advice may be invalid due to caching
From my experience in web programming, it's always caching
even better: caching with AJAX requests...
Another alphabet challenge from me \o/
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Justin TervayBomb Drops code-golf [tag:???] The Challenge Your task is to create a program that simulates "dropping bombs" on a 2 dimensional array. For example consider the following 2d array: 3 0 5 0 5 5 3 4 0 2 1 0 5 4 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 3 3 0 0 Dropping a bomb on a single cell decreases the value of tha...

Q: Bijective mapping from the integers to the rationals

Leaky NunDefinition A rational is a number that can be expressed as A/B where A and B are integers, B is positive, and A and B are co-prime. Task You are to write two programs/functions, one which takes a rational and output an integer, another which takes an integer and outputs a rational. Denote the...

Q: Bijective mapping from the integers to the rationals

Leaky NunDefinition A rational is a number that can be expressed as A/B where A and B are integers, B is positive, and A and B are co-prime. Task You are to write two programs/functions, one which takes a rational and output an integer, another which takes an integer and outputs a rational. Denote the...

@NewMainPosts Ninja'd
@NewMainPosts d'ninja
(prefix notation is better than postfix notation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
@VTCAKAVSMoACE See above for a prime example
@TùxCräftîñg WOW
@LeakyNun > Welcome to Programming Puzzles and Code Golf! Unfortunately this challenge is too similar to [Challenge Name](link to existing challenge) to warrant a separate post. I recommend posting future challenges to the Sandbox where they can get meaningful feedback before being posted to the main site.
@TimmyD :p
@MartinEnder Your Retina language page has examples containing the stage modifier for most stages. You should have an example under Deduplication that actually contains the D.
@TimmyD Where did you get this template?
Q: Standard New User Welcome Messages

GamrCorpsWhat is the best message to notify a new user with an issue with their post (via a comment) while posting a(n)... Challenge (unclear specs/questionable) Challenge (duplicate) Challenge (off-topic) Answer to a challenge.

@TimmyD Ah, nice
There should already be an AutoReviewComments template for PPCG. :I
@LeakyNun when did you get CG gold?
Aug 6 at 0:22, by Dr Green Eggs and Iron Man
@LeakyNun Congrats on code-golf gold!
A: Fix my IPv4 address's missing periods

orlpC (gcc/linux), 125 bytes i;f(char*a){i=0;do{char*y=a,s[99],*x=inet_ntop(2,&i,s,99);for(;*x&&!(*x^*y&&*x^46);++x)y+=*x==*y;*x|*y||puts(s);}while(++i);} Loops over all possible ip addresses, and does a custom comparison that skips over extra dots in the generated ip address (but not in the main ...

@LeakyNun >_> congrats
I would never expect C to beat Python or Javascript for this :P
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Thanks
Guys, would a CAPTCHA Cops 'n Robbers work?
@LeakyNun check out that C answer
The cops make the CAPTCHA and the robbers have to make a program to get past the CAPTCHA
@orlp upvoted
@LeakyNun uploaded?
@βετѧΛєҫαγ malicious
@LeakyNun I didn't mean to ask for upvotes, just you checking the answer itself out :P
@LeakyNun Meh, not if you control the type of CAPTCHA
@βετѧΛєҫαγ how do we define a captcha that's still readable by a human?
According to this I have a vocabulary of 22050 in english and 27135 in german. But I don't believe that =/
Huh... I dunno
We should survey people about how fluent they are in $LANG.
@flawr 21900 for me in english
> ★★★ Top 6.83%
Your vocabulary is at the level of professional white-collars in the US!
@flawr 26900 in English, 20250 in German
@flawr I also got 22050 for english
there is no dutch option though
Or russian... they really gotta expand this
Oh noes I lost my poll.
I really have the feeling that this test doesn't say too much...
This one here seems better testyourvocab.com
And I answered the Featured Poll!
got 13100 for english there which makes a lot more sense.
Written or spoken? Big difference.
@flawr 8300 for me
Stupid snipping ... grumble, grumble
@flawr got 36,700 on that one
@flawr got 18500 on that one
But most of you aren't native speakers, right?
Apparently 28925 for me in English
★★★ Top 0.35%

You are Shakespeare! You can even create new words that will expand the English dictionary.
I'm not
@BusinessCat try the other one
I think @orlp @LeakyNun and I are not
my native language is nederlands
I am a native speaker, but there were still a few words there I've never heard before
But I could guess based on the part of speech it appeared to be
I'm from Hong Kong, my native language is Cantonese
@BusinessCat yeah, like "quash"
@BusinessCat Some words can be a noun a verb and an adjective
@LeakyNun fuck wasn't in there
I've heard quash plenty of times. I'm thinking like "querulous"
I have to look that one up now
> Given to complaining; peevish.
@orlp Leiden means to suffer in german :D
@flawr same in dutch
Why would anyone name a city to suffer/suffering?
@LeakyNun I was going to say hello through google translate
but there is no cantonese on translate :(
@flawr actually
@flawr it's lijden that means to suffer
leiden is to lead
that is prehaps leiten in german=)
> Said to be from Germanic *līþa- "canal"[1]. Leiden has historically been associated with the Roman outpost Lugdunum Batavorum and so it was thought the name Leiden had to be derived from this Latin name. This particular castellum was however closer to the town of Katwijk, whereas the Roman settlement near modern-day Leiden was called Matilo.[2]
> A city in South Holland on the Old Rhine, seat of a famous Dutch university.
we're famous!
But many swiss german dialects are probably quite close to dutch
german in general is quite close to dutch
@flawr Swiss german dialects are usually closer to italian and possibly french
@Theo Certainly not=)
@flawr Why not?
I don't know why, but that's my gut feeling=)
(i'm swiss btw)
24,200 on testyourvocab
I have an aunt who lives in switzerland who I visit regularly, definitely some italian in there, not sure about anything else though
May I ask where?
Some regions do have italian dialects, but they are unrelated to german
Same with la romandie and french
@Theo Because German is a Germanic language while Italian is a Romance language
@LeakyNun Right, and french too.
They may have borrowed words from Italian, but German is still very far away from Italian
higgsbot is not a admin of higgsbot
@flawr in the Emmental, which is like halfway between Bern and Lucerne
@Theo Ok assuming she's speaking the local dialect, it is far from italian=)
I mean a relatively large part of the swiss population speaks either french or italian as their native language, so you can definitely see where it comes from
@flawr 23250, Top 4.67% Your vocabulary size is equal to that of a 30-year-old successful American businessperson!
I'm scared to try the other languages because I'm a dumb USian and only know English.
@TimmyD I'm pretty sure those tests aren't actually representative of anything
Not a big enough sample size
@Theo I think the idea behind this one is quite good and makes sense: testyourvocab.com
@flawr It's definitely better than the other one, however I got very lucky on that one
Q: Bijective mapping from the integers to the rationals

Leaky NunDefinition A rational is a number that can be expressed as A/B where A and B are integers, B is positive, and A and B are co-prime. Task You are to write two programs/functions, one which takes a rational and output an integer, another which takes an integer and outputs a rational. Denote the...

@LeakyNun No hovertext...
@trichoplax It isn't xkcd
Really? The style looks so similar I just assumed it was - sorry...
@LeakyNun It should be: xkcd.com/552
@trichoplax The comic is xkcd, it's just not the one actually on the xkcd site
@FryAmTheEggman Thanks, the website just copied it then
(with hover text as a onebox)
Not sure it was worth it this time though...

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