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@mınxomaτ I've created a minimal documentation for that github.com/turbo/YTStream .
> It gets around most european content restrictions.
rickroll is blocked in germany ಠ_ಠ
No, but the mashup.
wow rpn have earned 10 stars and 3 forks in one day
thank to mbomb
> 1,008 commits
1 contributor
> 15,744,785 ++ / 8,297,137 --
Some people are just really prolific.
this rpn is ultra cool
rpn help>output

    [ TODO: describe output formats supported by rpn ]

rpn help>
@El'endiaStarman Just looked up the translation of prolific. I read produktiv (productive) and furchbar (awful). I was really confused until I noticed it is fruchtbar, not furchtbar. German FTW
cheddar> [1,2,3].reduce((+))
@Downgoat ಠ¯ಠ
cheddar is strange
In what situations i should check community wiki? Only if i copied someone else' answer?
cheddar> [1,2,3].reduce((+))
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
@Downgoat That was an impressively quick bugfix.
@TùxCräftîñg Hey, take it to the Sandbox.
@betseg there is really almost 0 situations anymore where you should use CW. usually on big-list posts where you'd like to invite others to add items
@El'endiaStarman thx
is rpn supporting strings?
Seems like you knew exactly where the bug was. I love it when that happens. :P
i cant find anything in help topics
@betseg @Downgoat or if you found a relevant answer directly from online
@RohanJhunjhunwala in that case you should not post it
you should golf it and then credit it
Q: Smallest sum (and largest difference) of two 3-digit integers

thesnowGiven six unique positive integers, print the two 3-digit integers comprised of those numbers that sum to the smallest amount. Additionally, If there is more than one set of numbers that meets the smallest-sum requirement, print the two that have the greatest difference. For example, 269 + 15...

Q: Unsorted majorization of two lists

DoorknobDefinition A vector a containing n elements is said to majorize or dominate a vector b with n elements iff for all values k such that 1 ≤ k ≤ n, the sum of the first element of a↓ through the kth element of a↓ is greater than or equal to the sum of the first through kth elements of b↓, where v↓ ...

@RohanJhunjhunwala that belongs as a comment
I have some code that will work for the rectangle challenge -- do I need to include code for reading input or anything to that effect?
Y dis happens all da tiem ._.
Oh, I do feel like that answer with the graphic is relevant and belongs as an answer, but I do see how it could be suited as a comment
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I pronounce my name as June June Wa La
@TùxCräftîñg it's...plugged?
the red ring bugged me ._.
Then get unbugged? Duh
this is bizarre. I have a <style> block that works on main, but not on meta.
but if I take the contents of the style block and put them in inspector-stylesheet
@NathanMerrill this is bizarre borked.
then, suddenly, they work
rpn (12)>1 21 5 range2 ! sum
rpn (13)>1 21 5 range2 ! sum fib
rpn (14)>1 21 5 range2 ! sum fib fib
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "rpn/rpn.py", line 608, in <module>
    handleOutput( rpn( sys.argv[ 1 : ] ) )
  File "rpn/rpn.py", line 575, in rpn
    enterInteractiveMode( )
  File "rpn/rpn.py", line 270, in enterInteractiveMode
    valueList = evaluate( terms )
  File "rpn/rpn.py", line 115, in evaluate
    if not evaluateTerm( term, index, currentValueList, not hasMore ):
borked python bigint \o/
this fib function is insanely efficient ಠ_ಠ
_ _
\ : / /
\ I /
lol there goes my formatting
@TùxCräftîñg ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
first ಠ_ಠ is for borking python, second ಠ_ಠ is for using python
@Downgoat It's rpn duh
such whitespace dependency much wow
Is ur naem elie
@betseg yup
i found a solution for the rectangle thing, but I found it on the internet. should i check CW?
I would say yes
BUt only post it if you think it is helpful
@betseg no it is TùxCräftîñg
There arent any answers yet, sooo
@Downgoat o thx
You know what, ive been trying for about three hours. I won't check CW
with neoscript's basic interpret i think i will fall in the same problem than cheddar:
recursion borked
rpn help>chemistry
The chemistry category includes the following operators (with aliases in

is this rpn or mathematica?
(ok it's a very basic set of operators but...)
A: How should Community Wikis be used?

DennisCommunity wiki is not a rep waiver I've mentioned that from time to time in the past. Community wiki doesn't just mean that you cannot earn rep from a post. Just, it does have that side effect, but the community wiki option is for posts that can be edited by anyone without worrying about post o...

> and nobody marks answers as community wiki
Official gear for Rio 2016 (provided by Canon for the press).
Q: Everything Simulator

PeanutEverything Simulator is a code-golf program you will be writing in any language that simulates, well, everything. It takes input as an array of characters like below: S S S S B B B Each character has its own function: S (sand) falls down until it hits a solid platform. B (bric...

Does the solution have to be in the form of a function accepting arguments and returning a result?
Or just the computation?
It can be a full program or function
> Your goal is to create a function or program [...]
@MarcusS oh you were talking about everything simulator?
Q: Shortest python code that is able to crash the cpython bytecode parser

user2284570I would like to see who can make Python have a fatal crash with the shortest code. The bytecode parser being written in pure C, this essentially trigger a segmentation fault. Rules : the code that generate the invalid cpython bytecode should be written in python itself (it shouldn’t rely on ex...

try to FGITW new main post
Your formula is the same as the one I was getting ready to post soon -- not sure if there is much point now to submit anything!
@NewMainPosts ninja'd
@TùxCräftîñg Do you not know that malicious code is basically banned on PPCG?
Not basically.
@El'endiaStarman no :/
@TùxCräftîñg lel
It's banned on Stackexchange in general
@MarcusS look at the old question, everyone answered with the same (and simpler) formula yet got +5 rep. You should post with another language, and would get lots of upvotes.
@NewMainPosts wow
@NewMainPosts ಠ_ಠ
@NewMainPosts +1 for the ref!
i dont get th reference :/
@TùxCräftîñg i didn't too, until i googled it
A.K.A. that moment when Galadriel becomes really scary.
im gonna sleep cya guys l8r
true, but I don't think we have a problem with people upvoting too little
@MartinEnder We certainly don't.
-1 moderator flags. Huh. How'd that happen? o.O
@El'endiaStarman What are moderation flags?
@flawr You can flag a chat message in one of two ways: spam/offensive, or moderator. They're handled differently and the notifications appear different too.
@El'endiaStarman I never noticed o_o, how are they different?
Q: Meandering around a lattice or grid

martinA meander is a self-avoiding closed curve which intersects a line a number of times. Your task is, given a (not necessarily Hamiltonian) self-avoiding walk on a lattice/grid, produce a meander a la the following: Input {{1, 2}, {2, 6}, {6, 7}, {7, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 8}, {8, 12}, {12, 11}, {11, 10...

@flawr If enough people flag the same message as spam/offensive, it will automatically be deleted and the offending user kick-muted for 30 minutes. This also happens if any mod/10k user validates the flag.
I think only moderators see mod flags.
@El'endiaStarman it's not just you, see TL
@El'endiaStarman D'oh, that makes sense=)
@ArtOfCode Yeah, I didn't think it was just me.
I did when it turned up for me :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

daHugLennycode-golf string grid A square of text The Challenge Given either a string or a multiline string, output the text in the shape of a square. You can assume that the text will always fit in a square. Example Input: Hi, world Output: Hi, wo rld Test Cases Input: Hi, world! Hello Output...

@El'endiaStarman I think you need multiple 10k users.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Did your box CMC need to support multiline strings?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ only 17 stars to go
@quartata oh geez
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ you better keep to your word ;)
of course I will
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

martinA meander is a self-avoiding closed curve which intersects a line a number of times. Your task is, given a (not necessarily Hamiltonian) self-avoiding walk on a lattice/grid, produce a meander a la the following: Input {{{3, 4}}, {1, 2}, {2, 6}, {6, 7}, {7, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 8}, {8, 12}, {12, 11...

Anyone working on the Bleen challenge? I'm creating a solution that works for all ranges, but it doesn't work for some reversed range edge cases. I'm having trouble patching it. ideone.com/2ZW4Cz
And boy, does my brain hurt right now.
Too many hours staring at a fake work.
Oh, and apparently my combined rep passed 10K!
@El'endiaStarman : based on this question that never received downvotes nor close votes. And as per meta consensus, my understanding was asking questions that crash things aren’t necessarily malicious code.
@TùxCräftîñg : Especially if the target is designed to be insecure and get it’s bugs reports closed as won’t fix in that case.
@user2284570 That's 2 years old. Things were less strictly enforced then
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ɴɪɢʜτ
(can you find the problem?)
anyway g'n
@quartata no you don't.
[Quick notepad in your browser.](data:text/html;base64,PGh0bWwgY29udGVudGVkaXRhYmxlIHN0eWxlPSJmb250LWZh‌​bWlseTogU291cmNlIFNhbnMgUHJvOyI+) It's obvious when you think about it, but I'd never considered doing that.
ah, chat doesn't like data links
I was wondering where my Pizza was for over 3 hours. Then I called. They said they rang the doorbell, but someone (that was not me) answered and (naturally) told them he didn't order anything. So I went outside and rang my own doorbell. Turns out that the wiring got mixed up somehow and it rings at my neighbor's apartment!
@mınxomaτ Neat but I bet they aren't common because it's against the TOS. Section 4 parts A and C.
@mınxomaτ What happened to the pizza?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I think you've cracked the code, figured out how to get unlimited stars. :P
@flawr It disappeared into the void where all such non-delivered things go (i.e. Canada).
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm gonna have a hard time learning that ASCII-only is CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
> ... I will make my name ASCII-only
@flawr your point...?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ it's being taken literally. If that message reaches 30 stars, you must now change your name to the literal string ASCII-only.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Yeah, that makes sense.
@flawr They are delivering a new one, as it was already paid.
@mınxomaτ I mean what happened to the pizza that you now didn't get?
Who knows.
Probably delivered for free to the next client.
I also get a free additional pizza once in a while because the previous customer wasn't answering.
Also, it is half past midnight here. That means that my neighbor probably had to get out of bed to decline my pizza.
That feeling when you copy a VM over to a new computer, and everything just works right out of the box and all your settings and data are there. Ahhhh....
@mınxomaτ didn't the delivery man notice anything weird when a different door opened?
@TùxCräftîñg : This isn’t bytecode.
@NathanMerrill Uhm, why would any sane person open a door at midnight?
We have intercoms.
ah, makes sense :)
also makes more sense why the wiring was wrong
I was thinking a literal doorbell
@HelkaHomba : since several pooples don’t think I’m asking something malicious (please take look at the comments). I opened a meta post
Q: Does posts that aks code to crash something should systemically be treated as malicious?

user2284570Despite What qualifies as malicious code? the consensus seems really unclear around this because this question seems to be valid and that one isn’t. I know asking to crash something is linked to security damage. but several comments on the two previous example above don’t think it’s necessaril...

@mınxomaτ It must be tough for you to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night if the door happens to be closed ._.
@NewMetaPosts mod abuse eleven? :3
really, the only reason I'd want to be mod was to be able to eleven the bots :p
Maybe we should learn to be patient and not preempt the bots
pedant is satisfied
@HelkaHomba tru
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 12 to go
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Ah, OK. That makes it simpler than I thought
@quartata as time progresses, it will be harder for it to gain stairs
@quartata brb creating sock accounts
@NewMetaPosts Speaking of anagrams: "eleven plus two" is an anagram of "twelve plus one"
26 people in here
o_o both 13 characters (excluding the spaces)
@Dennis Or you could just pin it
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I can pin it if you want to.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Trust me, it will get there
I will make sure
@Dennis sure, why not :p
Does (1+z/n)^n -> e^z hold for complex z? Apparently not...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Only if it becomes necessary. I'll enjoy being able to ping you in comments on my phone.
@Dennis I see. I still find it odd that your phone doesn't auto-complete it.
It does if I request the full desktop site, but I prefer the mobile UI. Either my phone is too small or my fingers are to big...
huh. are you an iPhone user?
When Java outgolfs Jelly.
ah, that's why. it shows on the iOS app
I don't use the app.
@HelkaHomba : Yes, but the point is there are peoples who think even the 2014 post is still a valid question that don’t ask something that can be malicious. I think it’s necessary to clarify.
@quartata Yeah, way simpler. If it had to handle multiline strings, I don't think I'd be able to answer in V.
@Dennis you should have said "when java outgolfs jelly" :P
you're just jelly of his grammer skillz
eleven'd it in
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan they sound the same phonetically!
"uv" sound makes more sense as of then "have"
@Downgoat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just like giving you crap about your poor writing skills.
Uhhh I think this is the first time when Bubblegum decompression has failed....
I'm going to make a challenge where the scoring metric takes into account the number of errors you get when compiled in java-lowest score is better.
It was compressed with b256 -> bb96 but is apparently valid deflate and decompresses to an empty string
> should have
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ thx
what on earth
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan ;_; y u do dis dr ham jam
Well shit, I hope that doesn't ever happen again
What does? Me using correct grammar?
@quartata what are the chances of that even happening
@Adnan Very low
Before today, I would have said low.
0000000: 0388 7a5f ..z_
offending string
That's hilarious.
What should it decompress to?
CMC: Find more compression/decompression collisions. :P
0000000: 4601 3f1b 859d d15f ca4b f99b 94da 396a  F.?...._.K....9j
0000010: dbaa 614e                                ..aN
Brutal. :/
@Dennis Pull CG?
fgitw opportunity rn fyi
@HelkaHomba Can't do it yet with CG, need math
Otherwise I would
@quartata Done.
Looping and incrementing would suffice
I don't have either of those
OK, that's not true. I can recurse
But I can't increment
@HelkaHomba Your 4 example has extra spaces on the left.
Much better. :)
Oops. Thanks!
Q: Turtles All the Way Down

Helka HombaWrite a program or function that takes in a positive integer and prints or returns a stack of that many ASCII-art turtles, where each turtle is larger than the one above it. Specifically, if the input is 1, the output should be: __ /,,\o If the input is 2: __ o/,,\ ____ /,__,\o If the ...

You should probably mention the reference (although I presume most people know) :P
I do in the link
Oh, didn't notice. Oops
...that moment when you're ready to move your code over to production aaaand you can't SSH into it. >_<
Guess I'll keep working in dev! :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Pling! 19 stars!
@El'endiaStarman 8 stars to go
Well that's just cheating
what are you talking about
mod stars are worth 8 normal user stars
Only 8 more to go. Come on, people.
@HelkaHomba Hemm… Would using the go language be ok ? I’m not talking about the google one, but the one used in france for teaching programming in elementary schools during the 80’s. The only thing it could do was to draw ᴀꜱᴄɪɪ art turtles.
Use whatever language you want that can do it
@HelkaHomba I mean beside looping constructs, the only instruction it had was for drawing turtles.
@user2284570 So long as they're the specific ASCII turtles in the challenge, that's fine.
@El'endiaStarman got wrong on the language : logo.
Isn't that turtle as in turtle graphics?

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