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> Happy Birthday World War I
@LeakyNun I finally had a look at your changes to the Retina unary arithmetic tutorial? The link in this section seems off: github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/… do you remember where that was supposed to point?
Not one of my favorite programming languages
why thank you :D
Sorry Marten
I just don't like the lack of arithmetic. Unary gets annoying
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ different strokes for different folks
different folks for different strokes
that too
Unary is hilarious
@Martin Ender dont let anyone say otherwise
@MartinEnder I'm thinking of making a string processing programming language
what's the idea? :)
@DmitryKudriavtsev like /// ?
so something where you have variables declared and you can easily invoke them.
For Kolmogorov-complexity challenges
What's ///?
/// gets no results on Google
is zyabin101 here?
Those links don't work
works for me
//: No text int his page
add another slash
anyways have oyu read my gist?
yesI took a look at it
seems interesting
is it turing complete?
I don't have time to write an interpreter, but if I do write it, it'll probably be in Ruby
are there any Java golfers on this sight?
lol my speellling is garbage xD
ye there are plenty, they just can't compete with golfing langs
@DmitryKudriavtsev looks like /// plus for-loop minus turing-completeness
wait its not tc
I feel like it's a bit too much focus on 99BoB-like texts
shouldn't it be Turing complete Ender?
Like BF?
wait nvm
ttermination is garunteed
no, you can get infinite loops
Q: Conway's Game of Knights

David StarkeyYou have 1 chess piece: The Knight The board: Conway's Game of Life Your goal: Survive Basically, you control a standard chess Knight. You are only allowed to move to cells considered "live" (depicted as grey in the images). After you move, the board move forward one step as described in Conwa...

how? (that doesn't necessarily make it TC though)
I don't have them in the spec yet, but you just put a var name on the line and it counts up with that var
but you have to specify a count till
@El'endiaStarman @NathanMerrill I got a response from the "Center for Election Science" about doing activism for Approval Voting. I had asked them about a way to volunteer with the organization (since they appear to be the largest pro-approval-voting group).
like for(int i = a, i<b;i++)doStuff();
that is garunteed termination for any and b
I edited it, please reload
^^ Well, this is odd...
weird, huh
@DmitryKudriavtsev just adding an infinite loop instruction doesn't make a language Turing-complete
What else should I add?
That's already in there
Unconditional branches
Please elaborate
If you like, we can start you off with some pamphleteering. It can get you used to talking about voting methods as an issue and start to understand some of the issues. Also, we've found that pamphleteering with another person tends to be more effective and more interesting. Do you have another person in mind?

Here are some other quick questions:
Mailing address
Number of fliers
T-shirt Size

Aaron Hamlin, Esq.
Executive Director, Co-founder
The Center for Election Science
NVM conditional branch
so Dimitry ad a jump if 0 command
and ur set
All loops are single line??
@DmitryKudriavtsev there is no fixed "you need exactly these features for your language to be Turing-complete" list. the best thing is to prove that it is, either by showing that every program in a TC language can be translated into it, or by implementing a Turing-complete system in your language.
OK, I'll add a jump if 0 command
@PhiNotPi cool!
So to build off of what Martin Ender is saying, an easy way to prove that it is TUring complete is to simulate another language like Brain**** in it.
fun fact, I accidentally typed it as "Brianfuck" at one point
there are multiple articles on google scholar entitled expiremental Brian research
nvm xkcd lied to me
> expire-mental
@NathanMerrill Right now I'm trying to see if any of my friends are willing to participate (I don't like being lonely).
@PhiNotPi Participate in... what?
@PhiNotPi What is this?
I can't undelete :(
Jun 3 '15 at 19:25, by feersum
9 mins ago, by Dmitry Kudriavtsev
fun fact, I accidentally typed it as "Brianfuck" at one point
I am NOT @feersum
@feersum @fearsome ?
A: Teach me how to add!

RonronnerJavaScript, 114 Bytes var a=document.querySelector("input").value.split(",");b=parseInt(a[0]),c=parseInt(a[1]),d=b+c,e=b+"\n-"+c+"\n= \n"+d; Try this in Console here.

do you like it?
I think u had to outupt asii art addition
It returns that
2-5 is not 7
@DmitryKudriavtsev We're talking about electoral reform.
\o/ cheddar has 1.5k npm downloads!!!
I'm kinda convinced that there are bots that just download random things from NPM because it seems like every npm module people here post gets 1k downloads
Also Cheddar's repo still only has 20 stars, kinda surprised actually
Yeah... I don't believe that those 1.5k downloads are "legit."
@quartata yeah, i was pretty sure they were bots too but i dont see why anyone would want to write an npm crawler
Probably looking for copyright infringements and/or people using React
That said, if a large portiom were bots then id think they would generally index all packages at a similar amount, but that doesnt seem to be the case as ive seen pleanty of olde packages with 300-400ish downloads
It's probably scraping the "recently updated packages" or whatever
:/ cheddars been updated only like 27 times tho
Wait nope only 18
@moderator could you move my messages chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/1/sandbox to trash or something?
@muddyfish Why are you worried about it? That room exists for stuff like that
ok then some guy said something
He's probably wrong
^ really impressive algorithm/application.
did I do logo right or does it look bad
oh geez it looks worse here
Is that a blurry bacteria?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ looks cool
though idk if itll scale well
@Downgoat yeah, but it's an ugly logo .-.
I'm using three different tools to make comics >_<
just use paint
that's one of them
@Quill I'm really good at MS Paint.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan r u there? I need vim halp ._.
Doing Business in Cuba

Proposed Q&A site for successful exporters wanting to break into the Cuban market

Currently in definition.

That is unnecessarily specific lol
Why not "Foreign Business" in general I wonder
screw logos I'm just using a nice font
Is there any SE site about "doing business," period?
Q: What is the best Stack Exchange site where business related questions can be asked?

lakshmanI want to ask a question about small-scale enterprises. What is the best site that can be asked on?

It looks like only a few that are tangentially related. Not a dedicated "Business" stack exchange.
@Rainbolt Buisness is very broad topic though
academia, workplace?
hey, what are the ramifications of a no-semicolon language?
there are no semicolons
aka, are there really times you need semicolons (as opposed to new lines)?
(I'm referring to semicolons as a end-of-statement marker)
not much, other than code has a tendency to look less compressed
@NathanMerrill optional semicolons or no semicolons at all?
no semicolons at all is not good idea
@Downgoat no semicolons at all
@Downgoat right, I'm asking why
if I wanted to do:
if (foo)
I'd probably want to do:
if (foo) bar; else baz
not having semicolons doesn't give me that option
imo it'll also be helpful to people coming from C-like languages
true, but I'm not allowing for no-braces ifs

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