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I believe the correct response in that situation is "Pardon my French"
And the correct version for Americans learning French is "Pardon my French but parlay vew fransay?"
@Quill Afternoon
@Quill wat
1 hour later…
@Phrancis people who learn a language without learning the sounds..
@TùxCräftîñg There's a SE about everything...
anyone can fix this ? I'm going to post it an hour later or so ... (meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9681/55673)
@BusinessCat I doubt there will one day be a SEx.SE (First thing that came to my mind)
I've seen proposals on that.
Does anyone know any Perl?
What does this line do: `
if ($FindBin::RealBin eq abs_path(bindir))
@GLASSIC May I edit this directly? I see some typos
And the idea of "deactivation" doesn't really make sense here. It sort of conveys the idea that nodes stop reproducing entirely, which is never the case.
This one thinks this answer is brilliant.
A: Anatomically Correct Khajiit

RenanRenan knows that Khajiit look like customer's world Lynx. But Renan is going to base realistic Khajiit on another, smarter cat. Anatomically correct Khajiit is based on rainforest jaguar. The reason being that jaguar is much smarter cat. Just like Khajiit, see? Tiger is strong in body and lion ...

So... has anyone learned Perl yet?
@GLASSIC Never mind. Figured out deactivation.
@feersum eq is string equality. I'd have to look it up but I guess findbin returns the absolute path to /bin?
@quartata Actually the syntax is confusing me the most
What is bindir?
Is it a variable?
Actually, no. Bareword string
So thoes don't need $ signs?
The file has use strict, are barewords still allowed then?
@feersum sure, 5 and 6 :P.
I would have to see the full file
might be a sub
Yeah could be
use creduce_config qw(bindir libexecdir);
also not sure why you're using the chat for that :)
For what?
Yeah so it's a niladic sub
for help
@ven That line defines a bindir function?
What do you suggest I use instead?
that imports it
no idea, if you have such technical questions, I'd recommend StackOverflow :).
But wouldn't you vote to close this question? :)
why would I vote to close
ugh all these prototypes
hurts my heart.
Well, thanks for the help
Perl syntax is hard to google, like math notation
There should be a regex option in google.
@Sherlock9 Artifexian has three fantastic videos on IPA
I think I'm already subscribed. Thanks Doorknob :D
@zyabin101 Code Review Golf Code
@flawr Count me IN!
But first, tell me about the challenge.
I was trying to come up with a good first example for my language, till I realized that this site is chalk full of simple algorithms that can show off a language
Chalk...what we need is .
A: Is there a way to search in Google using regular expressions (regex)?

Anderson GreenGoogle Search can return the matches of some simple regular expressions. For example, the search query "(gray|red) (wolf|fox)" appears to be equivalent to ("gray wolf" OR "red fox" OR "red wolf" OR "gray fox") You can see the output of this search query here.

@feersum /ucrlenny
No search engine does "real" RegEx for queries. Only logical like Nathan's link uses. DuckDuckGo's regex is a bit more advanced, but it too just executes the RegEx on the result body and uses short-circuit logic to search.
uh hi
Idea: host web pages in a tweet.
(However, it must fit in 140 chars.)
@zyabin101 challenge idea?
@GLASSIC Nope, just an idea.
@zyabin101 idea for what ?
well , i can't get it ....
What did you think of my edits, Glassic?
So, you golfed your web page to 140 chars so that it fits in a tweet.
You can tweet it.
@Sherlock9 thanks for edits .
Then, someone can view your web-page-in-a-tweet by opening it via a special website.
No problem. Important note: Punctuation usually follows the last word, like this. No space before.
@Sherlock9 i always forget this ...
Good luck with remembering this in the future :D
@zyabin101 i don't think that's a good idea ... better to make a html5 file and upload it somewhere
Finally, an easy to pronounce protocol name: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PubSubHubbub
Hmm, I probably should invite more people to the Remaining Bytes.
What is the Remaining Bytes?
A Google Spaces space for PPCG! :D
What is Google Spaces? :P
hmmm ... i think 19th byte is deserted most of the time while it's the most popular chat room . i don't think google spaces space is necessary ....
there aren't that many people in cummunity
Which is why the Skype/Discord voice chat died
Though I think the Minecraft server may still be running
@Sherlock9 want to join the Remaining Bytes?
@Sherlock9 And timezones.
The hangout was 3am for me.
That's fair
How do you add me?
I'd rather not type out my email address in this chat
I'm joining space now ... wait how to join ?
@Sherlock9 Did you copy the URL?
I have joined
Acquaint yourself in the Spaces help centre.
i'm just lagging ... @zyabin101 can you tell me how to join ?
Magnificent :D
copied and went ..
@GLASSIC Welcome to the Remaining Bytes! :D
Acquaint yourself in the Spaces help centre.
Wait... @mınxomaτ you eavesdropped the link? o_O
I did what now?
I see an user, "Turbo Developers", that I didn't expect in the space.
My Google account is minxomat ([email protected]).
@Sherlock9 @GLASSIC What are you waiting for, share something with the Remaining Bytes! ;)
I'm not sure what to share atm
I'll think of something
@zyabin101 i'm not sure what share , my hard drive is empty rightnow ...
@Sherlock9 About that. I noticed that most of the talking was happening when we were discussing something coding or golfing related. I had this idea a while ago: A PPCG podcast. Basically just a recorded hangouts session once a month or so, where a few people discuss some (previously set) topics of code (golfing).
IMO that would work fairly well with a small number of people and prepared topics.
I think that would be excellent
Over something like skype?
I was trying to work out a podcast with my friends here, but more related to science and other stuff.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Well, that doesn't matter. What matters is that in addition to the live discussion, everyone needs to record their own audio, so that one person can edit the pod afterwards.
However, I'm not sure that my own connection is decent enough, usually
Ah, that makes sense
@Sherlock9 The connection is not recorded, your local audio is.
Yeah, just now figured that out when I saw your reply
I'd be happy to do the editing. I've worked in a studio (mastering) for quite some time.
Well, let me know if you ever decide to do that.
I'd love to be a part of it.
Still someone needs to host (or "lead") and create the topics. Of course everyone has to prepare at least a bit in advance.
What would we talk about? Obviously code-golf, but do you think there is enough to say about it to be interesting?
Would it be more about the site or the sport?
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan I'm thinking of a structure. Like first site-related (cg), following with "just" code-related and maybe closing with personal projects or cool things someone discovered (optionally tech related things going on the world right now).
@mınxomaτ Ping me if you ever organize something like that :)
So a mix of the Maker magazine podcast and the Tips threads we have? Our projects and little golfing tips.
@Doorknob Lemme think of some topics for a pilot episode and we'll see.
I'm in favor of an additional section where we say how to actually write the code haha
@Sherlock9 Exactly. I don't think we have to be too restrictive about the topics. The unique perspective that PPCGers tend to have is what intrigues me.
I'm sure I can think of lot's of things that are interesting to me, but I don't know if that makes it interesting to everyone.
Like right now, my golf-lang is going great, but I don't know if that's worthy of being the topic of discussion.
Good point. How many people outside of PPCG.SE and the wider golfing community would be interested. How big is the wider golfing community anyway?
Probably not huge. It's a pretty geeky topic.
@Everyone: Please visit git.io/podprop if you're interested in being a part of a PPCG/coding related podcast.
We should see if other parts of SE have "code hobbyists" that would be interested in this
@mınxomaτ exempt
disappears(?) in a puff of smoke
@Sherlock9 Just quote the above wherever you deem appropriate. I just want as much input as possible.
Hmm. Is it possible to have an email through github? I think I'd prefer that over using my personal one.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan 10minutemail.com
(that's just an inbox though)
And it expires pretty quickly.
Anyone knows how much ad services pay for website owner for adding ads to their websites ?
@GLASSIC Next to nothing.
CMC: write a polyglot of natural language, no loan words, and more than one word.
For languages not using the Latin alphabet, you can transliterate it into Latin alphabet
Q: How should Community Wikis be used?

Martin EnderCommunity Wikis (CWs) seem to be an often misunderstood feature on Stack Exchange in general. For instance, I'm often seeing them used to avoid gaining reputation when the author feels they don't deserve it for whatever reason, even though that is not at all their purpose. The problem doesn't get...

@mınxomaτ so why someone should waste its computer's cpu rate and his domain to give you a 10min email with less ads and many costs ? i think that person is just wasting his money ...
@LeakyNun Does it have to be a full program (sentence) or can it be a snippet (phrase)?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Change that to "apparently this is what you want"
@Doorknob full program is best, but since this is CMC, i accept snippet
Example adsense report.
@LeakyNun what's CMC
@GLASSIC Chat Mini-Challenge
@LeakyNun Are we going by pronunciation or spelling?
@Doorknob whatever
don't want to have too much restrictions
Hey @Doorknob, if I wanted to ask the Code Review people if they would be interested in the podcast idea, would it be better to ask a mod about it first or ask in chat directly
Or should I just make a question about the podcast on Meta and find people to help there?
You could probably ask in their chatroom
@Sherlock9 Don't.
Fair enough.
yeah, I wouldn't go to meta just yet. Especially since it's nothing more than an idea right now.
I'm not sure how official it should be until we know for sure we want to make it happen.
@LeakyNun I've written a program , should i send it here ?
Ah that's fair
@Sherlock9 I don't think it's on topic of [Whatever] Meta.
which syntax do you like better: Int[min=0, max=20]or Int@min(0)@max(20)?
program meristheweirdesthumanever; uses unix; begin {s to} write('just code and code'); if "program" == "program" then begin write {ing code} ("until he dies") ; {and his life} end ; {s} {I mean} END. {s}
@NathanMerrill You just pinged me.
I'll just start a conversation in the 2nd monitor then
@Sherlock9 I'll gist a writeup of my idea in the meantime. Maybe wait until I've finished that.
@mınxomaτ Just emailed you.
@mınxomaτ Right. Sorry for maybe moving too fast. I'll email you first
is there a library to choose random primes in python?
@Lembik i don't know python but i think choosing a random number and finding the nth prime is a better way
@GLASSIC do you mean choosing a random number and testing if it is prime?
@GLASSIC error: cannot generate random number with infinite precision
@Lembik no, he means generating 100 and then find the 100th prime
@Lembik there are infinite number of primes. Do you want a prime under a specific number?
I want primes between 2^63 and 2^64
Almost all numbers are primes, so generating numbers and testing primality would be better
I just can't believe I really need to implement rabin-miller primality testing myself :)
How long would it take to find all primes in that range?
Julia has built-in fast prime checking
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan about 2^63 time
@LeakyNun That's completely not true.
you can download python implementations yourself
@LeakyNun about 1 in log n integers are prime
so almost all integers are not prime
Oh, looks like I had it reversed haha
still searching pypi :)
But here uses my algorithm
Q: Generate Random Prime number in C/C++ between 2 limits

premprakashIs there a built in function that can generate a random prime number between 2 given limits in C/C++? I want a function that can generate a random prime number between 1 million and 1 billion

Woah. I'm 30 points away from hitting 20k network wide!
seems I really do have to implement rabin miller. Very surprised its not in some python module already
@Lembik eh, the set {2, 325, 9375, 28178, 450775, 9780504, 1795265022} is enough for 64 bits
@LeakyNun what do you do with the set?
@Lembik miller-rabin
I thought sympy implemented Miller-Rabin
Let me check
import sympy
print sympy.isprime(10)
gmpy2 has something too apparently
@Sherlock9 pretty sure mine is faster
@LeakyNun test it!
@Lembik nope, lol
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TimmyDPatch the Paragraph popularity-contest string In the spirit of Patch the Image, here's a similar challenge but with text. Challenge Given a text paragraph composed of ASCII characters, with a rectangular hole composed of solely spaces somewhere in the middle, your program should try to fill i...

@Lembik Remind me, what does gmpy2 do?
"gmpy2 is a C-coded Python extension module that supports multiple-precision arithmetic."
Ah, and sympy is symbolic mathematics; calculus, polynomials, and such
I should give it a try
@Sherlock9 Podcast proposal: git.io/podprop
Hm, if you say maximum of 5 people, PPCG is possibly enough
@mınxomaτ You can do custom git.io urls? :O
You should probably get more than 5 as a regular cast though. For me personally, I don't know how hectic the upcoming year will be in terms of coursework, and I may not be able to record some months
Comment on the thing.
There's comments on there?
Oh, so there is
disappears(?) with an eeek
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdvancidRepairing Quine Your task is to make a program or a function which receives no input and outputs its own source code modified (you can add, modify, or delete text) which when run with no input will output the starting source code. You didn't understand? See this: we execute the program it out...

@mınxomaτ Quick question: I may record on two devices just to make sure I have a backup if I mess up. If parts of both audio files are good, but all of either, is it okay to send you both?
Thank you
The rule of thumb is to always send absolutely everything that has the slightest chance of containing recorded audio :)
Finally got creduce to run... with a witches' brew of cygwin- and msvc-based components.
I'm just trying not to bog down "the audio guy" with too much to do :D
creduce reports that so far it has golfed my test case down by 96.8%.
What is creduce?
An automatic golfer?
It was developed to find minimal test cases for C(++) compiler bugs.
But you can use it with any code and a 0/1 test of whether the code is a "bug" or not.
@Doorknob Can edit older messages?
@mınxomaτ Why exactly?
I want to edit my old podcast announcement.
@mınxomaτ The PCCG bugging you? ;-)
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan just make a new Gmail account
I posted a question on meta regarding clarification of rules for programming languages that run on things other than sequential computers or standard turing machines; could someone that has a free moment take a look to determine if it's appropriate, and possibly weigh in? (I'm not very active here, mainly on SO, so I'm not familiar with the policies and procedures here)
Q: Are languages targeting computing platforms other than sequential CPUs, such as FPGAs, acceptable?

hexafractionSo far, almost all submissions on this site are ones that target "standard" computers, namely devices that execute code in a typically linear fashion, with a standard variety of inputs/outputs (standard in/out/err, file, rendering a window). However, this seems to make programs targeting hardware...

Alright, I've done a little bit of analysis on PPCG transcripts, and the images I'm about to upload are histograms of the number of words in each message (very rough estimate - I just split the message content on spaces) from three different days (all in 2016): May 27, June 27, and July 27. Chatiquette came out June 10, for reference.
Obviously, these show a very incomplete picture of how noisy or not chat was. I'm planning on making a database of chat messages, and eventually making it public and even allowing arbitrary (read-only) SQL queries to be run against it.
Another thing to note: all kinds of oneboxes count as one "word".
Could you exclude oneboxes from it? I think they have a special div class you could filter out
lemme see
Yeah, it'd be easy to exclude oneboxes.
Yeah, it's <div class="onebox">
Images have <div class="onebox ob-image">
maybe not exclude those
Why should I exclude oneboxes, though?
Well, some oneboxes come from main posts and the like.
So spikes in main activity would cause problems.
But I don't think we should exclude oneboxed images
@El'endiaStarman its hard to tell how many 20+ (or 40+) word messages there were in each of those
True. I think those only add a couple dozen messages per day, though.
Sure, but then there's people posting answers and stuff too.
I would very much enjoy a pie chart (or counts) for high-word-count messages vs low-word-count messages
@quartata Ah, right.
The fraction of onebox images out of all messages could be an interesting metric too.
Some stats on oneboxes would be interesting though, yeah.
@NathanMerrill How do you want me to divvy them up?
not sure. I think maybe 0-15, then 15-30, then 30+?
Could you get some data from 2012-2013?
@quartata I can get data from any day in the transcript.
Pick a random day in 2013, I'd be interested to see it for comparison
I'll pick July 27, 2013, then.
LOL no messages that day....
@El'endiaStarman is it limited to a single day?
OK, try 2014
July 27 2014 looks more active
Hmm, less messages...
@NathanMerrill Essentially, yes. I'm not aware of a way to load multiple days in the transcript.
Looking at other days in July 2013, I see that one of the people keeping the chat from being frozen was "luser droog". Whatever happened to them?
He's still around.
Not as often anymore but
Oh, cool
And Johannes Kuhn?
Looking at the 2013 transcripts, how on earth did we end up as one of the busiest chats on the network?
@Sherlock9 We hit critical mass?
Define critical mass for an SE chat/SE community
Oh nuts. I still haven't come up with an answer for PhiNotPi's hexa-glyph challenge from April
@quartata yeah, that's what I ended up doing.
@NathanMerrill Any particular day?
(I'd rather not post three images in a row again. :P)
@El'endiaStarman no
Oh yeah, when did we get the feed bots in the chat?
I am on mobile
And the inyertace is uorrible
I quite like mobile SE chat (not the app)
That may just be the keyboard. I was already quite glad when the mobile SE chat implemented direct replies
the only problem I run into is replying to old messages
There's an app? I just use Chrome.
I think its called SE Chat?
It's not official
oh, I didn't mean to imply that. :)
Oh no i cajt do my mighty smileys :/
@El'endiaStarman Not quite the dramatic difference I was hoping for but still definitely a difference :P
But i can do ₪노뷰©®
@TùxCräftîñg Did you see the Remaining Bytes?
Hm, gmpy2 doesn't have a Python 3.5 version yet ._.
redownloads 3.4
@zyabin101 ㅠㅐ (forget to switch) no
Then look in the Remaining Bytes ;)
Oh god rehexs
@Sherlock9 You should be able to use the old version, no?
@NathanMerrill Coming right up! The first is for May 27 (and June 27 was nearly identical), and the second is for July 27.
@quartata if its a c module not sur
@El'endiaStarman thanks!
@TùxCräftîñg What, is regex evil?
the change isn't the opposite of what I expected
No regex are great but regex sudks
and not nearly as significant as I expected as well
@quartata I don't have an older version installed, at the moment
@TùxCräftîñg It doesn't.
@Sherlock9 I mean older version of the module
What do you mean?
(Isert idk face here) you solve a problem with a rrgex yiu ctreate two oyhers problems
Huh typo heaven
The last posted version of gmpy here was quite a while ago
@Sherlock9 The Python 3.4 version of the module will probably be fine with Python 3.5
Also you can get a development version from GH I think
@Sherlock9 Oh, I never replied. I mean that at some point, there were enough people chatting in here that it basically became self-sustaining.
It's kinda like how if you start a restaurant, you'll be much better off if you pay some people (like family and friends) to go and eat there, because who wants to go into an empty restaurant? Quality of food doesn't matter much.
I'm not sure what's more fascinating -- these graphs and statistics, or the fact that we're in a chat room geeking out about these graphs and statistics.
Its often why restaraunts have grand openings with super cheap prices
I should go have lunch in some of the smaller restaurants in my neighborhood then
remembers fondly when he picked up 5 little ceasars for free
Lots of space, almost nobody inside
@Zgarb July 27, 2016 had 39 onebox messages, out of 1415 total.
How many of those were images?
Better yet can you gist the code you're using to parse the transcripts so I can play with it
@quartata Nine.
@El'endiaStarman Interesting.

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