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@El'endiaStarman that makes sense. however, I still can see how people who have been kick-muted could thereafter be largely unchanged--especially if they feel as if they have been wronged or if the suspension/kick-mute was unfair (regardless of whether or not it was just)--and perhaps even more rebellious than before.
@Dennis Would it save some bytes, if you disallow add-get or sub-get sequences?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ If they escalate, suspensions become a possibility.
and that is true as well. I guess in an environment where there are no "physical" consequences, the ways people are treated are therefore less extreme than if the same scenario happened in "the real world"
Besides, this chat room isn't only for teenagers.
well, obviously.
my only concern was with that age group :P
most adults I think can handle themselves in a virtual chatroom
Yeah, the adults (or those who are mature like adults) don't need the Chatiquette.
@LeakyNun Yes! Not just by disallowing, but I could store the arguments to add/sub in base 3 instead of base 2. That should save a ton, at least in kolmogorov-complexity questions.
@Dennis nice
Q: Make a sprite-sheet from all the Stack Exchange sites' favicons

PeanutYour goal in this code golf is to compile all the Stack Exchange sites' favicons. Getting the Domains The domains you will be using will be all the subdomains on stackexchange.com for Stack Exchange sites (including new ones from, stackoverflow.com, and stackexchange.com. This also includes m...

Idea: Stack Exchange site mashups.
Running primo's BF hello world in my BF -> eacal program took 72.22 seconds -.-
whereas this one runs for 0.59 seconds
You take a few Stack Exchange sites, mash them up in a logical AND fashion, and imagine how the result would look like...
Programming Puzzles and Seasoned Advice
Code Golf × Code Review = Code Golf Review.
Where people golf code and review it.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ link?
@LeakyNun to primo's bf program?
@zyabin101 I don't know what to feel about this ._.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ non, a le tien
A: Golf all the 16 logic gates with 2 inputs and 1 output!

Leaky NunBrainfuck, 184 bytes Input/output uses U+0000 and U+0001. 0000 . 0001 ,[,[->+<]]>. 0010 ,[,-[+>+<]]>. 0011 ,. 0100 ,-[,[->+<]]>. 0101 ,,. 0110 ,>,[-<-[+>+<]>[-<+>]]<. 0111 ,-[,-[+>-<]]>+. 1000 ,-[,-[+>+<]]>. 1001 ,>,-[+<-[+>+<]>[-<+>]]<. 1010 ,,-[+>+<]>. 1011 ,-[,[->-<]]>+. 1100 ,-[+>+<]>. 1101...

A: Golf all the 16 logic gates with 2 inputs and 1 output!

Leaky NunJava 8, 165 bytes x->y->1<0; x->y->x&y; x->y->!y&x; x->y->x; x->y->!x&y; x->y->y; x->y->x!=y; x->y->x|y; x->y->!(x|y); x->y->x==y; x->y->!y; x->y->!y|x; x->y->!x; x->y->!x|y; x->y->!x|!y; x->y->1>0; Verify it! (Click "Compile" > Click "Execute")

Java defeated Brainfuck yay
let indices = [];
let max = 0;
let ops = new Map([
    [">", () => "push . getptr B\nsetptr B ~ inc"],
    ["<", () => "push . getptr B\nsetptr B ~ dec"],
    ["+", () => "push . getape B\nsetape B ~ inc"],
    ["-", () => "push . getape B\nsetape B ~ dec"],
    [".", () => "push . getape B\nput ~ tochar"],
    ["[", () => {
        let top = max;
        return `if getape B\ngoto F${top}\ngoto L${top}\nlabel F${top}`
    ["]", () => {
        let top = indices.pop();
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ quel est le langage / what is the language?
the source language is javascript, the target language is eacal
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ in eacal source. You can make:
constructor(args) {
    let [size, min, max, def] = (args || [Infinity, -Infinity, Infinity, 0])
constructor([size = Infinity, min = -Infinity, max = Infinity, def = 0]) {
@Downgoat o__o this has changed my life
destructing ftw :D
thanks so much! :D
I just thought of a way to store signed integers with infinite precision: positive integers are stored by adding a 0 after their binary representation; bitwise NOT becomes XOR with 1.
I wonder if this is actually used.
@Downgoat =p!
@flawr can't tell if =p emoji or p/np problem
probably np! hard
@LeakyNun so 8 (1000) becomes 10000?
@NathanMerrill yes
how does that give us infinite precision?
\o/ mortarboard!
@NathanMerrill well, you can extend infinitely to the left?
@LeakyNun can't I do that with 1000?
@NathanMerrill you can't represent negative numbers
oh, you're proposing that the sign be the last digit
instead of the first
I think windows has crashed again
@LeakyNun would 10001 be -8?
literally every 5 seconds it says its playing with VLC. VLC isn't even open
@NathanMerrill no, it would be -9
ok, so you don't have -0
> I just thought of a way to store signed integers with infinite precision: positive integers are stored by adding a 0 after their binary representation; bitwise NOT becomes XOR with 1.
> bitwise NOT becomes XOR with 1.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Comment faire 2 en yup / how do you make 2 in yup?
@LeakyNun shortest representation?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ n'importe/whatever
@Dennis Thanks.
@NathanMerrill yes
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 000e-0e--
It's usually the standard way of running pure Haxe code.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ je peux seulement penser de ca / i can only think of this
@LeakyNun I have a num gen for yup, lemme take a look
@quartata I was going to ask if its efficient, but I think I ruled out NekoVM
@LeakyNun *ne que
but thanks :)
@NathanMerrill I can do some benchmarking
@quartata I' sont pareils non / they're the same, no?
and what ruled it out
nah, I'm good
for some reason TIO isn't working?
@quartata the lack of documentation and use
@LeakyNun Seulement is kinda more like solely in english
its basically just Haxe that compiles to it
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ works for me :/
@quartata alright, thanks
@Downgoat *yup.tio
/opt/tryitonline/bin/yup: line 5: 31742 Aborted                 (core dumped) /opt/node/bin/node --harmony /opt/yup/yup.js "$@"

real	0m0.520s
user	0m0.348s
sys	0m0.025s

Exit code:   134
@NathanMerrill Have you tried C--?
basically, if I run into any issues, I'm going have a much harder time figuring out the solution that with other frameworks
C-- is what GHC uses
@quartata I considered C--, but I'd rather C++
@LeakyNun 0e00e--
@NathanMerrill And CLR?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ sympa / nice
@quartata got trumped by the JVM. JVM natively runs, whille the CLR needs Mono
it basically came down to C++ vs JVM
and C++ is easier to target (as I can name variables, while the JVM is stack based), C++ will be faster. The only disadvantage is that I'll have to use a 3rd party library for my garbage collection
and more people know C++ vs the JVM, so I'm more likely to get support
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I really like the idea of using exp/ln as the minimal set
So you're transpiling to C++ source code?
Won't compiling be slow?
perhaps, but it shouldn't be too bad
I mean, my code should be relatively simple from a C++ standpoint
Fair. And it isn't really compiling that matters so much as it is execution :P
@LeakyNun thanks! :) I like it to. here are three challenges for ya that I haven't figured out: floor[x], re[x], and im[x]
I won't be using advanced stuff like templates or anything
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ tu peux utiliser while loop pour floor
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ CJam and Yup don't work, but Jelly and Julia do. Weird.
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
	at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
	at java.lang.Thread.start(Thread.java:714)
	at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.<clinit>(Finalizer.java:226)
@Dennis weird indeed :/
@quartata vitsy?
Something is spawning a lot of threads
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Nope.
Node needs threads to read files and the JVM needs at least two threads, so I'm not surprised
but they've worked before
Right, I'm saying there's a runaway process on TIO
Memory is at 61%. That shouldn't be the problem.
DDoS or something, perhaps?
That only affects some languages? Nah.
ps -eo nlwp | tail -n +2 | awk '{ num_threads += $1 } END { print num_threads }'?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ if that were the case i doubt you could even access tio
@Downgoat @Dennis that's true
V is running fine.
V is the problem. :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what is the definition of "positive" in your while loop?
@LeakyNun > 0 I think?
@Dennis wat rly?
@Dennis Ha, figured. Probably orphaned vim processes
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ is 1-i positive?
@LeakyNun oh geez idk
Yup. Lots of orphaned nvim processes. Not the first time this happened.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ in your implementation?
@Dennis is there really?
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Add a catch for sigterm
@quartata hmmm. If I do transpile to C++, aren't I going to have problems if I want to support reflection?
www-data  5078  0.0  0.8  37296  4512 ?        S    Jul26   0:00 nvim -n -i NONE -u nvim/init
www-data  5665  0.0  4.2 346360 21220 ?        S    Jul20   0:01 /usr/bin/octave-cli --path /
www-data  5667  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    Jul20   0:00 [python] <defunct>
www-data  6677  0.0  3.8 344500 19236 ?        S    Jul19   0:04 /usr/bin/octave-cli --path /
www-data  6679  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    Jul19   0:00 [python] <defunct>
www-data  7435  0.0  0.9  37296  4520 ?        S    Jul25   0:00 nvim -n -i NONE -u nvim/init
In computer programming, RTTI (Run-Time Type Information, or Run-Time Type Identification) refers to a C++ mechanism that exposes information about an object's data type at runtime. Run-time type information can apply to simple data types, such as integers and characters, or to generic types. This is a C++ specialization of a more general concept called type introspection. Similar mechanisms are also known in other programming languages, such as Delphi (Object Pascal). In the original C++ design, Bjarne Stroustrup did not include run-time type information, because he thought this mechanism was...
you probably will be all right
@Dennis Holy shit. Whoops
That shouldn't happen. The backend is supposed to kill everything after 60 seconds. But when there's forking, it gets tricker. Octave's call to Python also gets stuck sometimes.
@Dennis Does the backend send sigterm or sigkill?
if so he could just catch the sigterm and get rid of the nvims
@Dennis lotta Octave workers too
I'm not really sure what timeout sends. I'd have to check.
@Dennis does the "e" in "seas" become "i"?
While we're on the subject, I think there are some security holes in V that I'm not able to fix. How hard would it be to setup a chroot jail?
@quartata what about finding classes/methods by string name?
Just chrooting doesn't help much. I could see if V works with my sandbox.
I think all numbers with imaginary parts are "not positive" @LeakyNun
@LeakyNun In Spanish?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ interesting
@Dennis yes
@quartata nevermind. I can use google :)
it's how mathjs defines > 0 :P
Why does chroot not help? The main problem is just file access
Reflection in C++ is doable just harder than in other languages
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ try to see if 1-i is negative
it should be neither
@LeakyNun e's are never pronounced as i.
@LeakyNun 1-i > 0 => false
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ well, I mean <0
@Dennis does the "e" become a semivowel?
@LeakyNun also false
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ exactly
Not sure how serious this discussion is, but the complex number do not form an ordered field. It's impossible to establish an ordering of non-real complex numbers that is compatible with the field operations.
@LeakyNun googles semivowel
@Dennis we're just talking about the implementation of > and <
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan you mean like !rm -rf / --no-preserve-root works?
@Dennis and then?
@Dennis Alright, let me know how it goes. If worst comes to worst, you can take it off. V.tio is extremely convenient for me, but I'd hate for something to go wrong because of me.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan how 2 get input in V?
nvm figured it out
@Downgoat Online or installed?
@Downgoat It starts in the buffer
@Downgoat veraciously
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan sample "é1ÀñYp<C-a>ñdd" program doesn't work :(
Could a mod unlock the V room? I'm not sure which mods are in here. (Mobile)
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan can i be collaborator on V so I can write help V docs?
lol day-old message in mathematica flagged
@LeakyNun Yes, that's what I meant. An ordered field is a set with addition and multiplication where numbers are separated in positives, negatives and zero, such that the sum and product of positives are positives.
@Dennis any idea how to do conjugate with just exp and ln and subtraction?
seems impossible to me
@Downgoat just a minute, let me move to my PC so I can type faster. @Dennis could you unlock the V room?
@LeakyNun No, not sure.


Discussion about golfing in Vim/V. vim.org/download.php github...
@Dennis alright
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Rohan JhunjhunwalaScrolling code In many movies, computer often appear to be scrolling through some code. We should automate this process to make it easier. Your job is to write code that displays to a graphical console a scrolling view of its own source code. You have two options... You may horizontally scr...

@LeakyNun Assuming I understood the definition correctly, only i and u can be semivowels in Spanish.
@Dennis yes, but in fast pronunciation everything changes
hmmm...I have a cops-n-robbers challenge. Given a task T, the cops select set of functions/operations that their submission uses. Then, using only those operations, the robbers write a program that does T
@LeakyNun Are you interested in the language's rules or how it is spoken in Spain? If it is the latter, as I said before, I cannot help you.
@Dennis I think ll is a semivowel also
@Dennis eh, your dialect also works
@quartata not in spain
@quartata A semivowel has to be a vowel to begin with. Also, ll is no longer a letter.
@LeakyNun In my dialect, the e in seas is pronounced e.
@Dennis even in fast pronunciation?
really, I can't distinguish the different between siás and seás in fast pronunciation
@Dennis not really (the first statement)
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan It won't come to that. Worst case scenario, I set up a cron job to kill nvim every now and then.
@xnor What is your reason of choosing this particular logic gate?
@Dennis They can be consonants.
@Dennis I'm more worried about the file access than the memory leak. If I wanted to, I could read and write files on your server.
I'm not going to, but somebody else might figure it out.
also TIL about it not being considered a letter anymore
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ c'est impossible
15 mins ago, by Downgoat
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan you mean like !rm -rf / --no-preserve-root works?
2 late gaot pwned TIO :P
@LeakyNun it's my favorite logic gate
and the rest sound weird
@quartata That's not what Spanish Wikipedia says.
@LeakyNun aw :( I need to add an operator now
@Downgoat Good luck doing that as the Apache user...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ nice
I wonder what should it do
@Dennis W is a semivowel in english
@quartata is h a semivowel in french?
@Downgoat That could only happen if I were to write a python script that did that, and then saved it in place of V's main file, then tried to run V again.
or is it a vowel :/
@Dennis not trying to break anything but looks like dr green eggs & iron man has disabled ! so !pwdor :!pwd isn't doing anything
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ no?
Which I suppose could happen.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ no?
@LeakyNun like, j'habille
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ the h doesn't do anything
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yes
@quartata quoi?
@quartata cool, thanks
It's /j/ in IPA I believe
@quartata what, h is silent in french
@Downgoat Yes, that is disabled (and securely too) github.com/DJMcMayhem/V/blob/master/os_code.py#L11
what dialect you speak?
French phonology is the sound system of French. This article discusses mainly the phonology of Standard French of the Parisian dialect. Notable phonological features include its uvular r, nasal vowels, and three processes affecting word-final sounds: liaison, a specific instance of sandhi in which word-final consonants are not pronounced unless they are followed by a word beginning with a vowel; elision in which certain instances of /ə/ (schwa) are elided (such as when final before an initial vowel) and enchaînement (resyllabification) in which word-final and word-initial consonants may be moved...
Alrightie then, I enabled sandboxing for V. Let's see if it still works.
It's listed under semivowels here
@quartata no, the i in hier is the semivowel, not the h
cc @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan ok that is good to know
@LeakyNun Oh, I'm retarded.
can't read apparently
What does the sandbox look like? (so I can mess with it locally)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Rohan JhunjhunwalaTeh Scrolling Codez In many movies, computer often appear to be scrolling through some code. We should automate this process to make it easier. Your job is to write code that displays to a graphical console a scrolling view of its own source code. You have two options... You may horizontally...

@DrGreenEggsandIronMan I think it's getting killed when it forks
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan No surprise there. It's possible that it doesn't work because I have to cd into the V source directory.
Q: Big or Little Endian

LiamWrite a program or function that outputs an L if run on a little endian architecture or a B if run on a big endian architecture. Lower case output l or b is also acceptable. There is no input. Scoring is code golf.

@MamaFunRoll hello
I'm thinking of making a Julia golfing language
anyone have ideas for super-important functions to alias?
@MamaFunRoll for that you should converse with @AlexA
weird... he's not showing up in ping list
@Dennis That would make sense. You'd probably also have to export $V=/ if it's in a chroot.
Or whatever it's in for the sandbox.
How do you run a program in little endian mode?
The issue is that the code file doesn't exist in the V directory, nor could it since Apache doesn't have write access.
or big endian mode?
you mean like the V source file?
Yes, the ÄÒ +òf^xxé kPj or whatever.
@LeakyNun I assume that challenge is talking about the computer it's running on, not the program.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan ok
@MamaFunRoll hiya
Jan 29 at 1:24, by Alex A.
@quartata There are a billion golfing languages and Julia's too beautiful to be hacked to bits like that ;_;
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan but how to test it?
Use qemu
@quartata indeed... but I feel that some of them function names are too long :(
@Dennis Would it be possible to create a "V user" with limited permissions and use sudo to run V as this user?
That seems like the most obvious solution.
What's the good word?
Oh wait, does the output have to be L and B? didn't notice oops
@Phrancis 32 bits
Been hanging out on the new Stack Overflow documentation thing lately
> Unimplemented: POSIX::putc() is C-specific: use print instead at endian2.pl line 2.
Oh well.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ A bit messy, about what you'd expect from a full scale open beta
Getting better though
ah, I see
Dammit, if I had ever gotten around to fixing pack in pl...
Wait a second lemme check
Nah, it won't work. I forgot to fix string equality too...
@Dennis It is written here that "Non-syllabic /e/ and /o/ can be reduced to [ʝ], [w̝], as in beatitud [bʝatiˈtuð] ('beatitude') and poetisa [pw̝eˈtisa] ('poetess'), respectively"
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan There's a generic tio user that I use as an extra level of protection on top of the sandbox. I could use that to run V as well, but I'd really like to get the sandbox working. Is there no way to run V without cding into the directory as well?
I'm not sure, I rarely need to or try to run V from outside of the directory. Let me try it.
What permissions does the tio user have?
If it's already restricted, We wouldn't need the sandbox.
It could still interfere with other processes run by the same user, attempt to access the internet (the one that worries me the most, since I could get banned for that), etc.
Disabling internet on a per-user basis is a bit hacky.
@LeakyNun Again, that's not how we pronounce it here. Also, I haven't heard those words in my life.
I don't think there's anyway to access the internet.
If you restore the working version, I could try to see if the hole I thought was there is really there.
Ahh, good ol' unary plus saves the day.
(Without doing any damage of course)
Still I don't think I can get it down to 19 bytes....
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ say+(pack"L",1 eq pack"V",1)?"L":"B" saves two bytes
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan I restored it shortly after breaking it.

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