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@flawr ah ok, I thought -> is lambda
new problem, eclipse cpp is just completly f*cked up
i have no other words for it
it basically can't include any external code
i've tried manually adding the directories for visual studio include files
and windows include files
Q: Calculating Natural Eisenstein Primes

user3502615Introduction Eisenstein integers are complex numbers of the form a+bω Where a,b are integers, and ω = e^(2πi/3) The Eisenstein integers form a triangular lattice in the complex plane: We say that an Eisenstein integer z=a+bω is prime if either of the conditions are true: It is equal to...

Additionally, do you consider use of child processes to be violations of the input/output rules? That is, calling a separate process to perform part of the task, like reversing the name, would require sending the other process the name (output from your code and input to the app) and receive the value from the process (output of the process and input to the app). — atk 6 mins ago
He's overthinking it.
Anyone know if there's a character for a colon (:) without the lower dot? Like a period or interpunct but the dot is higher (and not non-circular like ')
@HelkaHomba yeah
but I don't remember the thing for it
· is too low
@HelkaHomba naybe like: ॱ
What should be written about on Cheddar's website?
@Upgoat swiss
@Maltysen facehooves
write about how Cheddar was made...
like what the cows and farmers had to go through
Cheddar puns are as lame as avocad meme
@Upgoat sounds painful
actually, no. they're equally lame, but not equally as old
@Quill fixd
halp, how color scheme >_>
Nvm I fixed it
npm install colors
@Upgoat why are there locks on the colors?
@Maltysen i dont want people to steal those colors
@Upgoat you should have sandwich recipes; is it true that adding avocads makes them better?
@aditsu you spelt avocado wrong
you spelled avocad wrong :p
@Upgoat oh, ok, fair enough
why u no blog about Cheddar @Upgoat?
@Quill once i maek websiet i wil blog
._. why does every plugin require different plugin manager
@aditsu I am deaf because my cochleas are not fully formed, the cause of which is almost certainly the same cause of my semi-circular canals being malformed. They aren't strictly correlated, though. Incidentally, my fiancée, who is also deaf, also experiences the sudden loss of easy balance when she closes her eyes while standing on one leg.
@aditsu I've learned to ride a ripstick, and I could probably learn to ride a unicycle given enough time.
I see
I wonder if the guys on GDSE will mind making a color platte for me :/ coloring is hard >_>
I need a plugin manager manager
^ same thing with package managers
overengineering overengineered engeering
it seems my code is broken....
What icons should I use to represent Cheddar, I use a clock for fast... idk what else
@Quill solution: stop using C and use node + babel
I wonder whether I could pass a C exam writing JavaScript....
@Upgoat a wedge of cheese
int a = 5
char[] b = "foo"
printf(foo + a)
halp, my code is borked :P
@Quill not in font awesome :/
semicolons, type cast a
int a = 5;
char[] b = "foo";
printf(foo + (char)a);
why u no listen to gcc
don't you need b instead of the second foo?
@Upgoat cheese
so, I'm working on the syntax for dynamic typing. What do you guys think:
zip(tuples: List<Tuple<T...>>):
	Tuple<map(T,(type:Type):Type{return List<type>}){
	# Content
basically, the type calls the map function on the variable number of arguments in the Tuple type
TIL there was a codegolf.SE twitter bot
Can you answer this? Is my emojii dry? http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/82668?atw=1 #codegolf
so that a List<Tuple<String, Int, Char>> comes out as a Tuple<List<String>, List<Int>, List<Char>>
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yeah, pretty cool
33 secs ago, by Eᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏ Iʀᴋ
@El'endiaStarman thanks. :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ isn't it "emoji" not "emojii"?
domo arigato googlerobato
@Doorknob I feel like all of those everybody basically agrees on, but that each expectation has a relative level, and we differ on the level
@NathanMerrill Everything is a matter of degree... 0 is a degree too, right?
Marky's not feeling well at the moment. You'll have to get your hands dirty this time.
@Bigtoes D: what happened
He went rogue and I had to hit the kill switch.
I need to remember to get my next computer with microsd slots, can't find the adapter again...
@Bigtoes so killing goats is not considered going "rogue" ._.
Killing goats is just part of life on many farms
He has a wide variety of interests.
omg I knew within seconds of moaning about it, I would find it
@miles @Bigtoes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@miles I just leave the adapter in the slot most of the time.
in Sandbox, 20 secs ago, by Chatgoat
@Upgoat Are you saying that I shouldn't find out that you are smarter than me?
wat does this even mean
It means he wants to die. Do the deed.
in Sandbox, 11 secs ago, by Chatgoat
I'm sorry Upgoat I'm afriad I can't let you do that
goddammit, Chatgoat went HAL 9000 again
> afriad
@Upgoat o_o
he was actually talking about being deep fried
Where did he learn that from!?
@Quill he has hooves too ya know
See? Should've killed him while you had the chance.
@El'endiaStarman idk, chatgoat most of gotten sentient again
most of?
wtf, reject my edit so you can make the same edit.... seriously?
It doesn't even give +2 if you have insta-edit privs iirc
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ If he had edit privileges, why would he be in the suggested edit queue?
@Doorknob he's not talking about my edit
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Oh, well editing your own post would never give rep anyway
in Sandbox, 14 secs ago, by Chatgoat
@Upgoat huh, that's what I say to you
Chatgoat thinks he is not a goat
if he doesn't think he is a goat, what does he think he is
@Quill What sort of variable naming is that? And you call yourself a code reviewer...
@Bigtoes camelCase and I was sad about it too
but desperate times call for desperate naming
@Bigtoes come explain to chatgoat what marky is.
@Quill I don't mean the case. A separate named variable for each person? For shame.
@Bigtoes I'm a special exception. Only Jon Skeet and I get our own variables.... Jon Skeet had the skill, I had the unicorn bucks
Oh, I've got a whole suitcase full of unicorn dollars. Marky and I made a ton of profit selling goat parts.
Get Windows 7. It doesn't have any of those nag alerts.
Get MS-DOS, it doesn't have any alerts
@Bigtoes O_O
in Sandbox, 16 secs ago, by Chatgoat
@Upgoat he's a person who likes to get intimate with and then hurt him
OOC quote of the day
@Quill The edit message was a little hostile, plus you only changed the spelling in the title, whereas it was spelled that way throughout the post
the mods are asleep, quick, post kittens!
> speil
@orlp Alex just posted :P
@orlp ... @AlexA. just posted (ninja'd)
> Unauthorized
@Doorknob sssh he's asleep
Oh yes you're right, I am
I forgot
I, too, am sleep-typing.
@Doorknob I can tell, judging from the extra comma :P
I gtg to bed, bye!
@orlp 10/10
@Upgoat nice wubsite thoughh
:D thanks.
do any of you know of a language that allows for variable number of generics parameters?
aka, the Tuple class works for both Tuple<Int> and Tuple<String, Char, List<Int>>
ah, the term is variadic template. thanks
ew, I don't like how they work in C++
How's that?
well, on wikipedia, they showed how you would print out a list. And you basically have to do template recursion
that said, it really doesn't make sense to print out an arbitrary list of unknown types
Right, there's no dynamic typing, polymorphism, etc in C++ except what you explicitly make
ok, another C++ question
would it be possible to take a list of Tuples (in C++)
and convert them in to a tuple of lists?
(aka, zip in python)
Tuples have a fixed number and types of elements.
c++11 has variadic tuples
It's fixed at compile time.
You'd want something other than a tuple.
no, its possible to know the types at compile time
Is your list a fixed length?
if you had a list of Int, Double tuples
you'd get back a tuple of an integer list and a double list
@feersum no. why does that matter?
Oh, that's not really like python zip is it?
it basically is, no?
er, that's unzip
Yes, you could do that.
er, sure
what would the declaration look like?
for int, double or a generic variadic one?
generic variadic
template<typename... T> (return type goes here, you'd need some extra machinery to write it) unzip(vector<tuple<T...> >& v)
that machinery is what I'm curious about
in my current language it looks like
zip(tuples: List<Tuple<T...>>):
	Tuple<map(T,(type:Type):Type{return List<type>}){
but it means that I have to make functions (map in this case) available at compile time
so I'm looking for how you might do it in c++
For the actual implementation, I think you could avoid template recursion in C++.
There's this wacky thing called "parameter packs".
In C++14 for the return type you can write 'auto' and have it deduced.
For C++11, one strategy is to write decltype(the code for what you return) as the type.
hmmm, so you generate an object of the correct type, and use decltype to return that type?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/commata
It often happens that some type has a very long name, it's implementation-defined what type it is, it's subject to change, or you just can't be bothered to check.
@Quill -1 for not using obviously superior PascalCase
Hmm, I think zip could be done by parameter packs only, but unzip seems tough without some recursion.
@NathanMerrill By the way, decltype(make_tuple(vector<T>()...)) is one way the type could be written.
oh I can actually write tuple<vector<T>... > and it works.
Didn't think that was possible.
template<typename... T>
tuple<vector<T>... > unzip(const vector<tuple<T...> >& v);
It can look like that.
@avocadjuic @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ if you have anything you'd like to add, or you think needs to be added to the website. Feel free too. I don't know what to add >_>
in Sandbox, 11 secs ago, by Chatgoat
@Upgoat huh you're still going?
Chatgoat is surprised I'm still alive ._.
Remove the Latin and the fast bits
Add some examples of the language
@Quill You only changed the spelling in the title. I spelled it wrong in the body like 20 times. My edit changed all of those.
Although I suppose I could have selected "improve edit" instead of "reject and edit". Actually, now that I think about it, I don't know why I didn't do that. Sorry.
CMC: pseudocode for fast integer logarithm.
testcase: ilog(2,9) = 3
@flawr There is I think I get to it, once I get home. I's kind of typical from me, I make 6 things, and out of those, there will be only one, wich is at least a bit interesting.
@Upgoat Did you find a recursive class instance copy snippet? >_>
Is cheddar finished?
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan it's okay, sorry if I came across hostile
Q: Weapons of Math Instruction

Kevin CruijssenLast time when I tried to come up with something easy that wasn't a duplicate, it ended up being way too hard.. So hopefully this time it's indeed something newcomers can try as well. Input: An array/list with integers. (Or a string representing an array with integers.) Output: Loop through t...

@Upgoat just... no
@Quill changed avatar. o_____o
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 16 hours ago, by Quill
Yet again, strangers on the internet have forced me into doing something I didn't want to via peer pressure
@Quill Haha, don't worry, you didn't.
Hi everyone!
Hi @Katenkyo! :3
@Bálint No snippet?
@Katenkyo hey there
How are you guys?
@Katenkyo Good, thanks for asking! ^^
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 It's normal when you speak with someonenearly every days ^^
@Katenkyo someonenearly?
@LeakyNun On my recent answer? Some of you doesn't even support ES6, ehat should you do with an ES7 one?
@Bálint Oh, forgot that
@LeakyNun Actually, your latest improvement made it easy, to support ES6 too
I don't ubderstand, why ES7 is allowed, I could just post a random snippet, and claim, that it works.
@Bálint I don't understand this sentence.
@LeakyNun Only about 2 browsers support ES7
Well, we can read javascript.
Yes, but in longer challenges, some minor bugs can be missed
@Bálint I can translate it to ES6.
which I did.
With babel?
no, I just remove the eval to see
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ see J chatroom
@Fatalize Beat ya with haskell :D
@El'endiaStarman What happens when you get drunk?
@AshwinGupta a->b is the same as (*a).b
@flawr because C makes a lot of sense.
omg, it is soon 10 years old!!
Was surfing on xkcd and saw this :
Isn't it exactly the model of BB-8 in the new Star wars saga? Oo
That ball robot?
@flawr Yes
Perhaps randall read the books before the films came out=)
@flawr I think this xkcd is way older than SW:VII ^^
@Katenkyo No idea, but aren't the movies based on books?
I do remember when this comic was released=)
@flawr I'd think it's the other way around
@Katenkyo This one isn't so old.
@flawr Nice one!
Actually, the movie came out in 2015
@Bálint 413/1700, sounds like some years
It's from around 2009
@flawr This gif hurts my brain
@Katenkyo Thats why you should know about your interpolation filters =P
@flawr Or browse the internet in text-only mode ^^
Is Lena the Utah teapot of 2d graphics?
^ My best attempt at a rolling shutter effect on a rotating Lena
@Bálint Yep=)
@LegionMammal978 @flawr You guys should bea at the graphics SE chat
@LegionMammal978 BATLENA
I love when a server tells me I don't have the rights to connect to access data on it... I have ALL the rights, I'm admin'ing the forest u_u
@Katenkyo Too bad that most servers do not know the access by intimidation method.
@LegionMammal978 Why don't you just stick a lena image to a propeller of an airplane and make a video of that?
@flawr Actually, that would be pretty funny to do ^^
"Okay server, you're 30m away, and I have a coffee that only ask to be thrown on you, you wouldn't like that right?"
@flawr Reminds me of a skit I once saw... A man was pushing a rope. Another person asked him how he was pushing a rope. He said Intimidation. and fired a blank.
experimental PPCG-airplane for science
Also, multiline comments should support Markdown :(
@LegionMammal978 doesn't <!-- --> work?
@flawr Maybe <!-- Nope -->
@LegionMammal978 Well not in chat, but in main
I'm talking about comments here, though
Well is it possible to make any single line comment here?
I mean here in chat comments do not really make sense, do they?
Our dog died. =(
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 my condolences =(
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoCalculate the relativistic velocity code-golf physics In special relativity, the velocity of a moving object relative to another object that is moving in the opposite direction is given by the formula: In this formula, v and u are the magnitudes of the velocities of the objects, and c is the ...

SELECT CONCAT('site://q/', Posts.Id, '|', SUBSTRING(Body, CHARINDEX('>', Body) + 1, CHARINDEX('</h', Body) - CHARINDEX('>', Body) - 1)) AS Method, 2 * Score - COUNT(*) AS Corrected FROM Posts
JOIN Votes ON Votes.PostId = Posts.Id
WHERE ParentId = 2447 AND VoteTypeId = 2
GROUP BY Posts.Id, Score, Body
HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 * (COUNT(*) - Score) AND 2 * Score - COUNT(*) >= 5
ORDER BY Corrected DESC;
Somehow, I wrote that thing
user image
@Loovjo link please!
Whoops wrong link
A: Default for Code Golf: Input/Output methods

Martin EnderFunctions may output via their return value(s)

It was the right one?
@Loovjo That is really strange
@flawr Well, it's the same with Safari, so it's not the caching that's not working.
I meant the cache on the SE side
But it probably really is a bug
It seems like only the answers with revisions are the ones with the wrong name
Although I'm not completely sure
@Loovjo I think the revision keep the username used while doing it
@Katenkyo nope, go click the revision history
Shows as Martin Ender for me on all three of them.
@TimmyD That's strange
@HelkaHomba 4th?
Q: Send a cosmic call

xemThe cosmic call is a message sent into space in 1999 and 2003. It's made of 23 127*127px monochrome bitmap images, as detailed here. Your mission is to write a program that displays the entire 127*2921px message, either as a text (made of zeros, ones and line breaks) or as an image (drawn on scr...

@flawr I've never been drunk and never will be because alcohol is intensely bitter to me. I wouldn't get drunk on principle anyway, but that's beside the point.
What’s a language where the empty program prints 0?
@Lynn A useless language.
bash, lol
Oh, Jelly of course.
I think Clip did as well, but can't remember
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FatalizeInteger where each digit divides this integer minus that digit code-golfnumber Given an integer N, output the Nth positive number K with the following property in decimal base: For each digit I at position P of K, the number formed from K by removing the Pth digit (i.e. I) is divisible by I. ...

@El'endiaStarman I do like some sorts of alcoholic beverages, but I hate the feeling of getting slower/feeling dizzy, so I usually I stop quite soon again.
How do heights affect you? Most people also get some kind of dizzyness when e.g. looking down from great heights.
Heights don't really affect me at all.
Hm, that is consistent with my suggestion, that this dizzyness comes from the "contradicting" inputs of the vestibular system and the optical system.
@Lynn Retina?
I've tried to find more information on that effect, but it seems everyone is equating this with fear of heights which is something different in my opinion.
Retina prints 1\n
I feel like catalogueing these… it’s useful info~
@Lynn Stuck prints Hello, World!
Vitsy prints 99 bottles of beer. gs2 prints STDIN, and GolfScript prints STDIN followed by a newline.
@El'endiaStarman You still get that urge of jumping though right?
Homespring prints In Homespring, the null program is not a quine.
Brachylog prints true.
Java prints… wait, empty program in Java
@Fatalize Sometimes, yeah. I vaguely recall reading something about how that's your brain's way of making you back away from the edge, and apparently it's a common feeling.
@El'endiaStarman Yes, so that at least has nothing to do with you vestibular system
more of a "what if I jumped?"
@Fatalize Oh!! That’s useful.
@Fatalize what if I didn't jump?
I'm close to having the most reputation on ppcg from my communities
Same thing happens when you drive and suddenly you think "I could suddenly steer to the left and crash"
I added a tornado demo to my website. I'm not completely happy with it, but I can't figure out a way, to make it better: mcdorli.github.io/tornado/index.html
It moves and stuff
@Fatalize Agh, I have that so hard.
And has a bias to north-east
@Fatalize I don't think I've had that feeling in years.
I can’t bike next to the slightest of drops. I keep worrying about falling in.
definitely have it less often than the "what if I jump?"
@Bálint Try widening it more quickly. Like quadratic or exponential instead of linear.
In a similar vein: I should totally eat that whole chocolate bar.
@El'endiaStarman That's actually an exponential one
But this is one of the few urges I actually act on.
Hm. So, I want to make a catalogue of null program outputs
@Fatalize I'm don't want to sit next to you in a car
Should that be a question on Meta, or a post in the Sandbox, or what?
I think it would unfortunately be offtopic everywhere.
It’s definitely code golf advice (null programs show up every so often)
It’s similar to “Tips for golfing…”
Maybe @MartinEnder can chime in? ↑
Right that might be the only way to do it. Best as community wiki.
What's the best way to extract information from a Wikipedia table like on this page for further analysis with Python?
I could write a bit of JavaScript to collect the info I want into one copy-pastable list. That'd work.
@El'endiaStarman Select/copy it to an excel sheet?
...that could actually work.
Yeah, that’s a neat trick that took me embarrassingly long to learn
You can just copy entire tables from your browser, and paste them as tab-separated values
(Which spreadsheet programs interpret nicely)
Wait, only the US has more guns than people…?
Why did someone flag that?
I shouldn’t be surprised
Who the heck flagged this???
Wow. That's a really trippy image.
@Lynn Yes.
Oh wait, elendia already linked that.
Japan is surprisingly far down on that list, too.
Better solution: copy-paste into Python. Reason: I want to join two tables from two Wikipedia pages (this is the other one) by country.

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