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 exec `echo c3VkbyBybSAtcmYgLS1uby1wcmVzZXJ2ZS1yb290IC8= | base64 --decode`
I base64-encoded the program to make it shorter, obviously
Obviously. I mean, it's a golfing site.
Otherwise it'd have all sorts of ugly escape sequences. Binary files and such.
@Upgoat i'm purring
TMI man, TMI
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Oh wow my score is almost the same as yours o_O
I'm preemptively sorry @Geobits
@HelkaHomba This can only go well
@Geobits Hello
@HelkaHomba Sorry? I'm now in the exclusive "Helka made a challenge about me" club. No apology required :D
Well it's less flattering than other such challenges
Hmm. It seems my score/questions ratio is an outlier. Must be Java's fault.
And fairly basic really :/
Oh, that doesn't matter really ;)
Just worried it might be a duplicate :I
If a segment starts with a letter contained in a previous segment, do you replace the replacement? Or: are they done sequentially, or all at once?
Not screenshotting, but I need 3 more score for bronze? hides
@HelkaHomba codegolf.stackexchange.com/tags/code-golf/topusers You average almost twice as many votes per challenge as me. :(
I couldn't find a test case with that included.
@Geobits Done all at once. i.e. new segments should not interfere with stuff added in old segments
In the last 30 days, that is.
I thought "Geobitsian language" was just swearing and typing nonsense and blaming it on the dog.
That's more slang than the formal language.
Q: Geobitsian Language

Helka HombaGeobitsian language is a new perversion of English where a word is broken into segments that each must start with a different letter. Then every time one of those starting letters appears in another string, it is replaced with its entire corresponding segment, maintaining capitalization. This pr...

@AlexA. so when we graduate do we get free swag?
say, a PPCG beanie?
The top two pages of users by rep :/
@Geobits I've made it more clear I hope
A: I am getting this following error

Shog9Read the page you are screenshotting, carefully.

@HelkaHomba Seems like it to me.
@Geobits You can find that list here... it's the top 2 pages of users when you graduated, not when the swag gets shipped, so the current Top 2 pages might be different
@Quill I thought so, but wasn't sure.
arghhhh, WORDS! fixed
I put that list together so long ago that @HelkaHomba was still Calvin's Hobbies ;p
Well, I guess Helka doesn't get swag unless he changes it back then >_>
@Upgoat Per the no lists: I agree it's an inconvenience for some languages but the reasoning is to make user input easier.
> As I wnalak thehrovugh theher valalaery wnherrer I harversthe my grain, I theaker a laovovk athe my wnifoxer andog reralaizyer sher's verry pedlaain.
> tuhiefrsef ijst noop stuvcdhi tuhiijnogh abst ab mnoprsablm oprs abno ijmnmnoprsablm bcopopkl. bcopopklst abrsef wxeflmlm wxrsijtutuefno oprs bcabdelmyz wxrsijtutuefno.
Hmm, that last one's far too easy to translate :(
oh no I think I broke pyth interpreter >_>
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Tip: Exploit people's voting emotions by writing challenges vaguely about them.
An easier exploit is to just use pop culture instead. Then you get to exploit more people >_>
Nobodies written a challenge about me. :( (I hope this is subtle enough)
@Geobits You are a pop. Close enough.
> How do you tell what color are your eggs and ham?
sounds enough like a clickbaity title
@Quill Green. They are always green.
Fun fact: If there's a red dot in the yolk of an egg, that means it's been fertilized.
Fun fact: these facts aren't fun =(
Fun fact: If there's a green dot in the yolk of an egg, that means you should throw it out because it's either rancid or an alien chicken baby about to hatch.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ To be fair maybe 5 of my 200 challenges are about others. Don't hold your breath :|
@Geobits lel
@AlexA. "about to hatch"? When you can already see the yolk?
Hey, I said alien. That means it can hatch in all sorts of weird ways.
@HelkaHomba filter = fatalize ಠ_ಠ
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ It's not a challenge, but I made my feelings about green eggs and ham known quite a while ago :P
@Fatalize You had your chance
I was sleeping ;-;
See, this is why sleep is a waste of life.
There's a challenge that's basically about me, but from before I used the site:
Q: Type out Green Eggs and Ham in vim

Joe Z.The book Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss is famous for only having 50 different words in the entire story of the book. Your task is to create a sequence of keystrokes that will result in the entire text of Green Eggs and Ham when applied to an empty file in the vim text editor, starting in norma...

@HelkaHomba tbf I don't see anything else that I would prefer :p
It's even about my favorite editor!
@HelkaHomba To reddit we go, I need to see this shitstorm
@HelkaHomba I saw that :/
Mods can read deleted messages
thank christ I don't have to hear that kind of political shitstorm, our politicians are more civilised
@HelkaHomba Eh, I still think he has a chance but it is looking grim for him. But as I've said before, I'll support Hillary nonetheless if she wins the nomination.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Are you asking if there might be a trailing space or if you can assume one is always there?
@Quill Aww, was hoping for a legislator-brawl video like you get out of Europe :P
no, our politicians get in boomerang duels
@AlexA. The only chance he has is if superdelegates change their expected vote, isn't it?
Well, he still can get regular delegates because there are still several democratic primaries that haven't happened yet
And yeah, he's going to try to sway the superdelegates
Yes, it seems to be down to the superdelegates at this point. I don't think either will have enough to clinch with pledged delgates alone.
in any case, grabs popcorn
dis gun b gud
@Quill Your news is strange. Reporters wear collar shirts and the studio's town is called "Studio" :p
@Fatalize I'm guessing it won't be much different than any other comment thread in the past month or so.
"Reddit invents new branch of mathematics in which Bernie Sanders can still win nomination"
@Quill lmao, is that real news
I'm not sure what the definition of "real news" even is anymore :/
yes and that was our Prime Minister until a few months ago
Did he have to resign over that onion fiasco?
can't be worse than David Cameron's rumors
I heard he was into shallots
@HelkaHomba Shouldn't your last test case be Wingkingproedingam instead of Wingkingprodeingam?
Also, that's one of the weirdest sentences I've ever said.
@AlexA. no, lol. everyone just laughed and got back to work
@AlexA. capsicum, actually
Is that what unamerican people call bell peppers?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Yes, thanks
@AlexA. It's nice to see leaders with obscure skills
though WA got borked there
uck, I just found out my wordpress theme uses tabs... idk if I should still use it
I wouldn't if I were you, but I thought you were trying to switch to tabs for some reason
I made a couple changes to bloggoat, hopefully it looks better now: blog.vihan.org
(I made some more changes but )
TIL there is an "E" grade
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ s/<[^<>]*>/>/g
@LeakyNun No, * is wrong because it's greedy.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Is there any difference?
Yes. Let's say you want to remove everything between <>. If you do :%s/<[^<>]*>//g and your text is <foo> <bar> You'll get <> instead of <> <>.
Because * matches as much as possible. \{-} matches as little as possible.
Can't you just do *? for non-greedy?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ How does <[^<>]*> match <foo> <bar>?
@HelkaHomba Depends on the flavor.
@LeakyNun Oh duh, good point.
I don't know why I thought \{-} was necessary. Still, it's useful.
Is that Mudvayne?
Before they realized how ridiculous they looked in the clown getup :P
@HelkaHomba I don't have a specific wish, what keywords are still available?
@HelkaHomba Be aware though, the á needs two bytes
Since vanilla python defaults to ASCII, it might make sense to just leave it as "a" instead.
Some things here would be pretty useful actually
Hahaha that's amazing.
Q: Display a cribbage score in ASCII

Dr Green Eggs and Ham DJCribbage is an interesting game, because you need a specific board to score your game. A cribbage board looks like this: Notice how the first column is on the left as it goes up, then on the right as it goes down, then back on the left as it goes up again. And here is what a poorly drawn ren...

Hi @newMainPosts, ty!
@Geobits It's all your fault. I've had Slide stuck in my head for a week.
Hi everyone, hope you'll have a great day! (or you had, if it's late in your country :))
It is very late here. I need to go to sleep soon.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ That's what I tell to myself every night, I always end up staying awake until 3 AM
1:51 AM. I'm so used to staying up late that this doesn't even feel like night yet.
On another note: github.com/Mego/PyCTF
I've finally put some work into making the CTF controller
12:52. This isn't that late, but I'm going to regret it when I'm trying to wake up tomorrow.
@Upgoat how is Cheddar better than Ruby
@Mego Sorry, I can't help you with that. What you feel is what you are.
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Ruby wasn't made by a PPCG person. Clearly it's inferior.
Our constant quest to abuse languages as much as possible to squeeze every last byte out of them clearly makes us experts on language design :P
@Mego But Cheddar isn't short
Q: N-chotomize a list

FatalizeGiven a list of integers L, and an integer N, output L splitted in N sublists of equal lenghts. Non-divisible lengths If N does not divide the length of L, then it is not possible that all sublists have equal length. In any case, the last sublist of the output is the one that adapts its length...

Hi @zʏᴀʙiɴ101
@Mego that should make us think, that size > efficiency.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 you should be an infinite loop in the ppcg lang, you're pretty much always onljne
@Bálint the syntaxe would be zyabin(cond)code 101
@Katenkyo Or a for loop's without the middle part
That would be actually useful
@Bálint If it is a for loop, it have to iterate 101 times precisely :D
The PPCG lang is The People's Python >_>
I'm enjoying my role as the bin built in :D
I just thought if there is assert, there should also be bssert and most imporantly dssert
@Katenkyo @Bálint If you wish to star in The People's Python, ping @HelkaHomba.
He will tell the directions.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 hum, pretty interesting
@HelkaHomba If my name could be useful, or if you need any help developping this later on, I'm here! :)
changing your name to get a random word into the language: lame
@MartinEnder And loophole.
@Bálint I actually implemented that
oh wait filter is already taken :(
@HelkaHomba corrected request: avocad = object
changing your name to get a random word into the language: loophole
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 how
A: Loopholes that are forbidden by default

randomraChanging your username to fit a username dependent challenge Changing your username or registering a new one to make your score better in username or userID dependent challenges.

@HelkaHomba can I be the "super"
Heads up to anyone who uses brainfuck.tk as their choice of online BF interpreter - DON'T visit it right now, it's currently redirecting to some random phishing site.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Not relevant, it's not a challenge
nor is it username-dependent
@Sp3000 Sauce?
(unless the site's fine and it's actually me that has malware, in which case damn)
Sauce: me trying to use site
@Sp3000 Sauce...
@Sp3000 Nope, it's actually redirecting
.tk domains can change very easily, try to connect eith their IP, if you know it
@avocadjuic You know, avocado juice is actually like a smoothie, and it definitely can't have bubbles in it
@Bálint Yes it can
And also, you could make the bottle bigger a bit
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrMaximal root multiplicity of integer polynomials math algebra polynomial Given a nonzero polynomial with integer coefficients, determine the maximal multiplicity of it's (perhaps complex) roots. Definitions Multiplicity: Let p be a polynomial with complex coefficients and x0 some complex numb...

Can't believe I didn't think of this solution earlier, especially since I had indicated the idea of algorithm after my previous answer. I didn't realize I had the exact feature I wanted in my own language :x
its so funny that any new instance of crossed out X is still X points to the latest one and following the links eventually end up to my comment :D
I hate it that the 44 seems not crossed out :(
@Fatalize Using the PPCG Design userscript?
^ I'm patient enough to wait for the graduation design
also what kind of nickname is that
"Brisbane, Australia"
Quill: Gold Coast, awfully close to Bribane
@Fatalize I know
@Fatalize at least he's trying to juic avocad.. in his own way..
it has been more than 30 min though
Sp3000 and grc are also Australian
^ you're Quill
Wat no, that's supposed to be @MarsUltor
^ you're Quill
@Fatalize At least your were right the second time ;)
Half of the time, I'm right every time
I only change my name on special occasions like WinterBash ;-)
I miss my Kylo Ren hat
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NeilDetermine the winner of Beggar my Neighbour The card game Beggar my Neighbour is boring in that the final outcome is entirely determined by the initial arrangement of the deck, so long as certain rules are followed for the order in which cards are picked up from the playing field and moved to de...

@JeffTeoh Hey
How's it going??
@Fatalize Note that the Jelly answer has a 15 in comments, but given the code page thing 16's pretty good
Does anyone here know python?
Define: "know"
program in python>
programs using python
does anyone here not know python? :p
I don't use it much, but I kinda know it
I'm asking that is because I want to learn a programming language and I'm wondering whether Python would be good place to start?
I think it's good
Python's fine
Java and C sharp are on my list too but I have no idea where to start.
python is simple
I also heard learning Python gives you more chances of getting employed?
Depends on what you want to get employed for, although by that metric I wouldn't recommend C# as much as the others
Alright, thanks for the tips.
Just keep in mind that it's probably better to at least get an idea of how some other languages work, even if there's only one that you're really good at
Ahh, I get what you mean know.
in the long term, programming concepts (and ability to learn and adapt) are more important than particular languages
Python for automation and scripting, do scientific/mathematical computing or data analysis, make 2D games ?
@JeffTeoh Even more.
Oh wow!
PHP for servers
Scientific/mathematical computing depends on what you want to do exactly, but it's pretty good for many things since there's a lot of good libraries
I see.
After looking at some of them seems like Python is where I should start!
@Sp3000 It also doesn't take many years to complete unlike the Jelly answer :p
@JeffTeoh php for crashing all the time and getting hacked
almost anything else is better for servers
(including python)
I see.
I'm installing Python now.
Do you know any good websites thatI could learn Phython?
search for python tutorial, you'll find something :)
Alrighty! Thanks alot!
@Sp3000 Also if I didn't have a bug with my prime decomposition built-in (it should be false for negative integers, and it shouldn't go in an infinite loop for 0), I wouldn't need >0,, so it would be 13 bytes
I don't get why Python is the language of choice for data analysis when it is slow compared to languages like C/Lua...
What's the consensus on that BTW? Is it accepted to fix bugs after a challenge is posted and still be competing, assuming the fix makes it work as how it was initially thought to work? Or is it frowned upon?
chat mini-challenge: accessing an array with modular-indexing. I don't care if 0-based or 1-based. Must work for negative integer index.
1. Slow to run, fast to write is sometimes preferable
2. With PyPy it runs fast enough that the difference isn't too bad
I've seen a that required searching a huge space won by Python over C++
@Fatalize I'm not sure about False for negative integers, but yeah that 0 part definitely sounds like it needs fixing
And ditto trich - slow to run but the fast to write/prototype helps
@Sp3000 Even if it doesn't return false for negative it would still work, because since the input is positive it will alway reach the closest positive 7DP before the closest negative one
@LeakyNun what does modular_indexing means?
@trichoplax That's why I didn't speak of ASM, but still, there's languages faster and lighter than python that are faster
@Fatalize I wasn't talking about the challenge specifically there, was just wondering whether it should return True for negative primes or not
@Katenkyo Examples? (Although usually when it gets to that comparison, the answer becomes "libraries" instead)
@Katenkyo I also think python is easier for non-programmers to read, and I suspect also to write
@Sp3000 it could the prime factors of |Input|, I guess
@Sp3000 Lua is a good example, is cross plateform, fast to run and write and is really light
@trichoplax Hum... Makes sense, if we're speaking about mathematician programming their tools
Hmm don't really know Lua so I'm not sure there...
@Katenkyo Yes - even if there are languages that are much faster to write once you know them, they won't attract people who don't know about them. I don't know Lua so I don't know how intuitive it is to someone who has never programmed anything before
I'm a very slow and procrastinating person, and I found Python really quick to pick up
@Sp3000 Would have to find the benchmark I saw on Lua's performance against C's
@trichoplax I think lua is more readable for someone who doesn't understand the programming yet, but python may be a language of choice because it is more popular
(and it gets more and more opular for the same reason)
I don't mean speed-wise, I don't doubt that. Was just thinking the other points (ease of use, availability of libraries)
@Sp3000 Less things to learn in lua than python to get started, one structure (the table) that can be use as an array, a hashtable, a list... And for the librairies, there's a list that the author of the language maintain as "high quality libs"
@Katenkyo As much as I like it, I definitely agree that its popularity feeds into more popularity. I think indirectly that also gives genuine improvements though - being popular means more people working on tools for it and more feedback on improvements to the language itself
@trichoplax I can't argue against that ^^
So, people mainly use python in this domain, because it appeared at the right time and moment
@Katenkyo You've got me curious about Lua now
(couldn't have it been brainfuck? would have been way more funny!)
Q: Does fixing an implementation bug renders the answer non-competing?

FatalizeIn this thread, it is accepted that answers that use a new version of a language created after the challenge was posted are non-competing, because otherwise people would implement new built-ins that fit the challenge. However, it is not clear in this answer (and @lirtosiast comment is not answer...

@trichoplax I'm glad to read that! It's mainly used in video-game add-ons, embedded chipset with few capacities, and router/switch... So it has few places where it is really used, but you couldn't have some fun doing anything with it, libs exists if you want to use it instead of php, or pretty much anything else
Chat mini-challenge: accessing an array with modular-indexing. That is, given an array A and an index i, return A[i%len(A)], where x%y == (x-y)%y for any integers x and y. I don't care if 0-based or 1-based. Must work for negative integer index.
CJam: AI=
Lua: function f(A,i)return A[i%#A]end something like this?
Or creating and returning an array with modluar-indexing?
@Katenkyo yes, and nice to know that you speak Lua :D
@aditsu How to use it?
@LeakyNun [3 2 5 7 1]6=
@aditsu Not a full program/function?
@LeakyNun well, it's simply the = operator
Oh, okay
if you want full program from stdin to stdout: q~=
input like [3 2 5 7 1]6
I see
@LeakyNun Not my first try at it, you already helped me golfing down some big chunk of code here ^^
@Katenkyo Oh, I remember :D
user image
@AlexA. labs
haha, reminds me of Dexter's lab
@phase = input, @Katenkyo = continue, @Bálint = super, @avocadjuic = no socks yet please (github.com/HelkaHomba/ThePeoplesPython/blob/master/…)
@Bálint are you on an xkcd spree? :p
@HelkaHomba That's a nice one, thanks!
@aditsu Actually, I am.
@Katenkyo Are you Japanese?
@mınxomaτ yay, -funroll-loops at 1h
@HelkaHomba no socks yet please ... huh. That's odd programming syntax.
yeah.. is it some new language feature?
@LeakyNun I am french, but love the Japanese Culture
@Katenkyo I see. You're the third French user here that I know :)
And actually, this pseudo comes from bleach, because my old one was always taken (Shadowant)
@LeakyNun Enchanté, cher ami. :)
@LeakyNun I've met some too ^^
@Katenkyo Je ne suis pas à vendre xd
@Katenkyo Désolé, je ne comprends pas
there's a stereotype that French people are really bad at English, it doesn't seem to be true among programmers :)
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 He said "nice to meet you, dear friend", and I said "I am not up for sale", because the word for "dear" and "expensive" are the same in French.
@aditsu Sadly, it is
well, not among most French programmers I've met (mostly online)
I have some friends (even my girlfriend) who have been studying/working in the IT world for 3+ years, and still can't manage to handle a conversation or read a long documentation
The ones you'll meet online are actually the part that know how to speak in english, the other half stay silent :)
haha, ok :)
@LeakyNun Yep, that's it. Cher is both dear and expensive because it qualifies something valuable
@Katenkyo It was a joke
@LeakyNun I know, was expending on your translation, not on the joke in itself ^^
@Katenkyo :p
@El'endiaStarman a base64 encoding with all capital letters!
Chat mini-challenge: Verify Benford's Law! Given an array of positive integers, output the frequencies of the numbers that start with 1, that start with 2, ..., in a sensible format.
up to 9?
@LeakyNun can this actually be an array of strings? ["123","456"]
@Katenkyo nope :p
ok :'(
@aditsu Where do you come from?
@LeakyNun and a list of command-line argument?
@LeakyNun Romania
@Katenkyo as you like
my program works with any strings btw :p
@aditsu >_>
Lua: s={}for i=1,#arg do x=arg[i]:sub(1,1)s[x]=1+s[x]and s[x]or 0 end for i=1,9 do print(s[i]and s[i]or"")end
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 just reading the standard input
not taking an array of strings
@aditsu Unde e zeroii (lol)
what's "zeroii"?
@aditsu a desperate attempt to attach -ii to zero
heh, valiant but misguided
@Bálint Your icon...
@aditsu How do I say it?
zeros = zerouri, the zeros = zerourile
@LeakyNun Don't tell me I got you with it
also "e" is singular
@Bálint of course not :p
@aditsu Does "zerour" mean anything?
@Katenkyo I have like 6 of this type of face
@aditsu nice attempt xd
@aditsu so what's the base form?
@aditsu Nice, thanks
@LeakyNun the UGL room was frozen :D
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 nice

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