like the article author, I also have a color blind brother, and he drives (in Romania)
I understand he had some issues getting the license, but they let him have it
the glasses have a disclaimer that I shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery etc, but I think it's just legal stuff because they didn't get the right certification yet, not an actual danger
the traffic light green looks much greener with the glasses :)
@aditsu Just got a delayed ping too, and earlier a few lines of chat didn't load until I refreshed. The reason I knew there were additional lines was that I saw them in the sidebar of a different chat room.
"Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un shows solidarity with Muslims for Ramadan through limited breakfast of salad, rice cakes, duck fat, and champagne". If that's limited...
Does anyone here do any Javascript game dev with the Phaser engine? if so, would you mind looking over some code for me that does not work as intended?
Finally, Hello, World!, 118 + 6 bytes in my new language, "yup": 0~--=+;|~|+e=*;|~||+ee=^;0e=1;11+=2;21+=3;22*=4;43+=7;71+=8;73+=t;~t*+=_;_@=.;72.t1.t8_:::@@3+:@44.32.87.@[email protected].