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@Mego If your challenge isn't the last challenge with 0 score, then you have virtually no chance getting any attention naturally
Bash Scripting: What if ............... Comment what's suitable. https://t.co/NYBSrt7sfm
includes this image:
Golfing langs: What if everything was one character long
Emmental: What if everything was a metacircular interpreter?
What does "monkey patched" mean?
A monkey patch is a way for a program to extend or modify supporting system software locally (affecting only the running instance of the program). == Etymology == The term monkey patch seems to have come from an earlier term, guerrilla patch, which referred to changing code sneakily – and possibly incompatibly with other such patches – at runtime. The word guerrilla, homophonous with gorilla (or nearly so), became monkey, possibly to make the patch sound less intimidating. An alternative etymology is that it refers to “monkeying about” with the code (messing with it). The definition of the term...
Oh hell PHP ahahaha
@Mego Been busy in the past week, taking a look at it now. Not quite getting the equal rank part though
While we're looking at Sandbox posts, is this one I posted a while back, good to go?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Sherlock9Inspired by this discussion on challenge ideas (please ignore the reference to a Ulam spiral. I just meant a normal spiral as described below. A short walk across a spiral Given a spiral of integers on a rectangular grid, write a function that returns one of the shortest possible paths between ...

@Sp3000 What about it don't you get?
Suppose A has [QH ... 6H 10H 3H 5H 2H] and B has [KD ... 8D 7D 3D 5D 2D] (top of deck to the right). Does it compare 2H vs 2D, 5H vs 5D, 3H vs 3D then finally 10H vs 7D so A wins and gives all battled cards to B?
Not quite
Q: Determine the winner of a game of War

MegoThe card game War is interesting in that the final outcome is entirely determined by the initial arrangement of the deck, so long as certain rules are followed for the order in which cards are picked up from the playing field and moved to decks. In this challenge, there will only be 2 players, si...

First the top cards are compared. If they're not equal, then 2 more cards are added to each stack from each deck, and the topmost card is compared again. This continues until a player wins the round, at which point they place their stack on top of the loser's stack, flip the entire stack upside-down, and place it on the bottom of their deck.
Reference implementation:
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from collections import deque

p1, p2 = [deque(s) for s in (input(),input())]

    while p1 and p2:
        p1s = [p1.popleft()]
        p2s = [p2.popleft()]
        while p1s[-1] == p2s[-1]:
        if p1s[-1] > p2s[-1]:
So stack =/= deck here, and here it would compare 2H vs 2D, 3H vs 3D then 6H vs 8D? (i.e. every second)
The stacks are the card piles formed by flipping the top card of each deck face-up
Hmm k.. yeah the reference implementation helps, thanks
Welcome :)
I also added it to the challenge text
@HelkaHomba I would love to be raise
(was confused because I thought "top of the deck" was referring to the previous just-battled top of the deck, rather than the top of the deck after removing the just-battled top of the deck)
It helps to visualize two real people playing the game
Also the Wikipedia page's description might be clearer to you :P
This would also be a pretty interesting challenge without the termination/no-ties assumption :P
Yeah, but checking for cycles would make it needlessly complicated IMO
I wanted to make it relatively simple
Though testing for a tie wouldn't be too hard (after every round, check to see if every other card in each of the two decks are equal and the decks are equal size)
Was watching The Angry Birds Movie. Did anyone see it?
After I saw the trailer, I decided not to watch it
I've heard it's actually pretty good
I'm planning on watching it soon
Feels like most of the work is just converting to/from spiral coordinates
Also why is queen_spiral(14, 14) -> 0
I just got an idea of a very very unproductive SE site
A site dedicated to questions about where a specific question goes
@Bálint Don't send it to A51, please. >_>
@Sp3000 Whoops
@Sp3000 Fair enough. Shall I drop it?
Well I'm just wondering what the alternative would be
The alternative? Also I fixed queen_spiral(14, 14) -> 14
That was a brain fart on my part
As in, if the input was just two pairs of coords (x1, y1), (x2, y2) then the challenge might be too simple (or maybe that's fine, I dunno)
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 I don't want, it was just a joke
why does gitter say don't build skynet
How does one make a giant codeblock on SE?
@phase Indent it with 4 spaces
Dear person having fun with stars: next time, just wait til night and pull out a telescope.
@Bálint thanks
The heck happened to the starboard?
@Bálint XKCD are printed in this chat, I guess it's a rickroll? :)
@Katenkyo Yes.
@Bálint ^ >_>
@Sp3000 TS
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 You've been rickrolled? :D
@Katenkyo I wasn't. :D
Before I go through the link, I've been directed to a menu with three entries. Browser, Chrome and YouTube.
I chose neither.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Oh, browsing through your phone ^^
@Katenkyo Yes.
Speaking of phones, I should hchange mine, 256 MB of RAM starts to be painful...
Stack Hchange would be cool.
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ ?
where does gitter say don't build skynet
^^ Chat is dead
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 cheater
@Bálint o_o I was not.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FatalizeN-chotomize a list Given a list of integers L, and an integer N, output L splitted in N sublists of equal lenghts. Non-divisible lengths If N does not divide the length of L, then it is not possible that all sublists have equal length. In any case, the last sublist of the output is the one th...

My avatar wasn't the brightest idea, I always think it simply won't load im
The 30 day rule doesn't apply to avatars - you can change it whenever you like
Q: Closest 7-Distinct-Prime Product

TimmyD(via chat) The OEIS entry A123321 lists the sequence of numbers that are the product of seven distinct primes. For brevity, we'll call this a 7DP number. The first few numbers and their corresponding divisors are below: 510510 = 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17 570570 = 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 19...

@Dennis: Hi!! You asked about returning True instead of 1, in Swap prime exponents
I’m tempted to say no, though? But, I don’t know what would be in the PPCG spirit
I hit 407 rep! :D
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 GG !
@Katenkyo Good Game ? o_o
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 mon
Hum, a 6000 lines php file... must be something fishy about this
@Poke mon
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Well played if you prefer :)
Spoiler: PHP would explode. :P
@Lynn 1 is truthy. :P
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Everyone should be using bash only server-side :D
@Lynn I would say no as well, since True isn't an integer.
@TimmyD The big picture solution to the True/1 problem: "Output [something truthy](link to t/f post on meta) if ..., else [something falsy](link to same post)" in the markdown.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 The challenge in question is not asking for truthy/falsy codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/81253/…
Well, darn.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Are you sure?
15:33 golf ♥ true; echo $?
15:33 golf ♥ false; echo $?
Are you sure??
Well, darn.
Anyway, seriously, even if 1 is pretty truth-y, the problem is True isn’t very one-y.
@Lynn These docs were for a very old version of Urbit, which main lang is Hoon >_>
I hear the “loobeans” stuck, though
@trichoplax I like it actually
@Bálint Keep it then :) Eventually you will get used to it and only new users will think your avatar is still loading...
Speaking of Urbit: @Lynn New Urbit website is online! :D urbit.org
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 What is urbit? YOu and lynn speak about it quite a lot
@Bálint Urbit is a bit of a personal server that connects to the Peer to Peer network %ames.
Explaining it in more than this sentence will take forever.
I love how they've chosen the tilde as a symbole for Urbit
It's a meaningful logo, well done guys!
@Katenkyo inside character of @RenderSettings Thanks =)
@Bálint I am aditsu and I approve this message
What is your food rule, 19B? strawpoll.me/10412624
@HelkaHomba Sure, that'd be cool.
@Lynn I can't reach Straw Poll in QtWeb :(
@Lynn looks like someone only eat grain,vegetables and fruits... wow
A Vegan maybe?
btw I tend to abstain from red meat (which includes pork under some definitions), but not because I don't like it
@aditsu belief/ digestive problems/ allergia?
@Katenkyo That would be me
@Katenkyo Or a Vegetarian. :)
nope, preventive health and slight environmental concerns
@Lynn I couldn't possibly do what you're doing by restricting yourself to only that, I'm admirative!
Any products obtained from animals are allowed, except Meat and Fish.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Yep, didn't see Eggs etc in the selected options, but they aren't in the strawpoll so can't know
Oyster, Shrimp or Squid are disallowed for Vegetarians, for various reasons.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 I think insects too are banned, everything that can only be obtained through killing animals
When Vegans don't eat anything that come from an animal
(I think I got it right, feel free to point some errors in what I say)
vegans will throw a fit over gelatin in jelly
@aditsu doesn't it come from animal fat?
it usually does
um, "various animal by-products"
Even if I know that Vegan don't want to eat eggs/ drink milk becausethey come from the same industry that product meat (evil corporates who harms their animals), couldn't the Eggs of a chicken they feed and take care?
ah, so you're saying even vegetarians would have a problem with that
I should make a NetHack character food analysis.
I’m a sort of lax vegetarian. My “rule” is I try not to eat dead animals’ meat
It wouldn't be a by-product obtained through torture
@Lynn heck yeah, eat them live! \m/
@Lynn So you eat alive ones? That's gross...
I know some vegetarians avoid gelatin (made from bones, I think) or rennet (made from enzymes in calves’ stomachs, really freaky stuff)
@aditsu \m/: When you shift the finger the wrong way :P
@Lynn If this makes you feel better, people use the content of the calf's stomach to make cheese
You can get vegetarian cheese made with fungal rennet instead of calves stomachs.
@Bálint Cheese is love, cheese is moisture :)
Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about
You can also use pectin as a vegetarian alternative to gelatin
I told that to one of my vegan schoolmates and she almost puked :P
I'm kind of mean
@Bálint Why would she puke...?
In my experience it’s stupidly hard to figure out whether anything you’re eating is vegetarian
@Katenkyo Because I told her in while she ate a cheese sandwich
Well, darn.
@Bálint Oh xD
@Lynn just go by the label :p
@Lynn Turn the packing around, and check the back of it, it should be noted there
Yeah, kinda mean, the best kind of mean
@Bálint Your vegan acquaintance eats cheese??
@trichoplax ate
@trichoplax Maybe vegan cheese
Not in wacky Belgium. ;–;
Already saw vegan sausage
@Katenkyo I've had vegan cheese. It's ... interesting
(and hallal sausage too ¤_¤)
Richard Stallman eats toe cheese :)
I like vegan bacon though
@Katenkyo $_$
@trichoplax I don't know about it, cheese is sacred in my country (France), especially where I come from (Normandy, not far from Camembert...)
@Bálint Ha ha is this story the reason they became vegan?
@Katenkyo oh putain un normand
@trichoplax She was already vegetarian (I need to correct myself), but she ate cheese up to that point
Now she doesn't
One of my friends apparently loves this thing
That looks like marzipan @_@
@Fatalize Aurais-je rencontré un camarade?
@Upgoat Hell no.
@Katenkyo Sûrement pas, la Normandie quelle horreur :p
The packing says it's made of vegetable oil and cheese
While it's cheese
So no, it's not marzipan
Even cheese made with fungal rennet can contain cheese mites in the rind, so you're technically still eating animals.
@Katenkyo Désolé, je ne comprends pas
@Fatalize Si tu as l'occasion, visite, les paysages sont magnifique, les gens bien sympa, et y'a de la bonne bouffe
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 I'm going to translate so
@trichoplax There's a limit of how many ants can a litre of chocolate contain
@Bálint This is true... :)
Somewhere around 3-5
@Katenkyo J'aime pas manger, c'est pas un argument pour moi. Et je suis à Grenoble donc les paysages tu peux pas test !
That literally means every 5 chocolate bar you eat contains 3 ants
@Bálint Oh - I thought you meant there's an upper limit on what's physically possible ;)
I’ve technically been in Calais. It was nice!
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Aurais-je rencontré un camarade? -> Are you one of my fellow normands? (more or less)
@trichoplax No, legally
@Bálint I get what you mean now. Varies by country though...
@Lynn There's heavy support in favor, at least for languages like Python where you can use both interchangeably.
A: Should Booleans be allowed where a number is required?

MegoIf it quacks like a number, it's a number Let's look at some Python examples. >>> 2 * 1 2 >>> 2 * 0 0 Cool, 2, 1, and 0 are all numbers. That's not being contested here. >>> 2 * True 2 >>> 2 * False 0 True and False act just like 1 and 0 (respectively). In fact, 1 == True and 0 == False....

@Upgoat cheddar?
The Food Defect Action Levels: Levels of natural or unavoidable defects in foods that present no health hazards for humans is a publication of the United States Food and Drug Administration's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition detailing acceptable levels of food contamination from sources such as maggots, thrips, insect fragments, "foreign matter", mold, rodent hairs, and insect and mammalian feces. The publication details the acceptable amounts of contaminants on a per food basis, listing both the defect source (pre-harvest infection, processing infestation, processing contamination...
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Si tu as l'occasion, visite, les paysages sont magnifique, les gens bien sympa, et y'a de la bonne bouffe -> If you have the opportunity, come and visit, there's beautiful landscapes, peoples are nice, and the food is great!
@TimmyD Well, in Python it is.
>>> isinstance(True, int)
> Chocolate and chocolate liquor | Insect filth | Average is 60 or more insect fragments per 100 grams (when 6 100 g subsamples are examined)
@Lynn Technically?
I should visit Normandy, sometime in my life.
@Bálint yummy..
I just passed through on the way to England ^^
^ traitor
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 I'd recommend it to you, but be prepared : our cheese can really stinks sometimes :D
Rest of France > Normandy > England
So I didn’t see much of Calais.
@Lynn Sadly, most of Calais is "sad" to see, because the bricks of homes etc are still darkened because of the factories there used to be
Calais looks like Belgium, so Lynn should be used to sad sights
@Dennis That answer happens to have exactly as many downvotes as the much more recent answer has upvotes
Okay guys, google-fu help would be appreciated. I have a bed shaker that I use with my alarm clock to wake me up since I'm deaf. It has an audio plug, so I figured I should be able to vibrate it with my computer, but I haven't found anything from anyone that has tried or succeeded to do the same.
@Lynn Some animals survive being partially eaten without problem. For example, starfish grow back limbs each time they are eaten, sometimes even growing back too many by mistake. So maybe you could be vegetarian apart from eating starfish limbs. Not sure if they're edible to humans though...
^ could eat crab claws, don't always survive when amputed though
Also they don't grow back...
don't they?
@El'endiaStarman wat, you're deaf?
@aditsu Yep!
huh, I didn't know.. I have questions, but also don't want to be insensitive :p
btw I have an alarm clock with bed shaker
@El'endiaStarman But you have an implant don't you? Can't you sleep with it?
@aditsu Please, ask away! :)
but haven't used it in recent years
@El'endiaStarman xkcd forums?
lol, @Himarm2017 - your profile info on left of your last two chat messages is trying to figure out whether to choose the full info or small pic..
@Fatalize Ohhh, yes. Have you seen Brussels?
and it keeps switching between them
It’s… depressing
I think a certain height triggers that paradox
@Optimizer ?
@Lynn Never been to Belgium, thankfully hides again
Actually, I figured out why: the bed shaker says 12V, but apparently sound cards only output like 1.5-3V at most.
Next step: find out if there's a transformer I can plug into my computer. :P
@El'endiaStarman oh ok, are you completely deaf? any hearing device that helps? how do you manage daily things? what problems do you hit and how to you overcome them?
@Dennis shakes fist Pyyyythooooonnnnnn!
@aditsu He has said he was cochlear implants in the past.
@Fatalize Two implants. Also, they are 1) uncomfortable to rest my head on, 2) they easily fall off or get pushed off while I sleep, and 3) I like being totally deaf while sleeping. :)
@trichoplax Well, Peter's point isn't that it shouldn't be allowed, just that making it a default would be surprising to newcomers.
@El'endiaStarman I would go insane. I'm one of those people that have a small desk fan running just to provide constant noise while I'm sleeping.
@Upgoat Status Cheddar? >_>
@aditsu Yes. Two cochlear implants. I manage daily things like most normally-hearing people. (I am slightly unusual in that regard.) That last question would need like a book. :P
@El'endiaStarman Oh ok. Are there no implants that are permanent and not external?
@El'endiaStarman thanks; also, were you "born this way"?
Seriously though, the biggest problems I have are all related to understanding people when they talk, especially in noise. Usually I just ask them to repeat. And again, and again... Sometimes I ask them to write. Oftentimes I avoid such situations in the first place.
@Fatalize Not yet.
Do you listen to music, as an implant user?
@Fatalize Actually, I should clarify: there are two parts to a cochlear implant: the permanent, internal part, and the external processors. I need the processors to hear, and it's those that I take off at night.
I had a coworker who had a cochlear implant, I didn't know what it was on the first day, so I asked him if he was a cyborg :p
@El'endiaStarman So you understand no one in the 19B then, it's only noise
@El'endiaStarman Oh that's clearer
↑ Here’s what speech and music sound like through a cochlear implant, apparently.
^ but how does that video sound to someone with cochlear implant? insert Inception BRAAAAM
@aditsu Nearly so. I was born with profound hearing loss, so I had the tiniest bit of hearing. That said, my parents figured out I was deaf in part because I didn't get scared by the big-boom fireworks (the ones that aren't flashy, but just make a big deep boom) as a baby when I wasn't looking at them.
@Lynn Oh yes I do. All the time.
@Lynn damn, that's pretty bad
I think I do tend to like more mellow music than most deaf people though, but I don't have enough anecdotal data for that. :P
I expected it to be much better :/
but I guess they're still working on it
Apparently, it got a bit better over the past years?
@Fatalize Bahaha. Actually, there are two big reasons I love this place (other than that I'm among my peers): 1) I can catch up with and reply to conversations in my own time, and 2) it's text based, and I can read and type much better than I can hear and speak (including the more "macro" aspects of communication, such as phrasing and putting the right ideas in the right order).
I figured any form of text chat is great for deaf people
on the internet nobody knows you're deaf / a dog :p
^ woof?
I mean we know Alex is a bird, so that's one counterexample
@JonasKöritz: That's a completely different program on an entirely different operating system. My bicycle doesn't allow cd.. either :) — Lightness Races in Orbit 3 hours ago
@Lynn Okay, I think that with regards to their meaning of "channels", my processors have about 64 or 128 channels each.
@El'endiaStarman Have you learned the sign language even with your implants?
@HelkaHomba you did end up giving Alex False?
And I've had these implants for something like 9 years now.
oh, assuming you're over 15 or so, how was it when you used them for the first time?
@Katenkyo Yes, in fact. I only became decently good at sign language in the summer between high school and college, when I had a deaf roommate that preferred sign language.
@El'endiaStarman Ever wanted to give them up? I know there are some groups of deaf people who like "deaf culture" and don't want implants
@Fatalize Oh heck no.
^ that was fast
@Fatalize And you're correct that there is a portion of people in Deaf culture that hate any attempts to "fix" their lack of hearing.
@El'endiaStarman Like every other languages you can only become good by practicing it ^^
@El'endiaStarman about the bed shaker, if you find a way to make it buzz with a power supply, maybe you can add a switch controlled by a raspberry pi?
@Himarm2017 :)
@Katenkyo Yes. Let me be a bit more detailed: I learned some sign language when I was really young (but only up to like 6-year-old level), and I basically lost it all after I got my cochlear implants (because my mom switched to cued speech to help me transition to spoken speech). In my last two years of high school, I had an ASL teacher, so I got about 600 signs in my vocabulary...but I didn't have anyone to practice with. Until that summer, of course, and the following four years at RIT.
plus it abolihses teh need forpspeling
So ASL is truly a second language for me, which is opposite from a lot of deaf people. Though, truly, I don't "speak" ASL, but rather I use something that's called Pidgin Signed English, where I mix ASL signs and English word order.
YANI: a sign programming language.
@aditsu Well, the inspiration is that the alarm clocks that I and my fiancée have don't have the capability to display 24-hour time, and the AM/PM indicator isn't very clear, so we've had problems numerous times with setting the alarm to 9 PM instead of 9 AM...
@El'endiaStarman Hum, does ASL have its own word order? I mean, is it really international? (and there isn't an English ASL/French ASL...)
Interesting read:
> French American Sign Language ...
Q: Who or what was Tom Bombadil?

morganpdxThe most iconic of Middle-earth questions: Who or what was Tom Bombadil? Was he an elf? Was he akin to Gandalf, and one of the wizardly stock? Was he something… else?

(the answers)
@Katenkyo it's not but afaik french and american sign language are very similar
@El'endiaStarman I have this one: thinkgeek.com/edm/20070222.shtml
@Katenkyo There are many different sign languages, and they'll all different from each other and their spoken languages of the same name.
@TimmyD (didn't know what the "A" was standing for, thanks Timmy
@Fatalize They probably have more in common than most because deaf schools in the US were started by a guy that went to France and brought back a Frenchman to help him. That said, there was also a significant Deaf community already in Martha's Vineyard, so I wouldn't expect them to be totally alike.
@El'endiaStarman It's sad, it would have been the first language to be truly spoken across the globe :/
@Katenkyo It's only within the last few decades that national-scale sign languages have arisen. There are far, far fewer deaf people than hearing people, so there are fewer, smaller communities of deaf people within which a standardized language can arise.
@aditsu Yeah, that's a popular brand. Not mine though, actually.
@El'endiaStarman are you able to speak well now? was it hard to learn? also what was it like when you used the implants for the first time?
@aditsu The way I described them when they were first turned on: left) everyone sounds like Mickey Mouse, and right) sounds like a family of drums.
well, how did you know what Mickey Mouse sounded like?
@Katenkyo You're welcome. Re-reading it, I think I put a little too much snark into my comment, so, I apologize for that.
Q: Validate a Bible verse index

EMBLEMPassages in the Bible are listed in the format [Book] [Chapter]:[StartVerse](-OptionalEndVerse) e.g. 1 Timothy 2:1-12 is the first 12 verses of the 2nd chapter of 1 Timothy, Esther 8:9 is the 9th verse of Esther 8, and Genesis 1:1-10 is the first ten verses of the first chapter of Genesis. Wr...

@aditsu I was first implanted (left side only) at almost 6.5 years old, so I don't really know. My mom did tell me stories about stuff like how I turned a faucet on and off repeatedly in the bathroom because it made a new sound.
@El'endiaStarman That's because they are far fewer that I would think it is easier to have a world-scale language for them
With about 7000 and 4000 users respectively.
@TimmyD You don't have to, I was also dumb for not looking up what that acronyms actually meant. I knew that it was the sign-language, but didn't know it stand for the American one
@El'endiaStarman I'm tempted to star this, because the image of that in my head is really funny ^^
@Katenkyo To have a standardized language though, you have to have widespread communication and an organization that says "this is how the language is". The deaf community doesn't have either just yet, and we've already got dozens of national-scale languages, so don't expect a unified sign language to happen anytime soon.
@Katenkyo :)
@Lynn Did I know? Not really. Am I surprised? Not at all.
I think it’s funny how Belgium is split up even in that aspect. And also a little sad how sign language isn’t more universal.
@aditsu I was first implanted only on my left side, then about 9.5 years later it broke (within the 10-year warranty!), so it was replaced. At the same time, I got a new implant on my right side because it was deemed medically necessary. All for free, which is incredible.
@El'endiaStarman If there was, it would have the potential of becoming the One True Language, everybody would soon stop using oral language, to focus on this one, and people would slowly become mute
@Katenkyo Oh no, that probably won't ever happen. One significant obstacle is that sign languages are iconic. It's far harder for me to express technical or abstract concepts in sign language than in English.
not that English is really great at expressing things either :p
@El'endiaStarman Let me dream of this, please, I would love a world where I don't have to hear the people behind me in the bus speaking about their herpes, or how much weed they smoked the last night...
@aditsu French is great at expressing everything that's not technical
I'm not sure there's a language that can express what coffee smells like, for example
For the technical part, we use lots of english words
@Katenkyo I guess I have an advantage that I can't understand what most people around here are saying :p
@Lynn Well, think of it this way: there were several ten thousand spoken languages in ancient times, and today there's around 6,000. Again, because people lived in smaller, more-isolated groups with little or no global communication. Until recently, deaf people were in much the same situation, and many still are. If you're a deaf person without cochlear implants surrounded by hearing people, you're gonna come up with a "language" that is gestures at best, and that only your family knows.
@Katenkyo Well, but then you'd see people at the other end of the bus saying the same things...
that might gradually change though (trying to learn :p)
@aditsu Well, it's the lingua franca of science for a reason.
^^ This is how, in a sign programming language, a "Hello, World!" could look like.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 <something> Hello welcome?
print hello globe
I use a different sign for "print".
Which sign?
@El'endiaStarman Easier to not see than not hearing :)
(have to go, have a nice day everybody :))
@Katenkyo bai
@Alex cute dog
Oh, that reminds me, there are significant dialectal variations. There were many English words or names with variations in spelling in the 1600s because that was before it started being standardized. ASL is in much the same state.
I used the SignPuddle for that.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Yeah, I've known about that site since my ASL teacher showed me. I think that sign writing is even more in a stage of infancy than ASL itself.
> If you were suddenly arrested with no explanation in front of your friends/family, what would they think you had done?
> Hacking. because having access to google and playing a lot of dwarf fortress/nethack means you're a hacker in their minds
> Well hacking is a whole lat simpler than Dwarf Fortress.
@Fatalize It sounds awful. I actually have yet to hear a simulation that sounded like the actual. A possible confounding factor is that brains are really plastic, so they just smear over the gaps.
hrm, I think I got something in my eye..
> Eh, close enough. -Your Brain
@TimmyD All. The. Time.
Like that blind spot both of your eyes have. Or the fact that when you look from one side to the other, your brain makes you blind while your eyes are moving.
@El'endiaStarman I find it pretty sad that you're in a situation where you think that this operation being free is incredible :/
it should be expected to be free
Of course you'd think that, living in a European country with free healthcare. (I don't disagree, though. America's healthcare system stinks.)
I was hoping for an amazing experience after getting my glasses last week, unfortunately they're not making a huge difference
@Himarm2017 hahahaha :P
From reddit this morning.
(I am color blind, but not severely)
What kind of color blindness? @Mego is also color-blind, IIRC.
haven't really had an eye check with a specialist, but apparently I'm "mild protan"
that's red-green
probably protanomaly

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