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I've known an unfortunate number of people who fell into drugs. Some got clean but some also became homeless and some died. I'd happily put forth tax money to help more people get clean and stay off the streets.
it's a shame they don't have bitbucket shot glasses to go with my jira lottery
(Granted, those groups aren't mutually exclusive. I also knew a guy whose life fell apart because of drugs and he became homeless but later he was able to get clean, get a job and an apartment, and start to get his life back together. Then he died of an asthma attack.)
That's really sad.
Sure is.
@Quill Nobody uses Bitbucket anyway. Even fewer people use that than GitLab.
@AlexA. Nobody seemingly but where I work
Where do you work?
Probably because they offer free private repos and GitHub doesn't.
also Jira integrations
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ somewhere on earth
Oh cool, Me too!
What are the odds?
Jira has their own flavour of SQL as well, apparently
assignee = currentUser() AND status in ("In Progress", "To Do", "Failed Code Review") order by updated DESC
@Downgoat I found another picture of you:
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ :|
oh hey I wrote a thing that does a thing: gist.github.com/The-Quill/a9c83993fe585e4f9fe9059081727629
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ (world population - astronaut population) / (world population)
@Quill That mixed case though
@trichoplax not only can people disagree, they can vote to mute the people who disagree! yay!
@HelkaHomba (7425221475 - 6) / 7425221475 = 0.9999999992
Where did you get 533 from?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ total number of people in space
yeah, fixed
in The 2nd Monitor, 1 min ago, by Quill
great, now the first suggestion on Google when I press "v" is "VBA Long Live The Cucumber"
1 min ago, by Dr Green Eggs and Ham DJ
@HelkaHomba http://www.howmanypeopleareinspacerightnow.com/
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I meant ever
˙ʎɐʞO ˙ɥO
@Quill haha, nice
@orlp Brutal, looks like your message got flagged by enough people to get it auto-deleted. FWIW I thought it was both funny and poignant. I can also see why some could deem it offensive or constituting inappropriate discourse for chat.
@AlexA. How many people flagged it?
@AlexA. not only auto-deleted
I was immediately removed from the conversation by being muted to speak for 30 minutes
Yep, that's what happens. The post gets auto-deleted and the poster gets an automatic 30 minute suspension from chat.
0_0 That sucks.
@orlp If it makes you feel better I marked the flag as invalid :/
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I think there's a way for me to figure that out but I'm not sure how.
haha, I just read the flag... nice joke @orlp
I would've marked it invalid too
it got flagged? I didn't see it...
> Page not found
@Doorknob Oh, thanks. What's "Meh"?
@Downgoat Mod access only
@AlexA. I think that's when someone opens the flag dialog and does nothing
@AlexA. solution: ask SE to make Downgoat a mod
it was a cynical criticism of capitalism and a reluctance to help your fellow man and the hypocrisy it has with christianity, especially in the bible belt (which are usually the most conservative states) - but apparently that triggers people
Sysadmin complains his coworkers are incompetent, servers are named after Star Trek, and Windows isn't updated ever http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/4l8e2n/rant_my_coworkers_are_incompetent/
@Doorknob It got 2 flags, 2 counter flags, and 1 meh. How could it have been deleted with a suspension? One of the flags had to have come from a mod, right?
Okay, thanks
> Not using the mod room to discuss mod things
Only moderators have binding chat flags
Hey @AlexA. you know that Quill guy? We should suspend him
@Downgoat only goats that face up can run for mods
@Doorknob go for it, the real action happens on Chat.SO ;)
4 hours ago, by Alex A.
Who are you?
@Quill ;_;
Apparently I do not know that Quill guy
Doesn't mean we shouldn't suspend him
that does limit the amount of people that could've flagged it, that does kinda destroy anonymity
@Quill Ah, yes, I've completely given up on chat.SO by now. :P
flagger right now
anyone in any room in the chat.se network can flag in any room
and moderators anywhere on the network are mods everywhere in chat.se
Without having to join the room with the flag
@AlexA. tell me about it :P
I'm 10k+
@orlp let's not play the blame game here... it only ends worse than the politics game
always get pestered with stupid flags from all over the place
Really? I almost never see flags.
I had a bot that reported them in chat
you're not 10k+
@orlp He is. It's network-wide.
your highest rep is 6k
@Quill Marvin isn't 10K+?
@Doorknob oh, I thought 10k+ on one site
I thought so too.
sum(site.rep for site in all-sites-on-which-you-have-an-account-except-sites-on-which-you-have-<200-rep)
Except sites where you have less than 200 rep.
Otherwise people who signed up on every site would see flags.
are they mod elections every year on graduated sites?
Don't you hate it when you hit enter in the middle of typing someth
@Downgoat he ran on my account
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ ye
@Downgoat every two years and only if the mods say it's necessary or the CMs absolutely want it
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I do that all the time when learning my new keyboard :P
@Quill There's no schedule.
@Doorknob :(
I thought there was something along those lines in an old blog post.... must just be my imagination, perhaps
@Doorknob pls tell CM it's necessary for a certain goat to be mod :P
Upgoat would win the election though
@orlp Upgoat === Chatgoat && Upgoat === MarsUltor
which upgoat?
I don't know
I just know it would be an upgoat
brb becoming upgoat
\o/ it's happening \o/
downgoat is finally rotating \o/
@Downgoat not mirroring?
:| same thing
you had my vote as a left-goat, but you won't have it as a right-goat
@Downgoat no it's not
okay, becoming left-goat
you already are a left-goat
okay, becoming up-left-goat
can someone upvote one of my posts so I can make upgoat?
@Downgoat huh
so I can grab a screencap of the green notification and mask that on a goat
ok done
@mod profile refresh pls
no, just be patient
;_; I am not patientgoat
I feel so weird being upgoat
just feels... wrong.
are they any rooms which tend to have lots of mods in them?
this one, actually
;_; why does it say I have 14.7k rep
Don't you?
but it should be network wide
your profile is set to 3dprinting btw @Downgoat
no it isn't
I changed it to 3d printing and back to try to refresh it
5 mins ago, by Helka Homba
no, just be patient
@AlexA. are you there?
4 mins ago, by Downgoat
;_; I am not patientgoat
Hm? Hello?
Haven't been paying attention to chat
good decision
Back to not paying attention...
@AlexA. wait, can I have profile refresh first pls
Sorry too late, already not paying attention
@AlexA. ;_;
I never thought I would see this day.
@Quill Oh, I completely forgot that was a site. :P
@Doorknob chat refresh pls? :D
.message img { display: none; }
@Doorknob There's a buncha sites I didn't know existed :o area51.stackexchange.com/?tab=beta
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 4 mins ago, by Quill
if you're concerned about security, then you've probably got your tinfoil too tight
Tinfoil Tom sounds like a great username
@HelkaHomba i wayt fifteen minut an no upgot
I wonder if they'll every have coding bee's. Kids get up in front of a mic and are given a short program to code and they have to dictate it on the spot. (washingtonpost.com/local/…)
:29935384 are you paying attention now, again? :D
Whoosh, off I go
@HelkaHomba Dictating a program? Sounds painful.
@AlexA. _;;
@Doorknob Indeed. But I bet most people here could do it for simple enough things
@Downgoat If it makes you feel any better, If I was a mod I'd be ignoring you too.
I wonder how verbal syntax highlighting would work
halp, how onebux imgur
you don't
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ :(
that's rude and unfunny... just for that, you're not getting my vote
There's no guarantee that there will ever be another PPCG election.
Haha, I actually really want to. I thought about it this year, but I was at like 2K and not very active.
So I decided against it.
@Quill :/ I was just joking...
@AlexA. ??? What do you mean?
I thought they were annual.
@AlexA. Supreme moderators for life, huh >_>
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ It depends on how much the community grows and how well the current moderators can handle the flag queue and other mod duties. Given the current moderator to things that require moderator attention ratio, I think we'll be all set for quite a while.
@Quill why do you have a ಠ_ಠ button
@HelkaHomba Unless one of us resigns, at this point yeah kind of :P
@Downgoat it's part of Porkchat, it's a text shortcut button
Maybe we can scare them off.
40 mins ago, by Doorknob
@Quill There's no schedule.
@Quill oh, cool.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Eek! It's oddly-colored food! :P
On the subject of elections, I'm actually kinda embarrassed about running for mod on Code Review
I had the right intentions and stuff, but compared to the contributions and care of the other candidates it just felt rude to try to put myself above them
@Quill It's about time you get a diamond somewhere, at any rate
@Doorknob how is oddly colored food more terrifying than a freaking upside down goat?
@Quill I practically already consider you to be a moderator. :P
@Quill CR elections are happening?? link?
I prefer blue things, like Minecraft faces and downvote buttons.
@Downgoat They did a while ago.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I would not be upsidedown if I got a chat refresh ._.
Quite a while ago.
@AlexA. well imagine a bunch of 30k rep users with thousands of edits and years and years on the site, and then imagine fresh noobling Quill trying to join them
You shouldn't feel rude for feeling like you have the skills to do a good job.
@Doorknob Thanks, but being a moderator is more than having experience and near omnipresence on SE
I'm pretty sure Doorknob knows that :P
@Quill It's democratic, not rude. Perhaps embarrassing for you though
You know, being an elected moderator and a pro-tem
@HelkaHomba I don't have an issue with other people being preferred over me, just feels rude to take a spot that could be filled with someone who's had so much more time and effort put in
@Quill I wouldn't say you're lacking in the experience department and I doubt ever mod on SE has 'omnipresence' across the network.
@AlexA. If all 4 current mods are still active on PPCG ten years from now I promise to change my name back to Calvin's Hobbies
@HelkaHomba Deal
In ten years, I'll quote you on that.
@HelkaHomba why not do it now?
Wow, that got stars fast.
it's on the starboard so it's gotta happen
star wars!
@HelkaHomba you know it'll be ten years because that's when my chat profile will finally refresh :P
Oh right, I was going to be ignoring chat.
@Upgoat it's refreshed for me
:O really? still downgoat for me
Upgoat < Downgoat
@Bits ... I was just told upgoat was best goat
@Downgoat upgoat is best goat
if left goat
wtf is that @orlp
@Downgoat Yea, sometimes you get lied to. Take it as a life lesson.
@Quill vote for what?
@Quill Wayside School ;)
@Quill lockers
@Downgoat it was a joke
@HelkaHomba Wayside school for Monkeys
@Quill oh, ok, I felt really bad about my joke being rude >_>
@Downgoat apologies, goat of the down, have 5 internet points
@Downgoat FWIW I was not offended, and the joke was directed at me.
\o/ I got yearling on CR
It's late, and I'm tired, so I must bid you all adieu.
Good night all
damn I missed a christianity + murica "debate" :(
brb starting a AmericanPolitics proposal on Area 51
@Fatalize Ourmerica is bestmerica
@Quill what could possible go wrong.... <hears explosions in the distance>
@Downgoat spelling and grammar
@Fatalize Looking at the starboard it's clear that people here care a lot more about what my name is than politics or religion...
Make Calvin's Hobbies great again
A: Generate Wordenticons

MegoActually, 69 bytes ;l╗;∙`♂O♂ii-s3@%" |―"E`MW╜`d@`nkd@Σ'.o@WX'.@s;R+;♂R¥i Once again, Actually's poor string-processing abilities are its kryptonite. It's still shorter than Java, so I have that going for me, which is nice. Though there are actually only 53 characters, having to use the horizo...

:( Calvin why couldn't you use box drawing characters
@Mego Like solid ones? I tried but they didn't look that nice
If the horizontal dash was U+2500 instead, I wouldn't have to use UTF-8 :(
You can use plain -
U+2500 and U+2502 should look nice
Oh I didn't read
Brb saving bytes
@Mego how did you get a photo of Me?
> Give me an example of some who is less fortunate & deserving
@Mego mego with those chars:
@ZachGates confirmed full-on murican
─ ──── ─
─│ ── │─
│││  │││
│││  │││
─│ ── │─
─ ──── ─
@Fatalize let's not call out people based on their political beliefs please. everyone's entitled to an opinion, even if it isn't yours
Hmm... Harder version - connect the lines properly :P
Though I think we have that challenge already (convert dashes and vertical bars to fully-connected box drawing characters)
@Mego I was trying to do it with forward/backslashes somehow, kinda diagonal, but didn't come up with a good way
Q: Convert ASCII box drawing into Unicode

Alex ZefferttI am shamelessly posting a request for something I would actually find useful. The task is to take an arbitrary ascii box drawing like this | +----+----+ | state A +---+ +---------+ | | +----v----+ | state B | +---------+ ... and turn it into so...

Yep there it is
That looks like a good task for a 2D pattern-matching language
Wordenticons something like this would have been neat:
 /\ \
/  \ \
 \/ /
@Downgoat You still haven't updated...I think something is wrong
Program idea: generate a Pizzadenticon with a potentially unique base, base cheese, toppings and for extra points, the box underneath
Are you sure you applied the changes network wide?
@HelkaHomba I think so
I love when I have to refresh SE multiple times so that the JS will load correctly
I think it's something with the graduation userscript making it not work
Moral: Don't use the graduation userscript; accept the SE experience as it's given to you
@Quill That looks like CSS issues. My issue is, trying to click on the notifications/rep boxes or "show more comments" doesn't do anything about 75% of the time.
\o/ Finally upgoat
@Downgoat You forgot to change your username
@MarsUltor :/ it's changed on PPCG
Also, started modifying the ES5 Jison grammar, changed number parsing
Should Cheddar support scientific notation? also bighumbers
@Downgoat Weird. You were automatically green but then I refreshed and now you're red again.
@MarsUltor BigNumbers will be a high-level class with overloads, so they don't need to have native syntax imo
@MarsUltor I totally forgot about scientific notation :|
@Downgoat Because I just added Cheddar syntax to JS scientific notation
@Downgoat But
Won't Cheddar have operator overloading?
@MarsUltor yeah, it will
g'night all!
@Downgoat ???
D: no Python style support?
@Downgoat night
@Downgoat It's 8AM here
Where are you?
It's almost 11 PM here (Seattle, WA).
@Downgoat Huh, you got flipped, isn't the world upside diwn?
@AlexA. California
Bálint is in UTC+2 (Europe)
I'm in GMT+1, mideuropa
wait wat
@MarsUltor nah, to inefficient
@Downgoat I know where you are, I was asking Bálint. ;)
@Downgoat No it isnt :(
@Bálint Greece?
It's actually pretty fast
@Downgoat But if you don't mind no browser support I can write a native module for node
@AlexA. Hungary
@AlexA. SE mods get my address?!? :P
Oh neat!
Yes, it's one of the things all SE mods get when they're elected: your home address and social security number.
@Bálint Daylight saving?
In case of emergency, an SE mod will assume your identity.
@MarsUltor sure, there's always browserify whiff works great
@Downgoat Also, how did you break multiline comments
@MarsUltor Yeah, it's GMT+2 because of tgat
@Downgoat I'm not sure browserify works with native modules
@MarsUltor :| I swear I didn't touch anything
@Bálint My grandmother is part Hungarian and she has nice recipes, like palacsinta. :) I think randomra (if you know who he is) is also in Hungary.
@Downgoat Maybe I should use Emscripten then
@Downgoat told that to the cops, didn't work
@MarsUltor tried to use emscripten for a parser but I couldn't finger it out
Emscripten docs suck
@AlexA. No I don't know him
@Downgoat Jison is more than fast enough
How might one go about detecting rotations of an exercise bike pedal using a rasberry pi + camera?
But we want BigNumbers as fast as possible
Oh yeah, @Fatalize, how are things going with the vegan ergonomics expert? Have you scared her off yet with your use of tabs, dislike of all food, and affinity for black metal?
@Bálint I don't mean in person, I mean if you know of the user.
@MarsUltor :/ idk
@MarsUltor maybe just pipe into bc
@Downgoat ???
@AlexA. I know what you meant. I don't know him
@MarsUltor spawn_child("bc", ["2^3728178191937378292919293892"])
@AlexA. she doesn't want a relationship, and we have wildly different personalities, so it's not going anywhere
For your viewing pleasure :P
@Fatalize Oh, bummer. Sorry to hear that. :/
@AlexA. There's no palacsinta (palaschinken im german) in UK/US
Is that a question or are you telling me?
Why? I don't want to date someone if I know it's gonna fail in 2 weeks anyway
Hm, good point.
@Downgoat Does that work in the browser?
Ehh, those 2 weeks could be fun, though
@Fatalize In that case, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it was worth a try.
@HelkaHomba either painstaking image proccessing or just get an accelerometer for like $5 from Amazon, I've used this one: amazon.com/Kootek-MPU-6050-MPU6050-sensors-Accelerometer/dp/…
She's not interested in something less serious, which is in that case a bummer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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