Mods and ROs have the ability to silently clear them, but give them the list of starrers and you're effectively giving them a big verbal stick to hit people with
So, I have a design question. In my KoTH controller, I have a Directory that keeps track of players. Specifically, it knows how to create a Player from a PlayerType, and should be able to identify the PlayerType given an instance of a Player
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I thought the same thing, but the gifs loading isn't the issue, it's the playback, so I suppose you could hide the actual gif itself and have a placeholder image until clicked, but that sounds difficult and painful
@NathanMerrill in that case, inheritance or enums don't seem like a good choice. just have the type be an integer ID and add a type property then, I guess.
Chat mini challenge: given a number n output all pairs of integers (j, k) so that j + k = n and j, k > 0. You may not include duplicates in your output. No builtins.
@NathanMerrill that sort of depends on how your players are represented. if each player is implemented via a separate class, it could also just have a static property returning the ID (but then you could also get its class directly, but that might be more annoying than working with integers, I don't know enough Java to tell)
@NathanMerrill fair enough. but you do know up front how many players there are, right? then just enumerate them and give the players the correct ID upon instantiation.